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Chapter 949: Scavenger Team, there are treasures everywhere here

 September 6th of the last calendar year, the 249th day since mankind traveled to the wasteland.

The arrival of the Mist of Thousand Illusions has finally slowed down the pace of disaster, and it is no longer as pressing as before.

Humanity began to have a chance to breathe, and built small gathering places one after another in the enlarged New World.

In the world chat channel.

Every day, people share changes in their gathering places.

Or a piece of farmland has been opened up and crops have been planted, waiting for the harvest season to arrive.

Or build a few buildings and have a place to live in this unfamiliar area of ​​​​the wasteland.

Or find a spouse, no longer be alone, and have a head for a better tomorrow.

Or discover a treasure, get a chance to greedy the sky, and find a great opportunity to become stronger.

After getting through the most difficult period at the beginning, human beings have become incredibly adaptable.

And compared to the boring and regular life on earth, life in the wasteland is obviously more exciting.

When some players overseas saw this situation, they immediately no longer chose to wait for development.

Using small boats, waves of people began to land on the coastline and dispersed on foot towards the New World.

On this way.

The emergence of indigenous people has become the best tool to ease the conflict between humans and alien races.

Many humans have discovered aboriginal cities or gathering places.

Although the language barrier prevented complete communication, the gesture already made it seem like joining the group to keep warm.

After all, compared to the grotesque alien races, even if these aboriginal people are from Blue Star, they are still humans with the same genes, and they naturally have an indelible affection for them.

In Tianyuan territory.

The new residents who came from the original camp and traveled across mountains and rivers gradually adapted to the life here.

The sense of distance and strangeness between people began to shrink at a rapid speed as they ate and lived together.

The emergence of the market has also made the atmosphere of struggle in the deserted village more intense.

A very real data.

In the past two months, under the witness of Chen Shen, 366 couples of men and women have completed simple weddings and started families in the wasteland.

Eight more pregnant women gave birth to their children here, creating a breakthrough for newborns from zero to one.

Maybe no one knows how to take the next step or where the end point is.

However, human beings' natural yearning for a better life has made the entire Hope Village and the entire Tianyuan Territory more humane.

The entrance of the General Work Administration.

The scavengers who were selected to join the Red Spider Caravan and went to Qinggang City to collect moss completed their assembly.

As the leading player at the forefront of route progress.

Almost everyone has a powerful wolf crossbow, as well as homemade exploration tools that are armed from head to toe.

Many villagers who were unsuccessful stood nearby and could only discuss with envy.

"Fuck, it's not our turn to open up wasteland. When will we be able to catch up with this progress?"

"Scavengers are so awesome. In these rounds of opportunities, they make a fortune every time."

"Be cautious, it might be dangerous to go outside."

"Afraid of a hammer, are those aborigines as powerful as our territory's weapons?" Lan

"I can't tell. I saw someone on the World Channel yesterday saying that the aborigines have tanks and planes."

"So awesome? Is it true?"

The opening of the world channel has finally made the channels for human beings to understand information no longer so closed.

Even if you still need disaster points to speak, you can collect much more information every day than before.

Standing in the front row of the team of scavengers, the number one male gunman in the island country held a crumpled cigarette in his mouth and smoked it.

Compared to other scavengers, his equipment is obviously more violent.

The homemade saber hung brightly beside the edge of his trousers, and the second-generation powerful wolf crossbow was carried on the back.

And a sawn-off shotgun I got from nowhere.

And with this equipment, there are naturally a lot of people gathered around him.

Hearing the discussion of the villagers nearby, a scavenger, who was also carrying a wolf crossbow, poked his head around and said.

"Brother Gun, do you think the caravan will mind if we bring so many weapons?"


The number one gunman in the island nation chuckled, holding a cigarette in his mouth and saying, "What do you mind? The job description says that we can prepare our own weapons to prevent risks, and they can't protect us 24 hours a day in case of danger.


"I believe I have more guys on hand." Lan

"This gun of yours?"

Sildenafil, the number one scavenger, walked over with a questioning look on his face.

"They made this guy by hand, aren't you afraid of him blowing it up in your hands?"

"I'm afraid of a hammer. If you blow it up, this thing won't blow up."

Patting the big thing on his waist, the island nation's number one gunman looked disdainful.

After all, this thing is a gun, not a cannon.

