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Chapter 13 Authority

"Boom, boom, boom" the earth suddenly trembled, and in the night, lines of fire pierced the sky, and balls of fireballs flew up from the south bank of the river and fell to the north of the river.

Lu Ming stood on the river embankment and put down his telescope because it was difficult to see what was happening on the other side.

In the dark night sky, the gorgeous fireworks seem very beautiful and spectacular.

In fact, if you think about it, for every firework that falls, several living lives may fall.

The people who control these terrifying killing machines may be the warlords who are attacked and scolded by the public opinion media, and they seem to be able to scold them to their heart's content.

But from the perspective of individual civilians, how small and insignificant are they in front of these people?

And he is also becoming a member of the group that controls the power of terror.

Sighing slightly, Lu Ming looked at Yu Luan, Da Guo and others beside him. They were all wearing officer uniforms and standing solemnly behind him.

I have restored my status as Chairman Lu Ming, which was also the suggestion of my office staff.

For such a fruitful raid, I must go to the front line of the battlefield in person and appear to have planned and commanded it myself. In this way, it will be the first step to establish my authority in the army and among the people. In the five provinces south of the Yangtze River and the four provinces in the north,

In such a regional culture, people tend to worship the strong and follow the strong.

It was getting brighter, and the fireballs flying on the south bank of the Yangtze River gradually became sparse.

Then, there were roars in the sky, and more than ten behemoths circled over the heads of Lu Ming and others, flying quickly towards the north of the Yangtze River.

It is the aviation brigade of the United Matrix, going to mop up the remaining enemy positions.

The reporters accompanying the army who had been silent in the distance were allowed to come forward one after another.

The guards around Lu Ming had already been replaced by extremely lethal guards armed with live ammunition.

The flash flashed immediately and non-stop.

Lu Ming ignored them, holding a telescope and looking at the messy position in Jiangbei with billowing smoke.

There were no traces of the originally temporary military barracks built with wooden planks, and some figures emerging from the black smoke were mercilessly shot dead by machine guns from helicopters.

There were also helicopters flying low, and the soldiers above threw cluster grenades into the roof opening of the tank that had not been blown up. Before the explosion, the helicopter flew away very quickly.

Lu Ming looked at it quietly for a while, turned around and left. The overall situation was decided and there was nothing to worry about.

The reporters were then led onto the river embankment and started taking photos of the other side.

They were even more envious of the two military newspaper reporters who boarded the helicopter. Fortunately, according to the agreement signed between the military and them, the precious photos taken by the military newspaper reporters would be shared with them, so that everyone could publish the raid as soon as possible.

News about the war will not favor one thing over another.

In fact, they were notified the day before yesterday that they were just participating in a military exercise, but when they arrived at the gathering place, their personal freedom was controlled.

I was worried at first, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be such a big news. So, the panic and fatigue of the day and night were definitely worth it.

The Military Control Commission and this morning's morning report were all about the Beiyingkou raid that broke out yesterday.

Jiangbei warlord Gao Baoshan's ace unit, the so-called armored regiment, was completely destroyed.

Of course, its armored regiment has two to three thousand people, and the casualties are actually only a few hundred at most. However, most of the heavy equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles are indeed scrapped. This is clearly shown in the photos published by most media outlets in Jiangning Province.

, from this perspective, it can indeed be said that its armored regiment has been destroyed.

The military control committee members, namely the Commander of the Black Mountain Brigade Hu Dingshan, only received the notification at the moment the war broke out.

The rest of the committee members even saw military intelligence briefings after the war.

But when I saw the newspaper this morning, I realized that the military intelligence report was not exaggerated, and everyone felt as if their hearts were in turmoil.

Then look at the young chairman sitting in the conference room, and look at the majestic photos of him supervising battles on the front line in the newspapers.

The mood of the members of the Military Control Commission was even more complicated.

Hu Dingshan is smiling. In front of everyone, he is mute and eats coptis. He cannot say that he has not participated in this military operation from beginning to end. At most, he got the news a few hours ahead of you.

