818 Li Min's love is one with Bulkesuo!

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Kanduras's power is beyond comparison in this world.

But many people don't realize this now.

They don't even know anything about Leoric's power...

I'm afraid many of these guys think that Leoric's power is a boast of SHIELD...

Those guys will only believe what they see, even if Nick Fury has put the evidence in front of them.

Some of these guys will choose not to believe it.

But if those in Canduras who are considered powerful among ordinary people come forward.

Then it can give some hope to those guys who are dirty in their hearts.

It's not just demons who can ignite inner desires.

Leoric can do it too!

You can even do it well!

When those guys hurt the people of Khanduras, Leoric would have a reason to take action.

No one would want to fight face to face with the Skeleton King.

It is not a question of whether we can win, but a question of how the battle can end...

If it was the Skeleton King who originally stayed in the royal tombs, then the battle could only end when Leoric himself gave up the victory.

Or it can only end after killing the opponent.

But now that Leoric has his own kingdom, if he wants Leoric to end the battle, he can give up his interests.

Leoric valued Canduras even more than his own life...

“But can you really guarantee that Khanduras will not become the enemy of humanity in this world?

You are also a human being, and you understand how terrible the human heart is.

I don’t want to wake up one day and find Canduras in ruins again.”

Leoric asked Li Min very seriously.

"This planet is nothing in your eyes, let alone me?

Human weapons can destroy the surface of this planet, but you and I can leave the planet in ruins.

Are you actually worried about your Canduras at this time?"

Li Min said teasingly.

Although her words sounded a bit too cruel.

But that's not what she had in mind.

Li Min was just describing the Leoric he once knew.

"I am human now, although Skeletor still exists.

But how could you think I would ignore the importance of life?

My Khanduras will not be a kingdom of skeletons, and I will not be their king."

Leoric's tone was very calm.

If there were no stubble of bones poking out of the ground, perhaps his calmness would be recognized.

"Leorric, you have to show your strength.

You must know how that fellow who thought the savages were a bunch of savages died!

In my opinion, if the barbarians had shown their power first at that time, they would not have attracted that kind of hostility.

The implicitness of the strong will always make the ignorant think they are strong.

Don’t say you can’t feel the breath of the souls in this world.”

Li Min looked indifferent.

The strength of the soul has little to do with race.

But within the same race, the strength of the soul can largely determine the strength of the other party.

"Boring hypothesis.

You are accustomed to your identity as a mage and have enjoyed everything that comes with being powerful.

But you forget how you lived when you were weak.

Your talent is amazing, but aside from talent, I think you are far inferior to Johanna."

Leoric looked at Li Min and said some hurtful words.

Li Min is proud, but she is not the kind of proud person who shows off her beauty.

Nor is he proud of his own strength.

She has always been proud of the fact that she is Li Min.

So Li Min doesn't like people comparing her with other people.

Even his comrades are the same!

"Leorric, it doesn't matter whether I am stronger than Johanna or weaker than her.

But that's my thing.

Are you going to fight me? You know, I hate all forms of comparison."

Li Min's face became much more serious.

Li Min does not advocate fighting to solve problems unless necessary.

But considering her persistence, fighting seems to be a good method.

"I'm not afraid of you, you have to be afraid of me.

No matter how similar you are to the imitation, your power is not the real authority.

You can't end me!

You are even likely to lose in a battle with any Nephalem you are familiar with.

Don't think I'm being alarmist.

There is absolutely no way the soul authority you are imitating can surpass that of Nazebo.

The authority of commandments that you think is absolutely impossible to defeat Vera.

Even you know that you will never be able to defeat Bulcaisel in a fight.

The victories you had in those battles were just at the level of discussion!

Li Min!

You know all this, but because of your pride you never mention it.

So now, have you transcended your past?"

Leoric said a lot of things.

Li Min couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Actually, you're the only one who's particularly slow, Leoric.

You know that my competition with them is at best a discussion, so why didn't you think of the truth about my authority?

I'm just learning!

I explore the path of wisdom in order to learn!

I acquire all knowledge for the purpose of learning!

