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Chapter 10 There is a successor

 Court No. 2 of the Anxi District Court of the Kingdom.

Judge Zhao Junyu is in his early thirties, with a graceful demeanor and an extremely calm demeanor.

The fierce confrontation is between lawyers representing more than a dozen taxpayer plaintiffs and the defendant's lawyer representing City Hall.

The plaintiff's legal team is from Xinjing, but the legal team representing the Anxi City Hall is a Western lawyer from Donghai, hired at a high price by Red Law Firm.

The lead defender representing the plaintiff is barrister Tie Xiaojia, the boss and pillar of Xinjing Hongri Law Firm, who is Lu Ming’s second disciple.

Lu Ming's three disciples were Tie Xiaojia, Tong Xiao'e, and Chen Qinghua, including Huang Guirong and Cui Xiaodong who later became his disciples.

Tie Xiaojia likes freedom the most, so she is still running an office.

Tong Xiao'e is currently a judge of the Kingdom District Court in Zhenjiang Autonomous Territory, Chen Qinghua is the director of the Third Division of the Public Crime Prosecution Department of the Kingdom's Grand Prosecutor's Office, Huang Guirong is the second justice of the Shengjing District Court of the Kingdom, and Cui Xiaodong works at the Legal Affairs Committee of the Beining Autonomous Territory.

The person who argued fiercely with Tie Xiaojia was Horford, a barrister from Reid Law Firm.

The Bar Association of the New Empire has promoted the long-overdue reform of lawyer qualification certification. Today, the lawyers of the Empire are only divided into junior lawyers, solicitors, barristers and royal counsels.

Among them, junior lawyers, solicitors and barristers can be audited and certified by the Bar Association of each confederation. Royal barristers need to be nominated by Emperor William V and certified by the Imperial Bar Association.

Although Tie Xiaojia is young, he has fought too many high-profile lawsuits and was certified as a barrister by the Xinjing Lawyers Association.

The focus of her current dispute with Horford is whether the "Civil Service Streamlining Act" signed by His Majesty the Han Dynasty when he was the Prince of Montenegro is considered a superior law of the Dominion Act.

Tie Xiaojia was at a disadvantage in arguing this point, because Horford had no respect for His Majesty the King of Han and spoke unscrupulously.

When it comes to his master, Tie Xiaojia is extremely cautious in his language and suffers a bit in terms of verbal expression.

Lu Ming was sitting in the back row of the auditorium and did not notify Xiaojia of his arrival. He was wearing big sunglasses. Even though he was required to take off his hat in the courtroom, no one recognized him.

Sitting next to Lu Ming, she was wearing a gray cashmere skirt and long snow-white cotton stockings wrapped around her slender legs. She was a very elegant and charming young woman with a fragrant and beautiful face. She was the royal daughter of the royal family, who was presented by the tribe over there when Bai Hai was suppressing bandits.

, was once the queen of the puppet king Chen Xingchang.

She actually has some ancestral special ability to charm men, and she has a good way of understanding people's hearts. She is the deputy director of the Anxi Secrecy Bureau of the Kingdom's Security Committee.

It should be said that if the royal ladies from all walks of life gathered together, they would be a very scary force in Anxi.

The female concubine of the Wang House, who has not yet been favored, has been assigned a number by Bai Narcissus to accompany Lu Ming to work, travel for research, etc. Today, she is assigned to Yang Xianrong.

"Your Honor, I request to summon a witness, Anxi City Hall Chief Lu Zhengxuan." After a heated argument with Horford, Tie Xiaojia bowed slightly to the judge's bench.

Mayor Lu Zhengxuan was originally on the witness list, and Zhao Junyu nodded in agreement.

Soon Lu Zhengxuan took the witness stand. He was a fat man in his fifties with slightly bald hair.

After he took the oath, Tie Xiaojia walked up to him and asked: "Mr. Lu Zhengxuan, do you agree that the Civil Service Streamlining Act is a superior law that the Anxi City Hall's policies and decrees must not conflict with?"

Lu Zhengxuan was stunned and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Objection!" Horford stood up immediately, "Although Mr. Lu Zhengxuan is the chief of the city hall, from a legal professional perspective, his answer has no reference."

