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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One

Bloun District Court.

Sitting at the defendant's seat were four people, Bertram, Lu Ming, Han Mary, and village representative Luo Xiaozhu.

The plaintiffs' seats are Hansis' team and the plaintiff Hamilton and others.

Judge Han John is a gray-haired old man in his fifties.

After the trial began, Bertram stood up first and said, "Your honor, I request to summon the plaintiff's witness, Ms. Hans Hiddink."

Hans Hiddink is the mayor of Kuisi Town. In the ancient archives of Kuisi Town, he keeps the document that the Hamilton family owns the land in the Triangle Colony in the northwest of the town. The land reclaimed by Luojia Village belongs to the Triangle Colony area.

This land was part of the land given to the nobles of Bronn by the Duke of Hanzhou during the Great Reclamation Period. The Hamilton family got it. In fact, it can be seen that the Hamilton family was a very weak family at the time, because this land was originally worthless.

Of course, the title of Duke of Hanzhou no longer exists.

Now that he heard that Bertram was about to summon Han Hiddink, Hansis immediately stood up and said, "Objection. Ms. Han Hiddink has been cross-examined many times, and the document has also been proven to be legally valid! Although the defendant has changed lawyers,

But we can clearly know from the court hearing records which stage the court proceedings have reached, and if you keep lingering and procrastinating, it will be a waste of court resources."

Judge Han Hiddink nodded: "Defendant lawyer, what is your purpose of summoning Ms. Han Hiddink? If it is to entangle Ms. Han Hiddink's character or the legality of Exhibit No. 1, unless there is new conclusive evidence, otherwise I will

I don’t agree with you to cross-examine Ms. Hiddink again.”

Portlem smiled and said: "Your Honor, we do have new evidence, because the museum documents come from the Great Reclamation Period. Ms. Hanhiddink's family has been the night watchman of Queth Town since the Great Reclamation Period. We hope that

Whether the legal provisions from the great reclamation period are still applicable today requires the testimony of Ms. Han Hiddink."

"Objection..." Hansis stood up again.

Judge Hansis waved his hand. This was indeed a new perspective. It would be unreasonable to not allow the defendant's lawyer to continue. "It is allowed to summon Ms. Hiddink to come to court again to give a statement." He then asked Hansis: "Can Ms. Hiddink come to court today?"


Hansis nodded: "We are already prepared for the defense to entangle randomly, so Ms. Hanhiddink and the main witness are all here."

The jurors in the jury box all smiled. Obviously, they already knew who would win the case.

Soon, Hiddink took the witness stand. She was an elegant woman in her early fifties.

Bertram took two steps to the witness stand, smiled and said hello, and then said: "Ms. Hiddink, can I start?"

Han Hiddink nodded slightly.

Portrait said: "Ms. Hiddink, in the previous sessions, you proved from the perspective of historical legal theory that Exhibit No. 1 is still legally valid today. We all know that Exhibit No. 1 comes from the Great Reclamation Period. So, the same

Ms. Hiddink, do you think the free farming laws from the great reclamation period are still legally binding?"

Han Hiddink shook his head: "I am not a legal expert, so I am not qualified to answer your question, but what I know is that the Free Farming Act is a federal law and has been clearly abolished in most parts of the empire.

, Hanzhou had a case more than ten years ago that regarded the free farming law as a forgotten law from the old era that was not in line with the spirit of the current law, and ignored it. I also know that there are many ancient laws that have not been expressly repealed.

, in fact it is completely inconsistent with the life of the new era, seems ridiculous, and will not be recognized by the court."

Over there, Hansis had a smile on his face, which he had obviously prepared for a long time ago.

Bertram asked a few more questions, and Han Hiddink answered them all flawlessly.

"So, Ms. Hanhiddink, do you think that the "Law of the Lords of Bronn" kept in the Quithtown Museum has full legal effect?" Potram finally asked.

Han Hiddink considered it and said: "Let me say it again. What I want to explain is that the land grant and inheritance rights based on the "Lord Bronn Law" are still legally valid now, not that "Lord Bronn Law"

"Law" also has legal effect. Just like, if Lawyer Potram's ancestor was once rewarded with a piece of jewelry by the emperor, then as long as the jewelry was not sold by the lawyer's ancestor, but passed down to the present, he will naturally still be a lawyer.


Over there, Hansis had a victorious smile on his face.

Potram nodded: "So, the premise is still that the "Lord Bronn's Law" has legal effect when it is promulgated."

Han Hiddink thought for a while and nodded slightly.

"Your Honor, I have no more questions!" Porterham bowed slightly to the judge's bench.

After Hans Hiddink stepped down from the witness box, Portraim made a few more moves with Hanssis, but did not gain any advantage.

At ten o'clock, Judge John Han announced that the court would be adjourned for twenty minutes, which was actually time to go to the toilet.

