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Chapter 427 Special Work

 The Safety Committee is located on Longgang Road, next to the military camp of the Armed Police Brigade. It looks inconspicuous, with a gray brick courtyard and three floors of dusty buildings.

On the other side of the compound is the Kunlun Radio and Television Company. Its tall transmitting tower is very eye-catching.

At this time, sitting in Lu Ming's office on the third floor was a middle-aged Western man named Carl Lever. He was a well-known manager in the East China Sea investment circle. He was originally a senior investment consultant of China Investment Company and is now employed as a Black Mountain investment consultant.

General Manager of an investment company.

At this time, Liefer was losing his temper because the assistant assigned to him was completely uncooperative with his work. Liefer demanded that the assistant be fired.

Lever's assistant is a small official in charge of economics in a county below Montenegro, named Li Zhaoji, and he stutters a bit.

It was the Li Zhaoji whom Lu Ming met when he first arrived in Longgang.

Listening to Leifer's complaint, Lu Ming frowned slightly, "Karl, regarding the differences between you and him, Assistant Li recorded it in the form of a memo. Take a look to see if there are any fallacies in the record of what you said.

?" Pushing a brochure across the coffee table.

Liefer gritted his teeth, picked up the brochure and glanced at it a few times, then placed it on the coffee table, "Chairman, I think..."

Lu Ming waved his hand, "You are an expert in investment, but this is not Montenegro, let alone the East China Sea. Therefore, you can't just consider economic factors and cooperate with Zhongyi Tang? Are you sure they have the spirit of the contract? Will they act in full compliance with the contract?"

Zhongyi Tang is a gangster in Northern Xinjiang. Basically, when goods from the free trade zone enter Northern Xinjiang, Zhongyi Tang will go through it.

Now, Zhongyi Tang has taken the initiative to find the Heishan Investment Company and wants to cooperate with the Heishan Investment Company. Both parties jointly invest in the establishment of a trading company. They will use the connections and status of the Heishan Company in Jiangnan to import Jiangnan products, and Zhongyi Tang will sell them to Northern Xinjiang.


It seems that it is indeed mutually beneficial, but now Lu Ming is still observing the major forces in Shengjing and does not want to end rashly.

The relationship between Haixi and Northern Xinjiang is bad. In Shengjing, the gangster Zhongyi Tang in Northern Xinjiang and the Jintanhui in Haixi District are also fighting fiercely.

During the barbed wire isolation period, the two sides fought several times during trading hours.

A few days after the barriers were no longer set up in the Shengjing area, a fierce war broke out between Zhongyi Tang and Jin Tan Hui, attacking each other's lair. It can indeed be described as a war, because both sides used a large number of firearms.

These two are said to be gangsters, but in fact, they probably have their own military backgrounds.

They are all tools for the military bosses to make money with the tacit approval of the provincial governor.

Both want to get as many quotas from the Central District as possible, such as quotas for building construction workers in the Central District, quotas for in-demand commodities, project quotas for Western investors in the Central District, etc.

The fight between the two sides has become increasingly fierce.

There is no benefit in jumping in hastily now.

Over there, when Leifer was about to speak, Lu Ming waved his hand: "I said, our investment now is focused on the construction of the concession area, and there will be generous returns in the future." In fact, if he is "Lu Ming"

Ming's identity, this honest lackey of Livre, in the East China Sea, he did not dare to breathe in front of him. Apart from exclaiming and singing praises to his investment direction, he also did not dare to have any objections, because at first he was too much.

The underdog investment became a huge success.

Looking at Liver, Lu Ming said again: "We have more than 10,000 workers here. Your investment needs to be utilized to make them have jobs. Our investment is not only about efficiency, but also about the overall situation and the long term.


Indeed, many buildings have been built in the Heishan concession area in just a few months. More than 10,000 men and women were recruited from Heishan, Nanping, and Wanzhou as construction workers.

Internally, they were organized into an engineering brigade and settled in the concession area, which was regarded as the first batch of immigrants.

Moreover, every team leader in the brigade is issued with a firearm, and most of the young men have received training from the Peasant Guard militia.

Therefore, once organized, it is an armed force that cannot be underestimated.

Lifer originally wanted to say something, but suddenly he was stunned, stopped talking, and nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Probably, Commissioner Zhang's tone of voice and demeanor reminded him of a certain person and what he had said, so he did not dare to say more.

Not long after Lever left, Wang Ding, chief member of the Public Affairs Committee, came to talk secretly for a while and left.

At around five o'clock, Lu Ming was about to leave when the red phone rang.

There are two red phones on the table. The one ringing is the one directly connected to the Special Works Department.

The terminal on the other end of the phone is naturally not in the Mosuo Building, but a secret contact point in the Heishan Concession area.

"Commissioner, Liu Kui wrote back. He wants ten thousand oceans." The voice that spoke was Bai Yumeng's.

In the four northern provinces, some provinces once issued banknotes, but they all messed up the economy and ended in disastrous results. The hard currency in the four provinces is naturally silver dollars and imperial coins. Among the people, silver dollars are more recognized.

Ten thousand silver dollars is almost one hundred thousand imperial coins.

Liu Kui is the brigade commander of the Minjiang Road in Haixi near Shengjing, and the chief supervisor of the land customs where goods enter Haixi from Shengjing.

Bai Yumeng's informant is a real businessman, but he works for the Secrecy Bureau and is close to Liu Kui, trying to open up the land route.

Now, there is an offer.

Lu Ming smiled slightly. In fact, he just wanted to see his price.

Of course, the purpose of contacting Liu Kui was not just to transport goods to Haixi.

The subordinates of these warlords feel that this sentence is true. Everyone has a price, and it depends on whether they can be bribed or not.

"Give it to him!" Lu Ming said with a smile.

The 100,000 yuan fund for the Secrecy Bureau is not so easy to come by, as Liu Kui will gradually know.

"Okay, then I'll ask Lao Sun to continue to contact him." Bai Yumeng agreed, hesitated, and said, "Did Bai Hailong really ignore him?"

Lu Ming hummed, "Ignore it."

The White Sea is an inland sea between the Northern Xinjiang Province and the Haixi Province. It is actually a very large lake, but there are many hidden reefs, dotted with large and small islands, the terrain is extremely complex, and there are electromagnetic storms in some areas, which will affect the operation of ships.

Electronic equipment and inexplicable whirlpools swallow up all ships. Therefore, the White Sea has become a paradise for gangs to hide. Bai Hailong is the largest water bandit gang in the White Sea. Whether it is Northern Xinjiang or Haixi, they will take him.


Bai Yumeng had a way to get in touch with him, and thought it would be good to support Bai Hailong in his fight against Liu Bangchang, the governor of Haixi.

However, from Lu Ming's point of view, he would not fund any gangs. Even if it is temporarily beneficial to him, it is still too cowardly in the end. The more powerful the gangs become, the people who will suffer the most will be the people.

Seeing Commissioner Zhang's firm attitude, Bai Yumeng stopped talking, agreed, and hung up the phone.

Just as Lu Ming put down the red phone, another phone rang. Lu Ming picked it up and couldn't help being surprised, "Okay, I'll be right back."

This chapter has been completed!
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