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Chapter 101 If there is love in the sky

Lu Ming walked slowly, followed by Wang Xiaohu. A few steps ahead was Datou. A few steps behind, there were several patrol policemen in black uniforms, and Sun Luting was walking slowly nearby.

Lu Ming was pondering the message Bizhu gave him.

She recognized it and was very sure that the voices of Cowboy 2 and Cowboy 5 were also on the tapes that tortured Martha.

I recorded and numbered the solos of several cowboys and Little Leno.

No. 2 is a burly man, very much like a Western cowboy, and No. 5 is a short, thin man who can speak Chinese.

But Bizhu said that No. 5 tortured the girl on the tape the most.

Bizhu even asked if No. 5 had an approximate location.

As long as she didn't involve herself, she was usually very calm, and even when listening to the tape, she was very calm most of the time. However, it was obvious that No. 5's atrocities still angered her, or in other words, made her feel uncomfortable.

Naturally, I can't alert others, and I always feel that Bizhu's world is Bizhu's world. Except for her own safety, she should not appear too much in this world, otherwise, there may be unexpected troubles.

Bizhu obviously understood this. After asking about No. 5, before she could answer, she went to meditate by herself, probably to calm down her mood.

Bizhu also heard some background sounds, including the sound of a train passing by and the sound of running water.

After looking over and over at the whole map of the East China Sea, it was difficult to determine the approximate location because there were so many locations that met this requirement.

However, Bizhu said that there should be other sounds, but she was too tired from listening and wanted to rest her ears and continue in a few days.

On the task force's side, it has just been a day, and naturally there are no clues about extremist organizations.

Sha Dahai secretly helped him investigate No. 2 and No. 5.

But Wen Liangyu gave a clue, saying that it was under the Laodong Overpass, where homeless people often disappeared for no reason in the past.

He had already told Wen Liangyu about the task force, but he had only told him one person.

Ahead is the Laodong Overpass.

As we got closer, we could already see beggars lying around in the bridge cave.

Moreover, there is an unpleasant smell that seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

"Brother, if you want to come here in person, I'll do it!" Wang Xiaohu next to him, although he was born into a poor boy, seemed to be a little unable to stand the smell.

Lu Ming smiled: "Being idle is also idle."

In front of them, a group of small figures suddenly appeared, but they all circled away and ran towards Lu Ming and Wang Xiaohu.

Datou immediately shouted: "You little bastards! Stop right here! Get back!"

Those five or six little beggars, tall and short, were too frightened to move. The oldest of them was probably in their teens and the youngest was only four or five years old. They all held dirty broken bowls in their hands, and all of them were unkempt.

Ragged clothes.

Lu Ming sighed softly in his heart. Of course there are beggar gangs that control children to ask for money, but some children are used to being beggars. If they are sent to an orphanage, some will run out and feel free outside.

But most children have no chance of entering an orphanage.

Thinking about it, the orphanage that he and Liu Laocai built seems to be opening soon, but he is too busy and has already declined the invitation to attend the opening ceremony. This Liu Laocai is still a bit of a celebrity, but there is nothing wrong with it.

There is nothing wrong with spending money to gain reputation.

"What's wrong with your legs?" Lu Ming looked at one of the five or six-year-old children. He was as dirty as the others, but his legs were bloody and purulent, and he was limping when he walked.


The young child shook his head, timidly, and did not dare to speak.

Lu Ming looked behind him and shouted: "Go buy some steamed buns and candies!"

A patrolman immediately agreed and ran towards a row of shops in the distance.

As for the money, when the time comes, I will settle the bill with Butler Sun. There will only be more, not less.

Lu Ming was sitting on the slope next to the bridge. Beside him, sitting a child with abscess on his leg, was eating meat buns.

Lu Ming looked at him quietly. The irritability in his heart these past few days seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

Although, the beggar and these children said that no one has disappeared recently.

Looking at the little boy, Lu Ming smiled: "Slow down! After eating, I will send you to get treatment for your injuries. Later, I will send you to the orphanage. Don't worry. Your uncle is here, so you don't have to be afraid. Someone is taking care of you."


"Yeah!" The child nodded vigorously and became much more courageous. He pointed to the tallest one who was also chewing on the meat buns not far away, "Big Zhong is our boss!"

"Big seed!" Lu Ming shouted, took a clod of soil from the ground and threw it over, "Come here!"

The big guy might be fourteen or fifteen, or even bigger, but he's just underdeveloped and not that tall. He's a tiger-headed guy. Hearing Lu Ming's call, he immediately ran over, got in front of him, stood up suddenly, and made a nondescript alarm.

Ceremony, say loudly: "Hello, sir!"

Lu Ming smiled: "Are you willing to go to an orphanage?"

Da Zhong pouted, "I've been there! I got beaten all the time! Also, I saw a younger sister being bullied by the dean!"

"Bullying?" Lu Ming frowned.

"Yes, I was beaten by the old aunt of the dean! The beating was very cruel!" Da Zhong replied loudly.

