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Chapter 163 Military Control Commission

 In the small courtyard, Qing'e was walking in and out, packing her bags, and Lu Ming was already preparing to return to Montenegro.

Wang Qingxi came in a hurry, his face a little anxious.

"Boss, something happened. The four mine owners were all arrested by Zhu Datong's brother-in-law."

Lu Ming was startled: "What?"

"Zhu Datong's brother-in-law is now the captain of the Heishan Mining Inspection Jinkang Brigade." Wang Qingxi looked helpless. "Although we signed the agreement and received the checks from the four mine owners, the inspection team did not approve it. Now I

I'm just worried that our mine won't be able to get it, and the check will be cashed. There's no law at all here!" Wang Qingxi stomped his feet angrily.

Lu Ming nodded: "I'll stay a little longer to sort things out before leaving."

Wang Qingxi felt a little ashamed and sighed: "Boss, I am too incompetent."

"It's none of your business." Lu Ming patted him on the shoulder and turned around: "Tell the security platoon to prepare a car and go to the county office."

There was a green shed truck parked in front of the steps of the representative office. Lu Ming was standing in front of the truck and Lin Dayong was listening to him.

"As for you, you don't need to go back with me. You can stay here temporarily until military orders are sent from the brigade headquarters. You will be responsible for receiving Jin Kang's security company."

Lin Dayong was stunned for a while, and Lu Ming smiled: "You will understand when the military order is delivered!"

Waving his hand, Lu Ming got into the car. Lin Dayong stood at attention and saluted, watching the car leave.

The back office of the County Office.

Governor Zhang looked at Lu Ming, who had been sipping tea, and felt something was wrong.

Because the two beautiful maids beside Commissioner Lu were gone, a row of soldiers in olive green uniforms with shiny bayonets stood next to them, and the atmosphere was filled with a solemn atmosphere.

When he saw Zhu Datong come in, he felt relieved and hurriedly stood up to apologize: "Senate, you are here!"

Zhu Datong walked in slowly, frowned and glanced at the row of soldiers. Shi Shiran stepped up to the throne and said, "Commissioner Lu, you asked Governor Zhang to invite me here. Why?"

Lei Bao behind Lu Ming took out a piece of paper, held it in both hands, and stood at attention. "The Governor has issued an emergency order! Due to the tense situation, Montenegro will be under military control by the Military Control Commission from now on. All departments in Montenegro must cooperate fully."


Zhu Datong was slightly startled and turned around: "What do you mean?"

Governor Zhang over there also looked puzzled.

Lei Bao took two steps forward and handed the paper to Zhu Datong and Governor Zhang.

It's a fax paper, but it has the Governor's signature and seal on it, and a list of members of the Military Control Commission at the back.

The chairman of the committee, Lu Ming, and the vice-chairmen are Hu Dingshan, the commander of the Montenegro Brigade, and Xia Liren, the commissioner of the Montenegro Administrative Office; the list of committee members includes people at the level of deputy commissioner of the Montenegro Administrative Office, as well as officers at the deputy brigade level of the Montenegrin Brigade and three regimental commanders, Zhu

Datong is also on the committee list.

Zhu Datong and Governor Zhang looked at each other and looked at each other.

Lei Bao smiled at Zhu Datong: "Director Zhu, the order should be conveyed to the Black Mountain Mining Bureau in a few hours, and you will receive a call."

Lu Ming said to Governor Zhang: "I have sent people to prepare to take over the county's security company, and a temporary military control committee will be established here, with our representative as the chairman and you as the deputy chairman."

"Commissioner Lu, what's going on?" Zhu Datong finally lost his composure, his eyes flickered, and he didn't quite believe it.

"The details must be kept secret. When the Military Control Commission convenes a meeting, I will talk about it at the meeting." Lu Ming glanced at Zhu Datong, "You should also prepare and return to Montenegro as soon as possible!"

After Lu Ming finished speaking, he stood up and walked out, then stopped again, "Oh, just now on the street, a villain named Li Shixing rammed into my vehicle and delayed the military plane. He has been arrested. He is from your mining system, right?


Zhu Datong was stunned and stood up suddenly, "Commissioner Lu..." his tone softened, "He is my relative, please show mercy to Commissioner Lu."

