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Chapter 21: Do things first, then get money

Lu Ming had no time to pay attention to Lester's decision to help Onnershan appeal. He hurriedly flew back to the East China Sea on the second day after the trial of the case.

Because thunder exploded in the five provinces south of the Yangtze River, in Zhenjiang Province, the southernmost of the five provinces, Chen Jingyuan, the former commander of the Provincial Border Guard Division, launched a military coup and shot the chief envoy to death. He himself declared himself chairman of Zhenjiang Province.

Zhenjiang Province is adjacent to Ayton Prefecture and Xinji Province in the northernmost part of the Eastern Economic Alliance.

Zhenjiang Province lost control, and refugees poured into Ayton Prefecture and Xinji Province in large numbers, many of whom took advantage of the opportunity to commit crimes.

Not to mention, Chen Jingyuan shot the chief envoy to death. A bloody military coup will inevitably establish a bloody regime, which has already posed a security threat to the northern members of the Eastern Economic Alliance.

Moreover, from the perspective of imperial law, Chen Jingyuan has obviously violated many homeland security laws. The Eastern Alliance is still an alliance established based on the maintenance of imperial laws.

The Eastern League Secretariat held urgent consultations.

It was also announced that an interim alliance summit would be held the next day to discuss the situation in Zhenjiang Province and make a formal statement.

Zhenjiang Province is also a very familiar place to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming took a special plane for the first time, and the airport he landed at was the airport in Zhenjiang Province.

At that time, Zhenjiang had the only airport in the five provinces south of the Yangtze River.

Moreover, Lu Ming was still a nominal student of Zhenjiang Normal School, but unfortunately he never went there for the second time. Moreover, because Teacher Oracle died of illness, he completely lost contact with the school.

Because Zhenjiang Province is adjacent to the developed eastern areas, its economy is the best among the five Jiangnan provinces.

After the civil strife in the imperial capital, the former governor fled, and the chief envoy temporarily assumed the role of a senior official, but he did not want to be killed by the coup soldiers now.

Speaking of which, Sanheli Airport in the provincial capital of Zhenjiang, the airport owned by the former governor, was bought by Lu Ming. It was also the first private airport owned by Lu Ming in the East China Sea.

Now the airport seems to have been confiscated by Chen Jingyuan.

In the conference room on the 93rd floor of the Huaxia Building, a closed-door meeting of nine alliance leaders was in progress.

There was no record-taker at the secret meeting where everyone spoke freely.

The Grand Duke of the East China Sea, Charles IX, fell ill and was attended by the Duke and Duchess Christine on his behalf.

Of course, in this kind of meeting, like Charles IX, Christine also sat in a higher position, but she was more like a god of clay sculptures and wooden tires, and would not participate in the specific discussions.


From time to time, Lu Ming secretly glances at Christine, who is sitting high in the clouds. At this moment, she is like a queen in full dress. In addition, the bright crown inlaid with countless gems representing the authority of the duke on the high golden bun makes her even more majestic.

, sacrosanct.

Did he really hold her hand? Moreover, he even kissed her on the lips?

The memory seems a bit fuzzy, like a dream.

Christine seemed to glare at him suddenly.

Lu Ming was startled and quickly turned his eyes away, not daring to take a peek anymore.

In fact, the remaining eight companies apparently had secret discussions yesterday.

Montenegro is obviously still an outsider in the eyes of the eight "founding members" of the alliance.

Of course, there is a leader in it, and he has a close relationship with Lu Ming, but that is a personal relationship. In terms of the overall will, there will still be a difference between the founding countries and the later members of a newly formed alliance.

Lu Ming came back from school yesterday and was also busy until late at night. He also talked to Christine on the phone.

At today's meeting, Li Yuande, a senior official of Xinji Province, first proposed that troops should be sent to quell the rebellion.

Most coalition leaders agreed.

After further discussion, the atmosphere gradually formed to ask Montenegro to send troops, and everyone agreed with this.

