585 The Barbarian Ancestor!

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  "I only have one question now, and that is whether the first ancestors are in charge of things!?"

  Cassius climbed out of the pile of stones with some difficulty, only to find that the eyes of all the ancestors were looking at him.

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with you?”

 An unsurprising Cassius-style answer.

 “You yourself have the answer to your previous question.

 Then you ask us what’s wrong with you?”

 Kahn gave a rare smile.

 Cassius is quite able to liven up the atmosphere sometimes.

The question of whether the first ancestors were in charge or not, Cassius's ability to climb out on his own now speaks volumes.

 The power accumulated in the Holy Mountain needs a being to sort it out.

 At the beginning it was Kanai who did this, but Kanai is now staying in the dark soul stone on Bulkesso's head.

 After Kanai came Warusk, and Warusk is now a dehydrated salted fish.

At this time, of course, I don’t have the ability to sort out the power in the Holy Mountain.

 And Bulkesso did not choose to sit in the holy mountain. What does this mean?

 The will of the first ancestors is doing this!

Although it may not be that all the will of the first generation ancestor is here, there is definitely a part of his will here.

 “Cassius, I remember you.”

 “Which onion are you?”

Cassius immediately turned his head after hearing those threatening words.

 Then Craig, who was still in a coma, looked at him with a strange expression.

“No, why do you, a new monk, talk to me like this?

 I am the current spokesperson of the Big Bear Tribe! Who are you?

One of the pantheon of monks?"

 Cassius’s eyes were cold.

Cassius knew that he was talking nonsense. Of course he also knew who the guy in front of him was, but he had to give this guy a slap in the face.

Originally, he thought that the soul that appeared in Craig's body was Li Min or Nazebo, and he even thought of Malthael's name.

 But I really didn’t expect it to be this guy!

The other ancestors on the Holy Mountain seem not to be suitable for "showing off their power", after all, they have never behaved in a disgusting manner.

Perhaps Cultur, a fool, could do it, but Cassius doubted that Cultur, the guy who could be deceived by the devil with a simple lie, might take it seriously.

 It would be a problem if the situation got out of hand.

 “Is there any point in doing this?

 Or does it mean that the barbarians no longer admit that their bloodline comes from me?”

 Craig’s words were not harsh in emphasis, but full of condescension.

This attitude is very bad.

 This sentence is basically an admission of his own identity.

  Most of the ancestors had expressions that were “as expected”, with some worries among them.

 After all, Craig is just a young man who is a little too unlucky. In this kind of thing, he can only be described as "innocent".

 “Where do you think this is?

This is the holy mountain of Harrogath, not the Arreat that exists because of you!

Your Arreat has long since been turned into a deep pit by the explosion of the Worldstone!

 The master here is Bulcaisel, not you, who happens to have the same name as him!"

 Cassius was cursing as usual.

 Just his body tensed up, ready to fight at any time.

He had dared to punch the second-generation Immortal King before, but now he seemed to have no pressure to punch the original Immortal King.

 Looking at him, he seems a little eager to try?

Even though he didn't think he could win, he was still a little excited.

 The opportunity to fight against the first generation ancestors has never appeared in the past!

"I know, but as the benefactor who cured your injury, you have to be more polite to me, right?"

  The first generation Bulkesso directly admitted his identity, and it was not very honorable to conceal his identity.

Even though the path pioneered by the first generation Bulcaisu is called barbarian, the first generation ancestor himself is actually not a barbarian at all.

  The first generation Nephalem were all the children of Lilith and Inaris. If the children of Destiny and Knowledge didn't have brains, it would probably be impossible to leave names.

 The intensity of the fighting during their growing years was even greater than that of the Original Sin War.

 After all, it was the end of the eternal war, and the enemy was either an angel or a demon.

 In the War of Original Sin, the only angel who took action personally was Inaris.

“Perhaps, you cured me in a short time.

 But I would never say thank you to a guy who takes over someone else's body.

This behavior is so despicable that I don’t want to say thank you!

 If you have any objections, please put me back to my previous state!

But let’s say it first! I will definitely fight back!”

 Cassius shook his head, and a series of crisp sounds came from his neck.

Fearlessness is a good quality for a warrior, but as a human being, if you don’t know how to be afraid, you will lose your awe.

 The division between the two is very vague, and the decisions related to this can only depend on what the parties involved will do.

 What Cassius chose to do!

“Ha! You are a warrior, and your methods are not simple.

