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Chapter 126: Beat and kill

"Your Honor, regarding Mr. Jeff Reno's ability to plan a horrific murder, the prosecution has made new discoveries and requests to call Witness No. 53, Sirov Lane."

The court had just begun in the morning, and Lu Ming stood up first.

Richard frowned slightly and looked at the list of witnesses. There was this name, but it seemed to be just a bad guy. It had something to do with the case of the attack on the prosecutor. However, all the cases prosecuted by the prosecutor did not include this prosecutor.

The prosecutor was attacked, so in theory, it was just a fake to fill in the witness list and a pawn to attract the attention of the defense.

However, Richard keenly felt that little Renault beside him seemed to be frowning.

Sirov quickly sat on the witness stand. He looked around uneasily, with a very frightened expression.

Lu Ming looked at him, "Mr. Sirov, may I ask, do you know Jeff Reno, also known as Mr. Reno Jr.?"

Sirov nodded.

"How did you meet?"

"Two years ago, I was caught cheating at the casino because I lost a bet, and I was caught by Mr. Reno Jr. Later, he gave me a sum of money and asked me to get close to Miss Nicole Hepburn's assistant and inquire about all the movements of Miss Nicole.


"Wow!" the jury was in an uproar, and they all whispered to each other.

"Objection has nothing to do with this case." Richard raised his hand.

Lu Ming looked at the judge's bench, "Your honor, I guarantee that the witness's confession has a great relationship with this case!"

Judge Demps looked at Lu Ming and thought for a moment, "Get to the point as soon as possible!"

Lu Ming turned to Sirov again, "Mr. Sirov, is the Miss Nicole Hepburn you are talking about the movie star who just announced her termination from Renault Pictures not long ago?"

"Yes." Sirov nodded.

Although I had just guessed that it was the famous celebrity Nicole, there was still a commotion in the auditorium and jury box.

"What did you do with the money and facilities provided by Mr. Reno Jr.?"

"I tracked down Miss Nicole's assistant and became boyfriend and girlfriend with her. Then, I reported Miss Nicole's movements to Mr. Renault."

"Recently, something happened that made you very uneasy?"

"Yes, two months ago, Mr. Renault asked me to find out why Miss Nicole did not renew her contract and find out what she really thought. A month ago, he also ordered me to record all of Miss Nicole's itinerary

I reported to him every day, and not long after that, the attack on Miss Nicole happened."

There was even more uproar in the auditorium and jury box.

Lu Ming nodded: "I was also present when Miss Nicole was attacked. She happened to hitchhike with me, and then she was attacked by sixteen armed thugs. Fortunately, my bodyguards were strong enough, otherwise, Miss Nicole

The fragrance has faded away and the jade has died."

The auditorium and jury box were in chaos.

The attack on Lu Ming and Nicole was suppressed by the prosecutor's office and not much was reported by the media. Even well-informed people, who knew that Nicole had been assassinated by a gunman, did not know the details.

Richard raised his hand: "I think that based solely on the confession of a gambler, the prosecutor hinted that my client was responsible for the attack on Miss Nicole. This is very unethical behavior. The prosecutor is very unprofessional.

It also makes the testimony of Witness No. 53 suggestive of bias, and I request the court to revoke the testimony of Witness No. 53."

Judge Demps nodded and said to Lu Ming: "Your questioning method has crossed the line." Turning around, he wanted to tell the jury that the conversation between the prosecutor and the witness just now was cancelled. The jurors should pretend that they did not hear this.


"Your Honor, I still have a witness who needs to be summoned. It was also this morning that I just persuaded to appear in court to testify. I request your Honor to allow her to appear in court. Her confession is very relevant to that of Witness No. 53. Only

Only after listening to the confessions of both of them can we have a clearer understanding of this case. I ask your honor to give all jurors the opportunity to understand the truth!"

Without waiting for Richard to object, Judge Dempsey waved, and both Lu Ming and Richard came to the bench.

"What new witness?" Dempsey looked at Lu Ming and said in a stern tone, "Besides, are you inciting the jurors' emotions to put pressure on me?!"

"She is the mistress of the mob leader who attacked Nicole. She just agreed to testify today. She is strongly related to testimony No. 53 and has a direct role in revealing the key issues in this case. Your Honor, you have no reason not to listen.

Her testimony! Even if my new evidence is not what I said, you can punish me, but you can't refuse my new witness's testimony now."

"If you refuse her to testify in court, I will file a complaint against you and request that the presiding judge be changed. I heard that you had dinner with old Reno last night!"

Lu Ming looked at Judge Dempsey quietly, his eyes firm.

Richard was slightly startled. Ever since the trial began, this young man seemed to have turned a blind eye to the judge's deliberate attempts to make things difficult.

Is that because the previous few lessons are not very important to him? From now on, he will get to the main topic?

Richard suddenly felt a little uneasy. He had never felt this way since he took on this case.

