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Chapter 977: Leave, Yuan Cavalry Type I Exoskeleton!

 The night in the wasteland is silent and long, shrouded in thick fog, and everywhere looks like a ghostland.

With the end of this not-so-grand bonfire party, the Red Spider Caravan, which had spent half a month on vacation, once again returned to the nervous state when they first arrived.

September 19th of the wasteland calendar year.

An ordinary morning.

There were no extra spectators and no grand farewell ceremony. The red spider chariot, which was shaped like a large container, began to disintegrate on the flat and soft land, slowly returning to the way it looked when it first arrived.

But the difference is that the wheels and body gaps of each chariot are missing the initial rust stains, and the surrounding areas are shining with the bright luster of when they just left the factory.


The thick mechanical self-check sound started from the first car, and the rattling sound gradually spread to the back.

When the six consecutive blasts ended, all the Red Spider chariots began to line up in a line and headed resolutely towards the northernmost bank of the wasteland.

And sitting in front of the window of the independent office room of the second car.

Sean's face inevitably showed a little melancholy.

The convoy's inexplicable appearance in the mountain had already caused them a lot of trouble.

Now leave the safe place and sail into the unknown fog again, heading to the place where the Foundation's signal is sent.

Anyone who makes this decision will hesitate and regret it again and again.

"We don't know how many dangers are waiting for us ahead."

Seeing the temporary camp behind completely disappear from sight, Sean let out a long sigh again.

"We have purchased a large amount of auxiliary materials. Even if the car is damaged as before, it can be completely repaired three times!"

Hayden, who was wearing glasses, was still checking the material reserves with deputy captain Joseph. Hearing Sean sigh, he couldn't help but raise his head and remind him softly.

Thanks to the sufficient supply of resources in this Tianyuan shelter, space has been vacated for the penultimate Red Spider chariot, which has become the caravan's second wet nurse vehicle, with a large amount of processed repair materials placed on it.

Even if the losses of six vehicles are astonishing, they can still fully support the caravan to travel tens of thousands of kilometers and successfully reach the foundation's signal point.

Of course, the premise is that there is no battle.

"We should purchase some of their old-fashioned weapons, which are large in quantity, cheap, and practical!"

In the corner, Luke, who was sitting on the ground, complained.

This sentence has almost become his mantra since he visited the doomsday madman's "Future Scientific Research Weapon Room" several times.

Whether it is a spinning red flame that shoots out more than twenty meters by pressing the nozzle, a cannon with a self-destruct button that can delay the explosion, or a mine that can be thrown out with a projectile device, a fragmentation bomb that instantly clears the area twenty meters centered on itself.

Although the usage scenarios of these things are somewhat "harsh" and sometimes even produce some unexpected situations, as long as they are used in the right place, the effect is still excellent.

After working as a weapons tester for several days, Luke even felt reluctant to leave.

If the world hadn't changed dramatically, he would have even considered staying and working here.

However, when the word "purchasing" was mentioned, Walter, the material manager next to him, suddenly became furious like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Purchasing? Are you kidding me?"

"In the past half month, do you know how many trade coupons our caravan has spent?"

"One hundred and sixty thousand!"

According to the original material procurement plan, it would only take a little over 20,000 yuan in commercial coupons at most.

However, God's calculations are not as good as those of man.

After looking at the bills for the past half month last night, not only did Sean almost faint, but he himself was also frightened.

A total of sixty-five thousand!

That narrow temporary camp, relying only on some food they produced, took away 65,000 coupons from the caravan.

Amortized evenly every day, the caravan actually had to spend 4,000 coupons?!

It sounds a little unbelievable, but if you think about it carefully, the caravan has a total of 130 people, and the daily cost is exactly 30.

According to the price of five commercial coupons for one meal, that’s... six meals per person per day?

All right.

Although it sounds like a lot, when I think about my first few days, I felt so passionate about doing food all the time.

Walter didn't care about the cost.

But next, what he absolutely couldn't accept was the small Tianyuan shelter.

They only exchanged 60 porcelain jars filled with "wild vegetables" for 90,000 coupons!

This is simply a money grab!

