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Chapter 180 Armed Train

 In the morning, Lu Ming appeared at the household registration department, which surprised everyone.

After all, I heard that this combat hero's eyes were injured and he could not be stimulated by bright light, so he could only go on duty at night. Even though he was wearing thick sunglasses, it was still a bit worrying.

There were five police officers in the household registration department. Lu Ming called them in to talk separately, and then Lu Ming left.

Returning to the "Wang's House" study room, Lu Ming wrote a report material based on what the police said was their personal experience.

Including the former Section Chief Li and the current Deputy Director Li of the Second Branch, how to get the cards when he was in the household registration department.

There are also rumors about the money-making activities of Director Zhou of the Second Branch. Although it is just a rumor, Lu Ming also wrote it in the report materials.

I signed my real name and sent it to the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

I just wanted to see what would happen if I stabbed myself.

What will the Independent Commission Against Corruption do about such a true and false report against me?

After doing this, Lu Ming went back to his room to sleep.

The helicopter landed slowly on the outskirts of Supiro City.

Supiro is west of Niguluo, southeast of Xiheishan Fort and Bate City, and is almost in the middle of the main railway line between Xiheishan Fort and Niguluo.

Near the landing site of the helicopter, a group of people hurriedly came to greet him.

The leader is Wang Qiang, the lord of the Supiro City State. Yes, he has a Central-Continent name.

A burly man with a height of 2.3 meters, Lu Ming was tall enough, but compared to him, he was a head short.

But in front of Mrs. Sanjin, he was like a child meeting an elder, kneeling on one knee, it was like pushing down a mountain of gold and knocking over a jade pillar.

It can even be seen that he is a little afraid of Mrs. Sanjin.

Lu Ming was helpless. In fact, sometimes he forgot that Mrs. Sanjin was actually a very scary person to many people in the Western Region.

As the deputy minister of the Special Work Department and the former second-largest figure in the Yellow River Trade in the Western Region, although she lives in seclusion behind the scenes, she is the most important driving force behind the expansion of the Central Continent's influence here.

The city-state of Supiro is not large, with a population of only tens of thousands. However, in the original understanding of the Special Work Department, this is a very important city-state. It is the choke point from the center of the city-state in the Western Regions to the West Black Mountain Fort. Therefore,

, for this city-state, under the proposal and leadership of Mrs. Sanjin, key management was carried out.

At that time, Huoluo had not yet risen. Looking at it now, the management of this place is very forward-looking.

Accompanied by Wang Qiang, when entering the city, we can also find that there are many Zhongzhou people's shops in the city. The three-story department store of the Yellow River Trading Company is a landmark building in the center of the city.

When Lu Ming was busy in other regions, Mrs. Sanjin acted on his behalf, slowly gathering the original operating forces in the Western Region.

Moreover, pirobiben is also more dangerous.

After Hunhuo Luo invaded Nicolo, it continued to expand its influence westward, and more than twenty city-states had to pay taxes to Hunhuo Luo.

This tax area is getting closer and closer to Supiro.

"Madam, now that you are here, I feel relieved!" Wang Qiang welcomed the crowd into the city and kept saying.

Many city-state lords in the Western Regions knew that there was Mrs. Sanjin, a big shot in the Yellow River Trading Company, a terrifying and ruthless person who could influence the decisions of the people of Central China, but they had never seen her before. This was the first time for Wang Qiang to see her.

"The city-state you mentioned has an envoy here, right?" Mrs. Sanjin asked.

In a city-state called Jiaheluo in the tax area, the city-state leader is related by marriage to Wang Qiang. Now he is asking Wang Qiang for help, hoping that Wang Qiang can help him and Mrs. Sanjin seek help. Jiaheluo is willing to pay taxes to Xiheishan Fort because Hunhuo Luosha

Not only did they collect heavy taxes on land, but they also demanded population from those city-states that were forced to surrender under their power from time to time, which really made the small city-states unbearable.

"Yes, yes!" Wang Qiang kept saying.

Mrs. Sanjin turned to Lu Ming and whispered: "Master, the armed train will arrive later."

Lu Ming smiled and said, "You can go and talk! I'll take a rest!"

I just happened to go back to "Wang's House" to check. Yesterday I sent the report materials. Is there any response? Of course, the efficiency should not be so fast.

Heading westward from Supiro, Lu Ming boarded the armed train.

Traffic is congested in most areas of the Western Region, but Supiluo is located on the main traffic artery and is one of the nodes of the railway line from Xiheishanbao to Niguluo. Jiaheluo is also on the railway line, two miles southeast of Supiluo.