The members of the Eastern Alliance are all economically developed areas, and they despise armaments. Originally it was the East China Sea, and there were no more than a thousand professional soldiers, mainly militiamen like the National Guard.

Nowadays, in each member region, the militia has been converted into a standing army, and there are not many troops that can be maintained.

Moreover, economically developed areas are naturally afraid of war, especially in areas outside the region. If they want to send troops to fight with people, the leaders agree, but the parliament may not pass it. Even if it passes, it may take several months of quarreling. Daylily

It's all cold.

But fortunately, there is still the dictatorship of the Montenegro Special Administrative Region. Isn't this the greatest use value of it?

Lu Ming didn't say much. Listening to the discussion of the other eight families, the direction gradually changed to Black Mountain sending troops alone to quell the rebellion.

"General Lu, what do you think?" Donghai Chief Municipal Councilor, Prime Minister and Consul Shatton Nicholasson looked at Lu Ming with a smile.

Lu Ming frowned and thought, and everyone looked at him.

"How to solve the military expenditure?" Lu Ming sighed, "As you know, Montenegro is very poor, lacks fiscal revenue, and the deficit is not small to begin with."

"That's easy to say!" Nicholasson laughed happily.

Governor Michelson of Ayton State sighed and said: "Actually, it is obvious that the empire is going to enter troubled times. We all understand it. Therefore, in the future, the alliance will rely on the Montenegrin Army in many places. I think, let’s not talk about this peace.

Our alliance should have a special military expenditure every year to pay to Montenegro for the rebellion’s military expenditure. After all, what’s the use of more money? Does anyone’s life matter?”

The main production and R&D base of Sanmai Flight Company is in Ayton State.

This proposal was obviously not discussed by the heads of the eight alliance members last night.

The atmosphere in the venue immediately became tense, with some alliance member leaders showing displeasure on their faces.

Lu Ming smiled and said, "It's okay. Our Montenegrin Army is just thugs. We are also the guardians of our wealthy neighbors. We should give you some reward money. Thank you for the reward!" As he spoke, they clasped their fists together.

On the high platform, Christine had a look of helplessness on her face, and she felt that this guy was starting to mess up again.

"General Lu, how can you say that?!" Nicholasson laughed, "Members of our alliance are of the same body and have equal status, but we only have our own strengths through division of labor and cooperation."

Other leaders also agreed.

"As Governor Michelson said, we can all discuss it, but it is definitely not what you meant, General Lu, because it is also the obligation of each of our alliance members to help Montenegro develop its economy!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Nicholasson’s words caused another wave of echoes.

After Lu Ming said this, it was obvious that no one objected to the annual payment of military expenses and quickly appeased the members who felt that their status was unequal.

Of course, the exact amount to be paid is another matter to be discussed, it is just symbolic.

Some leader members lowered their heads and thought.

Lu Ming added: "Actually, military expenditures and the like are all minor issues. The big issue is, for example, if we successfully quelled the rebellion, how will we deal with this mess in Zhenjiang Province?"

"Help them establish a democratically elected government!" Newton Governor Leander said without hesitation.

The other leaders agreed one after another.

Lu Ming was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay."

After discussing for a while, Lu Ming stood up and said, "Military expenses and the like are all minor issues. We can send representatives to discuss them slowly, and the secretariat will also review them. But you must hurry up. I will go back to Montenegro now. I will be in Zhenjiang a moment later."

The people will suffer a moment longer, and there may be a few more dead souls. From the people's point of view, war is very cruel." He sighed softly.

All the leaders were stunned. They thought it would take a few days to discuss, but the leaders mainly discussed their intentions.

Then the amount of special military expenditures will be discussed in detail by representatives of all parties.

For all kinds of bargaining, it would be good if the results can be reached in ten and a half months.

Only when everything is settled will Montenegro send troops to quell the rebellion.

But I didn’t expect that General Lu, in the Jianghu language of Zhongzhou people, is a bachelor. He does things first and gets paid later?

Some leaders felt guilty and felt that they were acting like a villain, so they gave some symbolic annual allocations and the like.

