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Chapter 16 Old and New Worlds

The laundry was actually closed. Pan Mila hired workers at first, and she was not prepared to do the cleaning, ironing, etc. by herself.

There has been no business, and the workers have been unable to receive their wages, so they have resigned. According to Wang Daan, there are still workers who are asking Pan Mila for wages.

In the laundry, the huge washing machine seemed to have been there for a while. The washing machine with clothes stuffed in the middle cylinder was somewhat similar to the large-capacity washing machines of later generations.

Panmila and her daughter lived behind the laundromat. The living room was elegantly decorated, inside and outside, and in the outside room for entertaining guests. There were beautiful blue crystal vases and bouquets of fresh roses on the glass coffee table.

Lu Ming sat down on the sofa next to the coffee table, and Pan Mira made a cup of fragrant coffee and brought it to him.

After taking a bath and changing into plush, fragrant, snow-white pajamas and pajamas, Bisi snuggled next to Lu Ming, looking like she was reluctant to let go.

"Lawyer Lu, look at this..." Pan Mila handed over a lawyer's letter and said angrily: "I was deceived by someone, and it broke after a short time of use.

I spent a lot of money on repairs, and all my savings were spent on this machine.”

"The machine was purchased from a trading company called Fengshun."

"I contacted Wang Da'an, and after communicating with Fengshun Trading Company, he told me that there was no good way."

"But a few days ago, I received this lawyer's letter. It was Fengshun Trading Company asking me to stop spreading negative remarks about them. Otherwise, they would sue me for defamation."

Lu Ming looked at the letter and frowned slightly, then thought for a moment and asked, "Do you have a contract when you buy this machine?"

"Yes, yes!" Pan Mila entered the inner room, and after a while, she took out an iron box, which was filled with various documents.

Including the contract to purchase the large washing machine, the receipts for subsequent repairs, etc.

"The contract doesn't indicate how long this machine can be used?" Lu Ming flipped through the contract.

"Yes, it was not written in the contract, but the signing representative of Fengshun Trading Company assured me that the machine could be used for at least three years."

"But Wang Da'an said that although the oral promise also has legal effect, because there was no one else around at the time, there was nothing good that Fengshun Trading Company could do if it did not admit that there was an oral promise."

As she spoke, Pan Mila sighed softly.

At this time, the phone rang on the table next to her. Pan Mila stood up gracefully, went to answer the phone, and then said: "Mr. Lu, Wang Daan is looking for you."

The call from Wang Daan said that Li Guan's office assistant had just called the law firm to inform him that Li Guan suddenly had something to do in the evening, so the agreement with lawyer Lu Qianxing could only be discussed later.

I don’t know how Wang Daan could have imagined that he might be here.

Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief. The little old lady was really not an easy person to get along with, so she didn't have to go socializing.

"Let me think about this case. It's up to you to stop badmouthing this trading company. It's of no use at all." Lu Ming shook his head helplessly as he flipped through these documents.

"Tch, who cares about them? You are guilty of being a thief!" A trace of contempt flashed in Pan Mila's eyes, "The small traders in Central Continent are all so despicable and shameless!"

Lu Ming rubbed his nose, "There are still many good people!"

Pan Mila bit her red lips but didn't refute him.

Lu Ming turned to look at Bisi, "From now on, don't go to work or anything like that. You are still young, study hard! Adults have to worry about adult matters."

Bisi's little head shrank behind Lu Ming, listening to Lu Ming's words, she secretly looked at her mother's face.

Obviously, she knew that if Uncle Lu was not here, she would have to deal with it. It had been a mess today, and her mother would definitely get angry when there were no outsiders.

Lu Ming looked at Pan Mila again, "Bisi is quite sensible. Don't blame her. On the other hand, it's not a long-term solution for you to guard this laundry." If he wanted to say anything else, he felt that it would be difficult to explain the meaning of the words.

, stood up: "Okay, I'm leaving!"

He said to Bisi: "I live upstairs. You are welcome to come and play at any time. There is a sister upstairs. You can keep her company when you have nothing to do."

"Uncle, I want to go now." Bi Si also jumped off the sofa, her little white socks feet quickly stuffed into the plush slippers, but she grabbed Lu Ming's hand and refused to let go.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Pan Mila's charming blue eyes immediately turned into a majestic gaze that frightened her daughter.

Lu Ming smiled: "Let her go. She must have been frightened these past two days. She doesn't seem to have many friends. Her sister upstairs also doesn't have many friends. I think they can play together." Zhen's

Her mental age is probably not much different from Bisi's.

Pan Mila hesitated for a moment and asked, "Has that disgusting fat man moved away?"

Lu Ming smiled: "My family lives upstairs now. Oh, I bought this small building."

Pan Mila was startled, then nodded slightly and said, "Your wife is here too? From a polite point of view, I should also visit." She said to Bisi, "You go first, I'll bake some pumpkin pie and bring it with you."