"We don't have time to deal with this now. Let's wait until the situation becomes more stable!" Lu Ming walked out of the flower hall without stopping.

Zhu Datong was still waiting to say anything, but the captain of the guard suddenly shouted in a long voice: "Turn left!"

Zhu Datong was startled.

But I saw this row of soldiers clearly raising their bayonets and rifles in an extremely neat manner. With a very rhythmic step, they turned left one by one, made a running motion, slowly gathered together, and jogged out again.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Datong could no longer say the words in his mouth.

Governor Zhang was also horrified. For the first time, he suddenly felt that these soldiers with guns in their hands represented a terrifying power, a power that could determine life or death.

In the past, he often asked the soldiers from the county guard company to work as servants, moving and lifting, etc. In his eyes, these soldiers were originally just coolies.

Then he looked at Zhu Datong, the general manager of countless mines in Montenegro worth billions. At this moment, he was also dumbfounded, and his eyes were clearly filled with panic.

In the afternoon, Lu Ming was already sitting in the small conference room of the Montenegro Brigade Headquarters.

In addition to Hu Dingshan, there were also Chief of Staff Cheng Wei in the conference room; Director of the Supervision Office Zhao Jingxun, and the commanders of the three major infantry regiments, all of whom were military representative members of the Military Control Commission.

At this time, several people's faces were solemn, as they had just heard this top-secret shocking information.

There was a military coup in the imperial capital, and communications have not been restored from the night before to today.

"A large-scale conflict must have broken out. According to intelligence sources outside the imperial capital, very intense gunfire was heard." Lu Ming shook his head.

Fortunately, Han Anni and several other new members of the Special Investigation Bureau were training in other places. Apart from Sister Windsor, there was no one he particularly cared about in the imperial capital for the time being.

As for Sister Windsor's identity, unless both sides can no longer control the soldiers and a massacre breaks out in the imperial capital, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

Several colonels and officers looked surprised at this time. Artillery was used in the imperial capital? Then the situation of this coup was more serious than they imagined.

Lu Ming continued: "As for us, we must be prepared to lose the protection of the empire, because no matter what the final outcome of the coup is, I think that in a short period of time, the affairs of our five Jiangnan provinces, especially our Jiangning Province, will not be available to the imperial capital.

Therefore, the adoption of military control in Montenegro can prevent people from panic, can also act as a deterrent to some conspirators who want to take advantage of the opportunity to enter Montenegro, and can also have a deterrent effect on preventing the resurgence of mountain bandits."

After listening to Lu Ming's words, Cheng Wei, Zhao Jingxun and others nodded while recording.

Hu Dingshan sighed and said: "It's fortunate that Commissioner Lu, oh, should be called Chairman, and fortunately our Chairman has information from the imperial capital. Otherwise, we, a bunch of old haters, would be caught off guard, and we would be really afraid of death without knowing how to die."

Yes, if nothing else, we have an organization in Montenegro called the Smoked Chicken Club, which colludes with bandits and foreign forces. This is a God-given opportunity for them, so why don’t we make trouble?"

Lu Ming coughed. If the leader of this organization knew that he now had such a "prestigious" code name, he would be angry to death.

I originally wanted to go to Jinkang to thoroughly investigate the Smoked Chicken Club, but my plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Now I can only go back to Montenegro to get an overview.

After thinking about it, Lu Ming said: "The city administration office must have received the notice, right? Lao Hu, please call Xia Liren later and see when we can meet. The Military Control Commission will divide the work and get things up and running quickly."

"Okay!" Hu Dingshan nodded.

One thing after another, Hu Dingshan can only retreat to the position of deputy no matter what he thinks in his heart.

Including the Montenegro Military Control Commission, the old fool Governor Chaxon agreed to implement military control in Montenegro and two other cities that were often troubled by bandits and had territorial disputes with Jiangbei, but they also named Montenegro's military control and asked Lu Ming to take the lead in it. Hu Dingshan

There is no way.

Lu Ming stood up and said, "I'll make a few more calls."

There are so many things that need to be prepared and prevented, especially businesses in various places. I don’t know how many of them will be affected.

If the world is in chaos, you may lose all your investment in a matter of minutes.

All I can say is that I hope this great change will not affect the overall situation of the eastern world. Most of my investments will still focus on the eastern states and provinces.

This chapter has been completed!
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