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Chapter 71: Secretly assassinating Chen Cang

In the study, under the bright light, Lu Ming took the letter he had just written to Sister Windsor on the table. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that some words needed to be changed, so he took out a piece of snow-white letter paper and copied it again.

This afternoon, I received a secret message from Governor Chuckson.

The secret message stated that the 325th Division was seriously overstaffed, and some people had even complained to the Imperial Capital. Therefore, he was going to submit a report on the chaos in the Northern Territory to the Imperial Capital, and based on this, he requested the military to grant Jiangning another border guard division.

In this way, the 325th Division was divided into two to solve the problem of overstaffing that was criticized by others. However, the 325th Division and the New Border Guard Division were both under the command of Heishan Xingying.

Governor Chuckson asked for his opinion.

But he has already laid out his plans, and the so-called inquiry is a kind of notification.

It doesn’t take much to think about it, how could Governor Chuckson always support him unconditionally?

Maybe someone was whispering too much in his ears, but in any case, what he wants to do now is not to see his family become the dominant one, but to have his military power taken away.

The appointment of the commander and senior officers of the new border garrison division is naturally none of his business.

It is said that the new frontier division also belongs to the Heishan camp, but in fact, the Heishan camp is called the governor's camp, and he is just a representative of the governor.

Human nature is like this. If you remain lukewarm, a team of 10,000 people will be hanging around in Montenegro.

Then, with Sister Windsor and Christine communicating, Governor Chuxon will support him.

He even gave his son to himself.

But his power expanded too fast and his military strength increased, so he naturally began to feel that something was wrong. Therefore, if he wanted to gain real military command, at the very least, he had to check and balance his subordinates, and not allow one family to dominate.

This is the habitual thinking of those in power, and Governor Chuckson is not immune to it.

It is true that there are currently 8 regiments in the 325th Division, but the actual strength is already 25,000, and there is also the Wanzhou Guard Brigade that is recruiting new soldiers.

I also mentioned to Governor Chuckson that I was sure to get the Nanping Garrison Regiment, Gao Baoshan's direct force. Its tiger general Gao Yuhu was ready to abandon the dark side and join the light. Based on this garrison group, he would renovate Gao Baoshan's old troops and recruit new troops in Nanping.

, Jian Nanping Security Brigade.

In this way, he only has one division and two brigades under his command.

After all, Governor Chuckson's vision was not that broad, but what he did was what anyone in power would do.

After all, he is his boss, so the safest solution now is to ask Sister Windsor for help.

Looking at the copied secret letter, Lu Ming nodded and shouted, "Come."

The study door was gently pushed open, and Yuluan came in gracefully.

"Immediately, use password No. 1 to send it to the Imperial Capital, urgent, Mrs. Hongmei's line." Lu Ming handed the letter to Yu Luan.

Yuluan nodded, took it with both hands, and left quickly.

Lu Ming picked up another letter on the desk.

It is an official letter sent by Masayuki Yoshida, Minister of the Kingdom of Japan to Haixi, to Governor Chaxon of Jiangning Province.

In fact, originally there were no diplomatic envoys such as ministers between the various confederations of the empire, which was inconsistent with legal principles.

However, the relationship between the confederacies was loose, so they also sent representatives to each other, and even the local leaders of the confederation also had foreign affairs representatives.

For example, in the East China Sea, there were representatives sent by some Japanese lords.

But now that the world is in chaos, Japan has clearly sent envoys to the northern region.

In his official letter, Minister Masayuki Yoshida expressed strong protest against the Montenegrin Army's attack on Wanzhou.

Calling this a barbaric act of aggression, we demanded a reasonable explanation from Governor Chuckson.

At the same time, consuls will be sent to Wanzhou, firstly, to pay attention to the safety of its overseas residents; secondly, to mediate the conflicting parties involved in the Wanzhou war and restore peace.

Lu Ming has been waiting for Haixi Liu Bangchang's reaction, but Liu Bangchang still has not made a clear stance.