Everything I imitate is just the result of my learning.

Now, I told you, Leoric!

My authority is to learn.

Does this answer surprise you?

From Bulcasso, I learned the power of nature and understood the meaning of anger.

He learned how to use daggers and hand crossbows from Vera, and even knew how to use the commandments as restrictions to use the power of hatred.

Nazebo taught me how to observe everything from the perspective of the soul.

And Johanna taught me what commitment and responsibility are.

Let's just say I can be any kind of Nephalem I want to be.

I can fight the way they all fight.

Even my physical fitness can no longer limit my strength.

So do you know why I still only have this level of power?

Because I don’t expect to be strong!”

Li Min's words stunned Leoric!

Don’t want to be strong?

Leoric couldn't understand this statement.

"But being strong can protect everything you want to protect."

"But being strong can also destroy everything I want to protect.

Leoric, not everyone needs to gain power in order to gain other things.

At least not for me."

Waves of arcane brilliance were quietly flashing in Li Min's eyes.

Li Min's face is smiling most of the time.

Because she already got everything she wanted.


She becomes strong just because everyone wants her to be strong.

"I am now strong enough to protect what I need to protect.

I am a willful guy. If I continue to be strong, I may not be able to find a guy who can stop me when I whim.

I will be the top strong person, but I must add the restriction of 'one' here.

I worry about the same things that Bulkesso worries about.

I fear the same things that the archangels fear.

I am a human being, so I will not change forever."

Li Min looked at the surprised Leoric in front of him and smiled very happily.

Maybe this is contentment?

But it should be more about Li Min's restrictions on himself.

Bulcaisel was worried that one day he would become corrupted, so he tampered with his soul...

A broken soul cannot be corrupted into a complete demon.

This was the best solution Bulkesso came up with.

Targeting Diavolo is just a subsidiary target of this purpose.

"You made the same choice as Bulqueso?

Impossible, the piece on Bulcasso's head is already the last dark soul stone!

You cannot divide your soul! Because you have no place to save it!"

Leoric's voice became much colder!

Li Min understood that it was the consciousness of Lakis I that awakened Leoric's consciousness!

The person standing in front of her at this time was the real Skeleton King.

"Of course, now that you know this.

Then why don't you realize what's missing in my soul?"

Li Min said with a smile.

"What part of your soul have you sealed?"

Leoric said in a cold tone!

"My love lies with Bulcasso.

Without him knowing it, my soul representing love has become inseparable from him."

Li Min's words solved many of Leoric's doubts.

Li Min's concern for Bulcasso is very strange.

It was like admiration, but also like a kind of dependence.

If this emotion happened to others, Leoric would think it was love.

But there is only Li Min, no matter what Li Min's attitude is towards Bulcasso, whether he is clingy or he wants to attract each other's attention with the naughty child.

Even Leoric would not think that Li Min was in love with Bulcasso.

Because from Leoric's soul perspective, Li Min is just constantly getting closer to Bulcasso's soul.

There is no color of love in it!

Leoric knew this very well!

Because when he watched his Ashira die in front of him, the bright red color that represented love was still vivid in his mind.

But that color has never appeared in Li Min’s soul!

So no matter what other people think that Li Min likes Bulkeso,

Leoric thought it was just a misunderstanding.

But now, Leoric finally knows the truth of the matter!

"If, I mean if.

When your love comes back to you, will you lose your cool when facing Bulcasso?"

Leoric's question was a little rude.

He was asking Li Min if he had fallen in love with Bulcasso.

"Maybe? But it won't happen one day.

The way I divide my soul is not the one you know.

If you ask me, the way you sealed Bulkatho's own soul, memories, and fears together was terrible.

I have reduced my love to the tiniest fragments, and it is no longer separable from Bulcasso.

If you are not stupid, you should know that I have seen your plan a long time ago.

When Bulcaisel used the Dark Soul Stone to crush the souls of those hell demons into the purest authority,

The fragments of my soul are among them!

What Bulkesso loves is what I love.

My love has long been with Bulcasso."