Of course, the Western governors do not understand the Jianghu of Zhongzhou. People in the Jianghu of Zhongzhou do things first and get paid later. They are ruthless people who cannot be offended. They know that they cannot get enough money, so they can do things for you first.


When Lu Ming left, there was even a round of applause.

Lu Ming walked by the high platform and caught a glimpse of Christine glaring at him from the corner of his eye. Naturally, he felt that he was in a mess and had deceived others again.

I really want to wave to her and say, "Let's go!"

But in the end he didn't dare. He kept his military posture and strode out of the conference room.

In the evening, Lu Ming arrived at Montenegro.

Nowadays, it is still very dangerous for airplanes to fly in bad weather and at night, but the route from the East China Sea to Montenegro and Longgang, the royal pilots around Lu Ming are all familiar with the road and are very familiar with every plant and tree.

In addition, the weather was very good, so Lu Ming took off from Donghai in the evening and arrived at Longgang at around ten o'clock in the evening.

Subsequently, Lu Ming held a high-level meeting in the general's white building conference room.

Those attending the meeting were all the highest-level military and political leaders in Montenegro.

The military has Zhao Jingxun, director of the general office and director of the political training of the corps, Lu Xiangqian, chief of the general staff and director of the operational training department, Cheng Wei, first deputy chief of the general staff, Liu Jingzong, chief of the equipment department, Li Tieheng, chief of the logistics department, and Lu Gao, chief of the military intelligence department

1. Yu Luan, Director-General of the Homeland Security Commission (General Administration of Secrecy).

There are only three political figures: Wei Baoyi, chairman of the Finance Committee of Montenegro, Gu Hansheng, chief of the Police Department of Montenegro, and Pan Mila, chairman of the Mining Committee of Montenegro and mayor of Montenegro.

In order to maintain confidentiality, only these three people outside the military participated in the meeting.

The main reason is that the special appropriation requires Wei Baoyi to advance it.

In addition, with such a large-scale military operation, security in various places in the Special Administrative Region must be strengthened.

And from any perspective, the Director of Police should also participate in this meeting.

As for Pan Mila, it was mainly because of his status as the mayor of Montenegro.

Montenegro City is the purse string of the entire Special Administrative Region. Currently, the fiscal revenue of Montenegro City and the fiscal revenue of the rest of the Special Administrative Region combined are less than half of that.

Therefore, Montenegro has been set up as a special city.

The mayor of the city, whether she is Pan Mila or not, will definitely be one of the core members of the power structure of Montenegro.

Lu Ming briefly reported the situation of the alliance's temporary summit meeting, and said that he agreed to send troops, but everyone could talk freely about the specific plans. First, Commander-in-Chief Lu Gaoyi talked about the current situation in Zhenjiang Province.

Thousands of materials about Zhenjiang Province were distributed to everyone, and Lu Gaoyi started talking about the materials.

Looking at the materials collected by the Military Intelligence Section, everyone was a little surprised. It was obvious that the Military Intelligence Section had been active in Zhenjiang Province for a long time and had penetrated into almost every aspect of the province.

Lu Ming also looked through it slowly, although he had seen most of them before.

In fact, not only Zhenjiang Province, but also the Military Intelligence Division's infiltration into the five Jiangnan provinces has continued for several years.

A military coup was about to break out in Zhenjiang Province, and the Military Intelligence Division had already noticed it.

It's not even clear whether he was adding fuel to the flames or not. As soon as Lu Gao didn't report it, he just turned a blind eye.

According to the intelligence from the Military Intelligence Section, those who followed Chen Jingyuan in launching the military coup were mainly his direct line of border guard divisions. In addition, there were also two security brigades involved, with a total strength of about 15,000 people. Military martial law is currently implemented in Zhenjiang Provincial City, including

The newspaper building, television communication building, etc. were all under Chen Jingyuan's military control.

