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Chapter 20 The Competition (Second 2)

Lu Ming did not interfere with the training during the day, but he was bound to attend the cultural classes in the evening, where he would talk about the legal system and citizens' rights.

On the third day, Master Gong's case happened to be officially opened.

As a result, various newspapers and periodicals became reading materials for the evening culture class. Shao Shengxi read them to all the soldiers of the Second Company and organized discussions with them.

Some were on Master Gong's side, while others hated all corrupt officials. Sometimes the two sides would quarrel or even start a fight.

Time flies by very quickly, and there are still four days left before the three consecutive competitions led by Fang Dazhuang.

The third company had extra training on Sunday, but the second company had a holiday as usual.

Some soldiers couldn't help but murmur to themselves, is this really good? The bigger the officer, the more honorable he is, shouldn't he have more dignity? The highest officer in the army is here, and he has to compete with other company commanders, so he should have a holiday on Sunday?

In the afternoon, Lu Ming arrived at the fire platoon's dormitory.

The Montenegrin Brigade's infantry company has about 190 people, consisting of three infantry platoons and a firepower platoon. Each infantry platoon is divided into four squads, each with 11 people. There are also company headquarters cooking squads, communications squads, etc.

The fire platoon is not divided into squads and is equipped with three light machine guns, one heavy machine gun and two 60mm mortars. Each weapon surrounds a combat group.

The platoon leader's name is Bao Dalong, a sturdy man with the rank of second lieutenant.

Platoon deputy Gao Laoxi, with the rank of sergeant, is also the leader of the heavy machine gun team.

The soldiers were obviously veterans, with military ranks ranging from corporal to staff sergeant. There was only one private, a private first class.

When Lu Ming came in, almost all the soldiers in the fire platoon were in the dormitory. It was a dormitory with bunk beds, a dozen green wooden beds, and more than thirty bunks.

The housekeeping was well organized, and the soldiers were playing cards or chatting in groups.

However, someone was obviously watching outside. Lu Ming suddenly brought Yu Luan into the dormitory. Someone immediately shouted: "Stand at attention!"

And the soldiers who had placed the cards and other random things immediately stood up straight.

Lu Ming waved his hand, returned the military salute to Bao Dalong who walked over quickly and saluted, and then smiled: "It's okay, feel free to dismiss!" He added: "I'm just here to take a look and chat with you casually."

Bao Dalong waved his hand, and soldiers immediately brought a chair and placed it next to the desk in the middle of the dormitory.

The other soldiers stood neatly in front of the desk, more than thirty people, standing in three rows.

Lu Ming waved his hand, "You can sit wherever you like, on the bed, anywhere." As he spoke, he moved the chair to face the bed in the dormitory.

"Everyone, sit down!" Bao Dalong made a gesture, and then the soldiers stepped over. Three or five people sat on the same bed, all sitting upright.

"Sir, have you downloaded the contents of the competition with the Third Company?" The person speaking was Gao Laoxi, who had always had a very undisciplined temperament, but seemed to take this competition very seriously.

But he didn't go to see Yuluan very often, obviously he was a little embarrassed.

Yuluan's unpredictable skills were also rumored in the military, adding a lot of mystery to Commissioner Lu.

Lu Ming smiled: "Yes, it has been decided. The manual will be distributed tomorrow morning, and everyone can see it. In the next few days, we will be fully prepared for this competition." He added: "In general, we will go.

A hundred miles away, there is a mountainous area that none of us are familiar with. Let's compete with Sanlian to see who can conquer a target there first."

"This exercise, whether it is the referee group, props group, coefficient assessment, casualty calculation, etc., are all new things. It is the first plan our Montenegro Brigade has come up with. Therefore, this exercise is actually not only

The contest between our second company and our third company is also a practice for improving the relevant exercise plan."

Gao Laoxi chuckled and said, "It sounds like something very profound for a cultured person. Did the officer bring it from the East China Sea?"

Lu Ming smiled and said, "You can say that."

In fact, I have played a World War II simulation game, which has training subjects related to exercises, and it is a very realistic game.

Of course, no matter how realistic the game is, it will definitely be different from reality, and the relevant content is also extremely brief.

But in this world where no large-scale battles have taken place since the era of thermal weapons, military exercises are of the same era as those of the previous life, and the concept is the Stone Age. Therefore, the exercise methods, coefficient calculations, etc. that I learned from the game,

From a conceptual point of view, in this world, one is an enlightener. Of course, it must be perfected through practice.

Lu Ming glanced at Gao Laoxi again and said with a smile: "As the commander of the Black Mountain Brigade, it doesn't matter whether I win or lose in the competition with the Third Company. My main purpose is to promote new military exercise methods." After a pause.

, "However, from my perspective as the temporary commander of the Second Company, we must win this exercise. If we lose, it will be a shame for me! The same is true for you!"

