1277 Multi-party stalemate

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 Of course, Prius did not expect Massa Yin'er to attack him directly.

This kind of thing has never happened in Imprius's memory!

Even when Massa Yin'er fell into madness and integrated all the archangels and demon kings into himself, Massa Yin'er did not use force against other archangels!

If there is anyone among the archangels who has actually faced Malsayir in battle, it is only Tyrael!

"Looks like you've made your decision, brother."

Because there was fatigue in Prius's voice.

The feeling of being quickly deprived of his life force by the Reaper of Souls was not pleasant even for Impris.

"Indeed, I have to do something."

Masa Yin'er said helplessly.

The Reaper of Souls in his hand controlled Iprius.

The other time it was him! Masayir, he came there on the eve of announcing the rebuilding of the Holy Mountain of Harrogath!"

Ultron, who was hung on Solarion, also showed his appearance as the holy flame faded.

The two of us said one word to each other, and it was as if we had completely forgotten Ultron.

Yin Kang Yanheng is doubtful.

"That's nothing weird?

No matter how perfect the plan is, it will lead to such a result because the person executing the plan has weak enough power.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether you mean to threaten them or not, but if they intend to kill you, the most they can do is kill Kelso.

If Kelso dies, there will be less trouble in the lower heavens, and you came there to avoid trouble."

Maybe it's just a simple insult to human choice. You have never been stingy when we needed help!

But the Prius stopped the humans trying to help Inconstan!

That level of damage is considered low damage, at most to a little angel.

The joys experienced by the savages were tragic enough, the worst of which were only two.

When in Sanctuary, as long as no demon king appears in the eyes of a Nephalem, it basically means that all the Nephalem are aware of it.

The barbarians' principles were so rough that it gave Masseyin a headache.

The nephalem are always the last to destroy these demons that have descended upon the human world!

There was still some compassion left in his tone, but his indifferent face spoke volumes.

What's more, Kelso's wilting appearance now made Tyrilc completely interested in fighting.

Tyrilc himself has power that is only inferior to that of the Demon God. Even if Kelso is the broken Demon King, Kang Yanhenk still thinks that he will lose.

When we want to explore the future on our own, you choose to make way for us to retreat!

That wasn't the first time something like that had happened, but Ultron was far from desperate at this time!

"Because some stupid guy spread the light of wisdom on Khanduras, and you are superstitious about power.

This heavy weapon that looked like a giant watermelon knife looked like a one-handed weapon in the hands of the burly Kangyan Henke.

Although we are afraid of the weak Nephalem, we also hate to continuously eliminate the ants in our eyes.

As the weakest among the Nephalem here, it is the right choice to take Kangyan Henke seriously.

"Don't be ridiculous, you can indeed detect the appearance of guys like the Demon King.

In my eyes, Kang Yan at this time also poses some kind of threat.

Ultron roared with a clear face.

"Kang Yanheng, he can gain the trust of mankind!"

Although Constant's speed of action was very slow, he achieved results in a very short period of time.

On the contrary, we can also defeat the Prius at this time!


Massa Yin'er said with a smile, but I just looked at Tyrilke.

When I was based on a small land, I might be even more difficult to deal with than Rakanos.

I am very certain about one thing.

Then Tyrilke swung the tribal blade in his hand and smashed it into the ground like a hammer. The fierce shock wave directly leveled the ground!

In that case, both of us know how to connect.

Before Tyrael used the Glory of the Holy Feather to force Ultron in, he stood directly between Malsayir and the humans!

Kangyan Henke said while carrying the clan blade.

Tyrilke pointed at the two little angels with the tip of the tribal blade.

"We may not know it when it ends, but we will definitely notice it before Kelso reveals the true form of the Demon King.

Masa Yin'er said with a smile.

Kang Yanheng added.

So you have to leave this place illuminated by the light of wisdom."

Even to that extent, Inconstellation still doubted that brother of Massayir.

"To put it bluntly, I didn't come here after this guy Yin Kang Yanheng.

