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Chapter 106 Past and Present Life

Room 302 is Lu Ming's exclusive suite here. Currently, Nicole is in it.

She had obviously taken a bath, probably for a long time, so her hair was still wet now. Since she didn't have any suitable change of clothes, she wore a snow-white bathrobe prepared by the hotel and pulled on her crystal slippers, revealing her slender legs and those

Her slightly raised feet, painted with light green toenail polish, full of desire and temptation, towering mountain peaks, and obviously not wearing underwear, the whole person is filled with a sexy atmosphere.

Seeing Lu Ming come in, she immediately bit her red lips and stared at Lu Ming. In her charming sapphire eyes, she didn't know whether she was angry or embarrassed. It was very complicated.

"It's your fault for what happened this morning!" Lu Ming was even more confident.

Nicole was stunned.

"Do you know that if I didn't know that you didn't mean it, I could sue you for sexual harassment! Even if we are next to each other, why are you always moving?" Lu Ming waved his hand, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

Suddenly, seeing Nicole's discarded clothes in the trash can, Lu Ming frowned: "At least wash it before throwing it away. Besides, can there be anything on it? There are so many clothes!"

Nicole bit her red lips, "It's just, disgusting..."

Lu Ming stared: "Do you know that I am very weak and I am taking secret herbs to maintain my health? I have several concubines in my family who are much more beautiful than you, and I dare not touch them! Because the secret recipe doctor said, then

It's the biggest taboo. As a result, you made me fall short. My mind is still groggy now and I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow, you know?"

"You, you're talking nonsense..." Nicole's voice was childish, and now it was really like a child quarreling.

"Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. We have settled our friendship. From now on, no matter who is to blame for this trivial matter, don't even mention it!" Lu Ming sighed, "Just think of me as unlucky!"

Are you still unlucky? Nicole was so angry that she was about to cry. She looked at Lu Ming angrily, pouted and said nothing.

"Well, I have already blamed this assassination on me, and you don't want to tell anyone." Lu Ming thought: "After a while, I will call a prosecutor to make a record for you, and you will officially report Xiu'e.

That little girl disappeared."

At the mention of "Xiu'e", Nicole's pretty face immediately darkened and she fell silent. After a while, she said, "Thank you, without you, I would be dead."

Lu Ming waved his hand and said, "Did your assistant really drive away the gossip media?" After a pause, "Well, she also wants to check." He then asked, "When did you go to the orphanage?

Confirmed itinerary?”

Even if the premise is that Dean Wang has contact with radical organizations at any time, from the time when Nicole went to the orphanage and was met by Dean Wang, and when Dean Wang started to notify the radical organizations, until his car turned around, it would not take long.

It was too long, the other party rushed to Lu and set up an ambush, and the timing was a bit wrong.

The most likely possibility is that the assistant or other people who know about Nicole's itinerary have already leaked the secret.

And these living people who have connections with radical organizations are the best clues.

"No, she, she won't do this..." Nicole shook her head desperately, obviously understanding what Lu Ming meant.

"She may not have betrayed you, but she may have some close friends who she accidentally leaked! Well, I'm just guessing. Let's see the results of the investigation!"

"Da da da" someone knocked on the door.

But it was Wang Xiaohu who came in with a tea tray, "Commissioner!"

Lu Ming was helpless, "You should also learn this trick. Besides, where is the waiter? Why did you replace him?"

Wang Xiaohu immediately stammered and couldn't speak. He quickly brought the tea tray and placed it on the coffee table. It contained some snacks and a fruit plate.

He glanced at Nicole secretly, immediately blushed, lowered his head, and dared not speak again.

Lu Ming smiled bitterly. This kid was probably planning to come in and ask for an autograph, but when he faced the big star he was thinking about, he immediately gave up.

"Okay, go call the waiter. I have something to say. Call a waitress. The youngest one, call her."

"Well, well..." Wang Xiaohu agreed in a panic, turned around and ran away, not daring to look back again.

When the waiter came, Lu Ming asked her to buy some clothes including underwear, but after thinking about it, he waved his hand: "Let's forget it." He said to Nicole: "I asked my servant to buy some.

The old maid is very attentive and loyal."

After all, if you buy clothes for a big star, you don’t know the details of the clothes that the big star wants to wear. Who knows if he will do anything perverted in the clothes. Let alone the men, even if the women buy them, they will be envious, jealous, and hateful, and they will vomit.

