Chapter 1567 The Eternals are so easy to use

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At this time, Hela was still looking for a solution to the problem. After bidding farewell to her relatives, she headed towards the burning hell.

She already knew that the Nephalem side was ready for a decisive battle.

But her strength was not enough to have any impact on this decisive battle.

If you want to do something in such a situation, you have no other choice but to set your sights on the higher heavens and burning hells.

The high-level heaven is still helping humans fight against the Burning Hell, so the only option available to Hela is the Burning Hell.

It's just that Hela's operation was not smooth.

"Who is plotting against me?"

Hela stood there and spoke slowly.

After gaining a share of authority, her ability to perceive the environment was much better than before, and she had already realized that she had entered a strange environment.

This is somewhat similar to a field, but it is subtly different from the fields Hela has seen before.

Hela's knowledge was shallow and she was unable to determine what situation she was facing.

But this did not prevent her from understanding that she had fallen into a trap at this time!

With the power of destruction within her, Hela still felt somewhat confident.

Just facing an unknown enemy, it is normal to have some emotional fluctuations.

It’s just that Hela’s question was not answered.

And the existence that really found her was the goddess of revenge!

Beings including Bulcaisu can seize power in this world, so there will be no problem if the Furies take back some of their power and even start to try to seize their power from Bulcaisu and the others.

It's just that the goddess of revenge, who has just absorbed the power of a violent attack, has not yet gained that level of power, but as an existence like Hela, she cannot escape from her influence for the time being.

Hela had already realized that something was wrong, and the previous opening was just to make the other party show up.

But since the other party is unwilling to appear, she can only use her own methods to try to escape.

The power of destruction brewed in Hela's body for a while, and then exploded with Hela's punch!

Hela is still unfamiliar with the control of authority, but even if it is unfamiliar, it is not a force that can be easily stopped!

The environment has not changed, but the feeling that made Hela feel uneasy before has subsided!

It's just that Hela did not directly relax her vigilance, but constantly observed the surrounding situation.

As a member of the Asa Protoss, Hela's own talent is indeed outstanding.

The most representative feature of the Aesir is their power that continues to grow with the passage of time. Even if this power gradually becomes stronger than the body can bear, this power is still real.

"Still not coming out yet!?"

Hela growled with a bit of annoyance.

She could still feel that she was being watched, but she was unable to lock onto the existence that was watching her.

In this case, Hela did not dare to leave rashly. After all, it was easy to be unable to react if attacked while moving.

The goddess of revenge still hasn't appeared, or in other words, she doesn't have a body in the normal sense that can appear in front of Hela.

Although the power of violent attacks is of great help to the Nemesis, her core power is still the infinite gems that represent the authority of this world!

Hela can feel a sense of threat every moment, and this feeling continues to expand with time.

Hela moved her fingers imperceptibly, and flew in the direction of Thor with the most exquisite destructive power she could control!

This method of transmitting messages is now only available to her, and others cannot stop it even if they observe the energy released by Hela.

After all, not just anyone can achieve the power of interception and destruction.

If the person observing her takes action, Hela will also capture her presence.

This is what Hela has in mind!

If this attack successfully leaves here and reaches Thor, Thor will certainly not be hurt by the energy she releases.

And this energy will remind Thor that she is in danger.

Seeking help from the nephalem was what she and Thor had agreed upon long ago to deal with such a situation!

Hela is not afraid of death, but she does not want to lose her authority at all!

This authority comes from the goodwill of the Nephalem. In Hela's view, this authority does not belong to her, but is just borrowed from the Nephalem.

If the Nephalem need it, Hela is willing to return this authority.

Of course the Furies noticed the power of destruction flying past!

But she also understood Hela's plan.

There are indeed not many opportunities to take action against Hela, but gaining the authority to destroy is not as effective as taking back the six infinite gems!

The goddess of revenge marked Hela's location with the authority she had so that she could find Hela directly when necessary.

Of course, this kind of price tag does not fall on Hela. If external energy is used to leave marks on Hela's body, it will not only be noticed by Hela.

The power of destruction can also easily destroy everything in Hela that does not belong to her.

But the method used by Nemesis will not have such obstacles.

She relied on the world itself to examine the interior.

From that perspective, the power of destruction is like a dark figure on the screen.

Just locking in the weak spread of destructive power is the simplest and most effective way for the goddess of revenge.

If Malthael and Bulkatho hadn't become powerful enough, the Furies would also want to monitor their movements.

It's a pity that she can't do this now. This situation is also a very bad experience for the goddess of revenge.

It's just that the goddess of revenge still has no intention of leaving. She wants to see Hela's ability more clearly.

But if you can't take action yourself, you can only find some suitable opponents.

And such an opponent is really hard to find now.

There are not many people in this world who know about her existence. Naturally, no one will listen to her direct orders!

Not to mention that the universe is now in complete chaos due to the out-of-control burning hell.

This situation makes the Goddess of Death feel powerless even if she wants to do something.

Fortunately, she can still find some guys, but these guys may not be as strong as she wants.


A member of the Eternals.

His abilities are somewhat similar to that of Superman, but his strength is far inferior.

But all the Eternals, including this guy, are the best ones for the Furies to mobilize at this time.