Moreover, Dempsey and old Renault had dinner together yesterday? He didn't even know it. They were completely concealed. How did this young man know?

"Sir Renault is not a suspect. It was just an accidental encounter with him when I dined with him. There is no violation of regulations!" Dempsey looked at Lu Ming coldly, "If you threaten me again, I will find you in contempt of court and put you in jail immediately.


Then, he sat upright and said, "Allow the prosecution's new witness to appear in court!"

Soon, a blond girl wearing avant-garde clothes took the witness stand.

"Miss Amanda, may I ask, do you know Bill Marcus? Also known as Iron Mountain?"

The girl nodded slightly: "Yes, I am his mistress."

Lu Ming looked at the jury, "This Mr. Biller is one of the backbones of White Rose No. 4. According to the confessions of the captured persons, he was involved in 11 murders. However, he and his

My companion was shot dead by my bodyguard when he attacked Miss Nicole."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Amanda sighed softly, "I know, he is not a good person."

"Then why are you with him?"

"Life forces me!" Amanda shook her head, "Moreover, he is also very good to me. Few people know my existence, including his closest friends. He said that neither he nor his friends are good people.

If one day he lies dead on the street, maybe I will be in danger, but if no one knows about me, I will be safe."

Lu Ming nodded, thinking that you are quite difficult to find. More than a dozen thugs have found many family members, but none of them have discovered your existence. What is even more surprising is that from the discovery of your existence to Richard's frank defense

It was the day that the strategy finally found you and convinced you to testify about the mental disorder of Little Leno.

It's also because it hit an angle that the other party couldn't even imagine.

Young Renault hid the secret of killing Nicole from Bill and others, let alone Richard.

He thought that if Biller and others were all dead, there would be no trouble.

Therefore, no matter how thorough Richard's plan was, he never expected that Nicole's attack would appear out of nowhere.

Naturally, there was no great fanfare in searching for relatives and friends of Biller and others.

From a certain perspective, such omissions should be regarded as evil outweighing good. In such a big case, it is always more difficult to conceal the crime than to reveal it.

"When was the last time Biller saw you?"

"On the morning of his death, he asked me to go to his house. He was depressed. I had never seen him in such a low mood. He talked to me a lot. He said that he might cause a huge disaster and soon

Maybe, the ending will be very tragic, because someone originally asked him to scare the big star Miss Nicole, but little Mr. Reno gave him a lot of money and asked him to kill Miss Nicole. And killing Miss Nicole was like that

The big shot is different from the people he killed before, and it is impossible to hide it. If the police find any clues, he thinks that Mr. Reno will kill him in advance."

"Objection, hearsay evidence!" Richard frowned and raised his hands.

"Mr. Reno, I was there when I went to give the money. That was that morning. I remember it very clearly. It was also the day Miss Nicole was attacked, and it was also the day he...he died. That day was September 2nd. I

I was listening to his sad farewell at his home. Mr. Reno Jr. went there. Biller hid me in the closet. Mr. Reno Jr. didn't know my existence, but through the gap in the closet, I saw with my own eyes that Mr. Reno gave him money and returned the money.

She patted his face and said, if Nicole doesn’t die today, Biller will be the one who dies tomorrow!”

Amanda looked at little Reno, "I will never forget the terrifying look on his face when he said those words."

The jury was numb, and bombshells were dropped one after another, leaving people at a loss.

Some jurors were frightened when they saw the terrifying look in Little Leno's eyes at Amanda.

Of course, only a few jurors saw it, and little Reno quickly lowered his head.

"Your Honor, given that the prosecution's new evidence is a surprise attack, the defense needs time to study and prepare. I beg your Honor to adjourn the court and give the defense sufficient preparation time to ensure the fairness of this lawsuit!" Richard stood up and said

Obviously he is a little confused, and he wants to spend more time to clarify his thoughts and study the prosecution, or in other words, this young man's strategy.

The attack on the prosecutor suddenly turned into the attack on the famous star Nicole.

Is Junior Leno the mastermind?

But unfortunately, the prosecutor did not use the case of Nicole's attack to prosecute Little Leno.

What is happening now is that the prosecution's breakthrough point is not at all in its preparations, and it seems that the prosecution has not launched an attack on what it has focused on preparing.

Lu Ming looked at the judge's bench: "Actually, in court, I am not trying to prove that little Renault was the mastermind behind the attack on Miss Nicole, so the defense does not need to prepare anything."

"What I want to say is that from the time she paid a gangster to enter Miss Nicole's life and learned about Miss Nicole's movements, to when Miss Nicole refused to renew her contract, she turned to that gangster and asked Miss Nicole every day.

trip, and then Miss Nicole’s attack happened.”

"There's Miss Amanda again, who proves that Mr. Reno gave money to the leader of the thugs who attacked Miss Nicole, and personally confessed that he wanted Miss Nicole's life."

