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Chapter 22 Ecological Niche

In the faint moonlight, Lu Ming gently appeared behind the barbarian sentry who was half dozing and half on guard in the treetops.

The barbarian suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head. Lu Ming waved his hand, then frowned. He reached out again, and blood gushed out from the barbarian's throat. On the thick branch, Lu Ming took two steps and gently grabbed him.

corpse and slowly placed him on the branch of a tree.

After clenching his fist, Lu Ming pinched the barbarian's skin again. It was indeed extremely thick.

The first time I used it, I immediately felt that it couldn't penetrate his skin, even if it was a weak spot like the throat.

It's very laborious to kill one of these creatures, just like a normal person would chop someone to death with a sword. If there are dozens of them, their claws will be numb, especially if you want to save someone.

Looking at the wooden cage, I originally wanted to rescue everyone, but it seemed that I couldn't do it.

The rifle he brought had about a hundred rounds of bullets. Judging from the rough skin and thick flesh of this barbarian, he probably wouldn't be able to kill a few of them.

And he has already started to take action, firing the bow without looking back.

After pondering for a while, Lu Ming jumped down from the treetop and came to the wooden cage. Lu Ming was planning to kill several goat beasts that were wandering around and apparently had sentry functions, but for some reason, these beasts saw Lu Ming.

Mingdu stayed away and did not howl in warning.

Lu Ming ignored them.

There was an immediate commotion in the wooden cage. Lu Ming reached out and pulled open the iron chain binding the wooden cage. The people inside were even more excited, but they did not dare to make too much noise.

He was making gestures to compare, meaning that he could only take away the youngest children.

There was a look of despair on someone's face. One of the old men looked very authoritative, but he bowed slightly and said something very gracefully. He seemed to express his gratitude to Lu Ming, and then whispered to the children, exhorting them.

What are you wearing?

As Lu Ming looked, he suddenly thought, and went to a wooden stable. The black goat beasts inside were extremely tall, with long legs, as big as camels, but their horns and tusks were not prominent.

Lu Ming also saw the clue. This black goat beast should be similar to a horse, and was used by barbarians to pull carts and ride on them.

There are dozens of such wooden stables, each containing fifty or sixty goat beasts.

In the wooden stable that Lu Ming entered, there was an extremely tall goat beast that should be the leader. It was two heads taller than an ordinary goat beast and was about the same size as an Asian elephant. At this time, Lu Ming entered the wooden stable, and the goat beast next to him

They all retreated uneasily, but it slowly came forward, but it made a low growling sound uneasily.

Lu Ming gently stroked its chin.

Having raised dogs, I actually know that they don’t like people rubbing their heads, which can make them feel dizzy, but if their owners like it, there’s nothing they can do about it.

The tall sheep's low growl gradually disappeared, and it began to rub Lu Ming's hand, licking it more carefully.

Lu Ming was delighted, patted its neck and made gestures.

Sure enough, Lu Ming walked out, led by the head goat, and dozens of goat beasts followed him.

The people in the wooden cage changed their faces in horror when they saw Lu Ming approaching with these giant goats that were taller than humans.

Although this kind of riding goat beast has a much docile temperament, it still shows a wary look when it comes to humans, and some show its fangs to scare humans away from them.

The eyes of sheep are actually very scary if you look closely, so some cultures on earth regard goats as extremely evil animals.

Lu Ming first hugged the two children and placed them on the head sheep. The head sheep's terrifying pupils seemed to be dilated in circles, but Lu Ming patted his neck gently and did not resist in the end.

Lu Ming made gestures, asking people to choose the goat beast to sit on, and gently applied force with his palms. The goat slowly knelt down under the heavy pressure.

Seeing that the head goat knelt down and could be ridden by humans, the other goat beasts also followed suit and knelt down.

Looking at Lu Ming's gesture, those people still didn't dare. Even the two children who were hugged by Lu Ming were crying, but they tried their best not to make a sound. They were probably often hunted by barbarians and often told stories, so they were all

I know I can't cry loudly at this time.

The well-educated old man finally gritted his teeth and was the first to get on the goat beast.

The rest of the people sat down tremblingly. Lu Ming got on the back of the sheep, gently hugged the two children, and lowered his voice to the crowd behind him: "Hold on tight for a while, if you fall, I don't care! Life or death!"

It’s your destiny!” It doesn’t matter whether they understand it or not.

However, after all this effort, no barbarians were seen waking up.

Since they have always been a warning for hunting animals, even the only sentinel can doze off. They never thought that this scene would happen.

Lu Ming looked at the old man again and gestured.

The old man was very wise and quickly understood what Lu Ming meant and pointed in one of the directions.

Lu Ming thought for a while, then went down again, helped the old man down from there, put his hands on the sheep's extremely broad back, and sat on it himself.

This elephant-like head of a sheep can accommodate a few humans without any problem.

Those ordinary camels and goats were originally ridden by barbarians, let alone carrying humans.

Lu Ming patted the head sheep's neck, clamped his legs lightly, and the head sheep neighed and stood up slowly. The other sheep beasts also stood up one after another, neighing continuously.

There was movement in the thatched house not far away.

Under Lu Ming's command, the first sheep started running slowly, and the other sheep beasts all got up and started jogging along.

Amid the exclamations, a few people who didn't dare to grab the sheep's mane fell off.

Lu Ming sighed softly in his heart. This was their fate. If he delayed a little longer, he would stop the running of these sheep beasts to save them. Then these sheep beasts should not be confused by him. Then there might be someone else.

A few people fell down, or were disturbed by the barbarian's special whistle.

And after all, in this world, humans may not represent justice, and barbarians may not represent evil.

They all look at their respective positions in order to survive.

Competition between different species of Homo sapiens in the same ecological niche.

Therefore, I don’t want to get too involved in this kind of competition before I figure out a lot of things.

Led by the leader, the sheep beasts ran faster and faster. Behind them, they could faintly hear the shouts of barbarians.

However, I am not afraid of them chasing me. After all, a sheep beast carrying the weight of a human can definitely run faster than a sheep beast carrying the weight of a barbarian.

More than an hour later, the white fish belly appeared in the east, and the sheep beasts had probably run nearly a hundred kilometers. These sheep beasts had much greater endurance than horses on the earth.

It didn't look like anyone was tired, but many of the people riding on it were extremely tired.

Under Lu Ming's order, the leader of the sheep and the herd of sheep slowly stopped.

Lu Ming made gestures with the old man to communicate. Judging from the old man's intention, he probably wouldn't be able to return to the old man's home until the sun went down.

It may be more than a thousand kilometers away from this barbarian tribe.

Lu Ming gestured and asked how many such barbarian tribes there were in the old man's world.

After a while, the old man seemed to understand, but the answer might be complicated, and he didn't know how to explain it to Lu Ming. He gestured as if he would have a way to communicate with Lu Ming when he got home.

The barbarians did not follow us. The whole journey was desert, and we also passed through a small desert and rested for a while in an oasis.

When the moon rose high again, Lu Ming turned around a sand dune and his eyes focused.

From a high position, you can see that in front of you, it looks like a medieval castle standing faintly.

On the periphery is a tall wooden village, which stretches like the Great Wall, probably enclosing dozens of square kilometers in the wooden village, including a dense red fruit forest.

The old man immediately made a sign, which meant that he would call the door first and explain the origin of his benefactor.

Lu Ming nodded slightly and turned around to see the twenty or thirty people who had escaped, no matter men, women, old or young, they were all extremely excited.

There should be exactly fifty sheep in the herd, and not a single one is left behind.

This chapter has been completed!
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