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Chapter 29: Xu Xu Tuzhi

 Following Lu Ming to Huoluo, there was also a special investigation team, who was looking for the person behind the assassination of Judge Harev. However, the special team kept a low profile. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the browser directly.\

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Nowadays, the railway has been built to Huanhuo City, but it only extends to Huanhuo City. This is also the only railway line in Huanhuo Luo Autonomous Region.

At the Hunhuo City train station, gongs and drums were beating loudly and colorful flags were waving. Almost all the dignitaries of the Hunhuoluo Autonomous Region came to the train station. Of course, the only ones who could really greet him and say a few words to Chief Bit were the Prime Minister Michael and the Speaker.


However, just being able to come here and stand in line to greet Chief Bit and being on the greeting list is a status symbol and an honor for them. They all flock to it and try their best to squeeze into the list.

Even if the actual distance between them and Bit is still far less than the row of cute primary school students who presented flowers to the aristocratic primary school.

The Prime Minister Michael and the Speaker Haver are both from Huoluo. The Prime Minister is called Heifengluo and the Speaker Dozhiluo.

They and their wives stood at the front of the welcoming team. Also standing in the front row were Gu Maoluo, the Brigade Commander and Inspector General of the Sixth Brigade of the Police Corps stationed in Huanhuo City, and the Fourth Chief of the Huanhuoluo District Police Station.


Bone Spear Luo is one of Lu Ming's most loyal subordinates. Seven years ago, Lu Ming avenged him and sent a Sonia officer who killed his family to a military court. The Sonia officer was escorted back to the United Kingdom to serve his sentence.

Later, he was electrocuted and died in a special prison.

Siheluo is a local, but not a Hunhuo Luo. He is from Guoheluo, another large city-state in the northeastern region of the Western Region. It is a large city-state that can compete with the Hunhuo Luo ethnic group in terms of numbers.

Guokeluo is naturally also a free translation, and if it is a transliteration, it will look taller.

Lu Ming and Jinzhi Shimi, who was pure and charming in a pink lace dress, stepped off the train, followed closely by Suo Tiaoluo, who was wearing a dark green female school officer uniform and a skirt.

Cute primary school students in Western school uniforms presented garlands and flowers.

Heifengluo and Duozhiluo came up to greet him, shook hands with Lu Ming, and said words of welcome with humility in their expressions.

In the Western Regions, Lu Ming, who wields absolute military power and has the power to supervise the democratically elected regime, is no different than the Supreme Emperor.

Lu Ming inspected the infantry company sent by the Sixth Brigade to act as a guard of honor, and waved to them with a smile.

The two long rows of heavy-backed infantrymen all had excited faces, swinging their bayonets in perfect order and firing into the air.

Lu Ming inadvertently discovered that among the officials from the Huoluo Autonomous Region who came to greet him, there was a middle-aged man staring at him with sharp eyes.

Lu Ming remained calm and boarded the welcoming vehicle accompanied by Hei Fengluo and Duozhiluo, and the long motorcade slowly started to move.

After the warm welcome ceremony, Lu Ming was arranged to live in the palace on the island in the center of Huolong Lake Park.

Fire Dragon Lake was originally the palace of the Fire King, but it was later burned down. After the Sonia people came, they turned it into a public garden.

After the Hunhuo Luo people regained power, the Hunhuo Palace was restored on the site of the palace. The original purpose was to serve as a park attraction. However, after the palace was repaired, the central island was closed and no tourists were allowed to go to the island.

The Parliament also held a heated discussion on the use of the building. The Prime Minister originally wanted to use it as the Prime Minister's official residence, but encountered great resistance in the Parliament. The Parliament hoped that the building would become a resort for members to relax and spend time in the summer.

A place of parliament in hot weather.

The two sides have been arguing for a long time. This time when Chief Bit came, he did not encounter any resistance in making the new palace the residence of Chief Bit.

Several parties who want to bring the New Palace under their own management have the same idea. In this way, it is logical that the use of the New Palace is changed. Next, it is no longer a public garden project, but only a dispute over ownership.

In this way, Lu Ming and his entourage moved into this castle complex with hundreds of rooms. Outside the Fire Dragon Lake, soldiers with loaded guns stood at three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. It was impossible for the idle people to get close to the lakeside.

Not to mention, the park is now completely closed, and only official personnel holding passes can enter the park.

The reception hall on the first floor of the main castle was magnificent and magnificent. Lu Ming was sitting on the huge sofa, and sitting across the tea table was Dochiro.

Lu Ming looked through the materials in his hand. Among all the laws passed by the autonomous region council in the past two years since the election and establishment, Lu Ming had questions and raised them one by one, asking Tajiro to give a detailed explanation.

Don't look at Lu Ming as the chief of the military and police, but he is also one of the members of the steering committee that organized the general elections in the four autonomous regions. After the general election two years ago, the steering committee has ended its historical mission and automatically transformed into the supervisory committee for the democratically elected governance of the four autonomous regions in the Western Regions.

Observation Committee.

However, most of the observers have returned to the United Kingdom, and Lu Ming is one of the very few observers still in the Western Regions.

If he encounters questions about the laws passed by the autonomous region council, Lu Ming has the right to question the autonomous region council.

Tajira came to the door on his own initiative. He came to visit with the intention of getting close to each other, but he didn't expect that Chief Bit mentioned some laws passed by the parliament and he wanted to know more about it in detail.

Dozhilo thought it was just a formality, but he didn't expect that Chief Bit was very serious. If you don't ask questions, you won't ask questions. This question starts from the first law passed by the parliament, just like the hundreds of laws passed by the autonomous region parliament in the past two years.

Chief Bit has carefully read all laws, big and small. Of course, it is more likely that his staff team has conducted a detailed review.

Tajira gradually became sweaty on his forehead as he was asked questions.

"You have taken the route of statutory law. The United Kingdom will certainly not affect your autonomy. However, there are too many unclear provisions in the criminal law. Many crimes are simply pocket crimes, and any behavior can be included.

It just depends on the mood of the prosecutor's office and the judge!" Lu Ming shook his head.

Tachira awkwardly took out his handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Lu Ming knocked on the coffee table, which made Tajiro's heart beat in response.

“The governing body also has too many contradictory laws and regulations, many of which conflict with the Kingdom’s legal principles.”

Hearing that the commander-in-chief was targeting his old enemy Heifeng Luo again, Duozhilu felt a little relieved. At least, it was not against him.

Lu Ming thought about it and said: "I will go to the local areas again and listen. If the rights and interests of most citizens are damaged, I will formally ask Prime Minister Heifengluo to resign and dissolve the parliament. In this way, the Huofengluo Autonomous Region is preparing for a new election.

During the window period, I will directly implement military control over the autonomous region to avoid causing chaos. I will strictly review the parties and individuals that can participate in the general election. The review period will not be scheduled until it is determined that the soil of the autonomous region has mature conditions for democratic elections.

, and then push for new elections.”

Tatoshiro was surprised, "Huh?" I never expected that Chief Bit would really kill him for his fun? Is this going to force the ruling group to resign collectively and dissolve the parliament?

"Of course, maybe things won't go that far. I'll go down for a walk first!" Although Lu Ming had already planned it, he naturally had to have sufficient excuses, so he went down for a while to find more people in the autonomous region who were "under the influence".

evidence of oppression.

"Yes, yes..." Tachira was so lost that he didn't know what else to say.

This chapter has been completed!
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