However, judging from Yoshida Masayuki's words, his prediction was correct. Because the war ended very quickly, the Kaisei Army had no suitable time to intervene. It could only see whether it could get something from the negotiation table. After all, its strong enemy was

Qi Huaide of the Northern Xinjiang Province doesn't really want to make enemies on all sides now.

While he was thinking about it, there was a knock on the study door and he gently pushed it open. It was Yuluan.

"Mrs. Hongmei replied and asked the master to wait."

Lu Ming nodded. The original mode of generating electricity was the highest urgency, which meant sending it to the highest authority telegraph operator over there. He was the most trusted person of Sister Windsor, similar to Yu Luan beside him. When he received the telegram, he immediately

It will be delivered to Sister Windsor.

Yuluan went to make tea.

Lu Ming tasted it slowly and looked at the books on the table.

But the wait lasted from dusk to midnight, then to early morning, until dawn.

Lu Ming stretched himself, and even considered and wrote a lot more things that needed to be added to "On Society".

"Master, Mrs. Hongmei has called back." Yu Luan came over with two pages of paper, all covered with codes, and she started working on the small desk next to her.

A few minutes later, a two-page secret message written in Juanxiu's handwriting was delivered to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming was dumbfounded after reading the beginning, and became even more thoughtful as he continued reading.

But it was Sister Windsor who said that she had obtained the consent of the eldest prince, and the cabinet and military orders approved by the eldest emperor were as follows:

The three cities of Heishan, Jingyang and Longhe in Jiangning Province and Nanping Road and Wanzhou Road in Longbei Province are divided into Heishan Special Autonomous Region.

The commander of the 325th Division, Lu Ming, was appointed as the Operation Supervisor of the Montenegro Special Administrative Region and was awarded the rank of Lieutenant General and the title of General of Montenegro.

Camping in Heishan, and at the same time supervising the security of the Heijiang waters.

The 325th Division and the Wanzhou Guard Brigade were reorganized into the 325th Border Guard Corps, with a rating of 30,000, led by Lu Ming.

The regulations of various departments of the 325th Army are handled by Commander Lu Ming and reported to the Imperial Military Department for approval.

Lu Ming looked at the sealed message. There was too much information, but he had to digest it carefully.

The so-called great emperor is naturally the great prince.

However, he also calls himself the emperor. In the Kingdom of Sophia, the second prince also calls himself the emperor.

As for his promotion to the rank of lieutenant general, in fact, from an imperial perspective, it is not very high. After all, there are generals, ranging from one-star generals to five-star generals, and even the rank of imperial marshal before.

But that's all at the imperial and federal level. From a local perspective, general is the top military rank.

As for the title of General Montenegro, it is unprecedented in the empire. There are only duke, uncle, son and male. In addition, dukes can also be divided into grand dukes and ordinary dukes.

Things are really in chaos now, the new emperor can even create his own titles.

The commander of the legion has the final say on how to make internal adjustments and act expediently.

It is probably rare for the eldest prince to ask Sister Windsor to ask for him, and it is in the Northern Territory, and the eldest prince has probably never heard of a place that he thinks is worthless. So, he would take the opportunity to exercise the rights of the great emperor and have a lot of fun.


You must know that the Windsor Sisters Group supports Her Royal Highness the Princess. The eldest prince knew it very well and took the opportunity to win over her.

It seems that Sister Windsor met him overnight.

However, this edict from the eldest prince is very problematic.

Originally, no one from the northern states or provinces had made a clear stance on the struggle for the Great Emperor, let alone the four northern provinces.

What's more, even if he is really the great emperor whom everyone expects, if he wants to change the administrative divisions between the confederates and divide Nanping Road and Wanzhou Road into new administrative areas, he will also need to obtain the consent of the confederate to which the area belongs, that is, he will need to obtain the approval of Longbei Xing

The province agreed and the Imperial Diet approved.

These steps are naturally not available today.

Therefore, why the three cities of Nanping Road, Wanzhou Road and Heishan are designated as special zones will definitely cause an uproar in the north.

Fortunately, at the end of the telegram, Sister Windsor said that when the official document arrives from the imperial capital in a few days, there will be two copies, and the secret document addressed to her will be what is stated in the telegram.

