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Chapter 959: Expedition meeting, self-protection plan!

Sid's persistence is really surprising.

But after thinking about it, Sumo became somewhat clearer and understood the general reason.

Based on the tests over the past few days, a basic conclusion has been made about the taste-enhancing ability that comes with the Chef Apprentice talent.

This talent will not directly increase the original fragrance by 25%.

Instead, it will remind people of the best flavor in their memory, and add 25% of that flavor to it.

In this way, people who have eaten more delicious food will remember the taste better.

This can be seen from the reactions of those in the Red Spider Caravan.

"Whether he is willing or not, I think this matter is not what we are going to discuss today, right?"

"Sorry, I was presumptuous."

Sid shook his head humbly, then stood up and bowed slightly and made a salute: "Introduction, my name is Jasper Sid, I am the Western Area Director of the External Relations Department of Sunny Harbor Shelter. This is my assistant, Pine.


"Welcome to Tianyuan Sanctuary, Minister Sid."

Somo stood up, the two held their right hands together, and then sat down at the same time.

"The main purpose of our coming here today is actually very simple. First, we want to send Mr. Sumo an invitation letter from Qinggang Shelter, inviting you and all the surrounding large gathering places to participate in the expedition that will be held in three days.

Meeting. Second, we want to understand the real situation of this world from you. After all, we are latecomers in terms of time."

"Expedition meeting?"

What the hell?

Faced with this question, Sid began to answer it carefully without hesitation.

After listening to his explanation, Sumo realized that it was a false alarm.

Although Sunny Harbor Shelter stood out in the battle a few days ago, it overwhelmed the two old Gopher Shelters and could not lift their heads. They could only end the heated battle in a hurry and suffered a painful loss with their noses pinched.

But according to Sid's current performance and statements, Clear Harbor Sanctuary will not actually interfere in disputes in other spheres of influence.

No one likes war, and no one likes sacrifice and death.

These scars left over from the pre-war era have made the post-war Blue Star humans completely aware of the bad nature of civilization.

If the fighting between the two shelters hadn't continued, the war would have spread throughout Qinggang City.

That night, Qinggang Shelter would never choose to take action and forcibly suppress the dispute.

Within the entire Qinggang City, the role they are more willing to assume is that of businessmen, and the responsibility they are more willing to assume is that of pioneers.

Just like now, after discovering the vast prospects that this strange world may have.

Qinggang Shelter decisively decided to summon all major forces to discuss exploring the outside world.

"Speaking of the expedition, you have also seen the situation in our shelter. We may not be able to spare the manpower to participate."

"It doesn't matter. The meeting is a meeting, and the specific arrangements require further consultation."

Sid smiled and shook his head, his face full of sincerity: "As I said, our Qinggang Shelter will not force any shelter to join our common front, but you also know clearly that in Qinggang City

There are a lot of hot-tempered bastards who are unwilling to abide by the rules and always want to take advantage of some opportunities to show off."

"If you are willing to lead Tianyuan Shelter to join our common front, once someone wants to challenge here, it will be a challenge to our entire Qingang City united front. Qinggang Shelter will never sit back and watch someone violate the rules like this. But if you

If you don't want to join, that's okay. We will also lend a helping hand to our neighbors when necessary, but at this time... you have to think clearly."

Carrying a gun and a stick, although Sid's words were soft, his words revealed an irresistible strength.

This is not a tone of discussion, but a tone of notification.

After listening, Sumo couldn't help but fell into silence, and for a while he didn't know what to say.

It seems like this meeting... must go?


"We are going back first. If you think carefully, you can arrive at this location at twelve o'clock three days later. We will have a dedicated receptionist to take you to the designated location for the meeting."

"By the way, please don't bring weapons. Our Qinggang Shelter can protect everyone attending the meeting, even that group of people... Even if they come, it won't be easy to use."

After some rough discussions, it was confirmed that the coffee-making chef apprentice was not willing to follow him back to Qinggang Shelter.

Pointing to the camp where the Red Spider Caravan was stationed, Sid raised his eyebrows.

A powerful force will always have an absolute advantage in information collection.

