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Chapter 160 Legal Rights

In the conference room, Lu Ming listened intently to the statement of lawyer Smith across from him.

Cao Ying, a handsome man in his early forties, with the same calm demeanor, sat next to Smith. When Smith spoke more intensely, he would pat Smith on the shoulder to ask Smith to stay calm.

Michael Smith, a barrister from Johnson-Smith-Stewart, fought against Lu Ming in the Baoyin Bank case. He was the attorney representing the plaintiff, Chairman Bi Hanting, at the time.

Obviously, Cao Ying attached great importance to the lawyer's letter sent by Lu Ming. To take action, he found Donghai or the top law firm in the empire. The person who personally represented the lawsuit was Sixth Degree Barrister Smith.

Smith also represents the school.

In other words, the responsibilities of Cao Ying and the school will not be separated, and they will advance and retreat together.

Although a lawsuit with a claim amount of 600,000 yuan is definitely worthy of a heavyweight lawyer like Smith, and the entire law firm will fully support it and shift its focus to this super big case.

But judging from the facts of this case, it is obvious that the other party is very open-minded. This is a lawsuit worth thousands or even hundreds of dollars.

How much is the entire St. Anton High School worth?

However, Smith still came in person because the person who sent the lawyer's letter was named Lu Qianxing.

In Lu Ming's lawyer's letter, the responsibility he needs to bear in suing Cao Ying and Cao Ying is that the "Fair Education Plan" launched by him and Principal Anderson seriously discriminated against local students in Donghai and harmed the interests of local students in Donghai.

Moreover, a schoolboy named Gary Williams lost the educational resources he deserved, suffered a heavy blow to his self-confidence due to this kind of discrimination, gave up on himself, and became addicted to drugs. The responsibility for all this should be borne by Ander.

Principal Anderson and Cao Ying bear the responsibility respectively. Principal Anderson's actions represent the St. Anton School and need to bear most of the responsibility. Cao Ying bears a small part of the responsibility.

Smith's point of view is that as a private school, St. Anton's Middle School does not need to follow the guidelines of public schools. Private schools have the right to screen students according to any standards and have the right to reject any students who do not meet the admission standards of St. Anton's Middle School, and

, no need to give any reason.

Catherine was beside her and felt dizzy when she heard it. She never thought that it was just her nephew going to school in name.

Suddenly a huge compensation of hundreds of thousands was involved, causing a fierce collision between the two top law firms in the East China Sea.

Although Lu Qianxing's law firm is more than ten levels behind Johnson Smith Stewart in terms of scale and lawyer level, it seems that with Lu Qianxing, even the largest firms are facing a formidable enemy and going all out.

Is this guy so perverted?

Thinking back to when I called him a pig, I was really scared.

Fortunately, they will be relatives in the future. Catherine glanced at Jennifer sitting next to her.

"Well, private schools no longer need to follow the principles of public schools. At this time, equality is no longer talked about? Attorney Smith, is my understanding correct?"

Sitting next to Lu Ming was his eldest disciple Tong Xiao'e. She spoke softly and had no sense of strength, but inside her soft cotton fist, there might be an extremely sharp steel needle.

Smith frowned, "No, I didn't say that. I just said that many of the principles of public schools do not apply to private schools."

Tong Xiao'e nodded, "So, specifically in this case, our client Gary Williams was not admitted to St. Anton's School despite having better grades. Here, what St. Anton's School rejected is not a public school.

"Principle of equality?" The voice was weak, but pressed forward step by step.

At first, Lu Qianxing sent this trainee lawyer, who was about twenty years old, as the first plaintiff's attorney in the first round of negotiations. Smith was very angry, but he didn't expect that this little girl looked so meatless in the film.

She might cry in fear if she yelled, but it was so tight.

Private schools naturally do not need the principle of equal admission, but what happens is that St. Anton's Middle School preaches equality and tolerance all day long. As its attorney, naturally you cannot blame the school for the sake of a lawsuit. That would also seriously damage the interests of the parties involved.


Smith considered his words, "Student A is higher than your client after adding points, so there is nothing unfair about it. In addition, our client is also very sorry for what happened to Gary Williams. If he is willing

If so, we can send education experts from our school to provide him with psychological counseling and treatment. We also hope that next summer, he can take the entrance exam for special admissions in our school. This is entirely our school's sympathy under the principle of humanitarianism, not our side.

Do not think you have any responsibility."

Tong Xiao'e shrugged her delicate little nose and said seriously: "Lawyer Smith, this kind of extra points is a kind of inequality. What do you think?"

Smith frowned and wanted to say something. Cao Ying patted Smith on the shoulder and smiled slightly at Lu Ming: "Mr. Lu, I know what you want to do? Attacking me in various newspapers is false equality and hyping up this case even more. You

I just hope that I can have a TV debate with you as scheduled, but I will not let you do it. Although, I don’t think you can get the support of the majority of people in the TV debate. I believe that the citizens of Donghai and the third district

There are still more kind-hearted voters among the electorate. Giving some compensatory treatment to the poor descendants of black slaves is exactly a kind of equality, and most people will support me."

