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Chapter 155: The final chapter of stealing the sky and changing the day (Part 2)

 "I am Yamamoto Yu!" Yamamoto Xiong said calmly into the microphone.

Over there, Prince Montenegro sighed softly, "Prime Minister Yamamoto, my proposal is for long-term peace, would you consider it?"

Yamamoto Xiong said coldly: "Divide and rule, Japan will never rise again! Lawyer Qianxing, you are a law student, and you are indeed very thoughtful, but you are looking down on the people of the world."

Prince Heishanbao was silent, and after a while he said: "The Rise? What is the Rise? How much does the so-called prosperous age in history have to do with the common people? The more prosperous times show off military power, the more common people bear too many corvees and live a miserable life.

Ah! For Japan, a small country with a small territory, it may not be unable to develop if it takes the road of peace and freedom. According to the Prime Minister's standards, if it wants to dominate with military power, it must launch a war. For the people, their life span is only a few decades.

, the lives of hundreds of millions of people have been ruined by your ambition. Even if you win in the end, do you really think that you will become a great man if you are the winner and the loser? You invaded the Northern Territory and can you really permanently enslave the majority of the population than you?

Are there many wealthy families?"

Yamamoto sneered: "Isn't it true that winners and losers nowadays? Lawyer Qianxing, don't you think you are the winner and are lecturing me? If you had lost the battle in the Northern Territory, would you have fought with me so easily?

What do you mean by peace and freedom?”

While speaking, Yamamoto looked at the clock on the wall and pressed the microphone with his hand.

Next to him, Defense Minister Inukai Jiro smiled knowingly and whispered: "We are refueling at the airport in Onna Prefecture! There are ten airports in total, all at the same time."

A victorious smile appeared on Yamamoto's face, and he spoke into the microphone: "Lawyer Qianxing, let's take a ten-minute break and I'll give you an answer."

The call was not hung up, and someone covered the microphone with a soundproof glass cover.

Yamamoto looked at the ministers participating in the call in the war room, smiled and said: "I think you can know some things now!" He said to Inukai Jiro: "Jiro, tell everyone."

Inukai Jiro made a gesture, and several officers immediately lifted the green cloth covering the sand table in the center of the war room.

It is a miniature sand table throughout Japan, with many red chess pieces inserted on it.

Inukai Jiro said loudly: "Gentlemen, since our army was attacked by the Montenegrin Air Force in March last year, the counterattack planned by the Prime Minister and the military for more than a year is about to begin! Tonight, we will formally declare war on the Montenegro Principality and bring it to its knees.

Drive them completely out of our territory!”

He pointed at the red flag in the sand table with his baton on the sand table, "We will also completely wipe out the Ashikaga supporters who colluded with the Principality of Montenegro to treason. The Odawara Army in Kyoto will be completely disarmed. Honshu Territory, our first division

The regiment has been deployed, and the armored troops will march straight in. If the Honshu division resists, it will suffer a devastating blow..."

Taro Ishii felt dizzy when he heard this. He was from the Ishii family of Honshu.

No wonder I had to choose the war room to talk to the Prince of Montenegro. It turned out that today’s call day was the day of declaration of war. The Principality of Montenegro had never thought of it.

But? Why did the Kansai Army launch a desperate war? Can it really defeat the Principality of Montenegro?

But no matter how the war with Montenegro goes, the Honshu Division will probably suffer a devastating blow from the surprise attack.

Because the First Division and the Second Division are the most powerful legions in the kingdom, both come from Kansai and are equipped with a large number of armored troops.

The Honshu Division is almost finished.

Hmm? Do you want to find a way to deliver the message?

Taro Ishii gradually came back to his senses, but he heard Inukai Jiro saying: "In this war, we will have air support. Our most conservative estimate is that the air power of the Principality of Montenegro will be weakened a lot. In the short term, our air supremacy will be over ours."


Not only Taro Ishii, but also all the ministers were surprised.

Inukai Jiro smiled and said: "We secretly purchased fighter planes. At this time, we should fill up the fuel at the airport in Laionazhou and take off. We are about to destroy the Montenegrin air force bases on Pearl Island and Xianquan!"

"From now on, all officers will be wronged. Before our air force ends its air strikes, all officers must stay in the war room, let alone contact the outside world!"

Ishii Taro smiled bitterly in his heart, yes, even if he wanted to, how could he possibly have the chance to leak the secret?

Looking around, in fact, the people summoned to participate in the call with Prince Montenegro today, except for Inukai Jiro, are all civilian officials. Although there are cabinet members, such as the Minister of Transportation, they are obviously not part of Prime Minister Yamamoto's core power circle.

Yamamoto Yu looked at them and smiled slightly. None of these people were from Kansai, and some of them were actually sympathizers of the Ashikaga faction.

At this time, their faces were shocked and frightened, and they had long lost the ambiguous look they had had when the old man Ashikaga suddenly made a public statement in Ouetsu that dropped a bombshell in the Japanese political circles.