Before Lu Ming entered the venue, he could only smile and deal with the congratulations and praises from the committee members.

"Well, I think before I came back, all my colleagues were talking about this war." As soon as Lu Ming spoke, the conference room immediately became extremely quiet, and the atmosphere seemed completely different from before.

"Thanks to you, our frontline soldiers fought bloody battles and achieved good results, which dampened the arrogance of Jiangbei warlord Gao Baoshan. Next, I think we will conduct a series of negotiations with Gao Baoshan."

As he spoke, Lu Ming looked at Hu Dingshan, "The new army must conduct more rigorous military training, and at the same time, it must conduct a series of ideological education. Let's talk about this again. This raid also exposed many problems."

Hu Dingshan forced a smile and nodded.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the office, and several prosecutors wearing dark blue uniforms came in. The leader came up to Lu Ming, bowed and whispered a few words in Lu Ming's ear, and Lu Ming nodded.

Then several prosecutors arrived behind Zhu Datong, and the leading prosecutor showed his ID to Zhu Datong, "Montenegro Prosecutor's Office, Zhu Datong, you are suspected of many illegal and criminal acts. Please come with us and assist in the investigation!"

Everyone present looked at this scene in surprise.

Zhu Datong was stunned and said to Lu Ming: "Chairman! I am an official appointed and managed by the Provincial Chief Secretary. You have no right to replace me!"

Obviously, Zhu Datong is not stupid. Knowing that people were arrested by the Procuratorate at the meeting of the Military Control Commission, the Procuratorate must have obtained Lu Ming's permission, and it was very likely that it was Lu Ming's instruction.

Despite this, he still called Lu Ming "Chairman" and did not dare to act out of line, make noise or ridicule, etc.

Perhaps in my heart, unconsciously, I finally had real awe for this young chairman.

Lu Ming didn't say anything, just waved his hand.

"Mr. Zhu Datong, please!" The leading prosecutor made a gesture of invitation.

Zhu Datong gritted his teeth, stood up, and left the venue with several prosecutors seemingly supporting him but actually restraining him from the left and right.

There was silence in the conference room, and everyone vaguely knew that the young chairman deliberately arrested people at the conference to show his authority, but this scene was truly shocking and made people feel an inexplicable sense of fear.

Judge Sharif, the observer sitting at the far end of the oval conference table, sighed softly in his heart. This young legal genius, in this chaotic place, finally followed the path of his predecessors and started his new life with dictatorship and power.


Is this a kind of irony?

Hu Dingshan followed Lu Ming into Lu Ming's office.

After Yuluan had the tea, she went out and closed the door gently.

Hu Dingshan sent a letter and said with a smile: "Please also ask the Chairman for approval."

Lu Ming opened it and read it, but it was a report from Hu Dingshan requesting the appointment of a deputy brigade commander in the Black Mountain Brigade.

He analyzed the structure of the Montenegro Brigade Headquarters and believed that the deputy brigade commander of the Montenegro Brigade has been vacant for a long time because of the insufficient command strength of the Brigade Headquarters.

Finally, he requested to resign as the commander of the Black Mountain Brigade, and Commissioner Lu Ming, the true founder of the Black Mountain Brigade, could serve as the brigade commander. Only in this way can the military orders of the Black Mountain Brigade be smoothed and the combat effectiveness of the Black Mountain Brigade be raised to a new level.

He volunteered to serve as deputy brigade commander, focusing on training logistics and other work.

Lu Ming looked at this report and thought in his heart, if he had to say that Hu Dingshan was going step by step, he really couldn't bear to drop his knife on his head.

If he really knows how to advance and retreat in the future, then it seems that it is the right thing to protect his wealth and safety.

Nodding, "Okay, I will think about it seriously." He smiled again: "New Year tomorrow, we will discuss it after the New Year. Let's celebrate the New Year well first."

This chapter has been completed!
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