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Chapter 981: Arriving near the southern suburbs, an unexpected second wave of refugees arrives!

 Rain and thunder at night, death returns.

With the addition of special buffs, the radiation creatures are still in the painful process of evolution and have not been able to participate in the battlefield for the time being.

But those undead creatures endowed with immortality emerged from the ground first and launched the first wave of impact.

For the indigenous people, the first night after returning is destined to be a sleepless night.

And Li Hu's blessing can only be comfort.

In a small town about 1,700 kilometers away from Tianyuan territory.

Sean rushed out from the gate of the town with his men in embarrassment, staring blankly at the interior of the town that was violently exploding.

Separated by a door.

In this town, hundreds of weird humans emerged from nowhere.

Their skin and flesh had long since rotted away over time, leaving only a shallow layer of dry bark-like material attached to the surface.

Their bones are so fragile that even if they are hit hard with a stick, they will instantly shatter to the ground.

However, due to the infinite death reorganization, the defense line of the armed forces in the town was retreating steadily, and the number of casualties was increasing.

"Fortunately, we parked the chariot outside and the engineers did not get off the vehicle and go into the town to rest."

"Otherwise, we will be in big trouble today."

It was unclear why undead creatures would instantly disintegrate into powder and enter the reorganization process as soon as they touched the town gate or fence. Luke cursed repeatedly and wiped the blood on his face.

Since setting off from the Tianyuan Territory, the dangers encountered on the road in the past few days have exceeded the number of hands.

The inexplicable mutated creature stalked me like a mad dog when I encountered it.

These monsters not only have strong combat qualities, but can also use various magical attack abilities.

If the Red Spider Caravan hadn't been 100% prepared from the beginning, it would have definitely suffered a big setback.

There are also those looters who escaped from the city. These people also set up big roadblocks on the only way.

Previously, the tanks had enough supplies to travel tens of thousands of kilometers, but now they have fought back and forth several times.

The entire chariot has been completely repaired, and one-third of the materials have been reduced, making people even more worried about the journey ahead.

And tonight...

"Fortunately, the manager of the Yuan Territory warned me that day, otherwise tonight... it would have been very bad."

Sean was also frightened and was a little out of his mind, his chest kept rising and falling and he was breathing heavily.

At this time, he was not only glad that he believed the endless reminder, but he was also glad that the engineers on the chariot were fed by the delicacies of Tianyuan Territory and their horizons were much higher.

Entertainment idiot!

Regarding the food that may be provided in this town, the engineers prefer to use some tasteless nutritious meals, mixed with Ji Kuaizi's food called "pickles", and eat happily.

At first, Sean was a little worried that these trading items were being consumed very quickly. He estimated that at least one-third of them would be eaten by the foundation headquarters.

But no one expected that this move would save their lives and the entire Red Spider Caravan!

"Thank you Mr. Sumo, thank you Tianyuan Territory."

Joseph, the deputy captain of the caravan, clasped his hands together and kept making gestures in front of his chest.

Compared to Sean and Luke, the clothes on his chest had been completely torn by the undead, leaving several obvious scratches.

Can you survive, or...

"No, Captain Pengqiu is still inside. He was drinking in the tavern!"


When Sean heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately wanted to give an order and rush in to save people.

But the next second he saw the chaotic situation in the town, his expression changed quickly, and he finally calmed down from anxiety:

"Bring out our chariots. If Captain Peng Qiu can lead his men to rush out, then we will help them."

"If you can't..."

The words were not finished, but the meaning was already obvious.

In this world that cannot be explained by common sense, if you want to survive, you must be ten times more cautious than before.

Between risking his life and rushing in to save the members of the foundation branch, and conserving his strength to continue heading to the foundation headquarters.

Sean had already made his choice, and he was even secretly gloating in his heart.

The Tianyuan manager reminded me that since you don't want to believe it, don't blame anyone.

If you can break out, you are lucky.

If you can't break out, you can only blame yourself for not being cautious enough and violating the most basic rules of walking in the wasteland.

Can’t blame anyone!


A night of chaos.

A crazy night.

In the early morning, the undead creatures seemed to have received some kind of special message, which shattered when eight o'clock arrived.

