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Chapter Eighteen: Great Competition (Part 1)

The green military tent dormitory next to the Second Company Headquarters is very simple and bright, with a camp bed, a washbasin and a basin stand, a table and a chair.

This is Lu Ming's dormitory, with the same treatment as the company commander, including a radio on the table.

Jennifer was naturally sent back to Shili Villa instead of the octagonal apartment of the Montenegro Military Headquarters, so that she would not be alone.

In the dormitory to the left of Lu Ming is Shao Shengxi, the chief of the political training section of the Second Company. He is a young man in his twenties who has just graduated from the military academy and has outstanding grades. Therefore, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant and appointed as the chief of the political training section, equal to the company commander.

Rank is one of the two chief officers of a company.

Company commander Liao Sanshi lives in the dormitory on the right side of Shao Shengxi.

The tent room on the right side of Lu Ming's residence is the dormitory of Yu Luan and Heitou. They have a radio.

In fact, Lu Ming could sense that the company commander Liao Sanshi was a little uncomfortable with the fact that his confidential secretary and service officer were two beautiful girls.

It wouldn't matter if I was at the brigade headquarters, but now that I'm at the company headquarters, a place where everyone is a monk, I look very arrogant and extravagant, and even more ridiculous.

Sitting on a hard chair in the dormitory, Lu Ming looked at his schedule.

Get up at 6 o'clock, go out for exercises at 6:30, wash up and tidy up at 7:15, have breakfast at 7:30, and start exercises at 8 o'clock, which is military training.

Lunch at 12:00, lunch break from 12:30 to 14:00, afternoon military training starts at 14:00 and ends at 17:30.

Have dinner at 18:00, listen to radio news and entertainment programs at 18:30, and start studying culture and ideological and political education at 19:30.

Turn off the lights and go to bed at 9:30.

The day is fully planned, and of course, every Sunday is closed as normal.

Just after he put down his work schedule, Heitou walked in and said, "It's dinner time, can I bring you some food?"

Lu Ming waved his hand, "No, I'll go to the cafeteria to eat. You two will go there later. If there's nothing to eat, ask the cafeteria to add a small stove."

Ah? Hei Tou scratched his head a little. What a precious body the young master has. Dining with a group of barbaric big-headed soldiers. In case there are big-headed soldiers with evil intentions, there are no guards around him.

Lu Ming looked at her and said with a smile: "It's okay. If you can't beat me, I can run away. Besides, your young master won't have people wanting his life everywhere, right? Life would be too oppressive!"

After thinking for a while, he said, "But let's do this. You and Yuluan come with me."

The hesitation on the black head's face disappeared and he stood at attention: "Yes!"

The canteen is a wooden room built with wide wooden boards, which is enough to accommodate nearly two hundred soldiers in the company.

The originally buzzing cafeteria suddenly became much quieter after Lu Ming and the others entered.

Lu Ming took Yu Luan and Hei Tou to line up. The soldiers in front of him immediately stepped aside and reminded his companions who had not noticed that the chairman had come to the back. They passed the news one by one, and the long line in front suddenly dispersed.

Yes, they all went to other queues and queued up again.

Lu Ming ignored this and went to the window to open the aluminum lunch box.

The master chef looked a little confused when he saw the uniform of Brigadier General Lu Ming. He filled the plate with rice and vegetables. The rice was white rice and the vegetables were Chinese cabbage stew.

Lu Ming served himself another bowl of vegetable soup. He saw Liao Sanshi and Shao Shengxi walking into the cafeteria together. He waved to them and pointed to a relatively empty table.

Liao Sanshi looked a little reluctant, but with Shao Shengxi's little trick, he and Shao Shengxi walked over and sat at the table where Lu Ming, Hei Tou and Yu Luan were.

In fact, when Lu Ming just sat down, the soldiers at the two tables nearby wanted to pick up their lunch boxes and disperse in a hurry to eat at a table far away from the senior officer. However, Lu Ming stopped them and told them not to move, "Eat where you are!"

"These soldiers immediately sat down obediently.

"Can the food be meaty every day?" Lu Ming did not ask Liao Sanshi and Shao Shengxi who had just sat down, but turned to ask the soldiers at the table behind him, and patted the shoulder of the soldier closest to him. The young man

He immediately jumped up like a frightened rabbit and answered loudly and loudly: "Yes! Sir!"