"General, killing Chen Jingyuan will definitely not be a problem for our Montenegrin Army. I think it is better to delay the attack? To advance step by step? The longer the time goes, the more sufficient military expenditures will be provided by the alliance?" The one who spoke first was actually

Wei Baoyi, chairman of the Finance Committee, all he does is calculate economic accounts.

Lu Ming waved his hand, "A fight requires thunderous force, and the later stages of mopping up the rebellion, countering the rebellion, and helping and maintaining democratic elections are all projects that take time. We must be prepared to station troops in Zhenjiang for a long time."

Wei Baoyi nodded: "Yes, that's good." Since the garrison is here, the alliance will naturally have to pay the relevant expenses.

Lu Ming thought about it and added: "However, it is said to be a thunderous thunder, but we don't need the real thunder."

The so-called "Thunder" is the code name for the bombers and fighter jets in the confidential documents. Among the people actually attending the meeting, they were all the core figures of the Montenegrin Group. The highest level of the military naturally knew about the existence of the new air force of the Corps.

Pan Mila is Lu Ming's pillow.

But of course Wei Baoyi, the head of the Finance Committee, and Gu Hansheng, the chief of the police station, did not know the top secrets of the military.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Wei Baoyi knew that the military had a Thunder Plan, in which special military expenditures were directly allocated from the Heishan City Finance. The specifics were not clear.

Lu Qianqian, also known as Datou, who used to be named Zeng Dashou and is currently the Chief of General Staff and Director of the Training Department, lit a cigarette and said: "If the intelligence department cooperates properly, we can use paratroopers to airborne to seize the Sanheli Airport in Zhenjiang Provincial City.

Looking at the map, the airport is very close to Chen Jingyuan’s official residence, so we can directly attack and behead him, and there will be no problem in ending the war within a few days.”

The beheading he mentioned does not necessarily mean directly killing Chen Jingyuan, arresting Chen Jingyuan, and paralyzing the rebel high command. It is also a kind of beheading.

Lu Ming smiled: "The air crew and the paratroopers cooperate and attack together!" Regarding the situation of Sanheli Airport, I am afraid that no one here knows better than him. When the former governor of Zhenjiang built this airport, it was his private airport. In the Governor's Mansion,

Next to it, the current Governor's Mansion has become Chen Jingyuan's official residence.

On the other side, he smiled broadly and said, "Of course that's better."

Although the Air Service Regiment is nominally under the military headquarters, in reality only Army Generals can mobilize it. Therefore, even if the boss has ideas, he will not recommend the Air Service Regiment's action plan.

Over there, Wei Baoyi coughed and said, "Paratrooper, what is that?"

Lu Ming smiled, Wei Baoyi came from the East China Sea, was active in thinking, and lacked respect for the hierarchical structure of power. These were advantages, but he was not cautious enough.

For example, when it comes to military operations, he is the first to speak.

Of course, paratroopers are no secret, especially after the raid on the provincial capital of Zhenjiang.

"Old Wei, your military knowledge is full of blind spots. When participating in this kind of meeting, if it involves military operations, just come with your ears!" Zhao Jingxun reminded kindly from the side.

Wei Baoyi smiled awkwardly: "Yes!"

"This is just one large-scale long-distance raid by paratroopers, right?" Lu Ming asked.

After the Montenegro-East China Sea-Antiguala route was opened, Datou organized long-distance transportation and paratrooper assaults.

Datou pondered and said: "Go to Zhenjiang Province, which is very close to Montenegro. The terrain there is no problem. Moreover, we have conducted airborne training at city airports many times. As long as our military intelligence department makes no mistakes and there is an air service group as a double insurance,

There won’t be much problem with the beheading operation.” After a pause, “Of course, it would be better if our infantry regiment enters Zhenjiang and attracts its main force to leave the provincial capital.”

Lu Ming nodded, "Sanheli Airport is not too big. Our large transport planes are not suitable for parking, and the runway is not long enough. Otherwise, infantry can be transported directly there. Today, there is basically no air defense force at the airport. Well, the helicopter formation of the Air Service Regiment was the first to do so.

