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Chapter 187

 When Lu Ming was walking towards his car, he saw the crowd over there suddenly divided. A group of people hurriedly walked towards him, and another girl's high-pitched voice said: "Sorry, fans, Miss Nicole is about to get on the bus.

, those who didn’t sign in will have a chance in the future, thank you, thank you!”

Lu Ming knew something was wrong. He walked a few steps quickly and was about to step on the pedal between the carriage and the platform when he heard a clear and childish voice: "Brother!"

He shook his head and turned around, only to see Nicole walking towards him surrounded by a group of people.

"It's really you!" Nicole smiled like a child, and walked a few steps quickly to reach Lu Ming.

She was dressed very casually, wearing a snow-white casual sportswear, big sunglasses, her waterfall-like blond hair was tied up casually on the back of her head, and her snow-white travel shoes were a new model of the Silent Series launched by Buyun. She is also the brand spokesperson of Buyun Shoes.


When she came to Lu Ming, she pushed her sunglasses up to her forehead, revealing her deep blue eyes, which were born with her, as if they were faintly flowing with water waves, and so pitiful and innocent, which was in stark contrast to the turbulent waves on her chest.

In contrast, she is the most perfect interpretation of Tongyanjuju.

Lu Ming coughed and said, "Come out to play?"

"Brother, where are you going?" Nicole asked with curiosity on her face.

"There is a small city-state over there in the west. You don't even know if I tell you." Lu Ming explained casually. He felt a very unfriendly gaze. When he looked over, he saw a young man in a suit and leather shoes. He was very handsome.

His behavior is also very elegant, but his eyes are very unfriendly.

Nicole's group seemed to have more than a dozen bodyguards, keeping the onlookers away.

The few people who came to him, besides Nicole's assistant, were two men and one woman.

"Ah? Is it fun there? I heard it's a mess. I want to go, but I haven't dared. Brother, can you take me there?" Nicole took a step forward and took Lu Ming's arm, "Brother, take me.

Go!" He shook Lu Ming's arm like a baby.

"Miss Nicole, I told you, wherever you go, I will protect your safety!" The man who had been looking at Lu Ming with pity finally couldn't help it and took a step forward.

"Ah, brother, let me introduce you!" Nicole pointed to another man and a woman, "This is my best friend Demi and her boyfriend Kafeit, the three of us are hanging out together."

Lu Ming smiled and said to the two of them, "Hello."

Demi has a good figure and a pretty face, but she has a lot of freckles on her face, which adds a bit of cuteness, but her face doesn't look too fair.

Kafeite's hair is short on both sides and looks like a cockscomb in the middle. It is dyed red and has dense earrings. At first glance, he looks like a little ruffian.

Nicole said to the two of them: "This is my brother, Lawyer Lu, a very famous lawyer. He seems to be in politics now. Is he a congressman? I don't understand either."

Demi and Kafeit both greeted Lu Ming politely, but they both looked a little confused.

It seems that Demi should be a friend of Nicole's when she was a child, and she and Kafeite both live at the bottom of the class.

"Lawyer Lu, I'm McGarty!" The young man who had been staring at Lu Ming with a sinister look, but who was not introduced by Nicole, took two steps forward and extended his hand to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming looked at Nicole with questioning eyes, and Nicole whispered: "I don't know him. The one who just followed me seems like his father is the mayor here. Without him, I wouldn't have been exposed just now."

Lu Ming nodded and smiled at Magadi: "You go home and tell your father that I came in a hurry, so I won't visit him."

McGardy frowned, "Do you know my father?" He stretched out his hand in the air, feeling even more embarrassed, so he could only retract it.

"Boss, if Mayor Madison comes to visit on our return trip, do you want to meet him?" The steward in a blue skirt next to him was holding a notebook to record. The stewards were in other carriages, but at each stop, they naturally took turns.

Come and stand guard near the boss's carriage.

Without Lu Ming's reply to Magadi's words, everyone could feel from the steward's words that the implicit meaning was that Magadi's father should be on the weak side in terms of mentality.

Magadi's face became increasingly uglier. The manner displayed by the other party was on the same level as his father's, and his status even seemed to be higher than his father's.

And everything I have now comes from my father's power.

Then there is no comparison between you and him. It is normal for others not to shake your hand.

When you meet your father's political acquaintance, how can you carelessly approach him and extend his hand to shake his hand?

I don’t know if this guy is just pretending, but looking at Nicole’s appearance, I’m afraid that there is a reason why she is so affectionate towards this “brother” from Central China, right?

If such a young Central-Continent man had the same status as his father, how terrible would his family be?

Magadi was frozen there for a moment. He couldn't be arrogant and respectful. But he had to rely on his being a local snake to find trouble, and he was afraid of causing big trouble.

Over there, Lu Ming had already turned to Nicole and said, "Where are you going? I'll give you a ride." He looked at the dozen or so bodyguards over there and said, "In the security guard room, tell your people to sit in another car. There are too many people."

, I can’t fit it in this carriage.”

"Okay!" Nicole agreed, and then asked the assistant next to her to buy tickets for the bodyguards.

