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Chapter 92 The Magic Stick

 In the New World-style green military tent, Lu Ming summoned ten awakened people, including Danilova, for a meeting.

He reported some matters, such as the local village chief having just accepted 200,000 yuan from him.

A total of eleven people came to the New World, including Lu Ming, and several young shooters from Danilova's twenty-four shooters were summoned to serve as temporary communications troops and send and receive telegrams.

Therefore, there are only a few people in the team. Lu Ming believes that it is better for the advance team to make everything transparent during this activity, so that the team members can clearly understand everything happening here and understand their own progress, so that they can work together.

After all, most of these awakened people are very smart, and some of their special powers may be kept secret. If you communicate with them more, let them know what they are doing, and maybe they will surprise themselves with some things.

"In this case, the village chief is dragged into the water by us and becomes a community with a shared future, which is a positive factor for us."

Lu Ming spoke the language of the New World, but the nine awakened people nodded silently and seemed to understand him.

The nine people selected are all talented in languages, and they are the fastest in the class to master the New World languages.

Danilova, on the other hand, doesn't speak New World, or any language other than Western languages. She can't master it at all. However, as Lu Ming's "Western slave", or the "server" of the power of the Hammer God given by Lu Ming

, to her, it doesn't matter what language the master speaks, she can receive the instructions from her heart without using words.

"The village chief has invited me to be a guest at his home in the evening." Lu Ming looked at a young red-haired man and said, "Shui Wa, I may call you No. 007, you go with me."

There are three hundred people in the "Coastal Security Group", divided into ten teams, and the IDs of the nine awakened people are all team leaders.

Shui Wa is the captain of the seventh team. He is an average warlock who can control water polo.

In fact, his name was very long, Luke or something like that. Lu Ming didn't think it was a mouthful, so he gave him the nickname "Water Baby".

Lu Ming looked at him and smiled: "It's not just because you have red hair. Although there are many red-haired people in the New World, there are other races as well. And the red-haired people are mainly in the northern continent, which belongs to the central region.

The red-haired race does not have an advantage. I asked you to go mainly because you have the best language talent. As long as you speak as little as possible, you will not reveal any flaws."

Shui Wa stood up and stood at attention, "Yes, sir!"

Lu Ming frowned.

Shui Wa immediately understood and quickly changed the etiquette of the mainland army police. She stretched her upper arm in front of her forehead and saluted, "Yes, dispatcher!"

At this time, a pretty girl with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a blue and white maid uniform hurried in and presented a telegram to Danilova who was behind Lu Ming.

However, the only person present was Crown Princess Sekhmet, who was looking at the little girl.

None of the other eight awakened people could see the girl. They only saw a piece of paper suddenly in Danilova's hand.

Danilova sent the message to Lu Ming. After reading it, Lu Ming frowned slightly.

After thinking about it, he passed it to Sekhmet, who was first on the left.

The top-secret message forwarded by the 315 base stated that the OPEC students in the Gaston Building study class had disappeared since yesterday and had been missing for more than twenty-four hours.

OPEC is the third generation heir of the Thorngrass family and has amazing power in his body.

The message was slowly circulated from the hands of several awakened people.

Lu Ming suddenly said: "Among the descendants of the Thorn Grass family, mental control is the family's basic awakening skill, right?"

As long as you have the blood of the Thorngrass family, you will basically have a certain degree of mental control.

The eldest prince was turned into a puppet by the elders of the Thorn Grass family.

An elder of the Thorngrass family is also the founder of modern psychological medicine.

Sekhmet said calmly: "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, apart from us who participated in Operation Rooting, the other students in the study class don't know the specific content, right?"

Lu Ming nodded. It was not easy to dwell on the details at this time. For example, you must call me dispatcher.

Sekhmet's cold silver eyes flashed, "Then, Your Excellency, Mr. General, please order the expulsion of all members of the Thorngrass family from the study class."

All the awakened ones were stunned, but some of the awakened ones, who were from big families, immediately understood what this super powerful female swordsman meant.

The Thorn Grass family is not on the same side as the president, so they are not willing to work for the president.

OPEC is also famous for its aloof character.

He came to the study class just to have a general understanding of the New World situation and to simply learn the New World language.

Now, he naturally feels that the knowledge he has learned is enough for him to sneak into the New World.

Now, I am afraid that he has entered the New World and is ready to solve the problems of the New World in his own way.

