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Chapter 67 Preparation for the General Election

The study room of the commander's residence.

Lu Ming met Jacob and his wife. Jacob's wife was also a hot girl, but she pales in comparison to Danilova.

The organization of the Five Jacob Brothers no longer exists, and Jacob is on his way to the upper class.

Gaston Security Company has become a legal mercenary company.

However, because the Geddes are armed security guards and are mainly mercenaries, representatives from the military are stationed and every action they take will be reviewed.

But the "military" in the Gede area naturally reflects the will of Commander Bit.

Moreover, Jacob also resigned from his position as the president of the security company and concentrated on being a public representative of the Ged people. He also served as a director of several Ged people's industrial unions.

Today, Jacob was also appointed as the public representative of the Ged people, and the couple accepted an interview with Commander Bute together.

In the general election of Gir City, the Ged people won the right to vote, but there were still some disputes.

In addition to the original 100,000 Geed people in the entire Gir area, and the nearly 100,000 immigrants who later returned to Gir City after being approved by Mrs. Bridget's "Ged Community Reconstruction Plan", in fact, due to the political atmosphere in Gir City and the support for Ged

The implementation of people's various plans attracted many additional Geed refugees back to Gir. It is difficult to estimate the number of these people, but the overall feeling is that there must be 100,000 people.

There is great controversy over whether this part of the population can obtain legal voting rights.

Seven out of ten senior members of the election committee agreed to give these people the right to vote. Most of the twenty ordinary members drawn from the local area did not agree with this. New immigrants other than the local Gede people were opposed to this.

The Ged people are very vigilant, worried that if they come back, they may be the ones driven away.

When talking to Jacob, Lu Ming wanted him to pay attention to the possible radical ideas and revenge ideas of some organizations among the Ged people.

We should try our best to promote the Ged people as a harmless group, let us let go of the past and look forward to the future.

Jacob agreed happily.

In fact, the Geed people are now joining forces. It is said that there is a plan that millions of Geed people will eventually immigrate back to the state where Gir is located. It is best to build an autonomous region for the Geed people in and around Gir city.

It is impossible for the organization that is secretly planning this matter not to contact Jacob.

Because today's Jacob can be said to be the most powerful and powerful representative among the Gedes.

But Jacob didn't say anything, and Lu Ming didn't ask.

He and the Ged people have never had the same interests. Instead, the place is in chaos and even bloody incidents have occurred, and he can take advantage of it.

In my own eyes, some individual lives are just numbers.

Every time he thought of this, Lu Ming couldn't help but sigh.

The dinner was sumptuous, and the female soldiers in the service company were very good at cooking.

After opening a bottle of brandy, Lu Ming and Jacob and his wife chatted and laughed happily.

In fact, Jacob and his wife are very reserved.

Everything Jacob had was given by the young commander in front of him who had a large army.

Moreover, this young commander has risen rapidly in the Gede area at an almost visible speed.

Of course, his qualifications in the Western Regions meant that he had a large number of troops, and now he has just returned to normal, but this makes him an even more terrifying figure.

"I heard that you just came back from New Newman City yesterday, and His Majesty the King granted you the title of Earl of Mid-Levels Castle?" Jacob asked cautiously.

Lu Ming smiled: "It's just a routine procedure for entering the King's Privy Council. You must be a Lord to become a member of the Privy Council. If it is not hereditary, the fiefdom is virtual and insignificant."

The so-called Mid-Levels Castle refers to the area where Jill’s Mid-Levels mansion is located.

Jacob smiled and said: "My lord, this is not what I heard. If it is just for the process of entering the Privy Council, you are usually awarded a Lord temporarily, let alone hereditary. Even if you are not awarded a lifelong Lord, you should be granted the title of Minister of the Privy Council."

When you come down, the lord will be automatically exempted. You will be awarded the title of earl, a real noble title, and you may obtain hereditary rights and fief land in the future."

Lu Ming smiled: "You know quite a lot." Henry II's deep meaning was naturally that if he made contributions to him in the future, it would be possible for him to truly join the hereditary aristocracy.

Jacob obviously had some far-sighted people to analyze it for him before he could understand.

Jacob hesitated for a moment and said, "Sir, there are several organizations from other places. They have an idea. I'm worried..."

Lu Ming waved his hand: "As long as you don't engage in illegal activities or have radical thoughts, you have freedom of speech and you don't need to report to me."

"Okay, okay..." Jacob hurriedly agreed.

The third formal meeting of the Committee.

The first issue is to discuss whether the Gaede refugees who have returned to the Gir region without authorization have the right to vote in the Gir election.

The opponents also have good reasons. They are not residents of Gir at all. They have just moved to Gir for a month or two or even less. Even if the discriminatory bill prohibiting the free movement of the Ged people is now abandoned, according to imperial law, the voters in the constituency will not

This is a citizen who has lived locally for more than three months.

Park Soo-na was the person who spoke the most in support of these Gaede people being granted the right to vote.

She believes that the Ged people who have been suffering since the war are a special group and they do not even have the right to move freely.

As for Gir City, there were originally three to four million Ged people living there. Most of them were missing or expelled, leaving only more than 100,000 refugees living in slums. When these evicted people and their descendants return home

, they deserve the right to vote, especially those over the age of 18. Most of them used to live in the Gir area, but were expelled.

