Chapter 1545 Completely filled with worries

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Chapter 1544 Completely filled with worries

After raising the possibility, Wayne summoned the ancestor spirits without any hesitation.

As the inheritor recognized by Kerik, it is not difficult for Wayne to communicate with Kerik.

"You can't be looking for me just to fight at this time, right?"

Korik had already asked before his figure solidified.

He didn't believe that Wayne didn't know the danger of the current situation. The number of ancestor spirits on the holy mountain of Harrogath had reached a new low.

At this time, the importance of the three ancestors is naturally self-evident.

"We may have discovered Malthael's plot."

Wayne wasted no time and stated the key points directly. He even pointed to the area in front of him that was already surrounded by defensive lines.

"No, it's impossible for Malthael to escape Bulcaisuo's attention."

Although Kolik said doubtful words, he was already carefully observing the field in front of him.

Among the barbarians, the three ancestors were definitely considered well-informed.

After all, when most barbarians use the call of ancestors, they are the ones responding.

Even if the three of them did not directly impart their will into the body condensed with anger, they would inevitably receive some fragmented information.

"This is not the realm of an archangel, at least in my opinion, it is more like the realm of a certain demon god.

Is this the realm of the demon that severely injured Ulena and Craig before?"

Kolik quickly came to a less than accurate conclusion.

But this is indeed the aura of a demonic realm!

"There is indeed a demon here, but the demon's domain was previously shrouded in another layer of space.

Those who can achieve this step either have the cooperation of the Demon God or are much superior to the Demon God themselves.

This can’t possibly be Bulcaisel’s domain, right?”

Sir Newton said not very politely.

He didn't care whether Korik had a high status among the Nephalem, he was just discussing the matter.

At most, it's just a matter of language being a little presumptuous.

"Wayne, tell me the situation in detail."

Korik became serious.

Among the three ancestors, the one who speaks best is not Tarik, who doesn't seem to be aggressive, but this guy who values ​​all life.

Among the three ancestors, he is the one with the least amount of human blood on his hands.

If it is not necessary, Korik will not take the opponent's life as the initial goal of the battle.

Wayne told almost everything he analyzed and saw about what happened here.

Except for the part that might affect his plan, Wayne had no intention of hiding anything.

After listening to Wayne's analysis, Kolik could only nod in approval of Wayne's analysis.

He is not good at these brain-based things, but at least he knows his priorities!

"I went back and told the other guys that if this place is really related to Malthael, then at least Bulcaisel must come forward.

But this guy is probably hiding out of Bulkesso’s sight, and I’ll ask Hailab to send someone over.”

Kolik gave the guarantee directly.

He couldn't guarantee that he could let Bulkesso appear here to investigate the situation, but even for Sonya's sake, Kolick would bring support!

Wayne could only conclude that Sonya was fighting through speculation and analysis, but the three ancestors knew this very well!

Wayne has no intention of retaining Korik. The sooner the situation is reported back to Harrogath, the better!

This can at least prevent the situation from getting out of hand under their noses.

After Colrick left, Sir Newton approached Wayne again.

He admitted that his previous tone had offended a stranger, and he was willing to make some slight concessions even if it was just to avoid a worthless battle.

But he doesn't think that he can't do anything now.

"It's just that the mirror space may not be guaranteed to be flawless. Maybe we have to seek help from Weishan Island."

Sir Newton said very calmly.

He doesn't think it's unforgivable to seek help from a stronger person!

He has given Tony's creation the protection from the Crimson Universe during this period, but it is still unclear how effective this protection can be!

Sir Newton did not want to make any irresponsible judgment, at least at this time he felt that more combat power was needed here.

Now that things have developed, basically everyone knows where the main contradiction comes from.

The more Malthael is able to act unscrupulously, the worse the future of mankind will look.

As for whether the victory of the Nephalem is a good thing for mankind, that can still be regarded as the internal struggle of mankind.

Sir Newton, who has even resigned from the position of Supreme Master, is certainly not interested in what the hegemony of mankind is.

As long as he is a human being, he is too lazy to think about these issues of regime change.

"Will Emperor Weishan be willing to help us?"

Tony was a little uneasy.

"Agamotto in Weishan Island was born as a human being. Although Emperor Weishan is on the side of all white magic, they are indeed somewhat biased towards humans.

They will not have the option of retreating at this time."

Sir Newton said with certainty that he was very confident in his judgment.

Although Sir Isaac Newton was a thoroughgoing human supremacist, he was never so arrogant as to think that everything except human beings was of no value.

"This is not our biggest problem now. The biggest problem is that we actually don't know anything about what is happening in the field."

Wayne said on the side.

Korik has dispersed his incarnation, and his consciousness has naturally returned to the Holy Mountain of Harrogath to find Hyrab as he said.

But before the Nephalem's support arrived, Wayne could not guarantee that the defense line they built here would be effective as planned.

Who knows what the guy who ran out of the field would look like.

It would be fine if it was just a group of demons as he and Tony initially expected, but what if it was Malthael who ran out of the realm?

The unknown represents risk, and Wayne has never liked the risks caused by the unknown.

"Emperor Weishan will not retreat, but we have no way to retreat at all."

Tony sighed.

He began to miss the infinity stone in his head. If that stone was really the will of this world, then she should not shrink back in the fight against Malthael.

“One concession often represents continuous concessions, and one breach of the bottom line means that the bottom line is no longer the bottom line.

We were at the point of no return from the beginning."

Wayne said and sighed himself.

The matter has not been dealt with yet, so I only have time to write this, Wan Wang Haihan.

This chapter has been completed!
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