Lu Ming looked at the jurors, "Of course, if the charge we prosecute is that Mr. Renault was the mastermind of the attack on Miss Nicole, then the benefit of doubt will be given to the defendant. There may be some flaws in the evidence chain.

, but some courts, I believe, are enough to convict little Reno."

"But here, I am not asking you to convict Reno Jr. as the mastermind of the attack on Miss Nicole."

"Rather, according to the defense psychiatrist Walker, as well as the recent popular science by experts and scholars on various mental illnesses in newspapers, we can know that mentally ill patients are incapable of organizing and planning group crimes with a clear mind."

"Mr. Walker, it took only a dozen days to come to the conclusion that Mr. Reno Jr. committed the murder in a hallucination."

"Just because, when some music comes on, and there is a straw, Mr. Reno Jr. will pick up a knife and chop it up? I think there will be hundreds of people in Reno Pictures who are more psychotic than Mr. Reno Jr.,

There are also many actors with good acting skills!”

There were jurors who couldn't help but laugh.

Richard frowned and stood up: "Objection, I don't think Mr. Walker's professionalism should be insulted like this."

Lu Ming nodded: "Of course Mr. Walker is very professional, but with mental illness, the patient's level of cognition is sometimes very vague. It does not mean that the patient is completely unaware of what he is doing. If I read the newspaper recently,

There’s all the popular science.”

Richard frowned, why have these newspapers had the opposite effect recently?

Then he suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Ming. Did this guy do everything on purpose? He kept pretending to be dead in court just to make some elements of mental illness more clear in newspaper discussions?

After all, he did not ask the jurors to isolate themselves from outside information, and the prosecutor also did not make this request.

External public opinion is extremely favorable to the defense, and of course it will not take the initiative to request that the jurors be isolated from the outside world.

But the prosecutor never made this request, which was very strange to him.

Yes, on purpose?

Is this guy actually controlling the progress of the case?

Are they exactly the same as those cases he fought before? In fact, they were all under control from beginning to end?

At that time, when I saw several cases he fought, I was still laughing at his opponents, and I was in a urn without realizing it.

But if you really fight him, you obviously already attach great importance to him, but you still fall into his trap?

Lu Ming ignored what Richard was thinking and continued: "Even if little Renault has mental problems, he must have been completely unaware of anything when he killed people?"

"Does he really not know that he has killed someone? Every time, Booker and his henchmen concealed it very well? If Mr. Reno knew that he had killed someone, why did he never surrender?"

"Mr. Reno, doesn't he know anything about sleeping with his brain in his hands? Why has he never sought psychiatric treatment?"

Lu Ming looked at the jury and said seriously: "According to our laws, in fact, psychiatric experts do not have authority in court to identify whether a mentally ill patient was really in a state of hallucination during the murder.

Rather, it requires you to listen, think, and judge. Here, there is no issue of the benefit of the doubt accruing to the defendant."

"Similarly, the testimonies of the two witnesses corroborate each other and can prove that the defendant committed a terrorist attack that was impossible to organize and plan while in a mentally ill state. Here, I am not asking you to accuse the defendant of planning the attack on Nicole.

Guilty, too, without the benefit of doubt accruing to the defendant.”

"Rather, I ask you to open your eyes and judge impartially. Based on the evidence of both the prosecution and the defense, is little Renault a mental patient or not?"

"I think everyone will come to the same conclusion."

"Some media think that I am keeping an eye on the defendant. In fact, that is not the case. All I want is the truth."

"If these two witnesses gave perjury under my instigation, then I will end up very miserable, and you all understand this."

"Okay, let's take a step back. Suppose that when Mr. Reno is sick, he will join a group of thugs to kill people who have nothing to do with him, and when he is not sick, he will secretly plan to get rid of people who don't like him.

, and, for someone like the big star Nicole, he will kill you just because he doesn’t want to renew his contract!”

"He still sleeps with his brain in his arms."

"Isn't such a person more terrifying?"

"The crime of endangering public safety in the first degree is exactly the crime set for such people. Fortunately, as one of the ancient prosecution crimes, it has not been completely abolished."

"Objection, the prosecution..." Richard stood up, wanting to object to this guy's usual closing statement during the trial.

We also object to the prosecution's repeated claim that it did not ask the jury to convict Leno Jr. of planning to attack Nicole. However, every sentence in the statement that Leno Jr. hired a murderer to attack Nicole is an ironclad fact.

But even if I object to it, I feel like it's a mouthful, and even if I object, it won't change anything in essence.

Looking at the jurors, many are thinking about Lu Ming's words.

Isn't it really scary enough to kill people from Middle-earth while in a psychotic state, and hire a dozen thugs to kill one of the most famous stars in the Western world while awake?

Still sleeping with my brains in my hands...

Richard suddenly felt very regretful, as if some things he had done too much were too much.

This chapter has been completed!
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