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Chapter 139 The wind fills the building.

The silver cage was filled with black air, and a young man with a sinister face stared at Lu Ming fiercely.

He was Opec. In front of Queen Hera, he had almost no ability to resist. He was picked up by invisible hands and thrown into this cage. When he was captured by Queen Hera, he struggled in pain and howled miserably. There was blood on his back.

Note, a pair of extremely ugly bat-like black wings protruded from the inside, but they were very small and deformed, which meant they were extremely ugly.

OPEC is naturally not worthy of a slave lock. Silver products are its nemesis. They are imprisoned in a silver cage and they do not even dare to touch the cage.

"Well, take it down!" Lu Ming waved his hand.

This is the underground fortress of the Southern Military Region Headquarters, and Lu Ming looks like Bit.

Two burly black-armored swordsmen carried the cage and walked out.

OPEC stared at Lu Ming and made a voice of hatred that was almost a curse: "You will be soaked in a world of blood, and your soul will fall forever! Fall forever!"

Lu Ming smiled and shook his head.

In the secret room, there were more than a dozen swordsmen around, both men and women.

Now the Wednesday Association has been completely split, and many swordsmen have defected to Sekhmet.

From the perspective of the Western system, Sekhmet was originally the Holy Swordsman Captain, but they were originally under the banner of the Empire. Now they are split into two camps, and the awakened ones have to really choose sides.

The Awakened ones conquered by Lu Ming, such as Delia, the Page brothers, the Reinforcers, etc., all stayed in the New World.

Although the New World strategy is currently slowing down, my "Yuan Yi" Dharmakaya is in a dormant state most of the time, and Yingxue and Angelica who are accompanying me are also practicing quietly. My thoughts are mainly in the southern region of the United Kingdom, but since

We cannot withdraw all the manpower there, we still have to be prepared to deal with emergencies at any time.

For the strength of the monks here, he only has the Hammer God Anilova by his side. In addition, he has to rely on Queen Hera and Sekhmet.

In the secret room, apart from the guarding swordsmen, there were a few of them.

Lu Ming looked back at Anilova who was standing behind him. She was still watching Queen Hera's every move with vigilance. Obviously, the shadow in her heart had not dissipated.

"Are the core members of the Thorngrass family afraid of daylight? Do they like to suck human blood?" Lu Ming asked Queen Hera.

From the shape of OPEC to the legend of the immortal Duke of Thorngrass, Lu Ming inevitably thought of vampires.

"The core members of the Thorn Grass are indeed more active at night. They like to eat raw food in order to maintain the blood in the meat, but they do not prefer human blood, and there are no rumors of them eating human flesh."

It was Sekhmet who answered. The black collar around her snow-white jade neck had been taken off. Although she took the initiative to answer, it was more like she had to follow some rules. In fact, she was very reluctant and bit her red lips hard.

She took the initiative to reply, most likely to prevent Queen Hera from responding to Lu Ming's rude question. In her opinion, that would be a humiliation for Queen Hera.

Queen Hera naturally knows the true identity of "Bit", and also knows that Yuan Yi is Bit, and his true identity is the God Lord of Central Continent.

But Sekhmet didn't know it. In her mind, "Bit" was a traitor who betrayed the country and sought glory.

Lu Ming nodded slightly, thought for a while and said: "There are still seven core members of the Duke of Thorngrass family. Queen Hera can handle it alone, but if Duke of Thorngrass escapes, there will be trouble in the future, so let's first

Let’s see what the Duke of Thorns said after he captured OPEC. After all, OPEC is known as the most promising member of Thorns in history.”

The seven Dukes of Thorngrass came together to fight against Queen Hera. The result was actually no different from the Duke of Thorngrass, because the other six members of the Duke's family had similar strength to Anilova, and even the one with the strength of Anilova

The strength added by the halo around him is of no help at all in a competition of this level.

There was a gentle knock on the door of the secret room. It was Major General Willie, the adjutant general. Behind him, followed by a timid young man, in his early twenties, very handsome, but with a effeminate air, it was Henry.

The eldest son of Peter II, the son of Queen Hera and the fiancé of Sekhmet.

In front of his mother, Peter became even more timid and did not dare to breathe.

Queen Hera looked at him with her azure ocean eyes, as if she was sighing softly.

If there had not been a battle between the East and West Palaces and her, she would have cut off all worldly ties after killing "Chief Bit" according to the tradition of the Central Continent monks.

But in the end, this step failed, and it seemed to have the opposite effect, making her feel even more pity for her son.

Lu Ming said: "Okay, it's time to go up and deal with secular affairs." He looked at Queen Hera: "Queen, I have to trouble you to show your face."

Queen Hera nodded slightly.

The elevator went up two floors, and in the military conference room, there were two rows of generals sitting upright on both sides of the long table.

Lu Ming and Hera's mother and son came in, and the generals stood up.

Lu Ming waved his hand and asked everyone to take their seats.

Lu Ming and Queen Hera took the main seats, while Peter sat aside.

"Everyone knows the current situation. Dumas launched a coup to coerce His Majesty Peter II and harm His Majesty Peter. Now Her Majesty the Queen hopes to get our help, and I have promised Her Majesty the Queen."

"Of course, no one wants a civil war to break out, but if war can only be used to crush Dumas's ambitions, then we must also be determined to carry out war, and the entire army must be prepared for war!"

"Yes!" The generals stood up again.

"Everyone, I have caused trouble for you." Queen Hera sighed softly.

She is a legendary figure in the kingdom. The dragon has never been seen. It is rumored that she divorced His Majesty the King a long time ago. That was more than ten years ago. What happened after His Majesty the King brought his illegitimate son, the second prince, back to the palace.


But in order to maintain her dignity, she still publishes a short article in her New Year's address every year. In the past ten years, it has been featured on TV stations, and it has also amazed the people of the country. Sure enough, it is said that the queen is protected by God and remains youthful forever.

These senior generals actually know deep down that this horrific crisis is actually a power struggle between the prime minister and the chief minister.

But now that the Queen and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince support their side, it naturally cheers them up.

"Your Majesty, rest assured that our Southern Military Region will be a sharp sword for safeguarding democracy and freedom in the United Kingdom!"

The commander-in-chief took the lead in taking the oath, and the other generals stood at attention.

After finishing the discussion with the generals, the elevator went up to another level, to the floor above the headquarters.

In the first reception room, Lu Ming met and chatted with the intelligence officers for more than an hour.

In the second reception room, Lu Ming met some people from the private sector, and also met with some special envoys from governors, speakers and other politicians from other regions.

After changing rooms, waiting for Lu Ming were several well-known politicians in the Southern Military Region.

Including Peter III, the head of the Nadatos family from Nadatos (City of Peace).

This powerful family, which borders the tribes of the Southern Emirate, is also somewhat of a warlord.

After the assassination of Chief Bute, Peter III recruited militiamen and called on all Nadatos to arm themselves, becoming a solid fortress to defend Chief Bute.

Many chiefs in the southern region also sent volunteers.

The Western Region City-State Alliance also issued a statement immediately, condemning Dumas and demanding the collective resignation of Dumas's cabinet. At the same time, the Western Region Security Army also assembled towards the eastern border. The Ten Western Region Security Brigades were originally created by Chief Bit. It seems that they are still there today.

Under the control of Chief Bit.

But what caught the world's attention the most was the Tianhan Kingdom's unusual movements in the Hanzhou Military Region.

Fighter planes take off frequently, and queues of super trucks carrying tanks also appear on the highway.

Everything seems to indicate that the rain is coming.

This chapter has been completed!
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