Take control of Sanheli Airport and then send paratroopers. If there are casualties, it is because we have not trained enough or it is a matter of luck!"

Another smile: "If you have any other ideas, let's talk about them."

The atmosphere in the conference room gradually became warm.

It was the first time for the generals in the conference room to be involved in this kind of multi-level war, and they couldn't hide their excitement.

It is even more difficult to express my admiration for General Lu. General Lu’s understanding of war is simply not that of a person of this era. It can only be said that he is a natural strategist. He has opened a window for everyone to come into contact with the world.

A brand new world.

The outside gradually turns white.

Even Lu Ming lit a cigarette to refresh himself.

"That's about it in general. Our strategy is to attack the heart, spread out on all sides, and have the infantry corps feign an attack. When the decapitation operation is successful and the enemy's troops are distracted, the infantry corps will launch an all-out attack. The specific combat plan will be discussed by your general staff and relevant departments. Today

Leave it to me before night." Lu Ming put out the cigarette butt.

"Yes!" He stood up and stood at attention.

Lu Ming looked at Pan Mila again and said with a smile: "What you said just now is very good. You are indeed a leader in the business community. You have a long-term vision. No one else has thought about the issue of democratic elections in Zhenjiang Province, but you have!"

Pan Mila is wearing a light blue dress, which is very bright. However, her originally sexy long golden hair has been cut short long ago and turned into an extremely delicate and layered short hair, which is less charming and more charming.

Being serious and capable is more in line with her current status and adds a bit of unique charm to her.

When Lu Ming praised her, she smiled slightly but didn't say anything.

In fact, everyone here already knows that Mayor Pan is General Lu's lover, but he is indeed outstanding in ability. Montenegro City is changing with each passing day under her rule. If there is such nepotism, it would be better to have more.

Lu Ming added: "However, you said we should choose the right person to support you. I think I might as well make preparations to run for Zhenjiang Provincial Chairman!" After a pause, "From a legal perspective, this is not a problem. I also

I have a student status at Zhenjiang Normal University, so I am also a Zhenjiang person, and Sanheli Airport is also my private property."

"Our propaganda department should pay attention to publicizing the connection between me and Zhenjiang in Zhenjiang. Of course, we still need to be decisive and quick in countering the rebellion, not disturbing the people, maintaining strict military discipline, and restoring the normal life of the people of Zhenjiang as soon as possible. Then we will naturally be loved."

Lu Ming looked at Pan Mila, "Let's set up a position next to me, publicity specialist, and you can take on the role. The main purpose is to report and publicize my preparations for running for Zhenjiang Provincial Chairman."

There is no news censorship agency in Montenegro. Even in today's troubled times, Lu Ming hates this thing.

Those who make false news that harm the interests of others, or make shocking and inappropriate remarks, will naturally be prosecuted and severely punished.

As for foreign forces with ulterior motives causing trouble, that is the job of the Secrecy Bureau. Otherwise, why would these secret police be here? Are they just fixing their own people?

The appointment of Pan Mila as the publicity specialist is to prevent this position from expanding the boundaries of power and instead censor the media.

Pan Mila's words also reminded herself that it would be good if she could take control of Zhenjiang Province.

Although Zhenjiang Province is similar to other states and provinces, with a population of more than 10 million, it is the most economically developed among the five Jiangnan provinces.

If it forms a union with the Montenegro Special Economic Zone, its economic strength may not be weaker than any of the four northern provinces.

Although the four northern provinces have a large population and a vast territory, their economic development seriously lags behind.

For example, Anshan Province, which has the largest population and the most vast territory, is said to have a population of 60 to 70 million. However, if a census is actually carried out, there may be 80 to 90 million people. But after all, most rural areas are extremely poor. Zhenjiang Province plus Heishan Special Economic Zone

, the economic strength will not be weaker than it.

While thinking wildly, Lu Ming announced the adjournment of the meeting. Immediately everyone stood up and the generals saluted. Wei Baoyi, Pan Mila and others paid attention and watched General Lu leave the venue.

This chapter has been completed!
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