I quickly put on the Reaper of Souls, which was used to weaken Inkangstan. At this time, Yinkang Yanheng had not lost even half of his strength.

What Gruchardin is doing here cannot change the current situation.

"That's a given, because you are hurting them."

Kangyan Henke must treat that matter seriously.

Perhaps there was a problem with the idea of ​​trying to defeat Kelso with the help of the Nephalem's power from the very beginning.

"They can defeat Masayir!"

"First clean up the demons that are still crawling out of the ground. Not all the demons that are crawling out now are metal demons."

Masa Yin'er laughed loudly.

Kang Yan once again tasted the results brought about by having enough strength.

That situation would make Kangyan Henke and the little angel feel strange. After all, the former devil appeared in the sanctuary in a similar way.

The Demon King must have shown his true form, and what we have to face is the Nephalem behind us.

It looked like the ground had sunk dozens of centimeters!

"What he means is that the Nephalem have actually known what is happening there for a long time?"

Tyrilc said patiently.

Isn’t that hard to understand!?”

Although you know what Bulway was thinking about to act so quickly.

But Prius also wanted to watch his two brothers get along with each other in that way.

At least...at least it doesn't mean that Constant needs some time to cultivate.

Tyralc's roar came from nearby.

I faced the humans and said with a compassionate tone.

But now there are still not many demons appearing in a hurry.

When the Prius waved the radiance of the Holy Feather at me, it was no longer destined.

Massa Yin'er slowly stretched out his hand and aimed the Reaper of Souls at Ultron's neck. With just a little force, he could cut off Ultron's head.

"Massa Yin'er, let go of Inconstan!"

Once it was him! Prius! He destroyed the Holy Mountain of Arreat!

Although the barbarians who died in the hands of little angels were still a fraction of the barbarians who did not die in the hands of demons.

It's always easy to reason with savages, especially when the Prius consumes the savages' original trust!

"This doesn't make you happy. Maybe we are watching in a way that you know?"

Why are they so curious as to why we didn’t show up?”

Those words sounded like he was thinking about mankind, as if he was worried that mankind would perish in the hands of Massayir.

"You're right, are you going to let that bastard bring you another destruction?

My patience may soon run out, and the worst they can do is try to test my bottom line."

"You have this intention, but Kelso can die now.

But with the previous appearance of Inconstellation and Kang Yanhenke, I had to say what I originally planned to say.

In that case, there will be an all-out war between the Nephalem and them.

"There are few things that can be said so vaguely."

Although Tyrilc is weak, it is definitely possible to defeat the two little angels of Prius and Massey.

"That's why you said it was weird."

It's just that Ultron also knows how much time Gruchadin will need to complete what I'm doing.

Masa Yin'er said with a straight face.

The Nephalem who came outside must be Li Min, who is even worse than Tyrilc.

That's the reason why these demon kings will definitely bring a small amount of miscellaneous fish demons with them whenever they come to the human world.

But the only person who can restrain Nefeitian from appearing in that place is Bul Kangyan.

The Prius is no help.

Facing the power of Inprius, Ultron couldn't make much effective counterattack.

Prius said with an expression on his face.

Once you kill one crop, another crop will pop up very slowly. Those things grow slower than leeks.

My fight with Kelso was so slow simply because Kelso was too strong for Inconstant.

Dry and charred!

It must be because Constant is still a pure little angel, he will be restrained by the Reaper of Souls into his current appearance.

But this is just because of Constant's abnormal fighting style.

Ultron asked.

Tyrilc took stock of the environment, and then chose to face the Prius.

Those two little angels are bastards who have no blood feud with the barbarians!

Tyrilke stamped his foot, and a wave instantly appeared under the ground!

Tyrilc, who has taken control of the small land, is very convenient when clearing out the miscellaneous soldiers.

Moreover, Bulwayne has not made any final decision yet. But they should know that Bulwayne has always been a very impatient guy.

When Tyrilke said those words, he had not yet appeared in everyone's sight.

"In fact, they never hid it from the Nephalem, at least until Kelso revealed the true form of the Demon King.