In the extra carriage, Demi and Kafeite looked at the luxurious interior and marveled.

Originally there were four private rooms, one for Uncle Sun and two for four black slave guards. Now the four black slave guards have given up one and two empty single rooms. Demi and Kafet have one room, and Nicole and her assistant have one room.

The observation deck is at the rear of the carriage. If the glass cover is not dropped, it will be like a wooden fence balcony.

The sliding door to the observation deck shows which sections of this bus can be used to enjoy the scenery at the observation deck. They are all sections with beautiful scenery and reduced speed.

Otherwise, there is still some danger on the observation deck.

At this time, the train was near Mount Ranu in Raccoon City, and the volcano scenery filled with light smoke under the moonlit night was quite exotic.

Lu Ming and Nicole were sitting on the observation deck, drinking tea, chatting and admiring the scenery.

"I have thought of two scripts for you, one is a detective drama. You play a female detective. She is not afraid of power and explores human nature. She reflects on the shortcomings of the social system. Moreover, the commercial selling points are also very strong. The ideological connotation in it is

It will also enhance your historical status in the film industry; the second script is a pure horror film, which is also a good expansion of your acting career. In this film, I wanted to suppress the horror atmosphere.

In order to avoid scaring too many people to death, Nadu Pictures will be sued by too many people."

In today's era, the audience has little knowledge. In the previous life of the same period, there was a science fiction TV series. Because there were no subtitles to tell them that it was a TV series, the opening sequence showed the TV host announcing an alien invasion, and then the news reporter's camera angle showed him being killed by aliens.

It became a commonly used plot in later generations. As a result, many viewers believed it to be true, causing a great panic. The TV station was eventually sued by various lawsuits and lost a lot of money.

Looking at the confident Lu Ming, Nicole suddenly asked: "Brother, how many sisters-in-law do I have now?"

Lu Ming was helpless, you are a big star, you should be the target of gossip, why are you still such a gossip?

I talk to you about business, and you gossip with me.

Seeing that the outline of Mount Ranu was gradually disappearing, Lu Ming stood up and said, "Okay, it's getting late, it's time to rest."

"Well, brother, I'll borrow your bathroom to take a shower! There's no bathtub outside."

Lu Ming nodded, "I don't use the bathtub, but don't worry, they will disinfect it carefully as soon as you get in the car."

Returning to the bedroom, Lu Ming took a shower first, returned to bed, only turned on the bedside lamp, picked up the thick documents on the bedside table and looked through them.

There are information about government affairs, legal affairs, law firms, and companies. In addition, there is also information about the customs and customs of Bate City and several nearby city-states.

During this period, it seemed that Nicole took a lot of toiletries into the bathroom, and Lu Ming didn't pay much attention.

Bate City and the neighboring Bailu City are mortal enemies. The population of Bate City-state is more than 40,000 people, and Bailu City has more than 100,000 people. They have always oppressed Bate City. It seems that Liu Laocai's land deed was not recognized by Bailu City, but announced that

This oil field belongs to Bailu City State.

The weapons of both sides are mainly earthen guns and cannons. They are very poor city-states with meager financial income. The ruling class squanders most of them and cannot afford the sophisticated arms from the East.

What's more, the Kingdom of Grifenni also has a weapons embargo system for the city-states in the Western Region to prevent them from becoming a mess and the situation becoming uncontrollable.

The combat effectiveness of the guards of these two city-states is probably similar to that of the militia of the northern country gentry.

Looking through the information, Lu Ming was frowning and thinking. The other side of the big bed sank slightly. Lu Ming looked startled, but it was Nicole sitting on it. She was applying some cream on her face with her hands. She was wrapped in a snow-white bath towel and had blond hair.

It was also wrapped high up in a snow-white towel.

Lu Ming shook his head, he really regarded himself as his brother, and he didn't shy away from it at all.

Turning to look at the information, without thinking, Nicole started to apply the cream on her body again, applying it very carefully. Her extremely alluring snow-white slender long legs stepped on the bed, and her hands were smeared on it. Her delicate jade feet were decorated with bright black gemstones.

, tilting up extremely attractive curves.

Lu Ming's heart skipped a beat and he reluctantly looked away. He turned his back to her and continued to read the information. However, he seemed to be unable to read the information anymore. The words were no longer recognizable.

A few minutes later, the bed sank slightly again. Lu Ming felt something was wrong. He looked back and saw Nicole lifting up the thin velvet quilt and getting in. Then, the snow-white bath towel was stretched out from the quilt with a long and charming hand.

The snow-white hands with manicure were thrown to the ground.

The velvet quilt on this big bed was naturally a double quilt. Lu Ming was stunned: "What are you doing?"

"I want to sleep here...it's comfortable here..." Nicole stuck out her tongue.

Lu Ming was helpless. Thinking about it, it was a bit wrong to let her and her assistant live in a small room like that.

Although, that is also the specification of a high-end soft sleeper. Generally speaking, upper class people take trains. If you don't have an extra sleeper like you, it is the highest standard for travel.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep on the sofa later. I'll take off my clothes without being too particular. Are you really not afraid that I'm a pervert?" Lu Ming smiled bitterly, but it was still a good feeling that Nicole regarded him as her own brother.