Mr. Yamamoto straightened his chest and walked slowly to the telephone. An officer quickly removed the glass cover from the phone.

Taro Ishii took two steps forward. After all, he confirmed that it was his responsibility to resume the call with Montenegro, but he was stopped by an officer.

Yamamoto Xiong picked up the phone and said with a smile: "Is Lawyer Qianxing here?"

From the microphone, the magnetic and charming voice of Prince Montenegro came, "It's me, I've been waiting for Prime Minister Yamamoto."

Yamamoto Xiong smiled and said: "Lawyer Qianxing, let me make a suggestion. From now on, the Principality of Montenegro will no longer interfere in the internal affairs of Japan, and cede the Hercynian region in the northern part of the mainland to Japan. How about achieving permanent peace in this way?"

Prince Montenegro was silent. After a while, he smiled and said, "Prime Minister Yamamoto, your proposal is a bit whimsical. Is it because the Prime Minister has a whimsical plan to attack the air force base of our principality? Do you think it can succeed?"

"What?" Yamamoto Yu's mind buzzed, "What did you say?"

"I mean, the Prime Minister's ideas are always so whimsical..."

Before the Prince of Black Mountain Castle finished speaking, Yamamoto Yu had already dropped the microphone in his hand on the table, turned to Inukaijiro and shouted: "Contact Togami and Laionazhou immediately to see if there is any problem?!


Inukai Jiro saw that the Prime Minister's face suddenly changed and his voice became stern, and he immediately went to make phone calls and send reports.

Yamamoto paced, frowning and thinking, where could something go wrong?

The plan to establish an air force had been planned since the sea route was bombed by the Principality of Montenegro more than a year ago. It chose to fund Sawyer Aviation Company, which had the idea of ​​using aircraft for war purposes, and provided expedited research and development expenses.

Before the model aircraft was produced, pilots were recruited and sent for training. These pilots were kept secret from their families, and some pilots had experience in propeller aircraft.

Of course, all this was done by the Ueto Consortium and cooperated with Sawyer Flight Company under strict confidentiality.

Today is the day to receive the fighter planes. I am also in danger, preparing for the plane to return to Japan. On the way back to Japan, I will surprise attack and bomb the Montenegro Principality's airports at Pearl Island and Xianquan. The most important thing is, of course, to destroy its fighter planes parked at the two airports.


Returning to Japan from Sawyer Aviation's base requires two refuelings.

For the first time, Hanzhou and Newton are both neutral autonomous states, but in fact they are more or less under the influence of the Second Prince's Sonia Kingdom.

Of the two hundred fighter planes, one hundred were refueled in Hanzhou and one hundred were refueled in Newton. They arrived at the two airports in ten batches, one batch of ten fighters.

The second time to refuel was in Laine.

It is the southeasternmost coastal state of the Eastern Alliance and is very close to Japan.

Most importantly, Leona Governor Hamilton is an extreme Westernist and is said to be inextricably linked to the White Rose organization.

It has always been the member of the Eastern Alliance that is most opposed to the Principality of Montenegro entering the alliance.

The Ueto Consortium contacted him to obtain his support at basically no cost. Hamilton even opened more than a dozen airports in the state to receive refueling from the Japanese Air Force. In this way, the air force fleet can take off from various airports in Hamilton state at the same time to form a cluster combat force raid.

Montenegro Air Force Base.

Only Hamilton and a few close associates knew the inside story.

To airport personnel, the planes were even painted with the Montenegrin logo.

Therefore, even if some airport staff see these aircraft leaked to the outside world, they will think that they are Montenegrin fighter planes. When these news spread, when the Montenegrins pay attention to check where these aircraft come from, the Air Force has not yet found out.

The base must have been bombed.

All of this was planned very carefully, so how did Lu Qianxing know the news?

It seems that the plan to bomb the Montenegro Air Force base has to be suspended, and the route needs to be changed to avoid being intercepted by the Montenegrin Air Force.

After all, the Montenegrin Air Force has actual combat experience and is well prepared. If there is an air battle with our own air force, the Montenegrin Air Force will probably have the advantage.

"Is there no news yet?" Yamamoto Yu felt that time was passing too slowly, so he paced and urged Inukaijiro hurriedly.

Taro Ishii and others gathered in a corner of the war room, looking at each other in bewilderment, not knowing what was going on. But seeing Prime Minister Yamamoto's livid face, no one wanted to get into trouble at this time.

"Prime Minister, please call back from Onna Prefecture, saying that our fleet has been fully refueled and has all taken off." Inukai Jiro took the telegram that had just been sent, looked at the content on it, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Yamamoto's ambition is somewhat at ease.

At this time, another officer hurried in. Inukai Jiro took the message from his hand, and his expression immediately changed.

"What's wrong?" Yamamoto Yu's heart sank.

Inukai Jiro sent the message over, his face full of fear.