Qinggang Shelter has existed in Qinggang City for nearly three hundred years, and the entire city has long become their back garden.

If there is any slight disturbance here, the shelter can detect it through the large number of detection equipment deployed.

As early as the first day when the Red Spider Caravan arrived, Sunny Harbor Shelter had already collected enough information.

It's just that both parties maintained a tacit understanding and did not engage in contact.

In addition, perhaps in order to save the opportunity to come over to "drink coffee" next time, Sid's attitude was not bad, and he even listed the list of forces that might participate in this meeting.

This information helped Sumo a lot.

There are a total of thirty-one shelter-style gathering places around Qinggang City, including Tianyuan Shelter.

Even if calculated based on the standard of 30,000 people in a place.

Good guy.

At least 900,000 people, which is more than the Tianyuan territory eight years after the future ruins.

Once these people focus their attention on the village, there will be endless troubles.

The seeds have been sown and the crops have begun to sprout.

Xia Shu was about to reach the most critical moment, and Sumo didn't want to see anything unexpected happen.

After Sid left, he stood up and went to the window, looking at the endless rainy night in the distance.

The patter of raindrops mixed in the mist, like a dream.

A few sporadic points of light traveled through the darkness, patrolling loyally to ensure the safety around the village.

It was early ten o'clock, and the lights in the prefabricated houses in the village had not been completely turned off.

Tomorrow afternoon is a long-awaited holiday, and many people are planning how to use this time to enrich their lives.

Open the game panel and enter the chat channel.

There are still many people active on the World Channel, discussing the various strange phenomena they have encountered recently.

"Gan! These aborigines are too rich. It's not fair. Although I only helped them do one day's work and earned five days' worth of food, why do I feel like I'm at a loss?!"

"Isn't this good? There are no indigenous people around me. I want to hang out with them but I don't know where to go."

"Outrageous, very outrageous. I think the game should quickly restore the language translation system in the next version, otherwise I won't understand what the birds are saying."

"I really hope that the next disaster will come later, so that the food I plant can last until the harvest."

"I'm so confused. It's been nine months since I came to the wasteland in the blink of an eye. I've even begun to forget my life on earth, those memories..."


Because you need disaster points to speak, the speed of speaking in the world channel is not very fast.

A sporadic group of people complained about their recent lives, the strange phenomena that occurred around their gathering areas, and the difficulties faced by the aboriginal people.

But more people fell into confusion due to the sudden relaxation of the rhythm.

Wasteland is not a game. It does not automatically execute tasks by clicking on the characters on the panel.

Now we need weapons but not weapons, we need food but not food, we need ability but not ability.

As a standard three-no personnel, when survival is no longer the top priority, how to develop becomes a huge stone weighing on everyone's chest.

"Due to the language barrier, these aboriginal people from Blue Star are currently unable to obtain more detailed information."

"But it didn't take long for humans. Once they discovered that there was a large amount of wild labor, there was almost no cost and only a little bit of starch and protein."

"At that time, the entire New World will definitely become more chaotic as the disaster intensifies."

"We must develop enough combat effectiveness before the real chaos comes. At least when facing the aboriginal people like Qinggang Sanctuary, they will not be able to be touched quietly in the sky without being noticed, let alone be detected by them. Threatening with force casually.”

I have seen higher-level gods and experienced adventures that ordinary people cannot imagine.

It only took Sumo a short time to figure out the focus of the next development.

It seems that infrastructure construction still needs to be delayed a little bit.

This thing must wait until the surrounding area is peaceful and the natural disasters have stabilized before we can make any plans.

The most important thing at the moment is to set up the defense front of the entire Tianyuan territory to ensure that it can occupy a certain degree of dominance among the major forces in Qinggang City.

In this way, we will not be shamelessly blackmailed by these indigenous people.

However, Li Hu, who came from the next room, misunderstood the heavy expression on Sumo's face at this time, thinking that he was anxious about Qinggang Shelter's ability to quietly explore the territory, and he couldn't help but have a look on his face. A touch of heaviness.

"Director, it's my problem that they probe the territory clearly. I should have thought that they have aerial exploration methods."

