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Chapter 5 The Price

 Not only in Beiguan, but also in most districts and towns in Donghai, the municipal committee offices in the city hall are very small. For a long time, the official level has encouraged municipal committee members to solve their own office problems privately. Generally speaking, municipal committee members run for elections. The political donations raised by congressmen and remaining after the election can also be used to pay for their legitimate work expenses after being elected.

And in the final analysis, whether the municipal commissioners work in the city hall or not has no impact on the operation of the entire municipal organization.

Lu Ming did the same thing. After walking around in his office in the city hall, he went back home. In the office of the city hall, only the affairs officer Li Zhongliang stayed behind.

Because this municipal committee member, or deputy mayor, is really a supervisor to a large extent. When you find a problem in the municipal agency where you are divided, you are the chief supervisor and can solve the problem vigorously and resolutely. .

But usually, there is no need for you to do anything.

For example, this is the case with the legal office that you are in charge of. It runs well without you, and there is no place for you to interfere. The direct superiors of the administrative officers are the chairman of the office. They don’t know who you are, and they don’t need to know you. Who is it? He is the chairman of the Legal Affairs Office. When he faces you, it is not like a subordinate facing a superior.

After all, the appointment and dismissal of the heads of these administrative agencies is decided by the entire municipal council, not any individual member.

He just needs to know where the power in his hands comes from.

Historically, only the chief committee member was the one with the real authority to appoint and remove the heads of administrative agencies.

There has never been a chief member who could not control the entire municipal committee.

Even if the youngest municipal committee member in the history of Donghai and even the Empire appears in Beiguan, people may not buy your account.

Because running for election is different from step-by-step promotion. If it is a step-by-step promotion system, if you are in a high position at a young age, everyone will be afraid of you. But running for election is different. You don’t know how you stand out this time. By the next election, , I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe, if a scandal comes out, you will be in danger.

However, Lu Ming felt that when he came downstairs from the city hall, the political affairs officers he met along the way were still a little intimidated by him. They were all well-informed people, and they might know more or less that he, the municipal committee member, should not look at him. You are young, but you are not just a fake person, just relying on nepotism.

Although, around the Chinese New Year, there was a vague rumor that he was Justice Christine's plaything and that it was Justice Christine who forced him to this position.

Even though she had won many lawsuits in the past, most of them were actually caused by Justice Christine using her influence to favor herself.

It would be better if this kind of rumor was spread by Old Bucklow's side.

I'm afraid that some big shots are making moves because they don't want Christine to secure her position as public heirloom, and she is simply being blamed for it.

A person of that level is not strong enough to fight on his own.

After all, the succession of the Duke of Donghai will have a profound impact on the political situation of the imperial capital. You can only imagine what kind of people can be involved in it.

As soon as I came to the fore, I found it difficult to move forward. In the political circle, I was born in a civilian background and once I stepped into it, I really didn’t know the ins and outs of it.

Just keep your tail between your legs and be a human being.

Lu Ming pondered as he walked down the steps of the city hall and got into the car.

"Gah..." The black car braked suddenly as soon as it started.

The open-top jeep in front also stopped quickly, and several men in camouflage uniforms jumped out and came to pull the cripple who was blocking the car.

The lame man looked like a beggar with his disheveled hair and ragged clothes. He held up a sign, a white card. I don't know whether it was written in red paint or blood. There were several shocking red characters, "Collusion between government and businessmen to persecute civilians!"

Several strong men in green camouflage were furious. The beggar looked harmless, and his clothes were ragged. He could see all the way through, and he couldn't hide his weapon at all. So they didn't take him seriously. They thought he was going to the city hall with the cards.

Those who protest, who knows, may block their boss's car.

When pulling the beggar aside, it was inevitable to give him a few blows secretly while dragging him. If it hadn't been so bright here, he would have been dragged to the corner and beaten up.

"Wait, bring it here!" Lu Ming got out of the car and looked at the beggar in surprise.

Li Mingxuan? No way?

The surveillance on him has long since been withdrawn. Even if he sends a message to the north to reveal his whereabouts, it doesn't matter to him.

But why did he become a beggar again?

Didn't you find a job as an elevator guard originally?

"Mingxuan, what are you?" Lu Ming looked at the man who was slowly walking over. His face was covered with scars, he was limping, his body was covered with dirt, and his clothes were ragged and dark and greasy.

"Commissioner Lu, please make the decision for me!" Li Mingxuan pointed to the cards in his hand.

"Well, I'm the one who's been waiting for you." Lu Ming smiled, thought for a while and said, "Well, I told you earlier that we would have dinner with Annie, so let's do it today!"

I made an appointment with Han Anni during the Chinese New Year and wanted to invite her to dinner and talk to her about something, but she refused again. Li Mingxuan came just in time. I didn't know what this guy wanted to use me for, so I took advantage of him first.

"Annie?" Li Mingxuan was a little confused.

"Han Annie, Officer Han from Wu'an." Lu Ming smiled.