Who knows about two mouthfuls of saliva?

After saying that, Lu Ming dialed the number and asked Er Niang to go shopping for clothes. Of course, if they brought Luo Yi or something, they would have better taste.

When Lu Ming hung up the phone, Nicole said softly: "Thank you, you are very attentive. I heard them say, your surname is Lu?"

Lu Ming nodded: "Just call me Brother Lu from now on."

Nicole was stunned again. She had never seen such a confident man in front of her. Even the old Mr. Renault, who had ulterior motives, also lied and coaxed her. One moment he said he hoped to treat her as his daughter, and then a few days later, he said

He looked at her with blurred eyes, feeling reluctance and pain.

"Brother Lu..." Nicole called softly. She didn't know why, but her heart felt warm.

She had a brother, but he had always regarded her as a cash cow and only asked her to get money to spend. For the first time, the young man in front of her gave her the feeling of an older brother she could rely on.

Although it hasn't been more than twelve hours since I met him, it still makes me feel like this, which is amazing.

Maybe it's because of what he said that we had a fatal encounter, right? We once faced possible death together.

Although he seems to be a bit of a rogue.

It was as if I had taken advantage of him by speaking forcefully.

Thinking of that embarrassing situation, Nicole's pretty face heated up slightly.

"Brother Lu, tell me, what should I do in the future?" Nicole sighed softly.

"Aren't you ready to renew your contract with Renault? Come to Nadu, I am one of the bosses of Nadu Pictures." Lu Ming said with a smile.

Nicole was stunned, and suddenly felt a little disappointed in her heart. It turned out that this was the case.

"Don't worry, I won't let you take the sex goddess route again in the future..." Lu Ming pondered: "I am preparing to shoot a series. From this year to the middle of next year, I will shoot 12 series. There will be a captain character in it.

It was originally a male captain, but if you join, it would be nice to be a female captain, who is one of the protagonists throughout the entire series."

In fact, if you think about it, a female captain who takes a sexy route should have more impact. After all, I don't want to make a classic, I just want box office.

It is best to appreciate both refined and popular tastes.

"But, Brother Lu, although my contract has expired, the contract originally had restrictions, that is, if I did not renew the contract with Renault, I would not be allowed to work in the film and television industry for thirty years. Therefore, if I did not renew the contract originally, it was

Prepare to retire."

Oh? Lu Ming nodded. No wonder the old Renault didn't sign a lifetime contract with Nicole. After all, the conditions were too harsh. In the future, when Nicole becomes famous, she may go to court to declare such an extremely harsh contract invalid.

Therefore, the contract signed was renewable every five years, but restrictions similar to non-compete clauses were added.

"It's okay, just wait until he comes to sue. I believe that before this lawsuit is over, Renault will be too busy taking care of himself that he won't have time to trouble you!" Lu Ming smiled.

After thinking for a while, he added: "Don't worry, I'll find you a safe place to live if you turn around, very close to the company, and I'll also find someone to protect you. Things like today won't happen again."

Nicole nodded lightly. Although she wanted to take a rest for a while, she couldn't refuse, even though she had a rather messy brother for no apparent reason.

"Oh, that's right. You might want to take a break now. Besides, we haven't discussed the terms with Nadu yet. Why are you nodding? You're such a silly girl." Lu Ming laughed.

Nicole was stunned and smiled. She felt like a little girl being cared for. She had not felt this way for a long time.

Lu Ming thought about it and said: "Well, you don't have an agent, and agents are not popular now." He paused and said, "Let's take a look at the script first and see if you want to film it. If so, we can discuss the terms.

I won’t talk to you, but I will tell them and won’t treat you badly. Moreover, I believe this series will make you reach higher heights.”

"Okay!" Nicole agreed, suddenly feeling like she was looking forward to seeing the script.

Although the guy in front of me is a mess, I just feel that he will not lie to me.

Hearing her crisp agreement, Lu Ming felt funny in his heart. This childlike voice was really like an obedient primary school student. For a moment, he actually wanted to pinch her cheeks.

She is obviously an extremely hot beauty, but she gives off the feeling of a child who needs to be taken care of.