Lu Ming looked at Liao Sanshi and Shao Shengxi and said with a smile: "Really, Shitou, you don't look like you can lie and are brave. Tell me, can you guarantee two taels of meat per soldier every day?"

Liao Sanshi was a little strange, "Sir, how did you know my name is Shitou?"

Lu Ming smiled but didn't answer, thinking to himself, you country kids, if you have rocks in your names, what else can you call them by your nickname? I almost recognize a bunch of rocks.

"Sir, you are so amazing!" Liao Sanshi raised his thumb.

Shao Shengxi had no choice but to poke his partner with his arm. He sat up straight and said to Lu Ming: "Traveler, every day's meals are provided according to the rules. They are completely guaranteed and no one will cheat!"

Lu Ming glanced at Shao Shengxi. The young man graduated from the military academy with excellent grades. He seemed to be very smart, but he was afraid of being too smart.

Obviously, most officers do not realize that in the military, they actually want them to think of themselves as brigade commanders rather than committee leaders.

Shao Shengxi was keenly aware of this. Naturally, he saw through his deep intention of staying to compete with Fang Dazhuang, so he called himself "Tourist". The subtleties in this were really not understandable to outsiders.

He is more suitable for political development. Lu Ming glanced at Shao Shengxi. Of course, today's Black Mountain Brigade also needs political workers like him.

Liao Sanshi scratched his head over there, "Commander Shao is right. Ever since the new army was reorganized, the food has not been bad." He glanced at Lu Ming and said, "Sir, I heard that you snatched it from the Black Mountain Mining Bureau.


Lu Ming smiled and said: "What can we not rob? We soldiers sweat and bleed to protect our homes and people. We have to eat enough and keep up with nutrition, right? In the past, the officials of the Montenegro Bureau made a lot of money, but now I

You can make the decision and don’t let them catch it. If you want to rob it, won’t it scare them to death?! We are all armed with big guns, so we just grab a few taels of meat to eat?”

The soldiers at the table behind Lu Ming and others burst into laughter. Although they felt something was wrong and quickly stopped laughing, they felt that this chief officer was really approachable.

Liao Sanshi also scratched his head and laughed twice.

Lu Ming turned around and looked at the two tables of soldiers, "Tell me why you became a soldier?" He then waved to some soldiers who were about to leave after eating, "Come on, everyone, come here and tell us."

The soldiers gathered around, and some of them had not finished eating. They did not eat at this time. They were not afraid of being surrounded, and they also came closer to watch the fun and see what the officers were saying, which made everyone laugh.

"Tell me, why do you all become soldiers?" Lu Ming asked with a smile.

No one said anything. It was not easy to answer this question in front of the chief.

Lu Ming smiled: "In order to have enough to eat, now I have more meat to eat, and there are subsidies. I can have two or three yuan a month, and I can smoke a few boxes of foreign cigarettes, so I am even more reluctant to leave, right?"

Some of the soldiers chuckled, naturally it was something that touched their hearts.

"Actually, people always talk about the pursuit of ambition. People live for their families. If they are more selfish, they live for themselves. However, this life is very fast. Maybe as soon as we close our eyes, the world will leave us.

If you go, you won’t know anything anymore. Even if there is an afterlife, the one who lives is not us now, right? So, we still have to leave some traces to prove that we have been in this world."

Lu Ming sighed softly and pointed at Hei Tou and Yu Luan, "Let's talk about the two Major Lus. One has hatred for his family and his country, and the other has great ambitions to revive his homeland. Both little girls are amazing.

, I see you, no one is more capable than the two of them, but no matter how strong one person is, it is simply insignificant. Therefore, it takes many of us to get together to have the power to do big things. The two of them

I am willing to stay with me as a secret, and I also hope to go home in the future!"

The soldiers were all confused when they heard this. Looking at these two heroic female school officers, they thought they were just the chief's maids in the army, with a lower status than his wife. They were just giving the title of school officer to the public under the guise of giving private benefits.

I understand everything.

"Shitou, don't you believe it? I know your marksmanship is very good, so you can compete with them." Lu Ming smiled.

Liao Sanshi immediately shook his head and said to himself, "How can I compare with two little yellow-haired girls? They are too bullying."

However, Yu Luan and Heitou clasped their fists at Liao Sanshi. Yu Luan chuckled and said: "Captain Liao, we have not been with the young marshal for a long time. We have learned some marksmanship and martial arts, but our qualifications are dull and we have not learned the young marshal's skills.

I also ask Captain Liao to give me some advice."

This chapter has been completed!
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