"Ah, Officer Han is in the East China Sea?" Li Mingxuan's scarred face finally changed his expression, looking very surprised.

"Well, you get in the car and find a place to wash yourself off first!" Lu Ming pointed to the jeep behind him.

"Hey, why are you holding this broken sign? Take it." Seeing Li Mingxuan going over with the sign, Lu Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved to the people on his left and right.

"Xiao Cui is dead..." Li Mingxuan suddenly hugged the sign tightly, as if he were a different person, with a wild beast-like glare in his eyes, as if the wooden sign was his lifeblood and no one could touch it.

"What? Yes, it's the Xiao Cui who was with you? Are you still in contact?" Lu Ming was stunned.

"Yes." Li Mingxuan lowered his head in pain.

Looking at him, Lu Ming nodded: "Get in the car first, and talk later slowly."

Li Mingxuan was silent and nodded.

Wolong Xiaoguan is a new building complex consisting of a corridor and several small courtyards beside the Green Willow River Embankment in Wolong Bay. It has carved beams and painted columns, flower gardens and bamboo forests, and the environment is closed and quiet.

This is a small private club set up by Lu Ming, which is not open to the public.

I had several guests during the Chinese New Year, and they were always here.

In fact, it is more like an individual garden, except that the service staff are hired from the labor market, rather than being domestic slaves like Lu Mansion.

At this time, in the flower hall of Tianzi No. 1 Courtyard, Lu Ming was slowly sipping tea, feeling a little heavy.

Xiaocui actually died.

No matter what, I felt that I was somewhat responsible. If I hadn't forced her to be a witness and get involved in these messy things, maybe she wouldn't have ended up like this.

Looking across the way, he saw Li Mingxuan, who had washed himself and changed into dry cloth clothes.

According to Li Mingxuan's story, the two of them reconciled three months ago and opened a tavern together.

Who would have known that just a few days before the new year, a fire broke out in the tavern for no apparent reason, and Xiaocui also died inside.

A few days before Xiaocui's death, she said that she dreamed about Aunt Li, probably because she saw Liu Shoucheng's vehicle on the street, and Liu Shoucheng also smiled at her, which scared her.


After a brief inspection of the scene, the patrolman concluded that the fire was an accident and that the fire was caused by the gas not being turned off tightly. The victim had fainted due to gas poisoning and was unable to escape from the fire.

Li Mingxuan felt that something was fishy and insisted that they find out.

Finally, the forensic doctor came and determined that Xiao Cui's head had been hit several times. In other words, Xiao Cui was not burned to death. The real cause of death was that he was beaten to death with a blunt instrument like Li Xiaoyan.

Li Mingxuan immediately mentioned that Liu Shoucheng should be the murderer, or at least, he ordered someone to do it.

He also brought up the past events. Because Xiaocui testified, the reputation of Second Aunt Li was greatly affected. Liu Shoucheng must have been very angry about this. Moreover, Xiaocui and Second Aunt Li died in similar ways. This was obviously a kind of

Blatant revenge.

However, the police did not listen to what he said. Now when he left, the police said they were investigating and had no clues at all.

Li Mingxuan then made a sign and went to the city hall to complain. In fact, he just went to wait for Lu Ming.

After telling this, Li Mingxuan drank heavily.

Lu Ming pondered, not knowing what he was thinking, and suddenly said: "Mingxuan, this is such an uncomfortable thing, so I didn't ask Annie to come." As he spoke, he stared at Li Mingxuan's expression.

Li Mingxuan sighed softly, "That's right, today's time period is not suitable for the topic we are talking about."

Lu Ming nodded and picked up the tea cup.

In fact, when I heard that Xiao Cui was dead, the first thing I suspected was that Li Mingxuan was the murderer.

In a husband-wife relationship or a quasi-couple relationship, if one party is killed at home, there is a high chance that the other party is the murderer.

In particular, the separation and reunification of Li Mingxuan and Xiao Cui are all his own narration now. Who knows what happened?

The patrolman originally ruled it as an accident, but he insisted on pursuing the investigation just to clear his suspicion.

Because the case cannot be guaranteed, it may be picked up by a prosecutor for review one day.

What's more, since I am here, this case will most likely come to my ears one day.

Therefore, he used advance as retreat and took sufficient defense.

However, from his story, it cannot be said that he must be lying, and Liu Shoucheng is not suspected.

No matter what the truth is, Xiao Cui got involved in their grudges because he insisted on her being a witness.

Lu Ming sighed softly.

Lawyers, lawyers, how difficult is it?

I can't quite remember the girl's voice and smile, but I do remember that she trusted him very much, and that's why she testified in court.

Maybe you had good intentions at the beginning and you were also adhering to your principles as a lawyer.

But in the end, the bones left behind are torturing you, is it all worth it?

Slowly drinking the bitter tea in the cup, Lu Ming was also asking himself.

Judging from this case, if the murderer of Xiao Cui turns out to be Li Mingxuan.

So, going around in circles, what are you doing? What do you get? Is the price you pay worth it?

This chapter has been completed!
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