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Chapter 113 Infiltration

After staying in the East China Sea for a week, Lu Ming returned to Longgang.

Today is June 1st, and there are still 17 days left until my birthday on the 18th.

At this time, a surveying and planning team happened to come to Longgang. They were project planners preparing to build a passenger railway from Longgang to the main line.

At the same time, there are more construction sites to level the land in the suburbs of Longgang. In the past two days, a lot of heavy machinery has arrived.

The Longgang Guard Company has an additional strengthened platoon, which recruits brave locals. The new recruits mainly come from the militia in Sansha. This strengthened platoon and its military camp are near the construction site to protect the safety of the construction site and engineering and technical personnel.

Shilipu Lu Mansion is located on the east side of the town, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with various courtyards, pavilions, etc., hidden in the mountain scenery. In later generations, it can be regarded as a scenic park in Shili Mountain. However, nowadays, it is

Privately owned.

This villa has been continuously expanded and repaired by Xu Niuzi's ancestors and the Xu family for hundreds of years, and it is of magnificent scale. If it were the dynasty era, if a small local tycoon dared to repair a villa of this size, he would have been beheaded long ago.

The Xu family is also strange. In the past hundred years, they have only made money by building gardens? On such a scale.

Thirty-six Qing'e of the West Palace are at home here, and no longer feel trapped.

Moreover, although they were said to be thirty-six Qing'e, Lu Ming felt that there were actually more than that. Moreover, it seemed that girls aged three to four to seven or eight were occasionally seen in the villa, and they were probably the little Qing'e recently selected by Liuli.

I talked to Liuli once and told her not to use any secret techniques to train girls anymore. Times have changed and you are doing harm to others.

But Liuli said, yes, if you see those abandoned babies or girls who are about to go into the fire pit, then just ignore them and let them fend for themselves.

I wanted to tell her that you can do charity, but think about it, this kind of preaching is meaningless, not to mention what Liuli said makes sense. After living a mediocre life and following her to see the vast world, if a woman is allowed to live again,

Which one will you choose? It’s hard to say.

Sitting in the pavilion of Changchun Garden, this is a pavilion halfway up the mountain. In the jungle on the cliff next to it, there are monkeys jumping around.

On the mountain path, a Qing'e in green satin clothes led two men in camouflage military uniforms up. One of the men was walking a little slowly on crutches.

It was Gao Yong, the platoon leader of the reinforced platoon of the county security company, and Shen Qing, the deputy platoon leader "Hei Lao Liu".

Gao Yong arrived at the pavilion and knelt down on one knee: "Your Majesty!" Shen Qing was stunned and didn't know what etiquette he should do.

Lu Ming nodded, there was a secret officer training camp in the United Matrix, Bi Zhu sent people to participate in it, and then, there was such a group of officers.

Gao Yong was born among them.

The newly formed reinforced platoon submitted by the County Guard Company for approval was one of the agreements signed between the Jiuzhou Iron and Steel Group and the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. From the time the group was established, it had to receive security guarantees from Jiangning Province.

The reinforced platoon has a maximum number of 50 people, but they are all equipped with the latest weapons. From treatment to salary, they are extremely high. The province has allocated special funds, but of course, there is not much money.

What Lu Ming wants is to strengthen the organization of the platoon.

In fact, the current reinforced platoon has expanded to more than 500 people, and the rest of the soldiers' food and salary come from the Kyushu Group.

It is said that the platoon is strengthened, but it is obviously already a battalion-level organization.

In this armed force, more than a hundred people come from the United Matrix, serving as the backbone foundation, and the rest are recruited from local sources.

Looking at Gao Yong and Shen Qing, Lu Ming smiled and waved, "Come, sit down and have tea!"

This reinforced platoon can be said to be the first armed force under his control that has an official designation.

After all, United Matrix is ​​a mercenary company and a security company, and the security personnel in it are all private armed forces.

After asking about his military camp, training, etc., Lu Ming nodded with satisfaction: "You two are both civilized and military, strong and soft, and if you work together well, your future will be limitless."

This strengthened platoon is a 500-person organizational situation. I have communicated with Sister Windsor and asked her for money, but she used the Jiuzhou Group account.

After all, he is also cultivating his own fighting strength for the heir camp where Sister Windsor belongs, isn't he?

If someone were to find out about secretly expanding the army or the like and still hold on to it, Sister Windsor would have the whole story.

Gao Yong seemed to have a strong personality, and he didn't know how he was brainwashed in the secret officer training camp.

It's definitely not some attempt to change the world by taking advantage of racial differences, and it has nothing to do with the previous dynasty. It's probably more like a religious activity.

Lu Ming could only shake his head and sigh. If one day in the future, he had the opportunity to leave a little mark on history, but ended up making a fortune by spreading cults, I'm afraid his reputation would not be good.

But to be more serious, as a time-travelling person, it doesn't matter if I am a religious leader.

As for Shen Qing, Lu Ming glanced at him and said with a smile: "Are you still used to today's environment? At the police station, can you let it go?"

Shen Qing stood up immediately, because Gao Yong had to stand up every time he answered, so he followed suit and stood up and said: "Yes, I have completely handed over the work of the police station!" He was also slightly excited in his heart,

He could feel that what he was about to participate in was the beginning of something big, and since he had become a bandit in exile, he had long been indifferent to life and death.

The phone rang on the red pillar of the pavilion. Yu Luan went to answer it, whispered a few words, and came to Lu Ming's side: "Old Ancestor, Miss Li Xiang'er arrived in Longgang and went to the bookstore to ask you if you had returned to Longgang. This was her second time.


Lu Ming nodded: "Let her wait for me. I will go back to Longgang later to check out the military camp."

Yuluan went to answer the call.

At dusk, Lu Ming's car stopped in front of Xinzhi Bookstore. Sitting next to Lu Ming was a man who couldn't see clearly in a top hat and sunglasses. He opened the door and got out of the car, bowed slightly and left.

Lu Ming got off the car and entered the bookstore. At the tea table, Li Xiang'er was sitting blankly, but she also put on sunglasses.

Sitting down opposite Lu Ming, she seemed to have just come back to her senses, "Ah, Mr. Lu, you are back!" and wanted to stand up.

Lu Ming waved his hand: "We are already familiar with each other, so be more casual." He glanced at the sunglasses she was wearing and said, "What's wrong? Domestic violence?"

She has watched too many movies and TV dramas, and she was not in the temperament to wear sunglasses. Suddenly she wore sunglasses and became inseparable. Especially when she met her last time, the person who followed her to protect her died inexplicably. Those who have not experienced the scene will definitely feel that

There was something very strange. Before he returned to Donghai, he specifically asked her to tell her husband about this. It was for her own good, but it was just for her self-esteem that she didn't make it clear. After all, she still felt that her husband had unconditional trust in her.

It seems that she probably didn't tell the truth to her husband when she returned, which made the situation very bad.

Looking at Li Xiang'er, Lu Ming said, "Let's do this. I'll meet with your husband and help you explain."

For ordinary people, if other men get involved in this kind of thing, it will definitely get worse the more they get involved, but he and Hu Dingjin are not ordinary people, and he should not have such a pattern. After all, the organization that assassinated him

, and also assassinated his cousin Commander Hu.

"Mr. Lu, this is not what I am doing." Li Xiang'er shook her head gently.

This chapter has been completed!
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