Tie Xiaojia said: "However, if Mr. Lu Zhengxuan recognized the Civil Service Streamlining Act as the superior law, then it would be impossible for him to submit the city hall ordinance that is contrary to the superior law to the parliament for a vote. Otherwise, Mr. Lu Zhengxuan would be seriously derelict in his duties.


Zhao Junyu nodded slightly: "The witness needs to answer this question."

Lu Zhengxuan did not hesitate and said: "The law promulgated by His Majesty the King is of course the superior law."

Tie Xiaojia looked at Horford, "I think what we want to discuss now is whether the "City Hall Institutional Reform Act" conflicts with the "Civil Service Streamlining Act". Of course, if you think your client has seriously neglected his duties,

We can continue to discuss whether the "Streamlining Law" is a superior law to local ordinances."

Horford gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Lu Zhengxuan can recognize the "Streamlined Law" as the superior law of local laws, but in fact, His Majesty the Han Dynasty issued many temporary laws during his tenure as the Prince of Black Mountain. If they are all regarded as the superior law of local laws,

The spirit of the rule of law here is worrying, and I seriously doubt whether local autonomy is guaranteed!"

Tie Xiaojia smiled slightly: "Mr. Horford, according to the constitution of our kingdom, these laws of His Majesty the King are really superior laws that limit the framework of local regulations. It doesn't matter whether you understand it or not. These are all facts. Moreover, Mr. Horford, I

I don’t know where you got the courage to question His Majesty the King of Han’s understanding of the nature of law. In fact, we can discuss this in depth in legal journals. If you can find any temporary decree signed by His Majesty the King of Han that does not have a positive effect on the Northern Territory, I think,

You don’t need to stand here and pretend to be pretentious, but go to the Imperial Bar Association to express your opinions. Others don’t know, but you and I, as legal professionals, should know that His Majesty the King of Han was awarded the permanent honorary director of the Imperial Bar Association. What does it mean in the end?

What? Even if your master, your master's master, has anything to do with joining the council? Tell me, they have never thought about it in their daydreams, right? As for you, have you really studied the affairs of our kingdom?

Is it legal? Just come here to litigate?..."

"Plaintiff's lawyer, defendant's lawyer, come forward." Zhao Junyu interrupted Tie Xiaojia.

Since Tie Xiaojia went off topic a thousand miles away, I have to warn her now that she has said so much, which is more or less taking extra care of me.

Although Tie Xiaojia was warned, Horford's arrogance suddenly dropped. In fact, the people in the auditorium watching the excitement may not know what Tie Xiaojia was talking about.

But as a member of the judicial profession, Horford knew that he had been eliminated so badly that he even returned to his seat and looked at the deputy defense counsel as if he was laughing at himself in his heart.

He always thinks of the King of the Northern Territory as a traditional dictator, so when he speaks fiercely, he forgets who he really is.

The next debate is whether the "City Hall Structural Reform Act" is contrary to the "Streamlining Act".

Horford never wanted to get to this point, because the result would be obvious.

According to the "Streamlining Act", strict regulations are set for each autonomous territorial government, city hall, county and town agencies, etc., permanent institutions, including red lines for public servants and the proportion of population in the service area.

There was nothing Lu Ming could do about it, but in the Northern Territory, this was the only way it could be done in the early stages.

Although the permanent structure of Anxi's "City Hall Organization Reform Act" has not changed, it has added many temporary agencies. It is a typical kind of policy with countermeasures. However, it was really taken to court and criticized by eloquent lawyers.

, those little tricks are completely vulnerable.

Tie Xiaojia even directly criticized the city hall and even violated Article 405 of the Kingdom's Constitution on local autonomy. It is greatly expanding the boundaries of power. According to its temporary institutional setup, it is using an extremely large number of public servants to enslave taxpayers. The city hall is simply

It is to establish a dictatorship.

The defendant's representative sent by the city hall was a deputy chief, but Lu Zhengxuan did not leave after giving his testimony. Instead, he sat in the auditorium. At this time, his forehead was sweating, and he took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from time to time.

For himself, it is naturally impossible to think about this much. He just feels that the mayor of the city hall has done something a bit aggrieved. In addition, many council members have been confusing him, so he came up with such a law, but he was slapped with hats by the other party's lawyer.

When I came down, I felt like stars were popping up in front of my eyes. I knew intuitively that something was wrong. I had made a big mistake and the sky was about to fall.

This chapter has been completed!
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