However, the official document sent to Jiangning Province for public disclosure did not include the order to include Nanping Road and Wanzhou Road into the Black Mountain Special Economic Zone.

The Heishan Special Administrative Region only covers the three cities of Heishan, Jingyang, and Longhe that are under the nominal jurisdiction of Heishan Xingying today.

The rest remains unchanged.

When traveling to Heishan, water security on the Heijiang River will still be monitored.

And that secret document may be useful to you in the future, brother.

Moreover, the knowledge of supervising water security on the Heijiang River is also very great. Brother, you will certainly understand.

In the end, Sister Windsor praised herself repeatedly. Obviously, the small situation she created here greatly exceeded her expectations, which made her very excited. This is probably the reason why she ran for herself all night long.

After reading the telegram several times from beginning to end, and making sure that he had digested and understood it correctly, Lu Ming handed it over to Yu Luan.

Yu Luan took the disc, burned the secret electricity and soaked the black ash in water, so that no technical means could restore it.

"Go and take a nap!" Lu Ming stood up with a smile and asked again: "Have you gone to bed on the 15th?"

"It seems..." Yuluan whispered.

Lu Ming nodded. As long as Jennifer was here, she would wait for him to kiss her forehead and say good night before going to bed, and then the little one would sleep obediently. She was so busy today that she forgot about it.

This is a villa newly built by Cheng Dasui, a magnificent garden-style building on the outskirts of Wanzhou.

Before he had time to check in, he had a taste of it himself.

Although I should return to Montenegro tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I like this manor very much. I have already bought it and the money went into the Wanzhou Road Finance Department.

Stretching and walking in the corridor, Lu Ming suddenly stopped and saw that the lights in Jennifer's bedroom next to him seemed to be still on.

Lu Ming made a gesture to Qing'e who was standing next to the door, and Qing'e bowed and stepped away.

When you open the door and walk in, you will be greeted by the unique fragrance of a girl.

The room is full of lace and rag doll elements, and you can faintly see the gorgeous princess bed like a fairy tale world. Jennifer is sleeping, seemingly orderly, lying very straight, with a snowflake on both sides of her snow-white lace pillow.

Fluffy little bear.

Lu Ming took two steps and gently opened the snow-white curtain. Looking at Jennifer's beautiful and lovely long chocolate-colored hair scattered on the snow pillow, and her beautiful little face with a white nose and a straight bridge, his heart became softer. He leaned closer and gently

Kissed her on the forehead.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw Jennifer rubbing herself against the pillow and murmuring in a daze, "Honey, good night...".

Lu Ming smiled and couldn't help but kiss her forehead again, "Little lazy pig..." He also knew in his heart that this title would never fit on Jennifer's head. She could not live a more regular life, but in her own mind

She had to wait for him to kiss her good night, so sometimes she would ruin her original schedule, but it was me who affected this little guy's extremely self-disciplined life.

"Oh... you're done..." Jennifer opened her eyes, looking very happy. Her beautiful blue eyes were so pure and innocent that it made people feel distressed.

"Well, you've been waiting for me? Our little Jennifer is the best. She won't sleep until I sleep." Lu Ming said with a deliberate smile.

Jennifer's face immediately turned red and she lowered her eyes, "I, I'm not good, I've become bad. I just fell asleep for a while, just for a little while..."

Lu Ming burst out laughing. Looking at this cute and well-behaved little guy, he felt that his heart hurt her to death. He couldn't help it any longer and gently leaned down and kissed her tender lips.

Jennifer immediately opened her blue eyes wide as if she was electrocuted, completely in disbelief.

Lu Ming's heart seemed to melt. The girl's unique fragrance in his mouth was not actually fragrant, but pure, as pure as a clear spring.

"I'm going to take a shower!" Lu Ming backed away.

Jennifer's pretty little face was red, and she said "hmm" in a low voice like a mosquito buzzing. Although she didn't understand anything, she also understood that in a while, something very embarrassing and unknown might happen.

Lu Ming smiled and walked towards the little princess's bathroom, which was also filled with fairy tale colors. His heart felt as if he was walking on clouds.

This chapter has been completed!
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