"Don't get excited, won't the money they make from us be used for consumption in the end?"

"We didn't pay a single coupon, at most...it was worthless technology and outdated equipment."

Seeing that Walter was getting excited again, Sean quickly spoke out to comfort him.

When I saw the expenditure for the first time last night, he did indeed behave the same as Walter now.

I just feel that I have been drugged by the other party recently, and I spent so much as if I was obsessed with it.

You know, 160,000 coupons can buy nearly two Red Spider chariots.

Even though the world has changed now and commercial bonds have experienced severe depreciation, this number is still a bit scary.

However, after thinking about it carefully while sleeping in bed at night, Sean quickly chose to reconcile with himself.

A very simple truth.

Although the other party made such a huge amount of money, it was ultimately measured in the material column spent by the caravan.

Several technologies that are worthless.

There are several useless equipment that I have long wanted to get rid of at a discount.

Starch and protein produced with some energy.

And...a little favor using the foundation's power platform?

These things are of some value, but when measured as commercial securities, a total of 20,000 yuan is too much.

Compared with the large amount of basic repair materials and comfort food obtained by the caravan, there are two hundred kilograms of calming powder, and sixty gourmet jars that may sell for astronomical prices.

If you think about it this way, not only will you not lose money, but you will also make a lot of money!

After being bumped by the bumpy road surface, Sean calmed down and continued:

"And the most important thing is that as long as we can bring those gourmet jars back to the headquarters to open up sales, the Red Spider Caravan will have a golden road in this strange place."

"They are very poor. Their basic manufacturing industry, their speed of scientific and technological research, their level of civilization, and even their living environment...all of this is so backward, even more backward than our Blue Star pre-war era.


As long as we can return to the headquarters to sell these goods, and bring more valuable goods with us on our next trip, the time it takes for the Red Spider Caravan to advance to a higher-level caravan and be equipped with more excellent equipment will only continue to shorten, even...

..We can definitely build a branch near this Tianyuan Sanctuary, a branch that belongs only to our Red Spider!"

Sean raised his arms and shouted softly, looking like an old chicken soup man.


"They are not that backward..." Luke muttered quietly, as if he wanted to say something.

But the voice was too low, and everyone present was immersed in the dream described by Sean, so no one noticed at all.

The huge chariot went all the way north, gradually walking out of the boundary of Tianyuan's territory, and finally headed towards a thicker and deeper secret place.


"Lord, the people from the Red Spider Caravan have confirmed that they have left our territory."

"okay, I get it."

Sitting in the office in the dungeon, when he heard the news from the guard at the door, Sumo nodded lightly and didn't pay too much attention.

In fact, there is no question as to whether the Red Spider Caravan can return to the headquarters and whether it can successfully return with the goods.

Not only were they unsure of themselves, but even Somo didn't have any expectations.

Although the Red Spider Chariot is very powerful, Luke and the others are also very capable in fighting, and there is even the behemoth of the Foundation standing behind them. If they really want to fight, it will be better than anyone in Clearport City except Clearport Shelter.

Gophers are always stronger.

But in that fog, who knows what dangers are hidden.

In particular, the disaster that will weaken the indigenous people is coming, and there will be more and more dangers along the way.

Whether you can come back or not depends 80% on luck.

It is not Somo's usual style to pin all future development of the territory on the luck of others.

So the plan on the table is a phased adjustment he made to the entire territory after careful consideration.

"City Lord, I'm here."

The office door opened, and the unkempt Lu Kuan walked in with a smile.

He looks rougher now than he did a few months ago.

With long hair and a beard, he looks like a street rapper engaging in performance art.

But after seeing the two machines placed in the corner of the office, a light called "wisdom" suddenly burst out in his eyes.

"It's fixed?"

"Of course, these two big guys are going to take a lot of effort from me."

Sumo stood up, pulled the two machines from the ground to the table and placed them.

It was older than when I first got it from Liu Lu, and it exuded a strong smell of engine oil.

The two machines now look like they have just left the factory. If you smell them carefully, there is even a "new" smell that the machines have just come off the production line.

Whether it’s the surface painting, the carving of every detail, or even the two large screens that are integrated into one.