Bisi cheered, and Lu Ming smiled and said, "Don't be too polite." You know, this is the tradition of Westerners welcoming their neighbors, giving them some desserts or something.

When Pan Mila came up with a large plate of pumpkin cakes, Zhen and Bisi were watching the TV with great interest. It was a soap opera with a lot of snowflakes, and the picture quality was unbearable in the previous life.

But Zhen Shi and Bi Si watched it with gusto. Both of them had very low points of laughter, unlike Lu Ming who had been bombarded with all kinds of comedy gags and funny jokes in his previous life.

Bisi giggled non-stop, and sometimes she even laughed so much that she got into Zhen's arms, and Zhen would also purse her lips and chuckle from time to time.

Lu Ming looked helpless. Two fools were making silly moves on the screen. Is it that funny?

However, it feels very satisfying to see Zhen and Bisi become like sisters in a short period of time.

Mrs. Zhen is very wary of outsiders, but obviously Bisi, a little girl, makes her feel that there is no threat and she can get along with her at ease.

In the future, when she is gone, Zhen will not be so lonely, and they will look after each other.

Pan Mila brought pumpkin cakes, and even Zhen didn't hear the sound. Lu Ming went to open the door.

Lu Ming coughed and said, "Hanzhu, come here, this is Mrs. Pan Mila, Bisi's mother, who lives downstairs and is our neighbor."

Mrs. Zhen shouted, stood up hurriedly, walked over quickly, stood next to Lu Ming, gave Pan Mila a slight blessing, secretly looked at Lu Ming's face, and whispered: "I've lost my mind, please don't be angry."

Pan Mila was a little surprised at first. Isn't this Mrs. Lu too stunning, beautiful and charming? Wearing this traditional Central Asian costume on her makes her look like a fairy coming out of a classical painting, charming and gorgeous.

The skirt and beautiful face reflected the color around her. Even a woman couldn't help but admire her when she saw her. Is there such a beauty in the world?

I was about to compliment Mrs. Lu on how beautiful she is, but after listening to Zhen's words and looking into Lu Ming's green eyes, I felt a hint of contempt.

Lu Ming was helpless, knowing that Pan Mira thought Zhen was his concubine from Zhen's words.

Westerners are monogamous, and they regard some customs that Central Asians still retain as bad habits, and they are very uncomfortable with them.

Lu Ming rubbed his nose, as if he suddenly returned to the 21st century, the scene where cheating and philandering were despised.

"Come on, come in and sit down!" Lu Ming said as he walked: "Hanzhu, I just ordered a few dishes. You can watch your TV and don't worry about anything. I'll talk to Mrs. Pan Mila about some serious business."

Zhen nodded lightly, but after Lu Ming and Pan Mira went to the balcony, she still made some fragrant tea and brought it to them.

"In your dispute with Fengshun Trading Company, I'm thinking that they can make some compensation, but the amount shouldn't be a lot..."

Pan Mila's blue eyes lit up, "Then please help me issue a lawyer's letter to stop them from harassing me!" Obviously, this matter was too hot. Not only was she deceived, but she was also threatened by the other party's lawyer's letter. It was really unprecedented.

Humiliating, but despite this, she did not use too harsh words.

Lu Ming nodded, "However, even if the other party pays a few dollars, I'm afraid it won't be able to maintain your current life for too long. Bisi went to an aristocratic school in Beiguan, right? Also, your rent is coming soon.

It's due, I see you have a telephone downstairs, the monthly rent is quite high..."

Pan Mila was silent and nodded slightly: "Even if I can lose some money, I have to pay back the arrears of wages to the former workers first. Can you give me some grace for my rent?"

If it were someone from Central China, Pan Mila wouldn't ask for permission anyway. That would be too disrespectful. But for some reason, the young man in front of her seemed to make some requests to him, and she didn't feel that she was losing face. It was like,

This young man was originally in a higher position.

Perhaps it was because he had just helped her and solved a huge problem for her, which made her feel less strong mentally.

Lu Ming nodded: "The rent is easy to negotiate, but to be honest, I don't think it is necessary to continue opening this laundry."

Pan Mila lowered her head and said nothing.

That's what business is like. No matter how much you lose money, you still have hope in your business, but if it's all over, you'll lose everything and there'll be no chance for you to make a comeback.

"Miss Pan Mila, it's like this. I have a job opportunity that I would like to offer you. Be my personal assistant. How about giving you a monthly salary of 80 yuan? All holidays are normal."

Pan Mila immediately raised her head and looked at Lu Ming in surprise, her deep blue eyes a little wary.

Lu Ming said: "It's like this, I just registered a technology company, and I need someone I trust to help me keep an eye on it, mainly to help apply for patents or buy and sell patents. Don't worry, you don't have to make any decisions. It's valuable.

I will personally receive the guests, and all you have to do is leave their information, and I will select valuable guests myself."