More than a hundred kilometers.

The Armed Train is a special combat unit developed by the Principality in the Western Region.

It is powered by an armored steam locomotive and has several armored carriages. Each armored carriage is equipped with 2 artillery pieces and 8 machine guns, located on both sides of the carriage and in the rotating turret. At the same time, military supplies carriages can also be mounted.

Its operational concept is to support battles taking place near the railway line and to quickly supply regiments deployed near the main line.

Because once a large-scale war breaks out in the Western Regions and involves the principality, the principality's strategic direction must first control the city-states on the trunk line. For city-states far away from the transportation trunk lines, strategic radiation will be carried out through the city-states on the trunk line. How to control it depends on the specific situation.

It is a strategy of regular army against loose tribal armed forces.

These armed armored carriages were built in West Montenegro, and this is the first time they have been used.

There are four armed armored carriages, including the locomotive, which are controlled by the armored train battalion directly under the Petroleum Corps headquarters. Of course, they are claimed to be mercenaries of the Yellow River Trading Company. There are three more carriages, carrying the most elite cyclone battalion of the United Matrix.

The remaining carriages are filled with various supplies, and there is also one carriage, which is Lu Ming's living and command carriage. It is also an armored carriage, located between the four armed carriages.

However, this time, three more carriages were hung at the end of the armed train. The densely packed heads inside were from the tribal armed forces from the southeastern city-states called by Mrs. Sanjin. More than a thousand people were crammed into the three carriages. Lu Ming went to see

It's even more generous than the Spring Festival Transport in previous generations, and the troop transport carriage itself has no seats, so the space is larger than that of the Spring Festival Transport carriage. In this way, more than 300 people can be accommodated in one carriage.

The armed train traveled more than 200 kilometers from Supiro to Jiaheluo for nearly ten hours. During this period, Lu Ming did not leave. In his command car, he listened to the armored train battalion commander Deng Sangong's introduction to the armed train.

Depending on the specific situation and the scenery along the way, time will go very quickly.

When the train arrived at Jiaheluo, Da Jialuo, the Lord of Jiaheluo City who had been waiting at the station for a long time, entered Lu Ming's command carriage to pay an audience.

In the three additional carriages, the armed tribal soldiers who were almost suffering from hypoxia got out of the car one after another, like a swarm of bees. The soldiers of the United Matrix's Tornado Battalion were much more orderly.

In the command carriage, it was Mrs. Sanjin who mainly spoke to Da Jialuo. First of all, she pointed out that Xiheishan Fort did not need Jiahe Luocheng to pay taxes.

My actions do not represent the Yellow River Trading Company, let alone the Principality of Montenegro. They are just voluntary actions by the people of West Montenegro.

Of course, because of the volunteer actions to help Dagaro resist tyranny, Dagaro still has to bear the expenses required. If it cannot be paid at the moment, it can be counted as an installment loan with interest, and the longest installment can be one hundred years. This loan,

The city-state behavior of Jiaheluo will not be invalidated even if the power of Jiaheluo changes in the future.

Da Jialuo repeatedly agreed and signed a contract with Mrs. Sanjin.

"Ah..." Mrs. Sanjin exclaimed softly.

At this time, everyone inside and outside the command carriage had almost left. Only Lu Ming was still sitting on the sofa and slowly sipping tea.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ming was slightly surprised. It was rare to see Mrs. Sanjin making such a fuss.

"Master, I just remembered. I already had an idea of ​​what you told me last month. I neglected my duty and forgot about it!" Mrs. Sanjin knelt down and said, "You deserve to die! You deserve to die!"

"What happened?" Lu Ming was confused.

"Didn't the master tell me to help inquire about Miss Rashmi's mother and fifth sister? I have already heard about it, but I forgot to tell the master that I deserve to die!" Mrs. Sanjin fell to the ground, not daring to raise her head.

Huh? Only then did Lu Ming have the impression that it was the request of Princess Nicolo at that time. He casually passed it on to Mrs. Sanjin, but he had long forgotten it.

In fact, in the past month or so, I have come here occasionally to talk to Mrs. Sanjin about the most important things. In such a hurry, Mrs. Sanjin has no time to chat with me. I can't blame her at all, but now she wants to apologize to me.

"Get up, it's none of your business. What's the situation of the little princess's mother and sister now? If it's too miserable, don't tell me." Lu Ming was a little curious, but he didn't want to know anything particularly tragic.


Mrs. Sanjin remained silent.

Lu Ming waved his hand, "Okay, I got it."

This chapter has been completed!
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