After receiving the news immediately, Sumo came to the border of the territory and looked toward the western suburbs.


If I had to describe the brutality, it would be that the flames burning last night even evaporated 80% of the fog that filled the city. The interior of the city could be clearly seen from more than ten kilometers away.

Some of the tall buildings that had previously stood collapsed again under the bombardment of tactical nuclear weapons. More than half of them collapsed.

Although the western suburbs are the most well-preserved area, they have also been least impacted.

But Sumo still clearly saw the obvious traces of the battle, especially in the neighborhoods near the Pingtan shelter. The streets accessible for traffic had been completely destroyed by the bombing. More than a dozen armored fighting vehicles had also been overturned and exploded and burned.

It became burnt black.

The men, women, old people, and children who were kicked out of the shelter were using simple tools to scoop up the black ash left behind when the undead dissipated on the ground, and carried them farther away in batches.

Obviously, Pingtan Shelter had a hard time last night. In order to prevent the same thing happening again tonight, they had no choice but to choose this stupid way to prevent it.

In the direction of the Fifth Ring Road from the Broken Bridge, the road previously used by waste pickers has been completely blocked.

There is one more natural defense in the entire western suburbs, but the isolation from the rest of the city has also become deeper.

From now on, as long as those radiation mutated creatures stand in the way, or these undead are still as crazy and powerful as last night.

Then even the powerful Qinggang Sanctuary cannot easily send an army to fight in this place.

"Phew, this is really a big weakening..."

In just one night, the strength of the indigenous people weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The neighborhood near the underground base was in decay, and attempts to drive the war machine out from underneath encountered severe resistance.

Li Hu no longer had to wake up every night while falling asleep. He had to confirm with the border guards that no one was attacking the territory before he could soothe his tense body and go back to sleep.

The border guards no longer need to be extremely vigilant and patrol this line without daring to stop for a moment.

Of course, necessary inspections are still needed.

But as long as the opponent cannot bring that kind of armored troops over to crush them.

Facing enemies who also hold guns, the border guards are still very confident and are not afraid of the coming battle.

"Arrange our expedition team to take advantage of this opportunity to enter."

"Go in a big circle and see the current situation in the Wandering Jungle!"

After clearly observing the current situation in Qinggang City, Sumo felt relieved and immediately issued an order on the game channel.

If you go directly across from the western suburbs of the city to the steel jungle in the southern suburbs.

The dangers encountered along the way are definitely not something that the current expedition team composed of scavengers can withstand.

But if you can make a big circle, go all the way south along the outer edge of the city.

Entering from a well-detected location there, it only takes less than three kilometers to reach the vicinity of the Wandering Jungle.

"City Lord, don't you go with them to have a look?"

Feng Tianmin in the channel replied, but judging from his tone, it was probably Su Deben who asked the question.


"I have to go to other places to see what is going on with our strongest neighbor."

"Don't worry, my armor has a radiation-proof coating, and I'm familiar with the road here. Now is the best opportunity to investigate."

After finishing speaking, Sumo did not forget to add: "In the future, the exploration work should be left to those villagers who have chosen the scavenger route as much as possible. Otherwise, we will always shelter them under our wings, and the level improvement speed will definitely be much slower."

"We are willing, but they may not be willing."

This is quite true.

Since the route function was turned on, it can be seen from the recent increase in discussion topics on the World Channel.

This kind of all-round enhancement method issued by the game has indeed restored many people's confidence in living.

Especially after the recent arrival of the aboriginal people, who have brought a different color to this world, topics related to level have gradually become endless, and there are discussions everywhere about how to gain the most experience in the simplest way.

However, most of what is circulated there is news that everyone knows.

Just like people who can benefit from bugs when playing games, they will never share this bug stupidly.

It can really improve your level and open up hidden tasks to gain experience. One or two can be hidden deeply.

"Okay, I understand."

"I'll get them going as soon as possible."


"Brothers, come and live, come and live!"

"I went to the southern suburbs of Qinggang City to investigate, and there was the protection of the Tianyuan Army. I fell into a trap..."

"Big order, this is definitely a big order, hurry up and get your equipment ready to go."

"Damn, I didn't get selected last time to gain experience, but this time the quota has been expanded to 100 people. This is so cool."