The quickest way is naturally to control the top management of giant companies in the New World.

If he succeeds, he will become a clown waiting for the adults.

If it fails, it will probably cause immeasurable losses to the Broken Star Project, Operation Rooting and other secret operations.

Fortunately, he didn't know his own action plan.

But if there are still members of the Thorngrass family in the study class, they may not have special contact methods, and their future actions will be fully known to OPEC.

Not to mention, since the new generation representative of the Thorn Grass family behaves like this, will the members of the Thorn Grass family who stay in the study class still obey discipline and obey the orders of the president? It will obviously become a time bomb.

Several members of the big family among the awakened people understood this instantly.

But people like Reinforcer Exon and Puppet Master Delia don't know the reason at all.

However, they felt that their status was low, and they did not feel that they had the qualifications to speak or ask questions in this kind of meeting. The atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly became tense, and they were too frightened to speak out.

After pondering, Lu Ming said slowly: "The students in the current study class cannot understand the content of any of our plans, so before we are really sure that OPEC will move forward, we will wait and see what happens." He glanced at Danilova: "Call back,

The General Staff is required to put pressure on the Cicao family and make them give a reasonable explanation."

Sekhmet's silver eyes flashed coldly, "Your Excellency, Commander..."

Lu Ming waved his hand: "Dismiss the meeting!"

Sekhmet's pretty face turned cold, but he said nothing more.

In the green tent, lay thirty corpses wearing navy blue military uniforms.

There are a small number of marine police in the New World, and they wear this kind of navy blue military police uniform.

Delia gasped for air.

Her little body was trembling, but she tried her best to wave the staff in her hand.

However, those corpses remained motionless.

"Just a little while, just a little while..." Delia waved her staff tremblingly, beads of sweat covering her face.

"Have you reached your limit?" A very gentle voice suddenly came from behind.

For Delia, it was like a bolt from the blue. Her face immediately turned pale and her whole body froze. Even the strength to turn around seemed to have been lost in an instant.

She couldn't really complete the task assigned by the president, but she didn't have the courage to confess to the president.

For the first time, a big shot like the President noticed her existence and was needed by the President. She just wanted to work hard, work harder, and meet the expectations of the President.

I have always been rejected by my family as a monster and stoned by my friends. For the first time, I found the value of my existence.

However, it still didn't work. No matter how hard she tried, the puppets still quickly consumed her strength. Even if she secretly exchanged all her property from an awakened person for an enhanced gem, she could still only shorten the patrol time of the puppets.

The increase from two hours to three hours is still far from meeting the total length requirement.

"Oh, let's take a look. I heard Lova say that the gems are strengthened, right?" The gentle voice behind her made her mind go blank, and she didn't even notice when the gems on the staff were taken away.

"The radiation is very strong. Strengthening the gems probably uses special strong radiation to amplify your brain waves?"

Lu Ming then shook his head mockingly. After many experiences, he still relied on the education he received in his previous life to explain these things that should be classified as occult.

"However, it's definitely not good for people's health, so I'd better not use it."

Lu Ming is certain of this. He can feel that this kind of gem is more destructive not only to ordinary people, but also to the bodies of people with awakened power.

"Well, that's interesting." Lu Ming felt the radiation fluctuations of the gem in his hand.

"Come on, you continue to command those puppets, and I will study your brain waves..."

Although Delia had no strength left in her body, she still managed to stand upright and wave her staff to drive the puppets under the gentle voice of the president.

Even though I was so tired that I almost vomited blood, I still tried hard to connect with the remaining spirits of the puppets...

Suddenly, the top of his head seemed to be wrapped by warm hands, and soon, his whole body was bathed in an incomparably warm power.

"Ah..." Delia exclaimed softly.

The corpses stood up one after another and slowly walked outside the tent.

"Well, that's it!" Lu Ming smiled and took his hand away from Delia's yellow, dry and messy chicken coop.

Delia is actually in her twenties, but, as said in Western occultism, her power to control corpses is very evil, and she will be counterattacked. It is more like being under some kind of curse.

Delia is just that, she looks exactly like a seven or eight-year-old girl, and she is skinny, malnourished and skinny. She looks like a skeleton. She is more like a real skeleton than the skinny skeleton girl in the world in the internet photo of her previous life.

This curse has been devouring her life.

"How do you feel now?" Lu Ming looked at her with a smile.

Delia looked at the president in horror, her big eyes suddenly filled with tears.

