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Chapter 29 The Old Man (Part 2)

Lu Ming really thought that he could just lose this lawsuit and vent his anger on Liu Hanhuan. He took action personally. He really looked down on his small and broken law firm.

Of course, it seems that it takes a few points to advance, so I have to sacrifice myself and other young lawyers to get points steadily, and it seems to be because of the past festivals. It is not bullying the small ones, and it will not make people feel that they are for the sake of the big ones.

To get points to advance, I deliberately found a small lawyer to increase my points.

You should keep a low profile and don't be too pushy.

And when it comes to murder cases, ninety-nine out of one hundred suspects are not innocent.

Even if there is a so-called legal spirit, it would not be a good feeling for anyone with any sense of conscience to help a client who knows he is a murderer to be exonerated. Therefore, many lawyers who specialize in criminal defense have more or less mental illnesses.

However, when Lu Ming returned to the office and got the file sent by Wang Daan, he looked at it for a while and frowned.

The suspect's name is Li Si, a homeless man who came to Beiguan from other places, and he is lame in one leg.

The victim was a 45-year-old concubine named Li Xiaoyan, the second wife of Liu Shoucheng, a local celebrity and a second shareholder of Mingjia Entertainment.

According to the file, three months ago, the second concubine's car hit the homeless man and injured him. Seeing that the homeless man was pitiful, she took him as her long-term follower.

But this tramp had a vicious heart. A dozen days ago, he tried to rape the second concubine, but failed, so he killed the second concubine, robbed the second concubine of her money, and fled.

When the police arrested him, they also found many belongings originally owned by his second concubine from his den.

His confession already stated the fact that he committed murder and robbery after his attempted suicide.

But Wang Daan asked him to confess, but he retracted his confession on the spot, saying that he had signed the confession fabricated by the police because he had no choice but to be tortured.

Lu Ming frowned, thinking it was too illogical that this guy didn't escape from Beiguan after robbing and killing people.

After all, he is the kind of beggar without any identity. If he escapes, it will be difficult to find him.

"Brother Wang, this Li Si has not pleaded guilty. What did he tell you?" Lu Ming came to Wang Daan's office.

Wang Daan smiled bitterly: "This guy, like those death row prisoners, talked nonsense, saying that the second aunt of the Liu family wanted to violate him. He was not strong enough for her, so he picked up something in a panic and accidentally knocked her unconscious.

Tai, then he left the hotel. He also said that the things in his small house were all given to him by his second aunt in the past. "

"I can't even make up stories!" Wang Daan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Lu Ming picked up the file again and looked inside. His second aunt, Li Xiaoyan, was 1.78 meters tall and weighed 213 kilograms.

After staring at the file for a while, Lu Ming said: "Brother Wang, please arrange for me to meet this Li Si."

Wang Daan nodded: "You are good at eloquence, maybe you can persuade him to plead guilty."

Beiguan Detention Center is located in the southern suburbs of the town. It is a fortified compound with iron gates and high walls. There is a thorny barbed wire fence on top of the high walls. Outside, the solitary weeping willows seem to be lifeless. Looking from a distance, it is very depressing and makes people rise to the true sense of freedom.

Good feeling.

The extremely simple reception room only had a wooden table and a few chairs on both sides.

Police officers in black uniforms stood a few steps away, monitoring every move of the guests.

Lu Ming and Chen Qinghua sat on one side of the wooden table, waiting for the police to bring Li Si over.

From time to time, Chen Qinghua secretly glanced at Lu Ming, who was closing his eyes to rest. He had never handled a case with this young lawyer Lu before, and had rarely even met him. This was the first time he handled a case with him, but he had already heard from lawyer Wang Daan.

He praised Lawyer Lu as being very powerful, but Lawyer Wang Daan himself was very mediocre. In his eyes, every lawyer should be better than him.

As for Jiji, she also admires Lawyer Lu very much, but she admires him inexplicably as long as he is a successful person. She looks up to him as long as he is from the city. Lawyer Lu, who has a beautiful Western-style personal assistant, is naturally in her eyes.

As big as the sky, her words are not enough evidence.