When Li Min's words reached this level, Leoric had nothing to say.

"I thought our plan was secret enough.

How did you know?"

Leoric's voice was already weak.

“As long as you do something in this world, it will definitely leave traces.

Also, although I haven’t known Bulkesso for a long time.

But I don’t have to be the one who can detect the changes in Bulqueso.

Your plan is no secret to the three ancestors of the barbarians.

And I am one of the few magicians who can freely enter and exit the Holy Mountain of Harrogath."

Li Min is very calm.

She learned about Bulkesso's changes from the mouths of her three ancestors.

And just having this level of understanding is enough.

Li Min's wisdom is enough for her to get the general picture of the truth.

"What are you doing this for?"

Leoric still couldn't understand!

What Li Min did was to lock his upper limit!

The incompleteness of the soul not only prevents one from being corrupted into a complete devil,

It also cost her the chance to become the God of Creation.

The same goes for Bulkesso...

"To love everything I love.

To love everything he loves.

In order to always have someone to stop me.

Are these reasons enough?"

Li Min spoke without hesitation.


After Leoric said these words, the cold aura on his body dissipated little by little.

The consciousness standing in front of Li Min at this time has returned to the soul of Lakis I.

"You've fallen in love with him.

But because you don't love yourself, he probably won't love you.

Unless he has already fallen in love with you before you laid your love on his soul."

A smile appeared on Leoric's face.

"I don't love myself.

Because no one knows myself better than me.

I love him, so after his soul gets my love, he will love himself even more.

This is enough.

The relatively complete me will not be blind because of love.

And my love also has sustenance.

Such a result is enough for a mage."

There was no trace of shyness on Li Min's face.

She stated her thoughts calmly.

Perhaps, this is the most beautiful emotion among mages. We must find a suitable word to describe it, which is probably sad but not sad.

Being sad but not sad is a beautiful state, which is greater than struggling in pain, and greater than being blinded in happiness.

Love still has some sustenance, and we will not be blind for love.

This is probably Li Min's proudest choice...

"It's incomplete."

Leoric said stiffly.

“Is completeness necessarily better than incompleteness?

Is incompleteness definitely not better than completeness?

Don’t forget, both the incomplete souls of Bulcasso and I defeated those who were intact.

We who are disabled are not weak.

No matter in terms of strength or... personality!"

Li Min stood up from the sofa.

He slowly stretched his body.

Li Min thought of Leoric's previous warning about his authority and couldn't help but want to laugh.

Admittedly, Leoric was right.

Li Min couldn't defeat Bulkeso's nature with the nature he learned.

The discipline and hatred of the Valar cannot be defeated by the discipline and hatred learned.

It is even more impossible to defeat Nazebo's soul with his soul.

But why would she use what she learned against her teachers in battle?

Li Min's authority to learn means that Li Min has countless choices in battle!

As long as she learns enough, she will always have a way to deal with various situations!

For Li Min, the only problem is whether she has learned enough.

After all, there is no limit to learning, and there is no end to learning!

"Get your team going.

I also plan to think of ways to prevent those valuable humans from completely becoming demons.

Although half-demon is not a good thing, at least it can retain some good things."

Li Min gave Leoric the order without hesitation.

And Leoric could only perform it in silence.

He could not convince Li Min and admitted that Li Min was smarter than him.

"Li Min, I reserve my own opinion."

Leoric said these words before turning around and going out.

"Of course, I never have any requirements or orders about other people's ideas."

Li Min lowered his gaze and ignored Leoric.

"The next step is to find the traces of Malthael.

Leoric's strange behavior will attract the attention of the wise.

Wisdom is bound to be separated from death, and this is the best chance to defeat Malthael."

Li Min said in a low voice.

She guessed what Malthael was doing, but the only thing she didn't know was that the individual "Malthael" would be split into two for the sake of two powers!

But Li Min had already prepared for the worst.

There's nothing surprising about this.

Victory is never guaranteed.

"My next learning target will be destiny. Maybe it will be helpful to you."

Li Min said this before leaving Khanduras.

This chapter has been completed!
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