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Chapter 917 Countless opportunities, the first village shop!

"I am a principled person and very particular."

"If your words are useful, there will be rewards."

Looking at the information compiled on the table, Chen Shen spoke in a half-baked Chinese couplet and kept praising the wild wolf for his honesty like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.

In fact, this was his first time doing an interrogation, but he didn't expect it to go so smoothly. The other party seemed to have been brainwashed, fearing that what he said was not clear enough.

There are so many details that everyone completely believes that even the editor cannot compile them so completely, let alone the other party who can randomly check the answer after finishing speaking.

"Professor Lu, do you have anything else to ask him?"

Turning to look at Lu Kuan in the corner, Chen Shen asked softly.

The latter was slightly absent-minded and didn't react until he asked the question a second time and quickly shook his head.

"Well, let someone take him down to rest first."

The wild wolf was taken down.

Until the information is verified, he will temporarily stay here as a hostage.

Of course, Wild Wolf himself didn't want to leave right away. The meal he had just a few hours ago made him extremely happy, and he wished he could stay for a few more days.

"In the first year of the Renlian Calendar, Blue Star discovered the singularity of space and time that intersects with the extraterrestrial universe, and has since begun a continuous output that lasts for nearly a hundred years."

"Due to the outflow of a large number of laborers and the increasing demand for war, the demand for automated product lines naturally began to be taken seriously. Development hastily entered a new stage without complete preparation. From the most basic various resources

Automated acquisition, various types of industrial supplies becoming unmanned, and most industries beginning to be taken over by programs and corresponding intelligent machines. Work that might have required hundreds of people to do now can now be completed by only three to five people, with extremely high efficiency


"Human society is highly dependent on the Intelligent Network, and every aspect of life has become inseparable from it. If it hadn't been for the sudden war that broke out later, perhaps in a few hundred years, Butterfly Universe Blue Star would have embarked on the road to the development of intelligent life, and social productivity

An increase of hundreds or thousands of times.”

When his eyes stopped at the description of intelligent life in Delang's confession, Somo had a strange expression on his face.

At that time, after the singularity disappeared, Blue Star had become highly centralized and its resources were far from being completely exhausted. Therefore, the turmoil as imagined did not break out. Instead, it entered a period of even faster development due to inexplicable panic.


The results of various types of intelligent life research have begun to explode, and basic industrial research that has lasted for a century has begun to spring up like mushrooms after a rain. More and more industries no longer require human intervention, and everything seems to have entered a new era.

However, under such circumstances, no one expected that in the year 240 of the Lunar New Year, a horrific war would occur that would affect the entire planet.

Due to the highly concentrated resources of the Federation, there are no longer distinctions between countries and conflicts of interest. The Federation, which is developing in a monotonous manner, has almost no changes in weapons. The most powerful weapons are still high-yield nuclear weapons.

In the face of the turbulent rebels, the People's Federation's counterattack seemed somewhat weak. First, the factories manufacturing smart-connected machinery were destroyed, and then major strongholds were occupied. More and more cities fell into disorder and chaos.

By October 240, when the first nuclear weapon fell on the rebel position.

In just two months, Blue Star turned into a sea of ​​war, with most places turned into ruins. Terrifying explosions and radiation killed more than 80% of the human population, and the nascent development of intelligence was also wiped out.

To be honest, this story sounds a bit cliché. The banner of the rebels is that intelligent life will eventually control mankind out of control, and they demand that the AFC stop continuing to dehumanize.

But the final ending was somewhat unexpected.

"Intelligent machines did not disappear after the war because of the destruction of infrastructure. Instead, they became the only hope for survivors. Those pre-war machines that were originally used for various purposes were transformed into murder weapons, and chaos continued.


From 240 to 512, it has been nearly three hundred years.

Blue Star did not restore order under the chaos. Instead, as more and more pre-war treasures were discovered, the chaos never stopped for a moment.

Coupled with the survival pressure brought by the terrifying mutant monsters that appeared due to radiation, the gap between education and civilization has become increasingly obvious.

Soma now somewhat understands the contingency and necessity in the development of civilization.

"Speaking of which, the game issued me a zero number and arranged for the entire Qinggang City to appear next to the territory. Is it because I chose to continue to develop technology?"