Lu Ming was originally thinking that his great apprentice would be let out to live like a wild beast for nearly half a year, but he didn't expect that he was a little too powerful.

Of course, as far as this case is concerned, I have already told her all my thoughts, including which arguments to attack the other party, my main intention, etc. I discussed it with three apprentices yesterday and explained it myself. In addition to their questions, there are three or four

Within an hour, the person who understood it best was the rich young lady Tong Xiao'e.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Just as he was thinking about it, when he heard Cao Ying talking to himself, Lu Ming raised his head and smiled: "The equality in your ideal never existed, so our society has always only demanded relative equality.

, for admission, the score line is a reference for relative equality. Those with higher scores will be admitted, and those with lower scores will be eliminated. This is a kind of relative equality. Regardless of whether the reason behind your high scores is because your family is rich and countless experts follow you.


"What you are doing now is to artificially interfere with this relative equality. This is a very dangerous behavior. I will tell you the possible harm in court. There is no problem if you don't debate with me on TV.

But I believe that when you lose this lawsuit, you will become the fastest local councilor to be impeached in the history of the East China Sea. You will also leave your name in history, which is what you have been looking forward to!"

"In the TV debate, if you listen to the real public opinion, it may make you more aware of the problem and give you a chance to change course."

Smith spread his hands: "Lawyer Lu, you are alarmist again. How can you win this lawsuit? The big deal is, we admit that St. Anton Middle School does not follow the principle of equality. As a private school, we admit the students we want to admit.

It is our legal right to eliminate students we don’t want to admit! SO, it’s as simple as that!” He gestured to the recording secretary in a green skirt. “Don’t record this sentence, and besides…” everyone in the conference room looked at him.

He glanced across his face and said, "As a speech made during secret negotiations before the trial, if anyone spreads my words, they will bear serious legal consequences."

SO, Lu Ming shook his head. This modal particle was somewhat similar to the Western language in his previous life, and the context in which it was used was also similar.

"Lawyer Lu, you don't agree with my point of view?" Smith looked at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming smiled: "If you talk about inequality, then your school's approach is illegal and violates the legal principle of equality and segregation ruled by the Supreme Court of the Federal Empire."

Smith was stunned.

Cao Ying laughed even more, "Qianxing, Qianxing, don't you know? In order to win this lawsuit, you have to support the apartheid policy?"

Lu Ming smiled: "You, an equal rights expert, can be unequal, but I support apartheid. Isn't it incredible?"

Smith pondered and whispered a few words into Cao Ying's ear, and Cao Ying nodded.

Smith stood up and said, "Lawyer Lu, it seems that we are still a long way from reaching a settlement. I hope that tomorrow, we will all make concessions and make big progress in our second round of negotiations."

Lu Ming nodded and stood up slightly, as if to send someone off. Seeing that Tong Xiao'e had already followed quickly to see a few people out of the office, he sat back down again. Now, he was really a bit lazy.

Lu Ming stroked the tie on his chest and looked sideways at Catherine and Jennifer.

Jennifer immediately lowered her head, not daring to look at Lu Ming. Originally, it was quite strange to watch the two sides bickering.

"Qian Xing, you guys talk, you guys talk!" Catherine stood up, not caring about her sister-in-law's life and death, and left quickly.

"Why are you here with her? Why are you hanging out with her? You can't learn to be a good person." Lu Ming picked up the big cigar on the table and said, "This Wang Da'an has good cigars now! Give him a rub."

Jennifer suddenly stood up, ran over two steps, sat down on the chair next to Lu Ming, reached out and took the cigar from Lu Ming's hand, making Lu Ming stunned for a while.

But I saw her pick up the small scissors in the cigar box, carefully cut off the paper and dried tobacco from the cigar's head, and then carefully lit a fire with a match. The small flames circled around the thick head of the cigar, which looked very much like that.


Lu Ming laughed: "Why, your specialty is lighting cigars!"

But looking at this innocent noble lady in a snow skirt who is extremely beautiful and cautiously trying to get her approval, I can't help but feel a little strange in my heart.

Today, Catherine was originally supposed to bring her brother and sister-in-law. It would be best if the child could also come. Who knows, the real person involved didn't arrive, so Catherine brought Jennifer instead.

Probably, her brother-in-law and nephew were a little embarrassed for her, which made her unwilling to be associated with them in public.

However, Tong Xiao'e had already met the child and Catherine's brother and sister-in-law, and what Catherine said was basically consistent with the facts, except that the child was already an out-and-out gangster.

In fact, if you think about it, this kid named Gary Williams may be a model of scum when he grows up in future generations.

But because he has made an intersection with himself through eight hundred turns, he may turn around and become a multi-millionaire by the standards of future generations.

In the past and present, as long as it is a human society, how can there be any real fairness?

Shaking his head, Lu Ming looked at Jennifer and sighed softly: "I am quite envious of you now. If you don't have so many thoughts, your life will be very easy."

Jennifer saw a lot of smoke coming out of the cigar in Lu Ming's mouth, and she lit it as expected, smiling sweetly with a sense of accomplishment.

This chapter has been completed!
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