"I, I seem to be able to control more puppets...and, and..."

Lu Ming smiled and waved his hand: "Well, you can do your own research. I'm going to the village chief's house for a banquet!"

When he came out, he caught a glimpse of the skeleton-like little girl still staring blankly at his back.

Lu Ming thought to himself, he was simply an amplifier of awakening power.

In fact, in terms of her own fighting strength, the strength she currently displays is probably slightly weaker than Anilova's.

My special ability to disable hostile awakening power is more like a field, a kind of barrier. In Eastern tradition, it is a super rule such as the Immortal Killing Formation. The ability of my own formation is, within a certain range,

Causes hostile awakened ones to lose their special powers.

But the problem is that he has imprisoned others, but for a top person like Queen Hera, he will have nothing to do with her when the time comes.

If it is a miscellaneous fish, you can directly stun the opponent within the scope of your "Zhuxian Formation". But for Hera, although I have never faced an enemy before, it is obvious that the "Zhuxian Formation" cannot easily make it submit.

If you know enough about your own weaknesses, you might be able to chop yourself into pieces with a kitchen knife and physical attacks from the ordinary world.

However, because he is an incarnation, he has an extra life and will not really die.

Therefore, you must have a guard around you, such as Danilova, you can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the guard.

Danilova said that she is on the same level as Sekhmet, and that is because of the nature of their power.

But if he is by Danilova's side, Sekhmet will definitely not be Danilova's opponent.

Another example is Queen Hera, who is said to be only slightly inferior to the East and West Palaces, but far stronger than Yuluan, Camel Dragon Granny, etc.

But if Yu Luan is by his side, he should be as powerful as Queen Hera, but slightly inferior.

Moreover, if you add a bodyguard yourself and are within the range of your "Zhuxian Formation", you will be invincible.

In addition, you can also enhance the cultivation of your servants.

As for Delia, although she is not considered her servant, she can still give her some guidance.

From the amplitude fluctuation of the so-called strengthening gem, coupled with the fluctuation of Delia's breath when casting the spell, he broke through a barrier-like blockage in Delia's brainstem, because the fluctuation of the strengthening gem seemed to make the barrier short.

becomes thinner over time.

Just go through it yourself.

Thinking about it, Delia will benefit greatly. The specific benefits can only be felt by herself.

While thinking wildly, Lu Ming walked out of the tent. Not far away, the red-haired "Water Baby" stood at attention, apparently waiting for him.

Separate military tent quarters.

Lu Ming looked at the message in his hand.

During this period, the communication with the village chief was quite good.

In the past half month, we have walked around several times.

I went today and gave the village chief's wife some luxury cosmetics. The village chief and the village chief's wife were not qualified to buy them from the store due to their professional levels.

This kind of cosmetics is only sold in special stores in a few very large cities in the New World.

That kind of special store should probably be called a privileged store. At the very least, one must be at the branch department supervisor level or above to enter.

Moreover, the luxury cosmetics I gave him had the same outer packaging as those from New World, but the contents inside were much better than those from New World's high-end cosmetics.

Although the village chief's wife has not yet used its effects, she was overjoyed just by seeing the packaging of the cosmetics.

When I came back from the village chief's house, I received this sealed message.

It was someone from the Thorn Grass family who arrived at Base 315 and borrowed the transmitter from Base 315 to send it to themselves.

In other words, only the transmitter and local receiver of the 315 base know the content of the message.

The radio operator of Base 315 is Kunpeng.

The local news collector is a young shooter.

In the message, it was the representative of the Thorn Grass family who apologized to himself.

He also said that now OPEC has established a foothold in the New World and controls a branch television director.

Over time, OPEC decided that manipulating a branch executive would not be a problem.

According to the standards of the Imperial Continent, the branch manager of the New World is the mayor of a city.

The cable did not specify which branch OPEC was in. It just said that he would be cautious and slowly look for opportunities to control senior officials.

Lu Ming looked at it and nodded. He was the greatest genius in the history of the Thorn Grass family. He seemed aloof, but in fact he was not that kind of person.

He first entered the New World after gaining a certain understanding of it by attending a study class.

And, of course, you won't go directly to the capital of giant companies in the New World, but you will enter a certain branch and control it from the bottom management level.

In this way, you slowly enter the circle of higher and higher positions.

Thinking about it, Lu Ming continued to read the message.

The representative of the Thorn Grass family who sent the report said that Master OPEC will fully cooperate with the president's plan.