After a pause, "And Xiu'e! I think you have already prepared for the worst, but if you want a result, don't worry, I will get to the bottom of it and bring the murderer to justice."

Nicole's pretty face immediately became sad, silent, and nodded slightly.

When he came out of 302, he saw Jordan waiting outside. Lu Ming had no choice but to say, "Just wait a few days. I'll ask her to get some private photos and autographs for you!"

"Ah, thank you, Commissioner!" Jordan was immediately overjoyed. He even looked at the door of the room and asked cautiously: "Commissioner, she won't change her mind when she goes back, right? She feels protected by us now, but she can wait until she returns.

It’s our territory, do you know who among us is?”

Lu Ming frowned: "Since she is so careless, you are still obsessed with her?"

"There's nothing you can do about it!" Jordan coughed, "I'm waiting for you because I have a work report, not just to show up at her door too much..."

Lu Ming waved his hand, a bit trying to cover up, "Let's talk about work."

Jordan's face became serious, he opened the folder in his hand and said: "Look, these are the five assistant prosecutors who will report later. The fifth one, the list at the bottom, is for now.

Is this your assistant? I’ve just entered the Grand Prosecutor’s Office, and I’m a foreigner. I just came to Donghai today, and I’m reporting to the Grand Prosecutor’s Office. I’m a female, and it’s not suitable for a job that’s too dangerous. It just so happens that you don’t have an assistant yet.”

Lu Ming nodded. His assistant actually meant secretary.

I took it and flipped through it casually, and the few new ones that came in were all relatively young assistant prosecutors.

This is good, it is more energetic, and it is also restricted by complex social relations. It is just a blank piece of paper, and there is no possibility of tipping off criminals.

But the strange thing is that looking at their resumes, they are all prosecutors from other places.

"Oh, the new Jingzhou training class?" Lu Ming was startled and then noticed that these people were all from this training class.

"Well, this class has just ended. It is a class held by the Donghai Grand Prosecutor's Office in Xinjingzhou. It recruits outstanding young prosecutors from all over the empire to come to Donghai. We want those under the age of twenty-five. Director McCann's new policy, training class

Graduating the top 10% of people are already elites from other places, and then selecting the outstanding ones can be said to be the best among young people and the best among the best. President McCann plans to do it once every three years. This is

In the first class, there were 150 people in the class, and 15 people were qualified. They just came to Donghai today to report to the Grand Prosecutor’s Office. They are all from outside the city, but we can’t underestimate them, right? Director McCann gave us five

This is to inspect and train them, and they also value us."

Lu Ming smiled bitterly, thinking that big cities are good and can attract all kinds of talents, and from a certain perspective, the East China Sea is more attractive than the imperial capital because of its freedom and openness. The political atmosphere in the imperial capital is too strong and repressive.

Flipping through, I came to the fifth one, a female assistant prosecutor who was going to be her secretary.

Suddenly, Lu Ming was stunned and his eyes widened, but he quickly calmed down his expression.

But Jordan still noticed it and said with a smile: "Yes, it's quite beautiful."

Lu Ming nodded. This Jordan was not a simple person. He immediately realized that his expression was wrong. However, he thought of going elsewhere, so it was okay.

But, how could it be?

A brief form with photos attached.

Name: Han Annie.

The photo shows the delicate and graceful eyebrow-length hair, the big, watery eyes, the delicate, beautiful face, and the heroic spirit. Isn’t this the Han Anni I know?

Moreover, it is Han Anni whom I have known in past and present lives.

Looking at her resume, she went to the provincial prosecutor's office one month after she left. Three months ago, she passed the training course offered by the Donghai Grand Prosecutor's Office in Xinjingzhou.

Anyone who joins this class, regardless of whether he was a formal prosecutor in various places before, will start as an assistant prosecutor in Donghai after graduation. As for the prosecutor certificates of the four northern provinces, they will not be recognized.

This? Han Anni will be her secretary?

Lu Ming rubbed his nose and smiled bitterly. She was not afraid of revealing her whereabouts, but she just thought it was weird.

Shaking his head, Lu Ming looked towards the north outside the floor-to-ceiling window. In the evening, the north was somehow foggy and hazy.

I, however, suddenly felt homesick, the home in my previous life and the home in this life.

Jinbao, Uncle Zhong, are they all okay?

Parents, how are you?

This chapter has been completed!
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