For a shotgun, the probability of the chamber exploding is simply too small.

As long as you make sure there is no blockage in the barrel before firing, and use the power generated by the burning of black powder to push some steel balls, how can it explode the barrel?

The worst case scenario is that the black powder is not burned sufficiently and the thrust is insufficient, resulting in a loss of accuracy.

But after using this thing, it must be time for close combat.

I'll slap you in the face, why is accuracy so important?

"But Viagra, these little things may not be useful when meeting people."

Glancing at the large and small "hidden weapons" hanging on Sun Wei's waist, the number one gunman in the island nation teased.

Each scavenger squad has a different style.

The team he leads is the type that will do whatever they don't accept. They like to find out the details and attack from the front.

And the team led by Sun Wei is Lao Yinbi. He can use hidden weapons but never use crossbows. He can lay traps and never show his face. They are terrible.

"Everything is ready, there are only five minutes left... we will set off!"

From the General Work Administration, Feng Long walked out with a signed and sealed transfer order.

In the distance, Luke, wearing a Raptor-powered armor, also came over with four guards, waiting at the entrance of the village.

Seeing Somo coming over, Luke walked up solemnly, put his hand on his chest and promised:


"I swear on my honor and weapons that we will protect everyone's safety in the next seven days!"


Sumo opened his mouth, but in the end he was unable to express his inner thoughts.

Actually... Tianyuan Territory is really not far from Qinggang City.

Riding that motorcycle, as long as you are familiar with the road conditions, you can reach the edge of the western suburbs in less than an hour.

Furthermore, Pingtan Shelter had just fought a big battle, and they were hiding in the shelter to keep a low profile.

Even if there is a threat in the entire western suburbs, they are just mutants who come out of the sewers to hunt.

They could only defeat the miscellaneous soldiers in the harbor shelter at a fifty-fifty rate.

In front of the power armor of the Red Spider Caravan, it's not all for nothing.

The only thing that causes some concern is the Qingang Refuge in Qingang City, whose strength is currently unknown.

This guy is the giant beast hiding under the water, so you need to be careful.

While the two were talking, Feng Long walked out of the village with the assembled team of scavengers.

Seeing Wutai's mighty and mysterious power armor in the distance, even though everyone was mentally prepared, they still couldn't help but exclaimed and started talking.

"Let me guess, what are the backgrounds of these people? This armor looks so cool." Lan

"This look...can't be true. I saw someone on the World Channel this morning saying that the aborigines wearing this look like a humanoid Gundam."

"Are these people aborigines? Giao? Are their equipment so luxurious?"

"Good guy, it will be great if you can give me a suit like this anytime. With this armor, I am afraid of being a foreigner."

"What should I do if I follow these people out to carry out a mission? Why did I suddenly panic? They won't let us enter the enemy's hinterland to carry out some mission. Can we still come back?"

"Damn, have you watched too many spy movies?"

Having never seen the combat capabilities of powered armor with their own eyes, all the scavengers were just curious and envious.

In addition, I have seen this kind of thing many times in movies and animations in the civilized era, so I have no fear.

Seeing the curious eyes, Luke cleared his throat and said solemnly:

"Warriors, it's time for us to set off. The Red Spider Caravan will need your help in the next few days!"

"Okay, we're ready."

Feng Long, who suddenly learned the Blue Star language, walked up and led all the scavengers to follow Luke.

For the next week, everyone will live in a temporary residence built near the Red Spider Caravan.

According to the working time of eight hours every day, go to Qinggang City to collect a sufficient amount of moss.

This foundation is formal, and there is no overtime required when working in the wasteland.

Sumo thought to himself, and couldn't help but think of the lingering blessings of the civilized era.

We want to encourage the development of consumption, but we all devote our time to work, and there is no time left for entertainment.

Look at the working hours, there is still a lot of time every day...


Looking at the retreating figures, Sumo's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly had an idea.

No matter how busy the village market is every day, it is just an internal circulation and cannot create any external income.

But if we take advantage of the time when people like the Red Spider Caravan are resting, we can bring the characteristics of Hope Village there.

If you can get more foreign exchange, wouldn't those coveted products in the album...

"Chen Shen, please make arrangements."

"Bring some specialties tonight to reward our first batch of official foreign workers in Hope Village."

After arranging a few words to Chen Shen, Sumo walked back to the dungeon with satisfaction.