Lu Mingsong sighed, fortunately it was not what he thought. As a person in the judicial field, many things seem to be too dark to think about. It is also because he has been exposed to too many dark things. Tragedies that ordinary people cannot come into contact with in their lives have almost cut off time.

can be encountered.

"This is not the orphanage I'm talking about!" Lu Ming said with a smile.

"Then, will the brothers and sisters who study best disappear?" Da Zhong asked.

Lu Ming was speechless and said with a smile: "What are you missing for? Are you admitted to middle school to study?"

Da Zhong shook his head, "No, it just disappeared suddenly! The orphanage I used to go to has a middle school! The missing brothers and sisters are all middle school students who are good at studying!"

"There is an orphanage in a middle school. Is that very good? What's its name?" Lu Ming asked casually.

"St. Anton Orphanage!" Datou replied loudly, and then squeaked, "It's full of ghosts! Brothers and sisters who study well will be taken away!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Lu Ming laughed dumbly and asked Wang Xiaohu: "Have you heard of St. Anton Orphanage?"

Wang Xiaohu nodded lightly, "Well, it's very famous and has very good conditions. The headquarters is in the West District, but there are branches in the East District, North District and Xinfa District."

Lu Ming nodded. It turned out that it was opened by Westerners and its headquarters was in the West District. No wonder the orphanage had its own middle school.

"Dazhong, which district are you in the orphanage for?" Lu Ming asked.

I thought Da Zhong must not be able to tell the difference, but he answered loudly: "It's from Xinfa District. Brother Zhao Xuecheng disappeared there! He was originally in the third grade of middle school and studied very well, but one day, he disappeared!"


Lu Ming was stunned when he saw the evidence. This child actually knew that he was from the Xinfa District Orphanage, and he spoke clearly and logically.

"Why did you say he disappeared instead of leaving the orphanage to work?" Lu Ming finally looked serious.

"Because he will write to me, he will definitely do it!" Tears suddenly appeared in Da Zhong's eyes, "He promised me that he would write to me!"

Lu Ming nodded and asked: "You said that brothers and sisters who are good at studying will disappear? In addition to your brother Zhao Xuecheng, is there anyone else who has also promised you? Even if you leave the orphanage, will you write a letter?"

"No, no, but they just disappeared and were captured by ghosts. I know it, I know it!" Da Zhong said, wiping away tears, "I didn't lie, I didn't!"

Wang Xiaohu shook his head. He didn't know why Brother Lu suddenly became serious about the child, but Wang Xiaohu didn't want the child to be sad, so he whispered to Lu Ming: "Brother, it seems like St. Anton Orphanage. There is a fourth grader in the West District. Maybe

Those who study well will have the opportunity to study in Form 4, but will they be transferred to the Western District?"

"Then why, Zhao Xuecheng, didn't write to Da Zhong?" Lu Ming asked seriously.

Wang Xiaohu was stunned and thought to himself that maybe his educated eldest brother had long been annoying him as a little brat and finally stopped being pestered. It was normal not to write to him.

"Xiaohu, I seem to be checking every point. In the past few months, there have been very few beggars who disappeared for no reason. Da Zhong's words gave me a new idea. You said that these people in the human race purification organization kill people for fun. This kind of

Abnormal behavior, in many cases, is as addictive as taking drugs. Drug addiction becomes more and more serious. These beggars have no ability to resist. In their eyes, they have no wisdom and are just zombies. So, torture and kill such people.

, maybe they will gradually feel worthless and lose interest, but what if they are excellent in both character and academics, have learned new cultural knowledge, and may make great contributions to this society? Especially, this person is someone they see

Inferior race here?”

After hearing Brother Lu's words, Wang Xiaohu froze for a moment, his whole body trembled, and he broke into a cold sweat.

Isn't this possible? Is there really such a perverted person? Not one?

"Anyway, this orphanage should be investigated. If it's a false alarm, of course it would be better!"

As he spoke, Lu Ming stood up and smiled at Da Zhong: "Dazhong, I promise you, the orphanage you are going to is different from the one you used to have, and I will take good care of you. Trust me, take your brothers and sisters with you.

Let's go, okay?! I'll call someone over in a moment and take him to see his leg first!" He pointed to the child with pus and blood on his leg.

Da Zhong looked at Lu Ming, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded vigorously. It seemed that for a moment, under Lu Ming's gentle gaze, he wanted to cry, but he was the boss, and the younger children had to live with him.

, so he must be strong and not weak.

He puffed up his chest hard and said, "Sir, I understand! You are a good commander!"

Lu Ming smiled and said to Wang Xiaohu, "Let's go."

Wang Xiaohu patted Da Zhong on the shoulder and followed Lu Ming down the slope.

On the slope, several small figures watched them leave from a distance, standing there for a long time.

Many years later, when Da Zhong flew a plane in a suicide charge, detonating the enemy's giant bomb and dying with the enemy for the sake of his former commander and the master he was loyal to today.

Amid the violent explosions of fireworks.

He looked at the world with nostalgia for the last time, wondering if what he was thinking about was the scene of his first encounter with the Lord.

This chapter has been completed!
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