For example, he manipulated the director of the TV station just to cooperate with the director.

The director wants to reveal the truth about the New World Nursing Home. Those short videos can be handed over to him, and he can find a way to show them publicly on the TV station.

Moreover, you can even choose programs that are jointly broadcast by various stations and take advantage of the opportunity to add short films to them.

In this way, the bloody truth is revealed to the entire mainland.

TV stations in various places in the New World have never had any problems with their simulcast content, nor did they expect that problems would arise. This fixed thinking makes each station not review the simulcast content at all, nor would they expect that a branch TV station would add this.

Such horrific content.

However, if you want to use the TV network content to reveal the truth about the nursing home, it is best to wait for a while and give him half a month to find a good scapegoat and a way out.


Looking at the telegram, Lu Ming smiled.

If this continues, won't it be your Thorn Grass family that is leading the fight against the New World?

However, OPEC was beyond his expectation. Maybe he had seen too many young men who were not worthy of their name in this world, and really underestimated him.

After pondering, Lu Ming read the message from the beginning again.

After the meeting ended, Sekhmet did not leave.

When only Lu Ming and Danilova were left in the conference room, Sekhmet said calmly: "Your Excellency, President, you just said that you sent OPEC to lurk in the New World? Where is he lurking now?"

Lu Ming smiled: "This must be kept secret!"

There was a trace of sarcasm on Sekhmet's lips, "Actually, you don't know where he is, right? Like those bureaucrats, you just want to compete for the leadership of this war and get credit, so you will take his unauthorized actions.

Beautification is what you sent. It seems that OPEC has done a good job so far. No matter how angry you are, you can only be led by it!"

Lu Ming smiled: "Your Highness the Crown Princess, my goal is to eliminate the threat from the New World to the Imperial Continent, not to engage in factional disputes. As long as we can achieve our goal, I can bear any misunderstanding and infamy!"

"A high-sounding politician..." Sekhmet sneered and stood up to walk out.

Lu Ming's face sank slightly, "Princess, if you keep treating me like this, I think I can only send you back to the queen. When the operation is over, I will personally go and apologize."

Sekhmet was startled for a moment, then turned around suddenly, his silver eyes flashing with cold light.

Danilova slowly stood in front of Lu Ming.

Sekhmet looked at Danilova with complicated eyes, the coldness on his body suddenly dissipated, he turned around and strode out.

Lu Ming smiled: "Your best friend, I'm probably muttering to myself right now that the anger I suffered from the Thorn Grass Family is being radiated on her."

Danilova remained silent.

"Lova, she won't really do anything to me, so you don't have to do these embarrassing things in the future. Go ahead and apologize to her." Lu Ming sighed softly. In fact, she was not like Qing'e.

Red Lings, it’s really not easy for someone like Danilova, who is alone by her side, to have a friend who can get along with her on an equal footing.

"Master, please accept her as a servant..." Danilova suddenly whispered, "She is so talented, it would be a pity to marry some useless prince..."

Lu Ming was helpless: "Even if I want to, it's not that simple because she has the blessing of Queen Hera. What's more, she is the Crown Princess. Regardless of her status or power, she is the top figure against our Northern Territory. She also

It is impossible to change camps easily. Speaking of higher rules, if she changes camps, our northern region's tradition says that the way of heaven will be chaotic. From a Western perspective, there will be great changes between the protector gods. There will be many changes.

The balance will be disturbed..."

In fact, she just wants Danilova's little mind to stop thinking wildly, so as not to disrupt many of her plans, so she uses these mysterious and mysterious expressions.

"Yes, Master, I was wrong..." Danilova immediately felt frightened.

Lu Ming smiled, gently took her hand, and kissed her, "It doesn't matter, you have my love for you, and all suffering will turn into nothingness, leaving no trace..."

I feel helpless, feeling more and more like a magician.

But Danilova felt as if she had been shocked by an electric shock. She slowly knelt down on one knee, looked up to the Lord with piety, and slowly closed her eyes, as if she was praying.

Suddenly, her blue eyes were full of surprise, "Ah, she apologized to me and said she would not embarrass me again in the future!" Then she hurriedly lowered her head: "Master, thank you!"

Naturally, I feel that praying to God has immediate results.

Lu Ming coughed and said in his heart that your friendship will last forever. It was you who fell in love with each other and it really has nothing to do with me.