A local Sonia committee member said that in fact, the more than 100,000 Geed people who came to Gir illegally may not be the Gir people and their descendants who were expelled back then, and even accused the police department of ignoring the illegal migration of the Ged people now.

, this caused the terrible consequences of a large number of Gede refugees pouring into Gil in a short period of time.

Park Souna's face darkened, "If most of these Gaede people are not part of the return migration, I would like to ask, where did the millions of Gaede people who lived in Gil disappear? Are the rumors of mass graves true?


Commissioner Sonia was silent.

Lu Ming nodded: "Okay, everything should be based on the law. This is not something that our committee can allow exceptionally. These Ged people will not have the right to vote in the Gill election, but we can issue a memorandum.

, the committee supports the repeal of all discriminatory laws that prohibit the free movement of the Geed people.”

The Sonia committee members listened to General Bute's words and nodded in agreement.

Although General Bute has been rescuing the Ged people, he is naturally doing it because of international pressure. After all, he is a compatriot of his own race and will also be the protector of the interests of the Sonia people in this region in the future.

Sure enough, I supported myself on this issue. As for memorandums and the like, they are just for show and have no legal effect.

Pu Xiuna took a deep look at Lu Ming with a sullen face, "Let's vote. If the results of the committee's vote support them to obtain the right to vote, we should submit the result to the United Kingdom Parliament for decision."

Lu Ming nodded: "Okay."

Both the senior members and the ordinary members voted for one person, one vote. There were ten senior members and twenty local members. Most of the local members voted against. Among the senior members, there were also Lu Ming, Babasha, and Barrister Ryan San

People voted against it, and the result of the vote was naturally that the Ged people who entered the Gir area without the right to move did not have the right to vote in this constituency.

Lu Ming felt funny in his heart when he caught a glimpse of Erika's cute look without even bothering to look at him.

In fact, from the perspective of the Gill constituency, it doesn't mean much if there are 100,000 more votes or 100,000 fewer votes.

But when the Gede District election comes, if the votes of millions of Gede people can be united, it will definitely not be underestimated. The memorandum is the antecedent that was laid in advance.

"The following matter is to discuss the division of constituencies." After the memorandum discussion, General Affairs Officer Mutorov announced.

The division of constituencies is actually a very subtle matter. Although Mayor Gill is a true universal suffrage system, each voter has one vote. In the end, the absolute number of votes has little to do with how the constituencies are divided.

But in the parliamentary election, the division of constituencies is extremely important. In later generations, big data can be used to cleverly arrange the constituencies to benefit a certain party group. For example, among 100,000 voters, there are 60,000 red camp and 40,000 blue camp, divided into ten

In theory, the blue camp can be arranged to win most of the constituencies. It only needs to be arranged with slightly more blue camp in those constituencies, while the red camp has more than 20,000 voters who are completely concentrated in two constituencies, and the rest are scattered in those eight constituencies.


Of course, this is just pure theory, and it is impossible to be so accurate in practice.

However, in later general elections, many constituency areas were fragmented. This is the reason why different parties often hope to change the division of constituencies after winning power. Even if the constituencies are made into extremely strange shapes on the map, they are happy to do so.

That's the ultimate reason.

As for the initial establishment of Gill's parliamentary constituency today, it is not that troublesome. It is basically divided according to streets, topography, etc.

It's definitely not cost-effective for the Geed people. Almost all of their ethnic group is concentrated in Queens, and they can only get two parliamentary seats in Queens. Queens is divided into two districts, the Upper Queens District and the Lower Queens District.

The city and suburbs of Gir are divided into more than 40 constituencies, and more than 40 councilors will be elected.

The demarcation of electoral districts was over, everyone had a hasty lunch, and the next step was to review the candidate qualifications of the mayor and councillors.

According to the electoral laws of the United Kingdom, everyone can register to stand for local elections as long as they are not imprisoned adults.

Even if you have a criminal record and are a serial murderer, you can still run for office as long as you have been released from prison.

On the other hand, if you run for prime minister, there is an age limit, you must be over thirty years old, but a criminal record is not an obstacle.

But although many people will feel that there is a chance in the first election, there are not many candidates for Mayor Gill who finally paid the deposit. After all, they need to pay a fair competition deposit. If the vote ratio does not reach one percent,

This deposit is non-refundable.

The same is true for parliamentary elections. If the voting ratio in the constituency does not reach 1%, the fair competition deposit will also not be refunded.

The deposit for running for mayor is 10,000 yuan, and the deposit for running for city council is 2,000 yuan.

Seven people will run for mayor of Gir this time.

More than 200 people have signed up to run for 41 city council seats.

In other words, there are approximately five candidates on average to elect one city councilor.

Basically, those who paid a deposit to register did not meet the review standards.

Of course, if you feel there is no hope and withdraw from the election one month before voting, your deposit will still be refunded.

In this way, other candidates still have one month to collect loose votes, so that they will not be disrupted and diverted.

However, the Gill election is relatively hasty. All candidates for city councilors will be voted on on February 25, 1968, two months later, and the candidate for mayor will be voted on on March 5.

The first mayor will serve for two years and then be re-elected, the second term will return to the normal term of four years, and the city councilors will be elected every four years.

In this way, future general elections, mayoral elections and councilor elections will not be held at the same time, but will be two years apart.

Under the checks and balances of power, the midterm elections of members can be seen as a weather vane. If the members who support the mayor lose the election one after another, you can know that the mayor is unpopular with the people.

This chapter has been completed!
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