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Chapter 152: Interests of the Principality

On June 18, 1956, Prince Heishanbao personally made the closing speech in the "Huaxia Technology v. Shanghu Group" in the First Circuit Court of the East China Sea.

This caused a sensation throughout the imperial judiciary.

This legendary genius who changed and perfected several imperial legal principles has left the legal world for a long time and is performing a new legend on another path. Unexpectedly, he will make a comeback.

According to media reports, the courtroom was in a state of complete excitement. The jurors' preference for His Royal Highness the Prince of Montenegro aroused serious protests from the defense team's lawyers.

Before the jury reached a verdict, the defense team asked the judge to declare a mistrial because the jurors stood up to salute when the Prince of Montenegro stood up to make closing arguments.

The presiding judge was an old Western man. He mercilessly rejected the defendant's request. The reason was that His Royal Highness the Prince of Black Mountain Castle was the identity of the civilian jurors.

His Majesty the King generally has the right to be exempted from criminal prosecution. It is just that the empire has not had a prince occupying a territory for a long time. However, this ancient law has not been abolished. Therefore, when such an important member of the royal family appears in court and acts as a

The legal defense itself is a victory for justice.

Obviously, the behavior of the defendant's legal team had the opposite effect and aroused even greater resentment on the part of the jury.

The jury's verdict in favor of Huaxia Technology was not a surprise to most people, but the headline that shocked all the media was the amount of compensation and punitive fines awarded by the jury, which was as high as 120 million yuan.

However, some media revealed that the defendant's lawyers walked out of the court with smiles.

Experts in the judicial field have analyzed that the Ueto Consortium Lawyers Group is a powerful Red Law Firm. In fact, in the economic cases of consortium-level games, Red Law Firm enjoys a high reputation and is second to none in the empire. Obviously, these elite lawyers are not

Wouldn't know the possible serious consequences of irritating a jury before it reaches a verdict.

Therefore, their series of actions are just a strategy. Whether it is the jury standing up to pay tribute to the plaintiff's lawyer or the super amount of compensation awarded, it will become their best reason for appeal.

In fact, the Ueto Foundation's legal team submitted an appeal the next day, requesting the Court of Appeal to declare the trial invalid, and thus obtained a 30-day suspension of execution of the judgment.

Of course, because of the huge amount of money involved, the appeal court required the consortium to pay a deposit of up to 30 million to suspend the execution.

There is news that the Ueto Foundation is very dissatisfied with this, and it seems that the progress of fundraising is very slow.

A few days after his birthday, Lu Ming appeared in Naishan City led by Yoshida.

Naishan is a small city with a population of tens of thousands, but its urban area is very large, because in the southwest of the small city, there is Naishan Forest, one of the largest forest areas in Japan, which covers an area of ​​more than 5,000 square kilometers.

However, now Naishan Forestry Farm, as a collateral to compensate "Governor Zhang" for his personal papers, has been sold to the Zhengdong Group by "Governor Zhang's" personal papers.

Naishan Forest Farm also became a forest farm owned by Zhengdong Forestry Company.

Lu Ming was walking in the forest farm at this time, and the translator accompanying him was Takeuchi Mie, the wife of the city's mayor Yoichi Takeuchi. She was a petite and pretty young woman, wearing a traditional kimono, but she had studied at Kyoto University.

The family is also a well-known local family.

Yoichi Takeuchi was also there, and he was fluent in Nakasu, but he recommended his wife to be the temporary translator for Representative Lu.

He even nodded and bowed, reaching up to his buttocks. He appeared to be a talented person, but under the flattery, he turned out to be ugly.

Of course, to the locals and his subordinates, he is a very scary existence.

Most of the trees in Zhengdong Forest Farm are beech trees, many of which are more than a hundred years old. They are excellent materials for making furniture and musical instruments.

But now it is being cut down roughly. It is mainly transported to Xianquan to support the construction of Xianquan. Some of it is burnt into charcoal and then transported there, and some is transported directly. In addition, lime kilns have been built locally, and there happens to be limestone in Naishan Mountain.

, the felled trees are also used to burn lime, and most of them will be transported to Xianquan.

Whether it's cutting down trees or burning lime in lime kilns, these jobs are all free labor and come from the prisoner-of-war camp of the Yoshida Corps.

The day after Prime Minister Ashikaga issued the statement, Yoshida's army counterattacked and was completely defeated.

More than 10,000 soldiers became prisoners of war.

Naturally, they are not treated like prisoners of war in the Northern Territory War.

They were all put into prisoner-of-war camps and became coolies for the Zhengdong Company.

In fact, there is no shortage of labor in the principality now. In Xianquan, tens of thousands of Northern Territory workers have migrated to work in labor-intensive Central Continent enterprises such as clothing factories. The Central Continent factories in Xianquan basically do not employ locals. Although

Compared with the wages of local workers, Montenegrin workers' benefits are much higher.

However, outside of Xianquan, Zhongzhou Capital is basically here to plunder rather than invest in construction. It is more engaged in trade. It will dump the products of Xianquan and the principality into markets across Japan, exchanging various resources and

Agricultural and fishery primary products.

Zhengdong Forest Farm can give you a glimpse of the situation. The workers are free Japanese prisoners of war. What they really eat is grass and what they squeeze out is milk.

The Yoshida prisoners of war made trouble several times during the management of the Oyue people, and even riots occurred.

But after being handed over to the management of Zhengdong Company, they became more honest, and most of the prisoners of war were obedient and well-behaved.

They believed that it was the Central Asians from the Principality of Montenegro who defeated them, not the Oyue people.

It is true that in the battle with the Yoshida Army, the principality not only sent fighter planes to support, but the Black Sparrow Troops also directly participated in the battle. The strong combat effectiveness made the Yoshida Army frightened.