"Cao Cao Cao, I happen to be number 101, it's really ****."

"Ahem, Qinggang City was so lively yesterday. Don't be so happy. There may be great danger inside..."

"Afraid of hammers, how can we scavengers upgrade if we don't go out on adventures?"

"Yes, if you can't keep up with the leveling rhythm and are left behind, the leveling up will only become slower and slower in the future."


In order to ensure that there should not be too big a gap between player levels in the scavenger route of the territory.

This time, the quota was increased to one hundred people by Su Deben, within his ability.

This is the limit of what the Tianyuan Army can protect. No matter how much we protect, we have to wait until the new ones are trained.

A quick fix and set up.

In less than half an hour, the scavengers selected in front of the military camp next to Hope Village rushed over and divided into two groups.

The first team was naturally composed of fifty people who had previously participated in the Red Spider Caravan Plan and collected calm powder.

According to statistics, the average level of these fifty people is level three, and the highest male gunman among them has even reached level five.

Because of the attribute advantages and experience advantages brought by level, they can explore deeper and require less protection from the Tianyuan Army.

The progress of the other team is much slower. The current average level is still level one, and the highest level is only level two. They need more protection from the Tianyuan Army and try to narrow the level gap during this exploration.

At this time, one hundred and fifty fully armed Tianyuan soldiers walked out of the military camp.

Feng Tianmin, who was standing in the front row, looked around and nodded with satisfaction:

"Check the equipment and get ready to go!"

"For Team A, I will assign fifty people to protect you, and for Team B, one hundred people will be responsible for your safety."

"Make clear the goal this time: wander into the jungle and collect as much intelligence as possible nearby."


A hundred wanderers shouted in unison and stepped onto the carts driven out of the military camp in batches.

The structure of this thing is very simple. The trolleys with only two wheels are connected with tow hooks behind the trolley to form a train-like train.

Since rubber has not yet been found, the wheel material of the scooter can only be made of iron, which is definitely negative for comfort.

But at this time, no one cares about this anymore.

The two long trains of carriages were pulled in batches by two high-performance vehicles. They set off from the gate of the military camp and detoured toward the southern suburbs at a speed of forty kilometers per hour.

If no other accidents occur, they will successfully reach the landing point in the southern suburbs four hours later at around 11 a.m.

There, everyone will have six hours of exploration time to find out the latest situation near the Wandering Jungle!

Of course, if there are people going in, there will naturally be people going out.

As the cart passed the border and headed south, a refugee team of more than 80 people happened to arrive at the territorial border.

Here, they "happened" to meet the border guards patrolling over.

"Whoever comes, stop right there!"

Seeing a group of refugees dressed in rags and carrying large packages, the captain of the eight guards rushed up with a loud shout. The remaining seven guards followed the usual training requirements and found them as quickly as possible.

In the nearby bunker, firearms were set up, wrapping all the refugees in it at a fan-shaped angle.

At the same time, through the convenient communication on the game panel, other nearby patrol members and the headquarters in the village also received early warning information, and reinforcements were quickly arriving.

"Sir, we are wanderers from Qinggang City and want to get your protection."

A tall man walked out of the refugee queue, with shocking wounds all over his body.

There were scratches, stab wounds, and a scratch on the leg that looked like a bullet.


An unfamiliar accent is not unfamiliar to team leader Lu Zhou, who has undergone a period of training.

He pondered for a moment, then uttered a few phrases in a strange and stiff accent:

"Stop, review, don't move."

Although the accent of this aborigine is not anti-human, learning is learning, and it is still difficult to communicate smoothly.

Facing a group of unfamiliar refugees who did not know their purpose, Lu Zhou did not relax his vigilance. While speaking, he instead signaled the rear team members to be ready for fire suppression at any time.

After all, in the wasteland, being kind without reason is even more stupid than believing that everyone can return to Earth.

Although these refugees are indeed pitiful now, weren't they the same people in the fifth floor area in the beginning?

When they encounter a force that is stronger than themselves, they can immediately surrender and surrender without any second thought. However, when they encounter a force that is weaker than themselves, they can instantly lose their bottom line and become part of the predators.

In this case, Li Hu told similar stories more than once in the daily guard class!


This chapter has been completed!
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