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Chapter 79 The End of an Era

Kangyuan, the county seat of Guinan, was originally Cheng Dasui's villa in Guinan, but it was bought at a high price.

Lu Ming did not expect that the person behind the purchase of this house was Gao Baoshan. He only found out after Gao Baoshan handed over the invitation.

Gao Baoshan came to the Suppression Headquarters and personally invited Lu Ming to his house as a guest.

Lu Ming vaguely guessed what happened, so he happily went to the appointment.

There are pavilions and small buildings, rockeries, gurgling springs, and colorful flowers in the flower beds.

Gao Baoshan was pacing in the flower hall, rubbing his head, and laughed: "I never thought that one day, this Cheng Da Sui's Bieyuan would become my own, good, good! He still hasn't fought me, haha, haha!"

Although he was laughing, Lu Ming could tell that he was actually in a very depressed mood. This cold joke was just to make fun of himself.

Suddenly, he turned around and looked at Lu Ming, "Brother Zhang, I'm going to power up and go to the field."

Lu Ming sighed, "Is there no room for redemption?" It's not surprising, because according to recent signs from the provincial capital, Gao Baoshan's political opponents in the provincial capital, after waiting and watching for more than a year, discovered that Gao Baoshan has indeed returned.

Tian Lushhu has lost power and has begun to liquidate him.

Now the desks of key departments in the Provincial Administration are probably filled with lawsuits against Gao Baoshan.

Gao Baoshan smiled bitterly: "To be honest, brother Xian, I have a mortal enemy who is biting me now. If I don't know how to advance or retreat, I'm afraid my life will be in danger." He glanced at Lu Ming and said, "I hope brother Xian can help Brother Yu in the future.

Eat a mouthful of comfort food..."

Suddenly, he bowed deeply to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming coughed, quickly stood up and held his arm, "Get up, Brother Baoshan, what are you doing?"

This seems to have been the case for these warlords in their past and present lives, and it was common for them to go out to the countryside, usually seeking refuge in their old friends.

Some can make a comeback, while others have collapsed or even been assassinated.

As for Gao Baoshan, it seems that only an important member of the Black Mountain Clan can protect him.

Gao Baoshan took out another letter from the table, opened it with both hands and presented it to him, saying sincerely: "This is half of Brother Fool's net worth, and now I give it to Brother Xian."

There is a key attached to the letter, and the content of the document proves that the bank deposits three thousand imperial standard gold bars. The depositor is anonymous, and the key and identity code are used to prove his identity.

The imperial standard stipulates that gold bars are three taels, worth about one thousand imperial coins. Three thousand bars are almost three million.

"The identity code is..." Gao Baoshan said a series of passwords.

"My dear brother, don't refuse. You have to take care of yourself. Besides, Brother Yu's safety will be entrusted to my dear brother from now on. The brothers in the Secrecy Bureau will also have a hard time." Gao Baoshan spoke and looked at Lu Ming's expression.

If he wants to live a stable life here, at least for a year or two, he needs security personnel from the Security Bureau to set up posts nearby to protect him.

There are also detection and prevention of plans to murder him, etc.

In the future, the confidentiality bureaus in Nanping and Wanzhou may have special teams responsible for his safety.

It does require additional funding.

But three million is an astronomical number.

Lu Ming also chuckled in his heart, three million? It is indeed almost half of the private property that Gao Baoshan can control today.

After all, although Nanping Finance used to be his personal purse, that is no longer the case.

What's more, Nanping Road is not as wealthy as Jiangnan. He has been in office for more than ten years and has gone to fixed industries and so on. He can't take those with him, but he still has more than tens of millions in cash. You can really imagine how greedy he was.

Well, you must know that companies with a level of more than tens of millions are already large companies from the imperial level. The Lingwei Automobile Industry that he first worked with only had a market value of tens of millions, not to mention that he had tens of millions in cash.

It is true that no matter how big a company is, its profits cannot compare with the wealth created by the millions of people in one, three cities and their related industries.

According to the letter, this batch of gold bars is deposited at Baoyin Bank in the concession of Xin'an City, Nanping Road.

Baoyin Bank has developed rapidly in the eastern part of the empire in recent years and has an excellent reputation.

Seeing Gao Baoshan depositing the gold bars in Baoyin Bank, Lu Ming nodded with satisfaction. It was Baoyin Bank's first branch in the northern region, and it seemed to be doing a good job.

"Gao Yuhu, I will write a letter to him..." Gao Baoshan looked at Lu Ming's expression, "I know that Yuhu and Xiandi are very close. This letter of mine should make him lose all those worries."

Lu Ming understood what he meant by writing a letter, and smiled and said, "Thank you."

At this time, footsteps sounded softly, and a slim figure came in from the outside. She was a very beautiful young woman. Her facial features were exquisite, but the lines were relatively hard, giving people a cold feeling. Her expression was also very cold. She was wearing a dark purple cheongsam, which was round and round.

The neckline makes the snow-white jade neck look beautiful.

She held a tea tray with various snacks in her delicate hands.

When Gao Baoshan looked at her, his eyes were a little complicated, and then he looked at Lu Ming and smiled: "Brother Xian, come and try it. This is a snack made by Sister-in-law Wanjun of the third family. See if it suits your taste."

Lu Ming thought, there were too many people called Wanjun.