"I'm used to sleeping naked...it's comfortable..." Nicole chuckled, wrapping the quilt tightly around her, revealing her delicate face.

"But where are you going to get off the bus?" When we were chatting at the observation deck just now, it seemed that Nicole didn't have a fixed goal and was just wandering around.

"I'm going to the Western Regions too..." Nicole let out a long breath, "I've always wanted to see it, but I'm worried about safety. Now that you're protecting me, brother, I'll go too..."

Lu Ming nodded, sat up and wanted to get out of bed. Nicole opened her clear blue eyes in surprise, "You really want to leave? Aren't you pretty..." The last half of the sentence was muttered in a low voice, but Lu Ming could hear it.

Lu Ming rolled his eyes, but remembering the charming scene in the death car when he first met her, his heart could not help but flutter slightly.

However, it seems that I have been holding it in for a long time, and I don’t know if it is because things must be reversed. I am obviously at a young age, but recently, I rarely have any impulses, and I have no thoughts between men and women.

I am still a little worried about my body, feeling that my physiology is not in harmony.

But now, there is an inexplicable heat in my heart.

After all, he still couldn't become an immortal, Lu Ming sighed softly in his heart.

Then he looked at Nicole helplessly: "You know I'm sexy, why did you come to my bed?"

"Brother, can I be your lover?" Nicole's words were shocking. Her green eyes blinked and she stared at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming was stunned for a long time, then waved his hand: "Forget it, I'm exhausted mentally and physically..." Jennifer didn't know how to explain it to her family.

What's more, this girl Nicole has something on her mind at first sight.

"I don't need you to give your feelings or anything, let alone money, and my sisters-in-law won't know about it..." As Nicole spoke, she stretched out her hand under the quilt and took one of Lu Ming's fingers.

Long manicure, gently touching Lu Ming's fingers.

"What happened recently?" Lu Ming stared at her seriously.

Nicole lowered her head, "It's nothing. I just feel that I have been so tired and tired these past few years and I want to find a shoulder to lean on. I know that it is impossible for me to have a normal family life. Everyone I know has no regard for me.

It's not that pure. If I make the wrong move, I may be miserable in the future."

Lu Ming was startled, "Why are you so pessimistic? Although there are many examples of female celebrities not doing well after marriage, isn't your senior Catherine very good? If you feel tired, you can take a break and find someone

If you marry the person who loves you very much, you will live a very happy life."

Nicole shook her head, "I like the feeling of filming, especially after I moved to Nadu. I felt that I was born for acting, and I don't want to marry someone I don't like. Think about it."

Being intimate with them makes you feel sick."

"Then why do you want to be my lover? Do you like me?" Lu Ming was funny.

"I don't know..." Nicole raised her head and looked at Lu Ming with watery blue eyes, "But if I need a lover, I think, brother, you are the most perfect in the world, you can do anything, money

Power and power are not worth mentioning to you. Even, magically, even if you are a director, you will be the best director. You have a magical power. Even a fifth-rate star can praise her if you want.

Very popular, you are an incredible and mysterious person, and I often wonder, what do you really look like?"

"If I become your lover, maybe I will have the answer."

"Also, what I often think about recently is, ten years from now, decades from now, what will the audience think of me? As you said, what kind of status will I have in the film industry?"

"Then I thought that all of this was brought to me by you, brother. It seems that it has improved my situation a lot."

"If I must have a lover, brother, you should be the perfect lover in my dreams. Originally, maybe I could only meet someone like me in my dreams."

"Actually, when I got up yesterday, I was still thinking that if I see you again, I must give myself to you. Unexpectedly, I met you in the evening. Did God hear my voice?"

"When you are intimate with me, will you take off all the masks? That's when you are the real you, right?"

"I really want to see the real you...what it looks like when you bully me..."

Nicole's deep blue eyes gradually became blurred.

Lu Ming listened to her bold words and smiled bitterly in his heart. Girls in the art circle have different ways of thinking. Although Nicole is very conservative at heart, she actually does not have the conservative thinking of traditional women in Central China when it comes to matters between men and women.

This is not seen as a shame or sin, but she is very open-minded when meeting someone she likes.

Moreover, such a dream lover that all men in the empire fantasize about, a super sexy star, naked and covered with the same quilt as him, saying these almost provocative words...

For a moment, even if you are a tough man, your mouth will be dry and you will be unable to control yourself.

Lu Ming felt overwhelmed and coughed: "No matter how it sounds, you don't really like me, you kind of admire me, and you think too well of me..."

Nicole was silent for a while and whispered, "What's so good...it's not like I don't know how sexy it is..."

Lu Ming stared, "You really didn't blame me last time, okay?"

Nicole pursed her lips and smiled and stopped talking, but the sexy outline of her body under the quilt moved towards Lu Ming.

Lu Ming was stunned, his heart suddenly beating rapidly, as if Nicole's alluring soft jade feet, inlaid with bright black gemstones and exquisite manicure, gently touched his calf.

This chapter has been completed!
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