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Chapter 191 Counterattack

"Boom" flames shot up into the sky.

The resistance forces in the Western Region are eyeing oil pipelines, including the oil pipeline from Thoroston to the main pipeline, which is something the Sonia people never thought of.

The total length of the oil pipeline from the Western Region to Saxony is more than 2,000 kilometers, and the Western Region section is 1,300 kilometers long.

The Sonia people had to mobilize a large amount of manpower and material resources to prepare to build bunkers every ten miles along the oil pipeline. In this way, more than 200 bunkers would be built. While building bunkers, the Sonia people began to prepare to focus on attacking the southwest.

Resistance force.

Black Moon City was the second largest town in the original Baoyue City. Lu Ming walked slowly along the long street.

However, he already has a Sonia appearance, wears a Sonia brown-green military uniform, and has the rank of second lieutenant.

On his birthday this year, he unlocked a new skill that allowed him to take on another appearance. Considering the situation in the Western Region, Lu Ming made a virtual appearance of a young man from Sonia.

Walking next to Lu Ming was Ajiman. She was also wearing a Sonia military uniform and a light blue skirt, but she had no military rank.

Ajiman saw with his own eyes that his master had become what he is now, and he became more and more in awe of this mysterious master.

The security forces who set up checkpoints on the street to check passers-by saluted Lu Ming from a distance and did not dare to check his documents or anything like that.

The Sonia people established the West Collison State with Nicolo City as the center. The state security forces were all recruited from local tribes. In Lu Ming's vocabulary, they were automatically understood as puppet troops.

It seems that the Sonia people want to completely digest the territory of the Western Region, so they do not trust the original city-state nobles, but confiscate a large number of properties. Just like in Gezhou, the puppet regimes they support are all newly rising interests.


In fact, Lu Ming had done similar things in some areas of the Northern Territory, but they were not as cruel and bloody as the Sonia people.

Lu Ming and Ajiman quickly arrived at the central temple of Black Moon City. This kind of temple complex was no stranger to Lu Ming. There was also the "Samsara" temple here, but the scale of the temple complex was smaller than that of Baoyue City.


Nowadays, this place has been turned into a military camp for the Sonia garrison.

From the perspective of the Sonia people, Baoyue City is extremely remote. In the southernmost area, there are neither trains nor oil pipelines passing nearby.

Originally, there was a Sonia infantry battalion stationed in Baoyue City, but most of it was transferred out in the past few days to supplement the garrison needed for the bunker group to protect the oil pipeline.

Baoyue City left an infantry company, and Black Moon City only left an infantry platoon.

When the guards in front of the temple saw Lu Ming's military officer ID and letter of appointment, they stood at attention and led Lu Ming to Baoyue Temple, which is the most central temple.

Platoon leader Walter was a short and stocky man. He took out Lu Ming's ID card and looked through it. He laughed and said, "I received the telegram yesterday. Welcome, Second Lieutenant Bit!"

Platoon leader Walter has the rank of lieutenant, and "Bit" is a member of the low-level officer corps newly recruited from the kingdom. These low-level officers are used to supplement various outposts and enrich the defense of various places.

Bit is here to take over Walter's duties here, and Walter will report to South Virginia City for another appointment.

Walter is very effective in fighting the resistance here, and it seems that he will be promoted.

However, the real "Bit" naturally no longer exists. The photo on the military officer's ID card is Lu Ming's.

Walter's greedy eyes were now fixed on Ajiman beside Lu Ming.

Licking the corner of his mouth, Walter chuckled and said, "Lieutenant Bit, you are so lucky!"

Ajiman wears a military uniform and has no military rank. He is obviously a companion of the occupying Western Region army.

However, low-level officers like Walter and Bit are naturally not qualified to have military companions. Instead, they need to go to the entertainment center. The so-called entertainment center mainly recruits Ged women. After coming to the local area, they recruit local women to solve the Sonya army.

Physiological problems of officers and soldiers.

Only the most senior military officers, at least colonels and above, may have dedicated "military companions".

However, if military commanders are stationed in various places, they can still secretly keep mistresses as "military companions".

However, Lieutenant Bit's luck is really good. For such a beautiful girl from the Western Regions with a pretty face and a perfect body, even those high-ranking officials in Nicolo City are afraid that they would beat a dog's head off to snatch her away. Now it falls to our little

In the hands of the lieutenant.

Walter was thinking wildly when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his throat. He subconsciously covered it with his hands, and then it was hot, extremely hot. But his throat was so hot, and his body gradually became colder. He looked at the sky and the earth spinning, and many people's feet seemed to be spinning.

In front of his eyes, when he realized that he had fallen, Walter's mind gradually blurred, and the gunshots, explosions, and screams gradually left him...

On the off-road jeep, a Sonia soldier stepped hard on the accelerator.

Lu Ming and Ajiman sat in the back row.

Ajiman secretly glanced at the expressionless Lu Ming from time to time. He really didn't know how he killed Walter and those Sonia soldiers. It seemed like he just flicked his fingers.

Lu Ming pondered and got into the car by accident.

The Sonia platoon was captured, the puppet army was in chaos, gunfire broke out in the city, and the guerrillas cooperated with the outside to launch a strong attack.

When he was also going on a killing spree, the car suddenly stopped in front of him. The young soldier looked anxious and called him to get in the car, saying that he would take his commander to retreat to South Virginia.

An idea suddenly came to him, so he got in the car and directed how to escape from Black Moon City. After all, he knew the attack route of the resistance army clearly.

Now, Mrs. Sanjin has been notified of her whereabouts through the prince's line.

It’s also a rare opportunity to go to South Virginia as a Sonia officer.

As the name suggests, Southern Fonia is an important city in the eyes of the Sonia people, so the name was specially changed.

Indeed, it was originally called Hungry Wolf City and was the most important city in the southeastern part of the Western Region in the eyes of the Sonia people. It was the node of the main railway line to the outside of the Eastern Region, and the oil pipeline also passed near the city.

The car suddenly stopped slowly. Under the moonlit night, there was desert on all sides.

"Sir, there is not much fuel left in the tank..." Soldier Sonia turned his head and rolled his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lu Ming frowned and secretly flexed his knuckles.

"Sir, let's turn around and go to Baoyue City first..." the Sonya soldier said hesitantly, "When you get there, call the commander of South Fornia and say..., just say you haven't arrived yet.

Black Moon City, Black Moon City has been occupied by the rebels. I am here to pick up your driver. We can only retreat to Baoyue City first and wait for the commander's order..."

Lu Ming looked at him and nodded slightly, "What's your name?"

"My name is Horst Ford, sir!" the Sonia soldier saluted again.

Lu Ming made a gesture, "Okay, let's go to Baoyue City first!"

Horst grinned: "Yes, sir!" He started the car, turned the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the off-road jeep southwest.

Lu Ming looked at the slightly bald back of this cunning guy's head. He was bald at a young age. It seemed that he was too cunning and too evil-minded.

There was no doubt that I had given the correct confession to him, so that I would not have to bear the responsibility of deserting.

In fact, in a big city like Baoyue City, even if the resistance forces recover it, they cannot hold it. When the Sonia people come back, it is the local people in the city who suffer.

According to its own strategy, the current resistance force is to destroy railway lines, oil pipelines, etc., while at the same time attacking the Sonia armed forces leaving the big cities, attacking their various outposts, bunkers, etc.

Now it would be good to go to Baoyue City to explore the situation inside.

This chapter has been completed!
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