Based on past experience, every choice in the game is not aimless, and there are certain reasons for it.

Thinking about those treasures before the war, Sumo couldn't help but have a trace of fantasy.

If we can dig up some of this kind of uncontrolled intelligent machinery, Zero will no longer be a simple server, but will directly complete the path that Blue Star has not been able to take for hundreds of years.

"It seems that the villagers working as scavengers in the village are quite busy."

Sumo turned down a page.

I saw Delang's description of the power of the entire Qinggang City.

Its interior is complex, with various factions and groups standing in large numbers, occupying a small amount of living space.

If the game will drop these so-called "aboriginals" next, then before the people inside discover the changes and find the village

“Those who strike first will gain the upper hand, but those who strike later will suffer disaster.”

"Set a small goal first and build up the defense line in Qinggang City near the village!"

It only took a few seconds to make a judgment. Sumo opened the game panel, edited a few new pieces of work and sent them to Chen Kai.

Eight in the morning.

As the morning bell rang in the center of the village, the village gradually became lively.

In the past, there would be long queues to wash the mouth, but today there were suddenly a lot less people, and some wealthy villagers even enjoyed the long-lost alone time.

The cafeteria that will be the second stop is also a little deserted. The window where the meal is usually served no longer has any eager faces. There are just unhurried people sitting inside and eating breakfast.

Looking down from a high altitude, the General Work Department and the Logistics Office at the back of the village are now filled with people, blocking the alleyway directly onto the main street. The guards deployed to maintain order are constantly shouting to prevent stampedes.

The dust is billowing and the fog is filling the air.

After just half a day of trial operation and one night of thinking, most people began to realize the advantages of the new system and the better life that hard work might bring.

Those who did not receive the mission yesterday, the scavengers of the Air Force, and even those who had spent the night hungry, almost all gathered here today, waiting expectantly for the General Administration of Work to open the door and release missions to collect money.

Compared with the predators who live in the sewers and plot against each other in the words of the wild wolf, they are like the rising sun in the sky waiting to regain its light and heat, young and full of hope.

Finally, at nine o'clock, the door of the General Work Administration opened from the inside.

There are still seven wooden signs that were put out yesterday, which list exclusive jobs for the other six routes except for scavengers, as well as public jobs that everyone in the territory can take.

Because advance news has been released, most people have made plans.

Soon, people began to receive their jobs and leave, setting foot on their posts.

It can be noticed that almost everyone's expressions were very happy when they left, and they were not as depressed and tired as they imagined when they went to work.

The reason is not difficult to understand.

Most people's work on earth is not a reflection of their self-worth, but an act of labor they have to perform in order to survive. Those meager rewards, in addition to meeting the needs of life, do not make people fall in love with this job from the bottom of their hearts.


But the wasteland is different, at least Hope Village is different.

After distinguishing the routes, the chat channels belonging to different routes almost never stopped, and people were discussing and chatting in them all the time.

Those ordinary middle-aged people who have worked hard in the fields for half their lives and will disappear immediately if they are thrown into the crowd. Now they only need to say "I have been farming for most of my life" on the channel, and countless people will immediately choose the route of farmers.

A cute newbie posted here, serving tea and water before and after the run, and humbly asked for tips.

Those academic research dogs who only want to graduate and get a good job now only need to say in the channel: "I went to XX University and what major I studied", and they will be immediately regarded as channel bosses.

Entrusted with important responsibilities.

There are also those construction workers who are inconspicuous on the construction site. They are the bottom of the civilized era. They have never enjoyed the gaze of the spotlight, nor have they enjoyed the trust and admiration of their peers.

But now, in the construction apprenticeship channel, these workers have been dubbed "masters" by Mengxin and have become the mainstay of the route.

A very strange feeling.

Obviously, we still work for survival just like in the civilized era, but in addition to the most basic materials, we get a lot more things.

There is recognition and there is expectation.

There is a spontaneous urge to work hard, and there are also moments of extreme satisfaction.

It’s hard to imagine that they actually got the highest level of Maslow’s five levels of needs. Even though these jobs and routes are only based on the lowest level of survival, they now bring the highest level of spiritual happiness.

At the end of the day, the performance of the villagers did not disappoint.