Therefore, being managed by the Central Continents of the Principality of Montenegro and being enslaved by the strong men who truly defeated them, the prisoners of war of the Yoshida Legion felt that they were respected.

The prisoners of war seen working along the way bowed extremely respectfully when they saw Lu Ming and his party.

However, Lu Ming knew that these were only temporary appearances. No one wanted to be a free slave forever, especially if they could not see hope, they would become desperate. Desperate people would do anything.

Especially for the Yoshida leader, the strength to resist the Ouetsu and Nakasu people is not small.

The new lord of the Yoshida Territory, Yoshida Abe, is a very greedy character with very bad conduct. Therefore, although he is an important figure in the Yoshida family, he has been marginalized and even almost went to jail. However, his bloody methods are very effective in suppressing the rebels.

Including the local governors appointed from various places in Yoshida's territory, in fact, Takeuchi Yoichi also knows what this group is like.

But now they can only rely on them. The Oyue people have never thought of swaying the Yoshida people to side with them. That is simply impossible.

Therefore, the management in Yoshida Territory adopts a high-pressure white terror rule, and most of the local officials used are corrupt and cruel people.

In a short period of time, it will naturally be beneficial. Basically, the resistance cannot make any waves at present.

But in fact, rural areas full of complaints will be the best refuge for resistance forces.

And once a war breaks out between the Ashikaga regime and the Yamamoto regime, the Yoshida leader's resistance will be a spark that can start a prairie fire.

These more than 10,000 Yoshida Corps prisoners of war are indeed a good labor force, but they may also be a huge threat in the future.

Thinking about it, Lu Ming slowly entered the office in the forest farm's administrative building.

Takeuchi Yoichi and other city dignitaries followed and stood still.

In fact, Lu Ming's current identity is just the consul of the Principality's Consulate in Naishan, which is located in the administrative building outside the entrance to the forest farm.

In the agreement reached between the Principality and Prime Minister Ashikaga, consulates were set up in the capitals of the four territories. In addition, due to the existence of Naishan Forest Farm and prisoner of war camp, a consulate was also set up in Naishan.

According to the treaty, the consuls of these five consulates are political, economic and military advisors who work closely with local officials, but they have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the local regime. In fact, the latter item was proposed by Lu Ming on his own initiative.

Judging from the current situation of Prime Minister Ashikaga, it is natural to understand what he and the Montenegrins need from each other.

The more this happened, the more Lu Ming paid attention to maintaining the independence of Ashikaga Prime Minister's regime in the formal agreement.

Otherwise, big problems may arise in the future, and benefactors may turn into enemies.

Lu Jun's identity was originally to resolve the assassination of Governor Zhang. After reaching an agreement with Prime Minister Yamamoto, his duties as plenipotentiary were completed. After being idle for a period of time, he was appointed as the consul of the Naishan Consulate.

Although the Naishan Consulate is located in the small town of Naishan, there is no doubt that Takeuchi Yoichi and others also know that among the five consulates, the Naishan Consulate may be the most important in the eyes of Montenegro people.

Representative Lu, who is the younger brother of the Prince of Montenegro, serves as the consul.

It is true that there is no airport in Yoshida Castle, but some prisoners of war are being used to build a military airport near the forest farm in Naishan. Moreover, a Zhongzhou armed force is also stationed in the forest farm. Of course, it is necessary to manage the prisoner of war camp.

But the sophistication of this armed weaponry is also staggering.

"Yesterday, Prime Minister Ashikaga just reached a consensus with the principality that Nazan City will implement special management and strive to build a model city where the people of Yoshida can live and work in peace and contentment. Well, you should see a formal letter soon."

Lu Ming's words made Takeuchi Yang stunned.

Lu Ming added: "This model city will first strengthen the independence of the judiciary in terms of governance. Therefore, foreign judges will be hired in the short term. If I am not talented, I will temporarily act as the chief judge of the Naishan Court. However, I am concerned about the local judges.

Statutory law is not quite…”

Before Lu Ming finished his humble words, Takeuchi Yoichi took the lead and everyone applauded enthusiastically.

"That's great, it would be great if Representative Lu can come!"

"We are honored to have Representative Lu serve as our chief judge!"

Everyone looked happy.

Lu Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't actually try the case, and I don't have time to take care of it. However, the original judge only needs to be responsible to me now and has no affiliation with you."

Everyone was even more relieved, and they were still running and dancing, but the original judge had a higher status and needed to be given more shares.

Lu Ming added: "Also, in the future, the Naishan Court will add an appeals tribunal to manage appeals in the entire Yoshida area. In addition to mobilizing from outside, do you have any suitable judicial personnel that you can recommend?

Give me."

In fact, I don't care at all how the Yoshida Territory is developing and how the judiciary is. But having an appeals court in my hands is equivalent to having a finger on the pulse of the Yoshida Territory. It is much more convenient for me to act here. The real emperor is secretly here.

, however, local officials are not aware of this yet.

This model will not be extended to other regions, lest it arouse the dissatisfaction of the old Prime Minister Ashikaga.

However, Yoshida holds vital interests of the principality, not only the forest farm resources, but also 1% of the annual tax revenue that must be handed over to the relatives of "Governor Zhang".

The Yoshida Territory has become an abandoned place. The Yamamoto administration regarded it as an abandoned son and signed agreements indiscriminately to stabilize the Principality of Montenegro.

The senior officials of the Ashikaga regime did not regard the Yoshida Territory as a real territory, and appointed local officials to suppress it with brutal force and iron blood.

Our own side also needs to intervene to safeguard the principality's interests here.

This chapter has been completed!
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