Although I was born in a rural area, the university I went to was not good, and I have a fear of taking exams, so I would not even think about taking the judicial exam, but I do not think that in the legal profession, if I can get a lawyer's license, I will be better than myself.

If you discover something, should you tell Lawyer Lu? I don’t know what his temper is. If you express your opinion at will, will it make him unhappy?

While Chen Qinghua was thinking about it, he heard the sound of the iron door leading to the inner room, and then a police officer came out, leading the prisoner in prison uniform. The prisoner's hair was long and his face was covered. His face seemed to be injured. Bai Sha

The cloth covered almost half of his face, and he was even more limping when he walked.

When they got closer, the police officer removed the handcuffs on the prisoner's hands, patted him on the shoulder, turned around and took a few steps back, standing next to the wall.

The police officer who had been standing inside earlier opened the front door and went outside to wait.

It was very difficult for the lame prisoner to sit down slowly. The lame leg could not bend, so it was very difficult for him to sit down. He had to stretch out to the side in order to sit down in a weird posture.

Lawyer Lu didn't speak for a long time. Chen Qinghua looked over in surprise, only to see Lawyer Lu staring at the suspect in front of him with a strange expression.

The suspect was also staring at Lawyer Lu at this moment. Although his face was almost completely wrapped in white gauze, his exposed eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

These eyes look very young, so the suspect is not that old either.

At this time, Lu Ming waved to the police officer in black uniform and took out a green ten-yuan note, "Brother bailiff, please, can you bring me a cup of coffee?"

The policeman's eyes lit up when he saw the color of the banknotes, but he walked over slowly and took the banknotes, "You are not allowed to talk during this period, do you understand?"

Lu Ming nodded and said to Chen Qinghua: "You also go have a cup of coffee."

Chen Qinghua was stunned for a moment, vaguely feeling that Lawyer Lu and the suspect knew each other, but then he stood up and followed the police officer out of the reception room.

"It's really you..." The voice of the suspect opposite was dry and hoarse. It was no longer the voice of the person Lu Ming knew.

Lu Ming looked at him, with countless thoughts running through his mind, including not knowing what price the police would need to make him die suddenly when he returned home.

Although the man opposite him was lame and his face was wrapped in white gauze, his eyes were so familiar.

He has been his mortal enemy for more than ten years since childhood.

"He" in Wu'an is the representative of the playboys, while the person opposite him is the leader of young talents.

The two gangs started fighting naked when they were young, and then formed a small clique to fight openly and secretly as teenagers. They are simply natural enemies.

And when he first came to this world, it was this guy who, as the master accuser, accused him and Zhen of being an adulterer and murdering Lord Long.

Li Mingxuan, the youngest and most promising prosecutor in Wu'an.

Although I read the newspaper on the escape train, there was a report that the riot in Wu'an caused a fight between two brigade commanders. It was also briefly mentioned that a prosecutor named Li was seriously injured during the riot. At that time, I suspected that it was Li Mingxuan, because when I escaped,

, people from the Double Dragon Society are also attacking Li Mingxuan.

But I never imagined that I would see him in the East China Sea, and that he would be in such a miserable state.

His legs are lame, his face is wrapped in gauze for some reason, and he is still a murder suspect.

But the problem is, he saw himself, and his escape was in vain.

Although there are only official dedicated telephone lines between the empire and the four northern provinces, there are no private telephone lines.

But as long as he writes a letter or sends a telegram back, and someone looking for his whereabouts sees it, all his hard work will be in vain.

Only the dead can keep secrets forever.

At this time, Li Mingxuan let out a rustling laugh, a very strange sound, "I didn't expect that you also escaped here. Moreover, you succeeded and I failed. It seems that I really underestimated you before. Lawyer Lu Qianxing, right


Lu Ming slowly leaned back in his seat and saw Chen Qinghua's San Paotai brand cigarettes lying next to him. He took one out and lit it.

Cheap cigarettes without filters were very choking, but my thoughts gradually became clearer in my mind.

"Tell me about your case, Li Si, right?" Lu Ming pulled out a piece of paper from the file, which was a copy of the printout. "This is your confession. You don't agree with it now, right?"

"I didn't kill anyone, they tortured me and got the confession." Li Mingxuan seemed to grin and stretched out his hand, "Can I have a cigarette?"

