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Chapter 194

 The powerful Lord Luo City is very young, he has just succeeded to the throne, and looks to be in his thirties.

The official residence of the city lord is a majestic stone building complex, which is in sharp contrast to the thatched houses and earth houses in Bate City.

The water source in Bate City is extremely precious, but in the garden, the water curtain sprinkled by the fountain is half a person's height.

Beside the stone table, Chongquan Luo, Sherlock, Lu Ming and the economic and trade group were eating rare fruits and chatting casually.

The economic and trade delegation has several native translators who were hired in Gravel City. The one who followed the two delegation leaders to see the city lord is one of the most outstanding.

But despite this, Zhongquan Luo was very interested in the East China Sea, and the content of his chat was very diverse, involving many unfamiliar words. Sometimes, it was difficult to translate for the native.

Sherlock tried several times to bring the conversation back on track.

Only then did Zhongquan Luo lazily open his briefcase, take out the official letter and read it, but his eyes suddenly froze.

At this moment, a guard hurried in, knelt down on one knee in front of Zhongquan Luo, and muttered something.

Zhongquan Luo smiled at Lu Ming: "Mayor Lu, your servant is here. He has something urgent to say and must see you now."

Lu Ming smiled: "Okay."

There are a lot of things going on. I have been sitting here for almost two hours. I originally arranged for people to come at about the same time to give myself a chance to escape.

Many people talk about official matters, but nothing substantive is discussed.

After glancing at Wen Liangyu and seeing Wen Liangyu nod slightly, Lu Ming stood up and walked out.

There were several carriages outside, and Lu Ming got on one of them.

Although United Matrix has an open-top off-road Jeep, there is no problem in driving on this road.

You can also commandeer this jeep just like taking a helicopter, and Sherlock's excuse is to pay for it yourself.

But gasoline is expensive, so you still have to use it sparingly, otherwise the nearest place where you can buy gasoline counted in barrels has to be a city-state more than two hundred miles away.

If sufficient supply is needed, the city of Gravel is thousands of miles away.

So, here, the carriage is still king.

However, upon entering the carriage, Lu Ming was slightly startled.

In the carriage, in addition to Luo Yi, who had been arranged to report the news, there was also a woman in traditional local clothes, the extremely beautiful Papaya.

She didn't dare to look at herself, there seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes, and she whispered something in a low voice.

Luo Yi translated at the side, "Sir, Mrs. Papaya said that Hawkeye Luo sent her a secret letter..." After a pause, Luo Yi said: "Captain Lao Catfish asked me to read that letter first.

, but the letter instructs Mrs. Papaya to tell you the news in person."

Lu Ming nodded.

Luo Yi continued to translate, "The letter said that a barrister named Richard Hanson arrived in Nicolo City early this morning. It seemed that he was picked up by someone from Fila Petroleum Company. Mr. Luo with an eagle eye thought that maybe

It has something to do with you, Master."

Lu Ming's eyelids twitched slightly when he heard Richard Hansen's name.

Will this giant, who is likely to become an eighth-degree barrister this summer and become a legend in the legal world, become the opponent he has to face again?

In the East China Sea, in the case of Little Renault, I once had a brief confrontation with him. I had the right time, place and people, and it can be said that I defeated him technically.

However, he ended that disgraceful journey with a speech criticizing the legal system in the East China Sea.

I had also looked forward to the day when I could fight him again under completely fair conditions.

He also has the same idea, right?

As for Fila Petroleum's decision-maker here, he traveled all the way from the imperial capital to invite him, and naturally he spent a lot of money.

Likewise, he is willing to come to this place where there is no place for shit, and it cannot be said that he is litigating in an uncivilized place with laws.

Apart from money, the most important thing is that the protagonist I have to face off against is myself.

Neither I nor he thought that this day would come so soon, right?

It's not bad. In this Bate City, neither he nor I can be called home. Moreover, it would be interesting to fight a possibly lame lawsuit using local laws.

But fun is fun, what if you lose?

If the opponent is him, this possibility is very high.

Lu Ming's heart sank slightly, then Lao Liu would be in danger.

Because both he and himself are blind, they need to study the local laws from ancient times to the present in a short period of time, looking for clauses that are beneficial to themselves and clauses that suppress the other party.

It may be similar to opening a blind box, but after all, Richard has decades of rich legal experience in this world, and has also fought lawsuits in the city-states of the Western Regions before.

Not to mention, he has great support from a law firm, and the elite lawyers in this law firm can turn their experience in Western Region litigation into help for him.

Compared with himself, he has an innate advantage.

Moreover, he is also a litigant.

The difference from Donghai is that my and his roles are reversed.