"No, this has nothing to do with you. Their background and skills are far beyond ours."

Somo shook his head slightly, but his heavy expression remained.

"Since ancient times, it is not uncommon for the weak to defeat the strong. Now we should be fortunate that it is not yet time to break up with these forces in Qinggang City, and there is still plenty of time for us to continue to develop."

"It seems it's time to slow down this nascent infrastructure development. We need to have enough self-protection strength as soon as possible."

Li Hu raised his head, a trace of astonishment flashing across his face.

Is this the rhythm of... a war?

Even though I had made all the mental preparations in advance, hearing it suddenly still made people a little scared.

"We will not initiate a war, but we will not be afraid of war either."

"In half a year at most, we must secure the top ten spots in Qinggang City!"

The voice fell.

Almost at the same time, the game panels of all villagers automatically popped up, showing the latest announcement.

[The first super large-scale collective contribution task]

[Operation Reproduction Officially Starts!]


The night was dark, and the showers with high humidity showed no signs of stopping just like the previous days.

It's late at night.

Qinggang City, in the backyard of a villa in the western suburbs.

The rumbling thunder echoed continuously among the clustered buildings in the city, causing many mutated creatures to rush out of the room and hide under the eaves in fear, ready to flee at any time.

Suddenly, in a small dark corner on the left side of the backyard.

The abandoned building materials and garbage pressed on the ground began to vibrate, as if there was something underneath that was eager to break out of the ground.

Squeak, squeak.

A few rats as big as cats were a little irritated by this scene, thinking that another damn lizard from nearby came to invade their territory.

But before they could move forward, the damn enemy was at that shaking place.


A constantly rotating brushless electric hammer suddenly rose from the ground, making a loud buzzing sound.

Not long after.

When the sound of bombardment gradually subsided, a square pit with a length and width of forty centimeters appeared on the ground.

And from the square pit, a gray-headed human head emerged from the pit.

Immediately, the rain fell from the sky, splashing and splashing, which made the man a little confused.

But as time passed a few seconds.

After turning his head back and forth to look around, a surprised voice shouted from his mouth:

"Fuck, it's not in vain that we have wasted so much effort, this damn thing finally came out!"

After wiping the mud off his face with the help of rain, his face became clearer and clearer, and it was Liu Lu who had become the seventh floor leader of Pingtan Shelter!

"Hurry, dig a hole quickly, it will be dawn soon!"

Below the cave entrance, Lao Lu's surprised and anxious voice also came.

Who knows how much effort the two of them put into opening this entrance and exit.

But fortunately, it was all worth it.

The abandoned entrances and exits found on the leftover drawings were not tightly sealed.

At the entrance to the third floor, the two successfully found a route that could be opened up and walked out with difficulty.

"Don't worry, just step back and let me come in first."

After continuing to soak in the rain for a while, Liu Lu retracted his head, and the rumble of the electric impact drill continued to sound.

More than half an hour passed.

The large hole of forty centimeters was enlarged to nearly one meter in length and width, and finally the basic prototype of the entrance and exit was formed.

The two of them crawled out of the passage one after the other and lay on the rainy ground with relief. For a moment, there was only joy in their hearts.

"Now, even if the hunting tiger discovers us, we should be able to escape, right?"

"Of course, but we still need to find a way to find a hidden passage to the third floor, otherwise there will still be a possibility of being discovered."

"This is simple. Aren't we repairing the pipeline? We can think of a way from there to see if we can find a way to reach the third floor."

"What a great idea, Lao Liu!"

A relieved smile broke out on Lao Lu's wrinkled face, and a completely different sense of freedom suddenly emerged in his heart.

Although living in the Pingtan shelter is safe, it has been a long time since Hunter Tiger became the manager.

Who dares to say that he can live in the same place as before, with peace of mind and without any pressure?

The punishment was so perverted that it ranged from being made a semi-slave to being executed on the spot at worst.

Even when I fall asleep, I will suddenly wake up from nightmares, worrying whether I will be next.

"By the way, now that we are out, can we trade with that group of mysterious people?"

Liu Lu nodded lightly.

"I think so too."


This chapter has been completed!
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