Despite the peaceful scene in the territory now, the industry and agriculture are making rapid progress.

But in fact, these are all following the old path of the earth, which can be regarded as "rehabilitation training" in a sense.

If we want to make progress in the future, we still need new technological research and more scientific and technological achievements to drive rapid growth in progress.阑

And these are definitely not something ordinary people can do relying on the territory.

Before big trouble comes, Sumo plans to study the technology of the Red Spider Caravan for external sales.

Try to select three useful ones in the shortest possible time and apply them to the development of the territory.

As for the rest, just take it one step at a time and wait until the village can't solve it before deciding.


Walking on the plains that had not yet dried up after the rain, the team of scavengers walked slowly and slowly, not very fast.

Luke and others did not urge them, they just walked quietly nearby and led the team forward.

Considering that the distance between the two places was 60 kilometers, they were a little worried at first that they would be tired from walking there.

But it turns out that when the Scavenger Cornerstone evolves to level 2, the iron foot plate blessing it brings is indeed a magical skill.

After walking for about three hours at a speed of ten kilometers per hour, the group was still in great spirits.

Judging from their chattering and excited expressions, it didn't look like they were going out to work, but rather like they were going on an outing.

The residents of this Tianyuan Sanctuary are all quite strange.

Luke thought to himself, and the depression of being beaten in the leg was relieved a little.

Looking at the ruins in Qinggang City, he could only think of his difficult past that he could not bear to look back on.

But looking at the smiling faces of these shelter residents, he felt as if he had returned to the foundation headquarters.

Only the people who live there are so happy and laughing.

Once outside, even in Old Gopher's refuge, the people inside were equally numb.

Depart at eight in the morning.

There was no rest along the way, and at two o'clock in the afternoon, we all arrived near the camp where the Red Spider Caravan had set up camp.

In the distance, I looked at the six huge fortresses that were combined together and were more than a hundred meters long.

Many people had shocked looks on their faces, and some even opened the game panel and entered the chat channel to start blowing.

"It's amazing. You know what I saw. The aboriginal vehicles are like a wall!"

"What is a wall? This is obviously a steel fortress, the kind that can be moved."

"Awesome, if this kind of war machine is brought to the battlefield, it will be completely crushed."

"It's a pity that I can't take pictures and upload them to the channel, otherwise you would know how majestic this thing is!"

The Red Spider Chariot has no tires, only fully stretched tracks that ignore any terrain.

It was crushed all the way, leaving deep marks on the ground, as if a giant beast had appeared.

The diameter of each ring in the center of the wheel composed of pieces of track armor is more than three meters, and ordinary small ditches and gullies can be completely ignored.

On the top of the chariot are four observation towers that open and close automatically, with a height of fifteen meters.

Walking around the edge of the chariot, looking up at the heavy firepower weapons that emitted a harsh cold light, the number one male gunner in the island nation couldn't help but put his hand on his sawn-off shotgun.

Compared with these guys, my gun looks like an ancient product from the fifteenth century.

If they were really paired together, they would probably be torn into pieces in a second.


The number one male gunman in the island nation spat lightly and squeezed out only three words from his mouth.

The aborigines are too shameless.

The humans on Earth all traveled to the wasteland with nothing, but they came with chariots and weapons.

With this starting advantage already in full swing, why would you still want to play a survival game in the wasteland?

If you encounter provocation from a blind alien race, you will obviously be playing a game called Peerless Lawn Mowing, right?

"Please calm down and have a good rest. Our work place is not here."

"An hour later, we will set off for Qinggang City."

After negotiating with Sean with the transfer order, Feng Long came back and informed him of the new intelligence information.

Qinggang City?Lan

Hearing these three words that seemed to contain magic, a group of slightly tired scavengers were suddenly shocked.

Since when was there a city near the territory?

"Holy shit..."

This is too exaggerated... No, this is too cool.

If scavengers want to upgrade their routes, they must go to strange places and dig out valuable items.

The ruins of buildings that have descended upon the territory under the Thousand Fantasy Fog have been turned over by a huge team of scavengers these days.

If you want to level up again, you can only go outside the territory to look for opportunities.

In the past few days, many scavengers in the channel have been discussing to see if they can get together and go out to create a map.

Unexpectedly, there is a city near the territory?


This chapter has been completed!
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