Last time I was the prosecutor and he was the defendant.

This time, he is similar to the prosecutor, and he is the defendant's agent.

More importantly, from the perspective of the case, it is also extremely detrimental to our side.

According to Liu Laocai, he did have a relationship with Naha Shan, and it was indeed semi-forced.

Liu Laocai was forced to ask these questions by himself. He also knew that if he didn't tell the truth to him, he would be dead.

Liu Laocai said that Ha Shan was not beautiful. She was a woman in her thirties, living at the bottom of the class, and her skin was a bit rough.

But she is gentle, kind, hard-working and simple. Liu Laocai said that he has never seen such a good woman in his whole life.

Ha Shan is often abused by her husband, but she doesn't know how to resist.

For Liu Laocai, a guest, Ha Shan also listened to her husband and served him carefully every day.

Looking at her, Liu Laocai always felt distressed in his heart.

Ha Shan secretly gave her gifts, but Ha Shan confiscated nothing. Only once, when Liu Laocai picked a handful of wild flowers, she went back to find a half-broken earthen bowl, put soil and water in it, inserted the wild flowers in it, and placed it in her room.

But the next day, he was beaten up by a local dog and the "flower pot" was thrown into the yard, breaking it into pieces.

It seems that the native dog was fascinated by the soil in the "flower pot".

Afterwards, Ha Shan secretly cried for a day. According to Liu Laocai's eyes, it seemed that he was hoping to be forgiven by Liu Laocai for not protecting the gift he gave.

On the day of the accident, which was the day after the flowerpot incident, Hashan's husband, Tugou, took Liu Laocai to the arranged house of the extremely beautiful and coquettish woman for a drink.

However, the woman was teasing and seducing Liu Laocai. Liu Laocai felt disgusted, but he couldn't help but drink a few more drinks.

Back at the residence, Ha Shan was as gentle as usual, helping Liu Laocai take off his shoes and cover him with quilt, and wiped the dirt spit out of Liu Laocai's mouth.

Liu Laocai drank too much and got mad at being seduced by the beautiful woman. At that time, he hugged Ha Shan and pinned her down.

Liu Laocai regretted it when he said this, saying that Ha Shan did resist, and he resisted very fiercely.

At that time, Tugou drank too much and was sleeping soundly in his room. After Liu Laocai's success, Tugou discovered the two of them.

Lu Ming sighed softly, and then remembered what Liu Laocai said about this scene. He closed his eyes and murmured, with regret on his face, saying that now that he thought of Ha Shan's eyes at that time, he really deserved it, and perhaps he deserved to have his head chopped off.


How can we help Liu Laocai get away with this kind of lawsuit?

In fact, it can be heard that Ha Shan may not really hate Liu Laocai. Moreover, compared with her husband who often domestically abuses her, she may have a vague affection for Liu Laocai and have some affection for him.

If Liu Laocai didn't have any illusions, there was some ambiguous feeling between the two of them.

But this is definitely not the reason for Liu Laocai to force her.

Even if Ha Shan did have a crush on him, he brought a glimmer of light to Ha Shan's miserable life.

Even if in fact, Hashan's resistance is just an instinctive reaction brought about by confusion about the unknown and deep-rooted customs.

But Liu Laocai, according to the law in his previous life, did violate the will of women.

Not to mention, if it was adultery, the two of them would be guilty of an even greater crime, and both of them would be beheaded.

Maybe, he really has to make a plan to rob the prison.

If I really can't handle this lawsuit and Liu Laocai is found guilty, I will take him away by force.

If Ha Shan is willing, take her with him. After all, if she stays here, her future fate may be even more miserable.

If this is the case, everyone in my profession may become a wanted criminal in the Western Region Alliance.

The top leaders of Donghai will also be furious, and there will be a fierce game between protecting their own and those who want to get rid of their own.

Moreover, the chance of being killed may be very high.

Even if you don't go to jail, it is inevitable that you are no longer suitable for politics, and you will be impeached from positions such as parliamentarians and municipal committee members.

There is no guarantee whether your lawyer's license will be revoked.

From now on, I can only engage in business?

As for the profits I originally wanted to get from the Western Regions, as well as Liu Laocai's oil fields, there was no need to even think about it.

Moreover, it is obvious that when Liu Laocai forced Ha Shan, the native dog knew about it.

The beautiful woman I was looking for should have seduced Liu Laocai, then slandered him and killed her.

It happened that Liu Laocai was not interested in that woman, but he didn't want to have feelings for Ha Shan, so Tugou simply paid for Ha Shan.

This case is really troublesome. It is difficult to distinguish between right and wrong.

This chapter has been completed!
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