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Chapter 149 On the Importance of Understanding Regulatory Documents

 "Well, the response has been good."

Looking at the latest poll results, Lu Ming nodded.

For voters in the community, slogans such as social justice are obviously not as good as tangible benefits. Community cafeterias are still very tempting.

In one fell swoop, Cao Ying was opened up by 5 points.

After thinking for a while, "Let's get this started now."

Master Gong was stunned when he heard this, "Boss, you still have to be cautious about this." For the first time, he opposed Lu Ming's opinion.

"This painted cake certainly looks delicious, but if it were actually made, everyone's taste would be different, and it wouldn't be as beautiful as it looks."

Lu Ming nodded and understood what Mr. Gong meant. In fact, if a community canteen is actually launched, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no problems in the initial stage of operation. Let alone the actual launch, it is just preliminary planning, address, etc., who will block the light. ?Who is affected by walking? These are all problems.

"Besides, the boss is always very efficient when doing things. If by accident, the cake is made before the dice cup is removed, then what use is there for the person making the cake?" Master Gong tried his best to consider his words. explain.

Lu Ming smiled: "Don't worry, Old Gong, we still have a better pie chart to hang up. Now we start building this canteen to tell voters that we have never been a mere fancier. We will definitely fulfill our campaign promises. One point is very important. Many politicians talk a lot of good things off the stage, but when they get on stage, they shirk their promises in various ways. We don't do this, just to tell the voters that we are really doing things."

After a pause, he said, "Besides, this community canteen is also a business. It doesn't lose money. Although it doesn't make much money, it just needs to maintain a balance of income and expenditure."

Master Gong immediately smiled and said: "When the boss said it, I immediately became enlightened. The boss is a great wise man, and we are all smart. Of course we listen to the boss."

Murong Xue was speechless.

Lu Ming looked at her: "Oh, there is also a TV debate. Kunlun Station has officially invited me and Cao Ying, right?"

Murong Xue said: "Yes, the initial date is the second week of December. The specific day depends on your and Cao Ying's schedule."

There is still one month left for the TV debate. By that time, the campaign has come to an end, and we have generally figured out how the election will be. This TV debate may turn the tide for the laggards, or it may be the one that crushes the laggards. The last straw.

Because the fourth week of December is the voting day for local council elections.

The results will be available after the voting day. The fifth week will be the transition period, the review of the voting results, handovers by councilors, etc. Then, it will be the New Year. People will celebrate the New Year peacefully, and local councilors will follow their usual routine. On December 30 of the election year, a new municipal committee is elected. The municipal committee of the Tokai Region is elected by the regional council on January 1, the second day of the local committee election.

For Beiguan, it does not involve the election of district councilors, because there is only one quota for district councilors in Beiguan, which is the chief member of the municipal committee, and he will also automatically become the district councilor representing Beiguan.

This is the case in each satellite town. There is only one regional council member, who is concurrently served by the chief member of the municipal committee.

As for the eight districts in the urban area, the number of district councilors varies. There are more than 70 people in total, and most of them are elected.

Lu Ming pondered this information and said, "I'll go see Mr. Qing later and meet with some members of the party."

Master Gong sighed: "Thank you for your hard work, boss!"

Outside, someone knocked lightly on the door, "Purser, are you there?"

Murong Xue heard the voice of a campaign officer and felt a little strange. She opened the door and talked to the person for a few words. When she came back, her pretty face was gloomy, "Boss, someone reported you to the election committee. The election committee called the office."

I called and asked you to go for a hearing at three o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't say who reported it or the content of the report."

Mr. Gong immediately frowned. Generally speaking, the election committee requires the party being reported to undergo a hearing to explain that he or she has some recognition of the content of the report and is more likely to believe that it is fact. Only then will the hearing process be entered.


Lu Ming nodded: "Okay, you go ahead and concentrate on your work. Don't worry, it should be fine."

Needless to say, it is probably the people on Bucklow's side who are going to start causing trouble.

Donghai's Election Supervision Committee is an independent organization. In June of the election year, it is convened by the Duke's "Privy Council". Of course, this "Privy Council" is an organization in name only, and several of the so-called privy ministers in it are idle.


When an election supervision committee is established, the "Privy Council" is only in the name of the convener and notary.

The origins of the committee members are very complicated. They used to be mostly celebrities, but now there are more media practitioners.

Legally, any adult citizen of Donghai can self-recommend to join the Election Supervision Committee.

Basically, they are randomly generated from self-recommended people according to a certain proportion of status and occupation, similar to a lottery draw.

The proportion of media practitioners should account for half.

After the Donghai Election Supervision Committee is formed, boundary committee members will be dispatched to each district to form a local election supervision committee.

The Beiguan Election Supervision Committee is composed of five boundary committee members, which can also be called the boundary committee.

Its office is very simple, located in a temporarily rented indoor and outdoor suite in a small hotel. The phone number of the suite is published to the public, and it is the reporting hotline. Anyone who involves election irregularities, fraud, etc. can report to it.

In addition, the political donations and sources received by the parliamentary candidates in each constituency of Beiguan must be reported to the Boundary Commission every month.