After thinking for a while, he said: "You also tell her that I have my own plan to deal with the Thorn Grass family, so that she can rest assured."

"Ah? Can I talk to her?"

Lu Ming smiled: "Okay, go tell her."

Danilova was so surprised that she lowered her head and kissed the toe of the god's shoe, turned around and walked away happily.

Lu Ming scratched his head, there was no way, Danilova had awakened the power of the Western Hammer God, and when he got along with this little girl, he sometimes had to worry about it. Only in this way could the power of the Hammer God fit her better.

Has his origin taken away the Hammer God? Has it taken away its rules? What if there are higher rules?

I always feel that when I get along with Danilova, some of my subconscious behaviors are new knowledge I have gained.

Thinking wildly, Lu Ming slowly walked out of the tent, but not far away, he saw the skeleton girl Delia walking in a straight line on her toes. When she saw him coming out, she immediately ran over happily.

"Well, in another half month, you won't have to order the puppets to patrol!" Lu Ming said to her with a smile.

The Griffin Regiment at Base 315 has been conducting training in New World languages, and has selected the 300 people with the most talent in languages. After intensive training for half a month, they will come to this base and become members of the "Green Forest Coast Security Cluster."

Generally speaking, they will not have contact with the outside world, and the environment they come to is more suitable for strengthening the spoken language of the New World.

"Master Chief..." The little guy hesitated to speak.

In fact, the Sonia word she calls "Master", contextually speaking, means that she has special respect and gratitude for a big man, but is extremely afraid of him, and yet will obey and serve him with infinite loyalty.

Lu Ming gave a simple translation into the meaning of "Master" in Chinese.

Just like "adult", "subordinate", etc., in fact, the meanings in Sonia's vocabulary are slightly different, and Lu Ming transformed it into the meaning of the words he was used to.

"Call me teacher." Lu Ming said with a smile. After all, he had opened the secret to her, giving her, like Qing'e Hongling and others, countless possibilities for development.

"Is it really possible?" Delia's big eyes were full of surprise. The skeleton girl's eyes were very big, a bit like an ET alien.

She is actually a Grifenni, from the West Grifenni region that was annexed by the United Kingdom, but she has lived a difficult life since she was a child and has no concept of a nation.

Moreover, as far as the mainland of the empire is concerned, it has always downplayed national concepts.

On the other hand, within the same ethnic group, there are great differences between small autonomous territories.

Differences in local laws, regulations and folk customs have caused gaps between people in different regions.

People are more aware of which autonomous territory they come from.

Lu Ming thought about it wildly and smiled: "I said it's okay."

"Yes, teacher... master..." Delia finally timidly added the title of master, and when she called "teacher", her voice was like a mosquito buzzing.

"I, in my heart, you are my teacher and my master..." Delia's big anxious eyes filled with tears again.

Lu Ming touched her little head and said with a smile: "It's casual, it's just a title." He then said: "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes..." Delia lowered her head timidly and whispered: "I, I found that the puppets can be strengthened. There are a few puppets that can also use firearms, but others cannot..."

Oh? Lu Ming pondered for a while, "There are indeed a few soldiers among the thirty corpses. It seems that they still retain a trace of residual thoughts and subconscious instincts, so they can control firearms. It seems that I will find new ones for you in the future."

It is better for the puppet to be a fighting type during life. Well, what if it is the awakener of death? Wouldn't it be better..." He glanced at her and asked, "How many puppets can you control now?"

Delia said unconfidently: "I, I don't know... there are only thirty puppets here, and I don't know how many more I can command... maybe, it should be twice as many?"

Lu Ming nodded slightly, thought for a while and said with a smile: "Except for those puppets that can shoot, you can practice and let them throw grenades and throw things, everyone should be able to do it, right? This action, even if it is the last regret,

I probably won’t forget that there is an extra action of pulling the lead and I need your guidance.”

"Ah, yes, let me try, why didn't I think of it?" Delia knocked her little head, "How stupid!"

"Thank you, sir!" Delia was still too timid to look directly into Lu Ming's eyes.

Lu Ming touched her sparse, dry yellow hair and said in his heart that the power of the curse was her origin. I am afraid this is the only way to go. No matter how much power you get, the price is not small. He smiled and said: "Go and practice.


"Yes!" Delia looked full of energy, bowed and ran to the puppet army camp.

Lu Ming smiled, turned around and walked in another direction.

This chapter has been completed!
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