Bao Dalong, Gao Laoxi and all the soldiers, some of whom were bold and had smiles on their faces, suddenly became serious.

"Yes!" Bao Dalong and Gao Laoxi took the lead in standing up to attention, "All fire platoons of the Second Company, stand up! Listen to the commander's instructions!"

Swish, swish, swish, the soldiers all stood up, standing upright.

Lu Ming also stood up, "Actually, during this period, you have been listening to the radio every day, listening to external news, and listening to the political trainers talking about the southern world and the western world. Now, we are discussing the case of the former governor of Longgang in this city."

"You should all have your own thoughts on the case of former Governor Gong."

Lu Ming looked at Gao Laoxi, "Deputy Gao, tell me, what do you think about this case?"

"Deserves to be killed!" Gao Laoxi's cold words came out from between his teeth.

Bao Dalong over there immediately frowned.

Lu Ming nodded: "I also know that Platoon Leader Bao has very different opinions on this."

"Actually, it doesn't matter. You probably don't know that this former governor Gong is my best assistant. I brought him from the East China Sea."

Everyone was stunned and looked at Lu Ming in disbelief.

"In this case, you can actually think whatever you want, freedom of thought and freedom of speech, but the final verdict is decided by the court and the jury!"

"And I think, because the defense lawyer will participate in the selection of the ten-person jury, and the judge has the power to send sentences, Gao Laoxi, your extreme idea will definitely not be realized, but I understand why you have it

This kind of thinking. You think that anyone who corrupts a penny or accepts a penny as a gift should be killed. Only in this way can corrupt officials be deterred. This kind of thinking comes from the distrust of the official system. Why don't you trust them? Because they are not transparent.

They live under the Iron Curtain, everything in their lives is tightly wrapped in black cloth, and they wantonly shape their own sanctity, making them all like saints. But once the fig leaf is pulled down, Lao Xi, like you,

Their faith will collapse and they will completely lose trust in this group."

Lu Ming shook his head.

"Actually, that's true. How can there be any saints? Relying on self-discipline to maintain moral character? That's just a beautiful fantasy of the ancients."

"Everything still depends on a system that can be improved step by step and the supervision of public opinion."

"Just like Lao Gong, he is the first official in Montenegro who can be fully reported by the media after his resignation, but he will not be the last. Now, many newspapers are poaching his partner Gao Shaoting? The media is the same for those who are in office.

You can dig and write whatever you want."

"In the future, these will be very common. Once officials break the law, it will become normal for ordinary citizens to take them to court."

Lu Ming smiled as he spoke and looked at them.

"Actually, it is impossible for everyone here to be rich and powerful. In the end, it is a portrayal of most of us that we are willing to live an ordinary life every day. So, what kind of world do we want to live in? I hope it is a power system.

A society that is as transparent as possible, a society where the gossip of officials at all levels, and the business of seven aunts and eight aunts can be reported by the media, a society where the people of Montenegro can point their fingers at me and scold me, I think this is the kind of world we have

Most ordinary people are what our descendants need in the world."

"Don't say that the world cannot be equal. What we have to do is to pursue equality and justice as much as possible. At least, Lao Xi, in such a world, your village security chief and township office director will definitely not dare to bully you. Power

To be put in a cage, the first thing is the power of grassroots officials facing the common people. The common people can feel the pain of the power. In fact, the most important thing to govern the grassroots power is the supervision of the legal system and public opinion. It means that you are all supervisors, and you can always be there.

The right to sue them."

"In the future, when will the word "official" be less important in the hearts of our descendants? Our goal..."

Lu Ming shook his head as he spoke, "That's too far away!" He looked at them, "What you are trying to protect now with your guns drawn is such a world, or in other words, what you want to protect is the prototype of such a world. You want it to

Is it stillborn? Or do you still have passion in your heart, even if you are idealistic, and want to be able to defend such a world? Tell yourself in your heart, give it a try? Follow Commander Lu, let’s give it a try?”

"I am an idealist, and I want to give it a try. Just like what I told you when I came here on the first day, whether we are rich and prosperous, poor or miserable, in the end, it is just the dust of history.

, an insignificant dust in the universe, so is it possible to leave a trace for yourself that you have lived in this world?"

"On the radio, most of you like to listen to the storytelling of knights. I think real knights should be idealists who would sacrifice their lives and blood for a world like this, no matter what!"

Bao Dalong and others were all fascinated by what they heard. They were speechless for a long time and didn't know what to say.

Most of them feel that their thoughts are ups and downs, and they have an inexplicable throbbing feeling.

Looking at this young and mysterious officer, no one said anything, because in a trance, they all seemed to have the illusion that the person standing in front of them was the chivalrous man in the storytelling, who had passed away despite thousands of people, with fluttering white clothes.

, the Qingfeng in the hand gathers ideals to smash the boundless dark sky.

We don't even know when Chief Lu and his entourage left.

This chapter has been completed!
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