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Chapter 19 Outstanding

On the "Yinping Ancient Road" in the snowy mountains, a conveyor belt was built from the "Northwestern District" to the "Wanglang District". Barrels of oil appeared on the conveyor belt above the northwest pattern, and then disappeared after being transported to the "Wanglang" District.

Although this method of transporting oil is efficient and safe, in fact, the oil pipeline from Xiheishanbao to Hanzhou and then to Xinjing has been built. Firstly, it is for the outside world to see; secondly, the "Yinping Ancient Road" belongs to

In the field of occultism, if something goes wrong, no one will fix it, so we still need oil pipelines as the final guarantee.

At this time, Lu Ming stood in the cave, looking in the direction of the third pattern.

The third pattern was now covered by a thick iron frame, which was firmly locked on the stone slab with screws.

Because a few days ago, a ferocious beast suddenly appeared here. Although it was quickly killed by security personnel, according to Bi Zhu's instructions, security measures were quickly upgraded here, but later, no ferocious beast appeared in the third pattern.

Looking at the pattern, Lu Ming knew without trying that even if he stood on it, he would not be able to reach another point in the world.

Is it damaged here? Has it become one-way?

I had already seen the corpse of the beast, it was the creature that appeared in the mirage of Shenglunduo.

It should also be a new species that appeared in the southern part of the New World.

It looks similar to a black goat. It has curved horns, but it is not cloven-hoofed, but sharp claws. It also has a mouth full of fangs. It is fast and extremely aggressive.

It snowed heavily in many places in the Northern Territory, and the New World was discovered. It seems that some channels have been opened in the New World in the past few years, and creatures that have never been seen before in the New and Old Worlds have appeared.

Moreover, deep in the desert west of West Black Mountain Fort, there seems to be some areas where electromagnetic wave interference is disappearing.

In areas where electromagnetic wave interference disappears, aircraft can fly. Otherwise, in areas with cluttered electromagnetic waves, even flying objects that do not use electronic devices, such as previous airships, will crash, just like the effect in the deep sea, being pulled by inexplicable gravity.

Into the sea of ​​sand.

Both Bi Zhu and Liu Li believed that there might have been an explorable passage in the boundless desert leading to the world further west.

Just like their own ideas, Bizhu and Liuli also thought that it would be better not to explore new areas for the time being, so as not to open Pandora's box.

There have been various visions in the past few years, and all of them seem to have some mysterious connection.

Is my coming to this world related to what is about to happen?

Lu Ming thought silently.

Class A special class at the Heihu City Special Police Training Base.

Lu Ming is practicing operating a motorcycle, which is the ultimate product of individual weapons in this world.

A two-wheeled off-road vehicle with a machine gun.

It is much heavier than civilian motorcycles in the old world, and much lighter than the lightest tanks.

In this world, the unified conglomerate does not have powerful national-level enemies, so it has not developed heavy weapons such as tanks.

Motorcycle combat vehicles are its most powerful land mobile force. When dealing with small-scale resistance movements, they are indeed in a crushing state from mobility to fire suppression.

But if faced with the torrent of tanks and artillery in the Old World, even if tens of thousands of these motorcycle tanks were assembled, they would definitely be like delivering food.

But for individual combat, I have to say that this thing is very powerful.

Important parts of the motorcycle are protected by metal armor. There is even a humanoid mechanical armor on the motorcycle. The operator opens the armor from the back and gets in.

It's just that not to mention firing the cannon at the target while driving, but also just controlling the two-wheeled motorcycle to maintain a balanced driving in the mechanical armor, it is extremely difficult.

Lu Ming got started very quickly. In one day, he could skillfully drive this kind of motorcycle.

In fact, I deliberately hid my clumsiness, and it would be fine after a few minutes. However, although this world does not envy the virtuous and capable, the stronger the strength is, the better, but if it is too prominent, there will eventually be hidden dangers.

However, it only took one day, but it had already broken too many records. The historical record holder for driving to Lu Ming's level of proficiency was seventeen days.

The Class A special class is a special training class that only started this year. It is the best among this class of students. It started a month early and it has been half a month since the motorcycle training course started, and no one is proficient in driving yet.

As a result, Lu Ming quickly replaced the original squad leader and became the new squad leader of the Class A special class.

He was even granted the authority of "special instructor", mainly teaching students how to quickly learn to drive motorcycles.

After all, he is the fastest in history to master the skills of controlling a motorcycle, and his efficiency has increased seventeen times compared to the previous fastest.

However, because Lu Ming obviously had no role in promoting the students' understanding of how to control the tank. He knew it but couldn't express it, and he couldn't teach the students. Therefore, the "special instructor" authority was quickly revoked.

This world is so cold and cold, where ability is respected and there is no measure of human kindness, face or any other aspect.

Single dormitory, with an indoor and outdoor layout and a separate bathroom.

There are refrigerators and TVs.

Lu Ming, the squad leader of the Class A special class, has obviously been treated as a middle-level police officer for more than two years.

On the coffee table, there are various canned fruits and melons. Seasonal fruits are easy to spoil and cause waste. In this world, there are basically canned fruits, and there is no fresh fruit. At least for Lu Ming's class, there is no fresh fruit for the time being.

Lu Ming was also issued a watch. There was no brand. There were only two watches in the world, one was men's style, and the other was smaller and was women's watch.

It can also take into account gender differences, which makes Lu Ming, who is increasingly adapting to this efficient society, feel that it seems very inconsistent.

Of course, clothing styles are also divided into men and women. Women's clothing styles are quite diverse, and some styles are very beautiful. Maybe it is an efficient society. We should also pay attention to the attraction between men and women, so that we can create people more efficiently, right?

Da da da da, there was a knock on the door.

An elderly police officer came in with an expressionless face.

He is the first person in charge of this base.

This base is called the "Special Police Assembly Center". The old police officer is the assembly dispatcher. He should be barely among the top management of the head office. He is the "41st Dispatcher", which is higher than the supervisors of each branch such as the mayor.


"You set another record today!" the old man said calmly, "The tank cannon fired one hundred rounds and hit one hundred targets. It has only been five days since you first came into contact with the tank."

This was the second time the old man came to Lu Ming's dormitory. The first time he entered Lu Ming's dormitory was when Lu Ming set a record for skilled chariot driving. However, at that time, Lu Ming was still living in a two-person student dormitory.

Lu Ming said nothing.

The old man continued: "You are now ready to get married. Your genes should allow you to get married as soon as possible. However, if you are confident, you can wait a little longer. If you can set some records again, then we will get you married."

A better partner, of course, you can already marry a first-class spouse now, but it is very difficult to marry a special spouse."

Lu Ming said: "I'll wait."

The old man didn't say much, nodded, turned and left.

Lu Ming sat down and took a bite of canned fruit pulp.

In this society, if you are capable, you will not be buried, and if you are capable enough, you can rise to prominence almost immediately. From this point of view, it is really good.

So if I stay for a while longer, I should have a good chance of meeting the real senior executives of giant companies.

Including those strange and ferocious beasts, it would be good to check their origins from this world.

This chapter has been completed!
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