Almost everyone completed the work perfectly, even exceeded the limit, and received the salary.

Even the "Yuyou Fire King" who left early in the morning also brought a surprise and submitted the first version of the mass-produced crossbow.

Based on the remaining manufacturing traces on the crossbow, Sumo could roughly judge that this was not a stock that had been prepared before, but the result of the entire day today.

It is very fast and has the potential for mass production.

As for the user experience

After trying a few arrows, Somo put them down with great satisfaction.

Because it is a weapon for everyone in the first version, this wooden crossbow named "Wolf Crossbow" is not very powerful and can basically only deal with some unarmored humans or animals that have not mutated and evolved armor.

Especially for the bowstring, since there are no fiber materials or natural materials such as beef tendons to replace it, Yoyo Fire King chose to use low-quality steel wire produced in the territory, and the probability of damage is not small.

But there is no denying that it has an irreplaceable advantage.


According to the current material price given by the Territory Logistics Department, such a wolf crossbow can be purchased for only three Tianyuan copper coins at the ex-factory price.

Calculated based on the current income balance of ordinary people, it only takes ten days to purchase such a lethal long-range weapon.

Moreover, its ammunition is very cheap. When the mold is made, the cost of pouring molten iron for a crossbow arrow only costs five iron coins.

As long as iron smelting in the village can continue to reduce costs, the price can continue to drop.

In short, based on the performance of this wolf crossbow, Yoyo Firepower King successfully obtained the territory’s first internal loan.

Amount: 800 days of copper coins, loan period: 3 months.

If he wasn't afraid of breaking the rules by issuing a large amount of loans rashly, Sumo even thought of investing three to five thousand to hire some people to increase production.

But consider its impact on other people in the territory and subsequent rule formulation.

In the end, King Youyou Firepower happily walked away with the agreement.

According to his plan, the "Firepower Weapon Store" will begin trial operation tomorrow, and the initial output can be maintained at 5 guns per day.

After the subsequent customized tools are in place, let alone doubling the output, as long as there are enough manufacturing materials, even doubling it tenfold is not a problem.

At the same time, this loan also gave him a taste of the sweetness.

Yoyo Fire King even plans to find someone to continue investing in it, reduce the impact of materials on weapons, make a breakthrough in smelting iron ore as soon as possible, and no longer use such inferior steel wire to ruin its reputation.

"Director, are we sure we want to grant him the first prime location at the entrance of the village?" When he saw Sumo holding a wolf crossbow and firing for the sixteenth time, the bow string suddenly exploded into two pieces and almost bounced back and hit someone.

Chen Shen was startled and said hurriedly.

"Of course, this is the first commercial establishment built by villagers in the territory, so certain publicity is necessary."

"But this thing doesn't look reliable at all."

Chen Shen picked up the wolf crossbow and saw the deep marks left on the wood by the rebound of the wire rope. He wiped the cold sweat from his head with lingering fear.

There has been no first casualty in the territory so far, and he doesn't want to see someone use this to carry him into the medical center and achieve a breakthrough from zero to one.

"It's okay, isn't there a market only if there is demand?"

"When someone comes up with the idea of ​​improving this wire rope and comes to us for a loan, won't we solve another problem and gain new development at the same time?"

Sumo said with a smile.

"We have to publicize it well tomorrow. It's best to trick more people into coming for loans."

"Especially those S-level talents. If you send some people to me to stimulate them, I don't believe they can still sit still."

"okay I know."

Chen Shen answered vaguely, and the two of them brought the topic back to Qinggang City.

The wild wolf's quick glance in the air only gave him a general idea. According to the reports from the adventure group that went out to explore, Qinggang City has not yet been fully conveyed.

Nowadays, the closer you are to the territory, the faster the transmission speed. Many buildings that are about to collapse have already formed in the upper part, and the lower part is still brewing rapidly in the gray fog.

The further away from the territory, the slower the transmission speed. In many places, only gray fog occupies the space.

"Tomorrow I will take someone over to take a look. You don't have to worry about this matter. I will leave it to Su Deben to supervise and handle it. You can just concentrate on the development and economy of the village."

"As for those scavengers, let them not go outside the territory first to avoid unnecessary risks."

This chapter has been completed!
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