Lu Ming is now sitting in this simple little hotel, among a circle of border committee members.

These five boundary committee members have all been announced, and Lu Ming naturally knows where they are coming from.

Generally speaking, boundary committee members have a system of avoidance. None of these five committee members are from Beiguan.

Four men and one woman, four of them have some connection with the media, including one freelance writer, two reporters, a producer of a TV political topic column, and the fifth one is a free citizen.

Boundary commissioners who are free citizens are required for every boundary commission, and they account for 20% of the entire election supervision committee system in the East China Sea.

Free citizen committee members need to be well-educated, but their annual income cannot be higher than 1.5 times the average income of Donghai, nor can they be government employees.

For example, the Free Citizen Border Commissioner who came to Beiguan was an employee of a trading company in Xinfa District, named Li Zhongliang.

Of course, the five of them are quite young, and they are not the kind who are on the front line.

At the same time, the boundary commissioner has the privilege that when exercising the powers of the boundary commissioner, the original employer may not terminate the employee for any reason.

Salaries are temporarily paid by the council, but jobs need to be preserved for them.

Basically, the committee runs for exactly half a year.

From July to the end of the election.

Now, these five committee members were sitting in a half circle, and Lu Ming was sitting on the single sofa in front of them.

"Candidate Lu Qianxing, I have three questions that require your explanation."

"First point, on November 8, that is, yesterday, around 5 p.m., did you instigate someone to beat a person named Zhang Xiaoya?"

The female committee member who spoke was probably in her fifties. Lu Ming had read her information. Her surname was Zhou, and her name was Zhou Lienu. She was a senior reporter for Donghai Pioneer News.

The status of the boundary committee members is the same, but it is obvious that reporter Zhou is sharp-tongued and resolute, and has become the leader.

"Zhang Xiaoya?" When the other party asked, Lu Ming knew of course that it was Dog Ya, and he couldn't help but smile, "This name is quite graceful."

"Candidate Lu Qianxing, I hope you will be more serious. What you are facing are three very serious accusations!" Reporter Zhou frowned.

Lu Ming was full of surprise, "This committee member Zhou? Does it have anything to do with you whether I hit him or not? If you want to destroy my reputation and ruin my election, Dog Ya is Zhang Xiaoya. He can break the news to the media and let the media expose it.

I'm a thug who beats people up and makes voters hate me."

"Moreover, if he thinks that I have broken the law, he can report the case and let the police handle it to see if they want to file a case against me."

"So, does it have anything to do with you? You are the Election Supervision Committee? Not the Ethics Supervision Committee. Don't you understand this?"

"You can only raise objections to my irregularities during the election. Moreover, if you want to revoke my candidacy, you have to report it to the General Assembly, not your Boundary Commission for decision!"

"The questions you are asking now have crossed the line! If you ask me similar questions again, I will complain to the higher committee!"

"Or, we can file a lawsuit against you in court for many reasons. It affects the fair election process, hurts my self-confidence, and hurts my feelings. At worst, it wastes my time. I know how much time I have.

Is it valuable?”

Lu Ming shook his head: "I usually talk a lot, do you know how much I charge?"

"In addition, you five are boundary committee members? Now I have doubts about your qualifications and abilities. Do you have a deep understanding of the terms that election committee members must abide by?"

Reporter Zhou's face turned red and white, and he gritted his teeth, "Candidate Lu Qianxing..."

Lu Ming waved his hand: "Let's move on to the next question. My time is limited. Also, if it's a similar question, I advise you not to ask it. You'll really get into trouble!"

After glancing around, the other four boundary committee members all looked a little embarrassed. It seemed that they probably did not agree with calling themselves in for a hearing.

Reporter Zhou gritted his teeth and turned to the next page, "Second question..." Suddenly, he turned to the next page, "Third question, in the details of political donations you declared, what is Fila Petroleum?

B*Fila donated 300,000 yuan. What is your relationship with him? He is not from Donghai. Fila Petroleum only has an office in Donghai and does not have any subsidiary in Beiguan. So, why?

He wants to donate such a large amount to you? Are you hiding your interest relationship with him and not repaying it?"

Lu Ming frowned, "I need to think about this carefully."

Reporter Zhou's eyes flashed with joy, but his face was serious and cold, "You have to understand that here, you need to answer every question honestly..."

Lu Ming had already waved his hand, "Maybe, he loves me, right?" He stood up, "But, it's none of your business?! You suspect that I have a dishonest declaration of interests, and if you want to use this to attack me, you should first come up with it

Is the evidence good? You can’t imagine out of thin air that I’m dishonest! It’s like there’s something wrong with my brain!”

Pointing at them, "You guys, just wait to be replaced!"

He turned around and walked out.

A few people were left looking at each other.

Reporter Zhou suddenly pushed all the documents, papers and pens on the table to the ground like crazy, lay down on the table, and burst into tears.

Without a word of howling, he stood up suddenly, picked up a hard folder, and smashed it on the table, cursing something in his mouth.

The other four committee members were dumbfounded. They usually treated her like treasures, but now they had lost such a big face and were humiliated like this. Thinking about it, they were really going crazy with the aggrievedness.

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