Even in our time, I thought you could do great things.

 But what is the reason for your stubbornness?

 All of you seem to be worthy of respect, but I still like the guy named Joe Ritz a little more.

 In order to achieve your goals, it’s not a big deal to cooperate with the devil.”

The first generation Bulcaisel said this.

Unsurprisingly, he received angry looks from all the ancestors.

 The concepts of the first generation ancestors and other ancestors are very different.

  After all, as the founder of the barbarian race and profession, the first generation of Bulcasso did not have much sense of glory belonging to the barbarians.

  He is the starting point of barbarism, so naturally he will not feel much glory for himself.

 If he is proud, he will only be proud because he is Bulcaisel.

 Most of the Nephalem are like this.

 The things pioneers and successors can see are different.

 The pioneer sees opportunities and goals, but there is no path. He needs to clear the thorns himself at every step to move forward.

The successors are walking on a broad road. Before reaching the end of the road, they will think more about how to preserve the road for a long time and still provide convenience for those who come after them.

 The words of the first generation Bulcaisu undoubtedly showed contempt for the younger generations.

Even in his view of demons, this first-generation ancestor also acted a bit condescending.

Among the first and strongest Nephalem, who would think that they are inferior to angels or demons?

 No! They all feel that the Nephalem genius is the most powerful.

 Because you are accustomed to looking down from above, arrogance becomes a sign.

 Who would like to raise their head and look at other people’s nostrils?

“I thought that Volusk’s arrogance was learned by himself without a teacher, but now it seems that he has already been in contact with you?”

Leiko drags her wounds and looks at Craig in front of her, even though the guy who controls this body is now the first-generation Bulcaisel.

 But so what!?

 The dead should be buried in graves!

 This is the consensus of all those who have fought against demons!

  Bul-Katho, one of the first Nephalem?

It's just a dead person, the kind whose body is incompletely put together.

“I would like to say that the current Bulcaisel is a little too kind?

How could he not see the pure life in this body?

This flavor of vitality can even be felt by those of you who are not very experienced, right?

 Or is that guy just a naive fool?”

The first generation Bulcaisel avoided Leiko's question and instead pointed at Craig's body.

He is blaming Bulcaisel for his choice. Perhaps in his eyes, letting Craig, the walking rule of life, go so far is a waste.

Perhaps those first-generation Nephalem had some kind of obsession with authority during their battles with the High Heavens and the Burning Hells.

 Only by actually fighting against the incarnation of those rules can one understand how difficult those rules are in combat.

 The first-generation Bulcaisel was familiar with almost all known incarnations of authority!

 There are not just a few battles!

 “Because he has a bottom line!

Although this bottom line may be broken at any time in a crisis, in my eyes, Bulcaisel is now more suitable for the title of Immortal King than you and Volusk.

 When you completely die and disappear, you may still be able to read a few words about you in some ancient books.

But Bulcaisel will not be like this, he will be truly immortal."

Leiko had already walked up to the first ancestor as she spoke.

 “Now tell me! What are you planning?”

 A thorough questioning.

If the first ancestor was honestly a totem, or a character in a scroll story, then no barbarian would disrespect him.

 The barbarians who died in battle can basically be called ancestors, but only the guy in front of me can be called the "barbarian ancestor".

 Calling him "ancestor" is based on the seniority among the Nephalem group.

 But when this kind of old guy appears now and then points fingers at everything now, wouldn’t those ancestors who sacrificed almost everything to create the current situation get angry?

 They will be angry!

 Because such an accusation is a form of contempt!

 They didn’t feel any respect from this “ancestor”!

 And respect is always mutual!

 Barbarians respect the people standing in front of them in the hope of receiving equal respect.

Rather than hoping that the guy opposite will kick you in the face!

 “What’s my plan?

 Comparing you with that Bulkeso, I am just a little moved.

 Guess why I came here?"

The first generation ancestors said this.

“That young man discovered me very early, but your first reaction was to test me?

  Am I the kind of person who cares about showing off?

 Or do you think you can make me retreat by scaring me?

 If this were the case, we would have become angels or demons long ago, and there would be no human race.

 What we are doing is a battle to open up a living space,

 It was precisely because he knew this that the young man left here without hesitation.

 Because he knows that all I want is the living space of human beings.

 As for the power on the Holy Mountain? Did you ever hear that I cared?"

 The first generation ancestor shook his head, as if he was a little disappointed.

This chapter has been completed!
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