As he spoke, Lu Ming thought to himself, of course he hired her not because she was "trustworthy", but because of her status as a Western noblewoman.

Those customers, when they see that there are Westerners in the employees of this technology company, especially a Western beauty with a very aristocratic and supermodel level, they will naturally think highly of their own company and will be more interested in their own company.

Have confidence, even if your company seems small.

Moreover, with Pan Mila's knowledge and experience, at this stage, among the clerks who would apply for a job in a small new company like mine, there is no one better than her.

Apart from being ungrounded, there is nothing wrong with Pamela, and new technology companies really don’t need to be grounded.

You will be exposed to the latest technological products and ideas.

"I want to think about it..." Pan Mila subconsciously wanted to refuse, but she wanted to adopt a tactful approach.

It was already hard for her to accept working for others, let alone working for people from Central China. That was ridiculous, especially for her who came from a noble family.

Lu Ming took out the Snow Dragon Phantom's car keys and said with a smile: "If you agree, you can drive this car, whether it's in or out, or when visiting guests, it can be regarded as the face of our company."

Pan Mila was stunned, looking at the car key with her deep blue eyes, which seemed a little strange.

Obviously, jewelry and supercars are fatally attractive to women, unless they are non-human beings like Zhen who have been completely brainwashed.

"Actually, you can try it out first. I also have a one-month trial period for you. If we agree, we will come, and if we don't, we will leave, right?"

Pan Mila shook her head, "Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry, I refuse! If you don't want to help me anymore, then I won't blame you. You have already helped me and Bisi a lot, and I will find a way."

I'm repaying you, but I'm not working for you, because you didn't assess my ability at all, and you used a luxury car to seduce me, which made me very uneasy. I don't know what your real intention is in hiring me."

Lu Ming was startled for a moment, then smiled. It seemed that he had misunderstood that he had some bad intentions. Westerners also speak very directly.

"Okay, but we are still neighbors upstairs and downstairs. Just pretend that I didn't say that since I agreed to your lawsuit, I won't break my promise." I don't bother to explain that it's not what you think, and the explanation is useless.

Means nothing.

Moreover, I had a little more respect for the Western beauty in front of me. Thinking that I had just taken the car keys, it only increased the misunderstanding.

She didn't think much about it, she just felt that driving was too tiring and she urgently needed a driver. Pan Mila thought that it would be much more convenient to have a luxury car to pick up and drop off her daughter, which would be a good thing for her. Moreover, she drove this car to receive guests.

Something like that is more valuable.

But she didn't expect that she was misunderstood and thought that she was trying to seduce her with a luxury car, so she refused even more firmly. Although it was funny, she couldn't help but respect her a little more.

Of course, there is no need to explain. Many things may become more misunderstood the more they are explained.

At this time, the doorbell rang, and listening to the voice, it was the dinner party.

The meals are sumptuous.

Duck taro wedges, Zhang's crab meat box, braised chalcedony, partridge and three treasures, etc., six dishes and one soup, all are local famous dishes, full of color, flavor and flavor, which will make people lick their fingers after seeing them.

Thanks to Zhen's enthusiastic efforts, Pan Mila and Bi Si also stayed.

Pan Mila behaved very elegantly and tasted slowly with a knife and fork. Bisi did the same, holding a small knife and fork and eating slowly in small bites. Although she seemed to want to gobble it up, she also imitated her mother and tasted bit by bit.

It looks very cute.

Mrs. Zhen was even more so. All her thoughts were on serving Lu Ming, and she only tasted a few green vegetables.

Looking at these three, Lu Ming felt a little helpless. The meal was not lively at all, and there was no atmosphere of eating and drinking.

However, it seems that I have only tasted a few flavors.

No one spoke, only the slight sound of the knife and fork hitting the plate.

I think to outsiders, these four of them are all the same kind of people.

"Miss Zhen, are you still used to living here? I don't know if I can ask you to go shopping in the future?" Pan Mila broke the silence at the dinner table.

"I don't like shopping." Zhen smiled gently.

Pan Mila looked at her deeply and said with a smile: "Then I will help you arrange for someone from the department store to come to your door for service. Mr. Lu is very rich, so you don't have to save money for him."

Mrs. Zhen nodded lightly: "That's okay. I can choose some fabrics and make some new clothes for you."

Pan Mila was immediately speechless, thinking to herself that if a department store comes to your door, you must choose ready-made clothes. You have already paid the door-to-door service fee, why do you care about saving money on making clothes?

However, Mrs. Zhen was already happy and asked Lu Ming: "Master, can I have someone bring me some cloth?" Of course she was not trying to save money. She had never had any idea about money since she was a child. Naturally, her master

The best man in the world, what does money mean to him?

Lu Ming smiled and said to himself that you two are like chickens and ducks, completely different people from two different worlds and two different ways of thinking.

It would be fun if you made friends.

This chapter has been completed!
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