It was a message sent by the Ueto Foundation's representative office in Donghai. It said that it had just been notified by the bailiff of the First Circuit Court that it had carried out the first batch of seizures of the Ueto Foundation's assets. It was found that in Han

A total of two hundred aircraft purchased by the Ueto Consortium in the states of New Zealand and New Orleans were seized by bailiffs and handed over to Huaxia Technology Company. They are waiting for the auction by Huaxia Technology Company and will then be discounted. The Ueto Consortium

How much more money needs to be paid to make up for the compensation to Huaxia Company?

"Asshole, what the hell is this?!" Yamamoto was so angry that he tore the message into pieces and stared at Inukai Jiro, "Coming to Onazhou, didn't they say that all our fighter planes had taken off? Who did they give them to?

Add oil?!"

Seeing Yamamoto's cannibalistic expression, Inukai Jiro was sweating all over his body and said hurriedly: "I'll send another report and ask, I'll go right away!" He quickly walked out and went to the telecommunications room to send the report himself.

In the war room, the air was solid.

Ten minutes later, Inukai Jiro came back in a hurry, came to Yamamoto's side, and whispered: "They said that Mr. Yamamoto was indeed leading the team, but it seemed that Mr. Yamamoto was a little demented, and they didn't pay much attention at the time.


In this newly formed air force, Yamamoto Yu's favorite youngest son Yamamoto Twenty-one was also one of the pilots receiving training. Twenty-one himself loved flying airplanes and was temporarily appointed as the captain of the pilots.

A close subordinate of Governor Hamilton of Annapolis, who helped the Japanese Air Force prepare the airport, met Yamamoto Twenty-One.

"Twenty-one will not betray me! He would rather commit suicide than be coerced by others!" Yamamoto's teeth were broken.

Inukaijiro did not dare to say anything, after all, this was related to the honor of the Yamamoto family.

"What is Huaxia Technology? Why can we seize our plane? Aren't the Ueto Consortium appealing?!" Yamamoto's eyes were like an extremely angry lion, wanting to eat people.

"I, I don't know either..." Inukai Jiro couldn't help but shudder under Yamamoto's gaze.

Yamamoto Xiong suddenly remembered something, strode to the table where the telephone was placed, picked up the microphone that he had thrown on the table, and shouted: "Lu Qianxing! Are you still here? Are you there?!"

Over there, it should be the subordinate of the Prince of Black Mountain Castle who has been holding the microphone to listen to the sound, and then handed it to the Prince of Black Mountain Castle.

"Yes, I'm here." The tone of the Prince of Black Mountain Castle was still so calm.

"Did you do it? Stole my plane?!" Yamamoto gritted his teeth.

"Prime Minister, this is not stealing. Huaxia Technology just asked the bailiff to execute it according to the law. Moreover, it is not your plane, right? It belongs to the consortium that lost the lawsuit, isn't it?"

"Don't argue with me! What's going on?" Yamamoto finally calmed down.

Prince Montenegro coughed, "The Prime Minister has always called me a lawyer, and now he is asking me about legal issues. In fact, my price is quite high. The price my law firm has given me now is 100,000 yuan a minute, and it also needs

Select clients to see if I am willing to meet them..."

In the midst of his anger, Yamamoto became calmer and said, "I'm willing to pay any amount!"

"Okay, since you are so sincere, I will start the timer now..." As if he was really pressing the stopwatch, after a while, his voice sounded again: "The problem here is with the Ueto Consortium. The appeal deposit is three thousand

Wan is still late, and the appeal court has not urged them to pay, so they have been trying to be clever. Of course, in fact, many people are not serious in many cases and will wait for the outcome of the appeal. Otherwise, the seized property will not be returned.

It is said that if losses are caused to people, the plaintiff may become the defendant and be sued for compensation.”

"However, Huaxia Technology is serious, and it happens that the Ueto Consortium has such a batch of aircraft flying around outside, and there are buyers immediately after the seizure, which is the military of our Principality of Montenegro, so of course, Huaxia Technology will apply to the circuit court

It was executed. The bailiff led the team, but the notice was sent a little late. This is also in compliance with the regulations and prevents the party being executed from transferring property. As for all the pilots of the Ueto Consortium, they were unable to speak out. It involved a local fight. For the time being,

They have probably not been detained for forty-eight hours, but they should see a lawyer now. However, if you declare war on the Principality of Montenegro, their status may become prisoners of war."

"Now, Prime Minister Yamamoto, do you understand?"

The veins on Yamamoto Yu's forehead were pulsing. He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "You have known about my preparation for the air force for a long time. When the Ueto Foundation was sued, it was the beginning of your plan, right?..."

My body felt like I was falling into an ice cave. After thinking about this, I suddenly realized how terrifying the young man on the phone was.

Prince Heishanbao was silent and suddenly said: "Your First Division Armored Force seems to be stationed in a too prominent position. According to your battle plan, you want to raid the territory of this state, right?"

Without saying a word, Yamamoto Yu hung up the phone and turned to Inukai Jiro, "Get me to the First Division headquarters!"

A red telephone on the table suddenly rang rapidly, and the ringtone was so harsh.

This chapter has been completed!
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