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Chapter 13 Mini City Hall

The rubber forest in the distance is lush and lush, but the residential town nearby is bustling with activity.

A settlement composed of traditional Mitai stilt wooden houses. The Mitai people are accustomed to going barefoot, climbing trees and diving, which seems to be their innate ability. Regardless of whether they are male or female, most of them wear linen shirts and shorts, all of which are gray in color.

A few holes and the like wouldn't be a hindrance on this hot island, and the clothes don't look shabby. But among the Mitai people, basically every household has silk clothes of beautiful colors, mostly from Fairman's Nakasu.

Produced in people's textile factories, heirlooms are usually passed down from generation to generation and are only worn out during grand festivals.

In the only tavern in the settlement, Lu Ming, a man with a golden knife, sat cross-legged. Barbecued meat, fried fish, etc. were placed on the table. There were many spices, which are also the characteristics of the Mitai people's diet. There are also fishermen on the island who make a living by fishing.

But since the establishment of the rubber plantation, the fish caught by the fishermen have been marketed. In the past, they just ate it themselves, because when it comes to selling fish, the most indispensable thing in most areas of Antiguala is all kinds of fish and meat, which can only be sold to

On the peninsula, the fishermen of the main island are often bullied by the fishermen of Suno Island. After all, the distance is only a few dozen kilometers. This is also one of the traditional fishing grounds of Suno Island fishermen.

Opposite the table, several Mitai men were squatting and half-sitting. At other tables, there were also thirty or forty Mitai men sitting around. They were all small foremen of the rubber plantation. They were responsible for recruiting workers to work, and they were also paid through them.

Distribute it.

Neither Gao Youchang nor the Zhongzhou managers liked dealing with too many Mitai people, so they managed all Mitai workers through these forty foremen.

The entire rubber plantation is also divided into more than 40 areas, with approximately 10,000 acres divided into one area. A foreman and the workers he recruits are responsible for the annual output and rubber tree maintenance. These more than 40 areas also compete with each other.

Corresponding reward and punishment mechanisms.

In front of Lu Ming, the new owner of the rubber plantation, these Mi Tai men were very reserved. Of course, some of them had small eyes that rolled around, which at first glance showed that they were not kind, at least, they were very evil-minded.

There are almost no Zhongzhou people here in the tavern. Over there in the apartment building, which the Mitai people call the "Manager's Building," the Zhongzhou people have their own canteen.

It is also true that Mitai cuisine has many spices and is not suitable for the appetites of people in Central China. Of course, the various delicacies with enough spices cannot be eaten by Mitai people on ordinary days.

Moreover, the Mitai people in this tavern all walk around barefoot, and the floor they are sitting on has been stepped on by the dirty soles of countless Mitai people. According to the tradition of the Central Asian people, it is impossible to eat this kind of food.

Now, Lu Ming, Britney and Gao Taihe, who were sitting next to each other, all had brand-new soft cushions under their bodies. They had said hello before coming, and the floor had been crossed countless times.

The five Mitai men sitting opposite Lu Ming were the foremen of the five rubber plantation areas that had the best overall evaluation results last year.

The rest of the small foremen are only envious now. When they look over, their eyes are full of envy, jealousy, etc.

"You five production teams are the best at what you do. What are your secrets?" Lu Ming asked with a smile.

Gao Taihe was on hand to translate. Some of these little Mi Tai foremen could understand the Zhongzhou dialect, but most of them couldn't and needed to be translated.

Several foremen looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't say anything.

Lu Ming smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about what everyone is most concerned about. I know that you are all worried about paying taxes to Suno Island recently. Don't worry about this matter. I will solve it and it will not affect you.


Gao Taihe raised his voice slightly, not only speaking to these five small foremen, but also looking around the audience, telling all the small foremen the good news.

Immediately, the small foremen breathed a sigh of relief, some whispered to each other, and some thanked the boss loudly.

On the other hand, the five small foremen opposite Lu Ming did not dare to speak because they were sitting at the same table with the new boss, but they all had happy faces.

Lu Ming smiled again and said: "In addition, I am planning to apply to the state assembly. The number of residents on Biyun Island is nearly 30,000, which is enough to be used as a new administrative region. I will apply to establish a city on Biyun Island. Of course, the court,

I pay for the expenses of the Sheriff, Municipal Commissioners, etc. from my own pocket and will not place any additional burden on the residents of our island.”

A small island with a population of twenty to thirty thousand people can be regarded as a tribal settlement in itself. According to the local laws of Antiguala, it is completely possible to establish an autonomous town.

However, in the past, Gao Youchang would never have thought about this, let alone engage in it. The Central Asians in Antiguala had always stayed away from politics and would have found it very dangerous.

Under this model, if there is no big surprise, the administrative structure of the entire island is decided by the "island owner" Lu Ming, who owns the entire island land and actually controls the economic life of the entire island.

If you dare not vote for the "island owner" in elections or something like that, you may lose your job.

It is similar to the islands where tribes live. On those islands, big families control everything, or the elders of one big family or several big families jointly discuss matters.

The situation on large islands with a population of more than one million is more complicated. They may have so-called democratically elected governments, but they are often in a state of chaos due to tribal conflicts under their governance. Some are seriously corrupt, and assassinations and other incidents occur from time to time.

The political form of the autonomous island of Antiguara is actually so deformed.

Lu Ming's words made Gao Taihe next to him stunned for a moment, and then he translated them.

These Mitai foremen did not react at all, but listened humbly. What the new boss said was far away from their lives. No matter what the new boss wanted to do, they had no right to express their opinions, as long as it did not affect their own lives.


In fact, as long as you are willing to spend money, things can be done very efficiently in Antiguara.

Within a week, Lu Ming spent half a week in Montenegro and East China Sea. When he returned to Antiguala, the proposal to establish a city on Biyun Island had been approved by the Antiguala State Assembly.

And for Lu Ming, it can be said that he spent a small amount of money to accomplish big things.

Five congressmen were bribed to make a joint proposal. As for whether it is passed or not, it is up to them to run it.

The middleman only contacted these five congressmen and gave away a total of 50,000 yuan.

It is also because this matter is not illegal in the first place, and Biyun Island's application is reasonable and reasonable according to the laws of this state and the island's autonomy tradition.

The day after Lu Ming returned to Antiguala, the first popular election was held on Biyun Island, and Zhang Aming was elected as the only municipal committee member of Green Funa City, which is Biyun City.

Subsequently, Mayor Zhang appointed the city's comptroller and peace officer.

In this way, an extremely small and mini city government was born.

Including Mayor Zhang, there are a total of five city government officials and staff.

In fact, it was Mrs. Britney who was appointed comptroller.

The sheriff is the captain of the security team of the rubber plantation, named Liu Dachui.

In the past, there were criminal cases in the town, and people would be caught and sent to the security team. Now, there is just an official explanation.

Mayor Zhang has multiple powers including council, judge, finance and tax officer, etc.

In fact, in the past, disputes, illegal activities, etc. on the island were handled by the island owner Gao Youchang. He always left it to the Mitai people to resolve it themselves according to traditional customs. For example, those who stole would stone their hands and so on.

The city's laws subsequently promulgated by Lu Ming also incorporated some of the customs of the Mitai people when it came to punishment, such as whipping, which was retained.

This chapter has been completed!
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