Lu Ming and others returned to the lounge and were discussing something in a low voice when the door of the lounge was knocked and Hansis came in with a victorious smile on his face.

"Lawyer Lu! This is our new settlement agreement!" Hansis sent a letter to Lu Ming. Apparently, he investigated his opponent and sorted out the big and small kings.

Lu Ming smiled, and the man next to him, Mary, picked it up, looked at it, and said, "Our client rejects your agreement."

Hansis's face immediately sank, "What do you think you do?!" Although she is a school belle-level beauty, which is very pleasing to the eye, she is still a student girl. It's too disrespectful to use her to entertain herself.

"We have read the agreement you proposed. We did not reject it in violation of the rules, but we are not satisfied with your conditions!" Mary Han raised her pretty face unyieldingly.

Hanssis's face darkened. After being so ignored, the good mood just now disappeared and he said to Lu Ming: "Lawyer Lu, it's because of you that I tried so hard to persuade my client to propose such a generous settlement agreement. You should know

, you will definitely lose this lawsuit!"

Potram stood up and said, "When you're done, please leave, otherwise we will file a complaint with the court!"

I originally came here to show off my power, but I didn't expect that Lu Qianxing, a famous young genius in the East China Sea and also a geek, would come here to pick up his son. He was so sure of it that if he won the case, he would be promoted to the third rank next year.

, to actually surpass him and defeat him, which is much more fulfilling than defeating a fifth-level lawyer like Bertram.

But unexpectedly, he hit a snag. From beginning to end, Lu Qianxing didn't speak to himself.

With a cold snort, Hanssis turned and left.

Looking at his back, Potram shook his head helplessly: "I don't even know if I'm going to die." He was even more grateful in his heart. Sure enough, standing opposite his young boss, he usually didn't die until the last moment.


If I were him now, he would think he has a chance to win.

It's really a blessing to not have to be the boss's opponent in court.

While thinking wildly, Potram said: "Boss, do you really want me to continue?"

Lu Ming smiled and said: "Well, you go ahead. I can't speak it all in Western."

Potram was very grateful, knowing that his boss had given him a chance. Otherwise, how difficult would it be to prepare a translation for the court? Zhongzhou is also an official language and can be used in court, not to mention that this Hanzhou is still from Zhongzhou.

A majority of the states.


Lu Ming thought about it. It seemed that his study of Western languages ​​would be put on the schedule as soon as possible. After all, translating on the go was not as convenient as listening and speaking.

She looked at Hanmari again, and now it seems that although she does not have the qualifications of several of her apprentices, she may not be able to become a qualified or even excellent lawyer. She has shown a little edge since she took the initiative to deal with Hansis, and

She has a keen mind and knows that she will not read the so-called settlement agreement, but it is against the rules if no one on her side goes to see it. She is just a little assistant, who can just send Hansis away.

I'm still a student at school, so I still have flexibility.

"Mary, you did a good job." Lu Ming nodded to her.

As soon as Mari Han was stunned, she felt a huge joy filling her heart. She never imagined that she would be praised by someone, not just a compliment, but just a polite word of approval. She would be so flattered and excited that she wanted to sing. It felt like her body

They are all light and as if drunk.

The trial will continue soon.

Bertram stood up and asked again for Frau Hanhiddink to be summoned.

Before Hansis could cry out his objections, Portlem said: "Your Honor, we have doubts about the legal validity of the Bronn Lords Act when it was promulgated, and we hope to get an answer from Ms. Hiddink."

This is a new point. Judge John Han pondered for a moment and nodded: "I hope you won't waste our time."

A few minutes later, Han Hiddink took the witness stand again.

Bertram walked up to her and said with a smile: "Ms. Hiddink, have you heard of the Oriole Movement?"

Including the auditorium, everyone in the court was startled, and the atmosphere became a little strange. The jurors in the jury box, who were already drowsy, became energetic at this time, and they all looked at Porter in surprise.


The Oriole Movement is the Burung independence movement.

Han Hiddink hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly: "I've heard of it."

Portraim stared at her. In fact, not only had this woman heard of it, she was also a key member of the Oriole Movement in the northwestern region of Brunei.

Portrait continued: "We all know that the Oriole Movement is a movement that takes the territory of the Duke of Hambron as its legal basis and demands the establishment of an independent country. At least, this movement hopes to win the autonomy for the Bron area as the duchy did back then!


In fact, Hanbulon was just an earl, but he bribed the religious leaders of Hanzhou at that time and crowned him as Grand Duke.

It was a very chaotic era, and religious power was once very important. However, with the brutal suppression of the imperial power, in the current era, the empire has no religion that can be recognized by the majority of people.

Today's Oriole Movement regards Count Hambronn as the pioneer of the independence movement.