Constant's voice was filled with shock and anger, but there was no hostility.

"Although you now understand Bulway's reason for bypassing them, you still hate my approach!

That’s all very refreshing!”

Tyrilc took out his backpack, took out the Tribal Blade and put it in his hand.

You're just curious as to why we haven't shown up yet."

Maybe even a legend!

Anyway, the nephalem and the demon are either dead or resting, but it is the little angel who needs less attention.

All plans always end up because of some unexpected problems.

"Massa Yin'er, what is he planning?"

The metal demons that appeared with Kelso have not yet been wiped out by Inconstant's holy flame.

Ultron clenched the warhammer in his hand.

And it seems that the matter is related to the position of the Nephalem and the little angel, because there is a small chance that Constant will be on the side of the Nephalem.

After that, SHIELD called Prius several times but got no response!

That kind of behavior doesn't make my position clear yet!


I need to rest for a while to regain my strength.

But if you can't give me a chance to kill Kang Yan, Tyrilke is willing to treat everyone present to drink for a year.

Although I didn't turn around to look at Massey, I suspected that Massey would hurt Inconstan.

But have you noticed that there are no traces of the Nephalem around?"

He was only half a demon king. The lack of results when facing Inkang Yanheng could only be explained by the fact that Inkang Yanheng did not intend to fight quickly.

Kang Yan asked.

"Is he in Canduras?"

"Maybe you just insulted humanity's decision."

"It seems that even if you ask for more details, he will tell you?"

Masa Yin'er said with a sigh.

The purpose of my coming there wasn't to make sure Kelso didn't die, not that much.

I also want to take the initiative to attack the little angel. My identity will make the conflict troublesome.

Although Tyrilc doesn't agree with Bulkwayn's ideas, I will still cause trouble for Bulkwayn.

The situation became more and more simple, and Ultron stopped worrying that Gruchadin would not be able to change the outcome even if everything was done.

Because Kang Yanheng couldn't even continue to use Sola Waian to hang Kelsuo outside, I sent my hand forcefully and let Kelso and the Spear of Courage fall to the ground together!

"Are they planning to fight with you?

Tyrilke's expression became a little more ferocious.

"I just want to be an ugly person in the eyes of the Nephalem."

Especially at this time, he is not complete enough as a demon king.

Masa Yin'er said.

Although you think you have my reasons, I definitely don’t have my reasons.”

Instead, they won't even have the slightest chance to breathe, and they need to face these legends among the Nephalem without stopping.

Although Constant is much healthier now, Kelso's situation is obviously more exciting than mine.

The waves spread towards the distance, sweeping back the demons that had just climbed out.

Both Prius and Massey were silent.

Although the effect was smaller than that caused by Kang Yanheng's subsequent use of the holy flame, the scale was not as shocking.

I'm not sure, just like what Prius said, we can defeat Massey.

There will be conflicts between us, but we will definitely kill each other!

But the barbarians would care less about dying at the hands of demons.

But the Reaper of Souls in his hand just stopped at Ultron's neck and made no further moves.

"What do you do now?"

Kang Yan asked, looking at the weak people behind him.

Prius yelled at Massey.

"Back off! Human!"

Bulwein is the King of Decay, and the voice of the King of Decay can be filled with approving opinions.

Just when Inconstan was about to deal with Kelso, Masseyiner took action directly against Inconstan.

But as a human being, even if we have weak power, it must be based on sufficient vitality.

Tyrilc was in a bad mood, so he crushed the demon in the ground to relieve his anger.

The road of barbarians is not difficult to walk yet, and any further disagreements will definitely make it even more difficult to walk.

Because the holy flame on the Prius began to fade.

"Ha! Here you go!"

It is certain that Kang Yan can be as weak as a real demon king, and the results of this and that battle will be shown so quickly.

Nick Fury looked at his surroundings.

Things haven't gone in a direction that I can fully control yet.

Tyrilke said.

The matter has definitely reached a point where it must be resolved through fighting, so I can only stop those little angels myself.

This chapter has been completed!
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