Lu Ming pushed the cigarette case and matches over.

Li Mingxuan tremblingly took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it tremblingly, and stared at the faint match flame for a while. He seemed to come to his senses only when his hand was about to burn, and dropped the matchstick.

He greedily took a deep breath and exhaled thick smoke in his mouth. He looked at Lu Ming and said, "Forget it, it seems that I'm dead. In fact, you don't have to waste your money to buy me for those bastards."

My life, now, I have no contact with the outside at all. When I return to the detention room, I will be beaten. I think I will be beaten to death before I can go to court!"

Lu Ming said nothing and looked at him.

"You bastard, sometimes I think that all this is because of you. If I see you, I will bite you to death with one bite of flesh!"

"My family is all dead. It's all because of you, do you know?!"

Li Mingxuan took a deep breath from his cigarette, looked at Lu Ming, and smiled strangely, "It's all because of you!"

Lu Ming was stunned for a moment, "Double Dragon Society, will you kill your whole family?"

"Ssangyong Club? The Ssangyong Club tried to kill me, but Officer Han killed them all!" Li Mingxuan seemed to have a little warmth in his eyes, and then shook his head.

Lu Ming just looked at him quietly.

"Is she, is she okay?" Li Mingxuan suddenly asked, his eyes shining for a moment.

"Well, it's pretty good." Lu Ming slowly put out the cigarette butt, knowing that he was asking about Mrs. Zhen.

Li Mingxuan nodded slowly, and took a few more puffs of cigarette, "Well, I never thought that I would die in your hands in the end, instead of being tortured to death by them like a wild dog, God was not kind to me.


Lu Ming smiled, "Maybe."

Li Mingxuan was silent and suddenly said: "You should still remember that in court, didn't Zhao Jinsong say that he received a report call before going to check your car and found Long Ye's body in your car?"

"I was curious, so I checked the origin of the call that Zhao Jinsong received."

"In the end, what did you say? My whole family died, my whole family died!"

"Haha, haha, haha!"

Li Mingxuan suddenly laughed, laughing crazily.

Bang, the iron door opened, and the policeman rushed in, pointing his baton at Li Mingxuan, "Sit down, sit down!"

Chen Qinghua followed behind.

Seeing that Li Mingxuan was still laughing maniacally, the policeman walked over with his baton, and with a "bang" sound, the baton hit Li Mingxuan on the head, but he just smiled stupidly.

"Bang bang", a few more sticks.

Lu Ming watched quietly and suddenly said: "Police officer, please stop, I am now asking for an injury examination and going through the bail and medical procedures for Li Si!"

What? The police officer suddenly turned around and looked at Lu Ming in disbelief. At first, he thought that this young lawyer was very smart, and he only paid 10 yuan of his hard-earned money, but unexpectedly, his attitude suddenly changed.

"Tsinghua, go make an appointment with the newspaper reporter." Lu Ming said to Chen Qinghua, who was standing next to him and had no idea what was going on.

"No, no, Lu Dazhuang, what are you doing?!" The policeman immediately panicked.

Lu Ming nodded: "Let's do this. You go and tell Director Li that Li Si is seriously ill and needs to be released on medical parole. If he doesn't agree, I will ask for an immediate injury examination. Director Li also talked to me yesterday. Our detention center has always been humane.

For this reason, we have given the suspects the rights they should have!"

Come to think of it, in the judicial circle, even if you don't know about it, if you deliberately inquire about it, you will probably hear about the "special relationship" between you and Mr. Li.

I said in my heart, Grandma Li, Grandma Li, don’t blame me for pulling your skin. I am not familiar with this place, so I can only borrow your reputation.

"Yes, yes, Lu Dazhuang, please wait a moment, I will ask for instructions." The police did not know who "Li Guan" was, but lawyers are not easy to deal with, and generous lawyers are even less easy to deal with, so Director Li

Just think about it, it's none of your business anyway.

The policeman hurried out and looked at Li Mingxuan who was still giggling. Lu Ming slowly sat down, not knowing what he was thinking.

Beside Chen Qinghua, his head was full of questions, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

This chapter has been completed!
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