We also know who it is, Gao Baoshan's third daughter-in-law, her name is Pei Wanjun. Rumor has it that she is naturally beautiful, arrogant, and has a hot temper. She is very famous in Nanping. She once slapped the police chief out of anger for a friend, and is synonymous with bad women among the people.

The third son of the Pei family, who suffered from tracheitis, was frightened like a little sheep by the roar of the lion from Hedong.

The Pei family is rich, and their business has reached the provincial capital, but now it is difficult to get ahead.

Over there, Gao Baoshan gritted his teeth and finally said: "If my dear brother thinks that the snacks made by Wan Jun are quite delicious, in this barren land of southern Guangxi, it would be very difficult for my dear brother to come here for food and lodging, so I will let Mr. Wan go to your residence."

, How about I help you cook as a cook while you are in Guinan?"

Lu Ming had just picked up a small snack that looked like a snow-white glutinous rice ball and was thinking that there seemed to be no rare gift hidden in it. Suddenly, after hearing Gao Baoshan's words, the glutinous rice ball in his hand almost dropped to the ground.

Looking at Gao Baoshan in astonishment, Lu Ming was speechless for a moment. This is the wife your third son Ming Yuan is marrying. She is not the concubine of your family. Come with me and be my cook? What do you think?

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Moreover, is the cook really a cook?

Turning to look at Pei Wanjun, he saw her expression was cold. Whether willingly or unwillingly, she had obviously accepted the fate she was about to face.

Just as he was about to refuse, an idea suddenly occurred to him and he smiled and said, "Okay! Then come with me now."

There was deep sadness in Gao Baoshan's eyes, and he nodded: "Okay, brother Xian is busy with official duties, Jun Wan, you can go with Uncle Zhang now."

Pei Wanjun was silent, but when she saw Lu Ming getting up and walking out, she followed him and took the bank document from Lu Ming's hand.

From the corner of his eye, Lu Ming caught a glimpse of the rickety figure in the flower hall, who seemed to have aged much in an instant.

The end of an era.

The two heroes who were once all-powerful in the eastern part of Longbei Province, with Gao Baoshan's retreat and Cheng Da Sui absconding to Haixi, their era ended.

Gao Baoshan even wanted to give his daughter-in-law as a gift for safety reasons and some unknown intentions.

It can't help but make people sigh.

Lu Ming, filled with emotion, walked out of Kangyuan. Outside was a small fleet of several black cars and green jeeps.

In fact, Gao Baoshan's crime was so heinous that he was not unjust to be executed. However, from a united front perspective, it was appropriate for him to protect him.

After all, Gao Baoshan and the Black Mountain Clique have always been allies and have never broken up with each other. Now that he is in trouble, if he changes hands and takes his life, the warlords in the northern region will no longer be willing to trust the Black Mountain Clique.

Therefore, from the overall situation and from the perspective of integrating into the political environment of the Northern Territory, sheltering Gaobao Mountain is the best choice.

However, this kind of thing has nothing to do with General Lu.

He can only protect him, Commissioner Zhang, and all controversial matters will be left to Commissioner Zhang.

If this period of history is recorded in later generations, it would naturally be Commissioner Zhang who was greedy for money and lust, and thus saved the life of the evil warlord leader Gao Baoshan.

I'm afraid that Commissioner Zhang himself will not get better in the future.

Thinking about it, Lu Ming suddenly felt a little depressed. Although this was just a dark side role he played, Commissioner Zhang himself had a clear conscience in his actions. Unfortunately, it may not have a good ending in the end.

Sighing, Lu Ming came to his car and saw a delicate and beautiful woman standing timidly beside the car. He smiled bitterly in his heart. He wanted a good ending, but it was indeed an extravagant hope.

This is Chen Rongfu's concubine named Zou, named Zou Xiying, who was selected from the portfolio that day.

She is Chen Rongfu's favorite, youngest and most beautiful concubine, much prettier than Cheng Wanjun.

But she was the one who suffered the worst among Chen Rongfu's concubines after he gave her a way out.

Because she really doesn't have any skills. Probably her biggest skill is being a concubine, which can seduce a man and kill her soul.

Indeed, looking at her wearing a rose-red plum blossom buttoned jacket, a soft yellow skirt, and looming little red embroidered shoes, her figure is very weak and graceful. The kind of gentleness and gentleness of a traditional beautiful concubine, in his previous life, men could only dream about.


Of course, her appearance is not as good as that of several of his concubines, not even as good as Yuluan, but her timid and beautiful concubine smell makes people more likely to have wild imaginations.

She was assigned to work as a female worker in a factory, but she got into trouble every day. She even felt so tired that she sat on the floor and started crying.

In fact, all the tasks assigned to her were the lightest tasks, such as sorting out documents and so on.

If it weren't for her special background at No. 7 Hongta Road, she would have been fired long ago.

I always needed a "concubine" character who could act as a wife during my campaign, so I chose her, who had just been sent to her.

"Get in the car!" Lu Ming didn't bother to say more to her. He turned to look at Pei Wanjun and said, "You get in the car too."

Mr. Zou had already hurriedly climbed in and sat in the car with soft seats, looking like he wanted to cry.

In the factory, she wore plain clothes and trousers, and didn't even have time to clean herself up properly. She got up early every day and went to work with unkempt hair. That life was no different from hell to her.

Before Lu Ming got into the car, he shook his head and sighed, as if he was becoming more and more comfortable with the role of spy leader.

This chapter has been completed!
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