Count Hambronn spent his whole life pursuing the goal of becoming a duke recognized by the great emperor of the empire, but he died young and in an unknown manner. It is generally said that he was assassinated from the imperial capital.

Of course, there are also many rumors and unofficial histories saying that the Duke of Hanzhou assassinated him.

This is also a national shame in the hearts of many Burundi people.

Now Portlem calls Hamblen "Duke", and from the auditorium to the jury box, his impression of him suddenly improves.

Although this guy is a foreigner, he looks much more pleasing to the eye.

Over there, Potram looked at Han Hiddink and continued: "The territorial map on the Oriole Flag does not include most of the western part of Quesi Town, including the triangle area we mentioned in court, right?


Han Hiddink nodded solemnly.

Hansis stood up: "Your Honor, this article has nothing to do with the independence movement. Although the Oriole Territory's territorial claim does not include the Triangle Ao area, that is another issue. If our Oriole Territory is recognized by the Federal Empire in the future, the Triangle Ao

This area can be regarded as a territorial dispute between the Huangying Territory and the Hanzhou Territory! It does not mean that this court has no jurisdiction over the Triangle Col Zone." He also suddenly realized that the other party was actually trying to play political manipulation.

As expected, these foreigners are generally despicable and shameless, whether they are Westerners or Central Asians.

Potram smiled and said: "You, the plaintiff's lawyer, have already spoken without hesitation. Of course this court has jurisdiction over the Triangle Col area. Otherwise, why would we be standing here arguing? However, if this court ultimately rules that I

If the party loses the case, it will represent the Bronn court and recognize that the "Lords of Bronn's Law" once had legal effect in history."

"As for the "Lords of Bronn Law", the largest lords of the enfeoffed land are the nobles of Zhongzhou from Hanzhou. In this law, the children of the Duke of Bronn were deprived of their land. The so-called Huangying Territory is also

It no longer exists. According to this law, the land in Bulong was undoubtedly owned by the Duke of Hanzhou at that time, and it was divided into the territories of multiple counts. Therefore, the geographical concept of Huangying Territory does not exist. "

Potram looked at the jury box: "So, the Huangying independence movement completely violated the federal peace law. You will personally judge how absurd the Huangying movement is. Based on this case, the Hanzhou Assembly may pass a law.

Eucalyptus, not to mention the power to hold a referendum, any relevant proposals in the Bronze Assembly are illegal proposals and there is no chance of getting a vote in the assembly. I think the members of the Hanzhou Assembly have been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time. You

I will personally provide them with the most powerful weapons."

There was sudden silence in and out of the court.

After a while, Potram said: "Of course, if our civil courts must involve political leanings, it would be tragic."

"When we look back at this story, the focus should not be on the Law of Lord Bronn."

Portrait returned to his seat, picked up the water glass on the table, took a sip of water, and continued: "Actually, according to the jurisprudence of the Ninth Circuit Court of the East China Sea concerning Pearl Island, we established the legal principle known as adverse appropriation. Later,

, Donghai lawyer Mr. Lu Qianxing, Donghai High Court Justice Christine and other legal professionals have published articles on this principle in legal journals one after another, reflecting on and improving the legal thought of adverse appropriation, gradually forming a legal system in our legal community.

Talking about Mainland China."

"In this case, the barren land has not been cultivated for more than a hundred years, which in itself is a serious waste of social resources."

"Lawyer Fan Dehei in Mainland China mentioned that if such desolate land exceeds a certain period of time and is reclaimed by others, it will be occupied by the reclaimers. The time limit for desolate land can be set at twenty to thirty years."

"Lawyer Lu Qianxing proposed that land tax be levied on deserted fields. If the owner of the land refuses to pay, he will automatically lose his ownership rights."


"In short, our elite decision-makers in the legal field have put forward various discussions on this. Its essence is a call for social fairness and a restraint on the rich's waste of social resources. In a deep sense, it is

Just like a rich man throws away a piece of bread and it is picked up and eaten by a poor man who is about to starve to death, the nature is the same."

Boatright looked at the judge's bench and the jury's bench, "So, this verdict may create a landmark demonstration. The Bloom Court and the jurors will write a new chapter in the historical process of creating a fair society."

Make a big deal, Your Honor and all jurors, the future lies in your thoughts!" They bowed slightly and turned around to walk to the dock.

In my heart, I secretly admired that the boss did not even bother to use political correctness to win this lawsuit, and proposed the paradox of political correctness, which only tied the chain to the nationalistic fanaticism and xenophobic tendencies of the Burundi people from the judge to the jury.

They had to think calmly about the possibility of this project in another direction.

It only takes one session, and there is no doubt that the situation will be reversed.

You can tell by looking at the ashen-faced Hanssis in the plaintiff's box.

This chapter has been completed!
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