After all, under the name of the Celestials, the Eternals still have to obey orders.

Although the Celestial God Group had died in the previous storm, just borrowing the name of the Celestial God Group was not a trouble at all for the Goddess of Vengeance.

No matter how weak the world authority he can mobilize is, it will not be difficult to construct an illusion of a member of the Celestial Group that can look real.

She doesn't even need to issue an order for Igris to attack Hela without any reason. She only needs to put the name of a deviant on Hela, and Igris will come to test it.

Members of the Eternals have not yet reached the level of access to authority itself.

The members of the Celestial God Group have some shadow of creative authority.

What the Nemesis has to do at this time is to wait for Igris to come here, and it is enough to question Hela in an arrogant way.

Hela doesn't have a good temper, or her good temper only appears when she treats her own people!

The man in front of Constantine is a "family" superstar from Bollywood, Ginger!

His other identity is that of a member of the Eternals!

"So how did you find me?"

Ginger's expression was somewhat strange.

He felt that he should have no problem hiding his identity all these years, but he didn't want Constantine to come to him directly.

"An actor...well, a superstar, who still didn't forget to film his own superhero movie series even though demons were everywhere.

Should I say you are confident or that you are not very smart?"

Constantine and Ginger are talking in a studio that has dispersed all ordinary people.

Constantine even changed the word "actor" to "superstar" because of Ginger's dissatisfaction, but Constantine's words were not polite at all.

Ginger didn't answer. This question made him a little embarrassed because he really didn't want to admit that he was not very smart.

"I know, you're just not very smart.

You guys should have looked down upon ordinary people for a long time.

By the way, there seems to be a guy among you who can influence human minds. Is he helping you deal with the loopholes caused by this arrogance?"

Constantine took a puff of cigarette before speaking slowly.

"No smoking here."

Jinge said with a stupefied face.

He didn't let that guy called the Druid control other people's minds at all.

But he somewhat acknowledged his arrogance.

"I came here partly because your hiding methods are indeed a bit funny, but also partly because I met other Eternals.

The lady who looks just right is called Ajak."

Constantine smiled, but he had no intention of putting out the cigarette in his hand.


Ginger's eyes were a little more serious.

As the leader of the Eternals on Earth, Ajak has an extraordinary status compared to other Eternals.

Only this Ajak can communicate with Judge Alitham at any time.

When Constantine said Ajak's name, it was impossible for Ginger to pretend that he had not heard it.

"I heard her say that you are in contact with the Celestial God Group, Alitham, right?"

Constantine said slowly.

He was at the scene when the Tenjin Group was destroyed.

Even Constantine knew that the god Tiam was going to be conceived in the earth.

Fortunately, all the gods have been destroyed, otherwise Constantine would still have to think about how to clear out these Tiamu midwifery nurses one by one.

"If you already know this, why are you looking for me?"

Jin Ge's face didn't look good.

For humans to know their true identity is simply a mockery of their very existence.

As soon as Ginger's hand moved, Constantine's hand pressed directly on the hand crossbow on his waist.

Ginger can release energy blasts through his hands, and this ability is no secret to Constantine.

If it weren't for the fact that the lethality of this energy shock depends on the energy intensity, Constantine wouldn't want to see this guy who can shoot with his hands.

To be honest, among the Eternals, only Phastus is worthy of Constantine's attention.

After all, this guy is into technology and magic, and he is quite technical.

The other guys are either physically powerful or have rich combat experience and are of some value.

The upper limit for illusions and life-related spells is just that.

Constantine would not have been surprised by his ability to be fast and powerful.

Except for the few guys in the direction of the caster, the other guys are actually not cool at all, and they don't even feel as difficult as the demons Constantine faced when he was a weakling.

"I want all of you to join in the fight against evil.

During this time when the devil was raging, the crew members were relatively safe because of your protection.

But how many theaters are willing to show movies now?"

Constantine couldn't help laughing as he spoke.

The behavior of these Eternals guys has nothing to do with "eternity".

Each and every one of them looked like ordinary people looking for their own lives after get off work, and even had a lot of complaints about their jobs.

"Fighting the devil?"

Ginger repeated.

He is not a very opinionated guy. To be honest, these Eternals are not interesting until they don't know how they exist.

The differences between them are largely not for the healthy and prosperous development of human civilization, but for the purpose of increasing the number of humans enough for the god Tiamu to be conceived.

It's just that all the members of the Celestial Team are finished, and they naturally feel as if they have been abandoned by their superiors.

There is even no salary for this job.

In fact, they haven't received a mission from Alitium for a long time.

Perhaps in Alitham's eyes, human development is actually on the right track, and this right track is mass reproduction...

"Yes, against the devil.

By the way, you don’t seem to know what’s going on with the Celestial Group, do you also call them the Celestial Group?”

Constantine put the cigarette butt away and lit another cigarette for himself.

"Arizom? Let's just say his name."

Ginger said.

Ginger was not the first Eternal that Constantine came to visit, but this guy was the first Eternal that did not directly show hostility.

Constantine was certain that not every one of these Eternals would become a violent maniac.

But it's also a good thing to have a guy who can communicate normally.

"All members of the Celestial Team died before."

Constantine took out a long puff of smoke and then said words that made Ginge stunned! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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