Except for the shape, there is absolutely no connection between this thing and the previous one.

Of course, repairing them is also incredibly expensive.

Even if the survival points on the books have now returned to 60,000, spending 39,000 at once is enough to make Sumo feel distressed for a long time.

"If this decomposition equipment can really do what it describes, we can immediately decompose the scraps brought back from the city and create a continuous stream of adventurer terminals."

Compared to the plastic manufacturing machine that was used more in people's livelihood, this magical decomposing machine obviously interested Lu Kuan more.

This thing is definitely a genuine black technology. For the Tianyuan Territory, which currently lacks this and that, and is extremely short of basic materials, it can directly extract the desired ingredients from the finished product.

Whether it is used to make adventurer terminals, energy stone engines, or some other high-precision equipment, they are all very easy to use. It can even be used directly from some digital products that have been recovered from the city and have not been completely weathered.

Precipitate very important rare metal elements.

"As for the Adventurer Terminal... there is no rush. Currently, the game does not restrict chat channels, and the Thousand Illusions Mist has a great impact on signal transmission. It is difficult for us to complete the data collection and decentralization."

Guessing what Lu Kuan was thinking, Su Mo quickly explained.

People like Lu Kuan who came from Blue Star did not have a game channel, so naturally they could not join in the lively chat. They could only rely on their apprentices to deliver some news every day.

But for those of them who have been sleeping underground for a long time and have even been resurrected with only one brain left, the attraction of excitement is actually much greater than imagined, so they need to create one as soon as possible that everyone in the territory can accept.

Integrated self-communication has been one of Lu Kuan’s obsessions recently.

However, with the shield of Thousand Illusions Mist, even artificial intelligence like Zero cannot download and upload data on a large scale. It is a waste to rashly focus on it.

Sumo estimated that when this fog ends, all the villagers who chose the route of scavengers and reserve soldiers will also have the ability to step out of their territories.

At that time, it would be best to create some adventurer terminals so that everyone can communicate outside the territory.

As for now...

"We need to develop equivalent exoskeleton armor as soon as possible, otherwise I'm worried that we will suffer a lot in direct contact."

Not to mention the terrifying armoring of Sunny Harbor Shelter, even the flat beach shelter.

Just relying on soldiers wearing body armor and charging with rifles will definitely not work.

Apart from anything else, Jin Dafa had been able to withstand ten minutes of suppressed fire while wearing an exoskeleton armor. If the cannon hadn't been brought over by the doomsday madman, they might have been able to counterattack.

In order to prevent small-scale friction between the two sides, Tianyuan Territory inherently has great disadvantages.

After referring to several exoskeleton armors "purchased" from the Red Spider Caravan, Sumo has simply given the design ideas for the exoskeleton armor unique to the Tianyuan territory on the design drawings.

The idea is tentatively named: Yuan Cavalry Type I exoskeleton.

As the name suggests, you can guess the characteristics of this armor just by looking at the word cavalry.

Light, fast and flexible.

This feature is completely contrary to the thick sets of exoskeleton armors on hand, and is even a different approach.

The entire Yuan Cavalry Type I exoskeleton armor is made of the third-generation powerful iron that has the highest level of manufacturing in the territory.

It has the characteristics of short-term energy absorption and release, which can be converted into stronger kinetic energy after being attacked.

In terms of energy, energy stones that are smaller in size and more secure are naturally the best choice.

Although the instantaneous power of energy is still not as good as the cold fusion battery inside the power suit, it is certainly stronger than the solid-state battery mounted on the exoskeleton armor.

In addition, Soma also took over the creation pillar design used in the Sun Chaser Armor.

The only difference is that the Sun Chaser Armor has three creation pillars, which can provide stronger structural rigidity, while the Yuan Cavalry Type I exoskeleton armor has only one.

But as mass-produced armor, manufacturing costs must be considered.

After simulating a creation pillar in the virtual world that could provide more than 50% mobility, Soma immediately gave up the idea of ​​adding more.

After all, ten people wearing exoskeletons are far inferior to hundreds of people wearing them.

The best choice is to mass-produce and install them for all the Tianyuan Army first, and then find ways to iterate and update them.


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