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Chapter 142: Clearing the name of Admiral Bit.

On March 1, 971, in the Northern Territory, His Majesty King Lu of the Han Kingdom prayed to heaven and earth and was called the "Emperor".

On the same day, the Parliament of the Han Kingdom passed a resolution to officially change the name of the "Celestial Han Kingdom" to the "Celestial Han Empire". The full name can actually be translated as the country of Han and many territories under the protection of the Emperor of Heaven.

Although this move once made headlines in the world's media, it is obvious that except for far-sighted politicians and entrepreneurs, most civilians are really concerned about the outbreak of conflicts and even the hot spots that may lead to a world war.

Because an armored force from the East Grifenni Kingdom directly entered the West Grifenni area.

Moreover, airborne troops entered the old imperial capital to provide support to the East Grifenni armed forces who launched a mutiny.

What is even more shocking is that the newly established Tianhan Empire issued a statement supporting the East Grifenni Kingdom's claim to restore its traditional territory.

According to rumors, the elite special forces of the Tianhan Empire have entered the imperial capital. Many of the soldiers who parachuted into the imperial capital wearing the military uniforms of the East Grifenni Kingdom were from the Tianhan Empire. They wore masks, which actually concealed their ethnic characteristics.

On March 5th, communications were finally restored in the chaotic North Hamburg area. It was General Gao from the Hanzhou Military Region of the Tianhan Empire who held a press conference. His words helped restore order in the North Hamburg area and put down the rebellion launched by the soldiers.


He also stated that when the situation in the United Kingdom stabilizes, the peacekeeping troops of the Han Empire will withdraw immediately.

During the video and telephone conference, not only the representatives of the Northern Hamburg Military District completely lost their seats, but also the representatives of the Eastern Military District.

The Kingdom of East Grifenni issued a statement that it did not want a war to break out in the West Grifenni region, and was therefore willing to negotiate with the United Kingdom on the future ownership of the West Grifenni region, but it required that Chief Bit must be the United Kingdom's decision-maker.

For one, the final file must have a signature guarantee of total bit length.

Denitz looked at his old subordinate on the TV screen cautiously.

Although there are rumors, Dönitz does not believe that this series of changes is a well-thought-out chess game by Bit, because no matter how Bit has gradually grown into a formidable powerhouse, it is impossible to plan such a large chess game.

He deliberately made a statement to resign along with Prime Minister Dumas, but instigated the Han Empire and the East Grifenni Kingdom to march into the West Grifenni region, including the independence movement in the West Grifenni region that suddenly started to spread like wildfire.

The only one with such energy and means is probably His Majesty the Emperor of the Tianhan Empire.

Although in the "Broken Star Project" against the New World, Bit and the Northern Territory cooperated closely.

But how could His Majesty the Emperor of the Tianhan Empire deliberately create this opportunity for Bit to retreat in order to advance? For His Majesty the Emperor, there is no such necessity to support spokespersons in the United Kingdom. In today's chaotic period

, he has many choices, and there is no need to be a tool for Bit.

Moreover, with such an ambitious Bit, it would be difficult for His Majesty the Emperor of the Tianhan Empire to trust him and choose him as his agent.

And on a deeper level, once Bit's actions were known to the Emperor of the Tianhan Empire, he would immediately become the Northern Empire's biggest enemy.

Bit's grievances are only known to him.

It is impossible for Bit to truly cooperate with the Northern Empire, and sooner or later he will become a person on the Northern Empire's blacklist who must be eradicated at any cost.

But Bit must have made some predictions about the current situation, and there is a high possibility of borrowing his strength. Moreover, he may also have some unclear connection with the Griffinnians secretly.

After all, Bit's attitude towards the Gaed people will make the Grifenni people choose him as a negotiator among many powerful people in Sonya, and they also hope to get his safety guarantee, because he is the most powerful among these many powerful people.

Most sympathetic to non-Sonia ethnic groups.

"Commander, it seems you can't resign!" General Dickens, commander of the Second Military Region, laughed.

This seemingly amiable old man next door was the first to speak at the military secret meeting half a month ago, hoping that the military would gain a greater say. This broke the window and also made other giants

With varying degrees of subtle ambition.

"Prime Minister Dumas resigns, leaving the shadow cabinet to stay temporarily, and our Security Committee to work together to resolve this crisis. I think this is the most peaceful way!" Dönitz sighed softly.

As the first control head, no matter what his views on Bit are, his proposals are the strongest voice in support of Bit.

The shadow cabinet is a fictitious cabinet composed of opposition parties that have nothing to do but find fault with the ruling party.

In the history of the imperial mainland, there has never been a precedent for the cabinet to collapse and the shadow cabinet to serve as the remaining cabinet.

It is not uncommon for cabinets to collapse due to low approval ratings, but usually His Majesty the King appoints an interim prime minister to temporarily take charge of national affairs before the election.

Dönitz's proposal is groundbreaking. If the giants present unanimously agree, it will mean that the military fully supports Chief Bit.

"This is inappropriate." The first person to express clear objection was General Cheney, the Army Chief.

"What if Prime Minister Dumas doesn't resign? Admiral Brown, are you going to launch a coup?"

The person named by General Cheney was General Brown, commander of the First Military Region. He frowned slightly and said, "If Dumas does not resign, the United Kingdom will face an increasingly worse situation."

He probably didn't want to express his position, but he didn't want to be questioned by Cheney. He was probably scolding this stupid guy in his heart. But from the overall situation, Dumas's resignation is actually in the best interests of all parties and the interests of the United Kingdom.

Cheney was stunned and gritted his teeth, "The United Kingdom was established thirteen years ago. At that time, all of you here were the merits of the United Kingdom, which fought many beautiful battles. Oh, there is one exception..."

Before he finished speaking, the commander of the Second Military Region, General Dickens, frowned and said: "General Bute also takes the greatest credit for curbing the ambitions of the West Black Mountain Fort in the Western Region!"

Cheney ignored him and continued: "Why are you all cowards now? Are you so afraid of war with the Northern Territory? They were originally humble people under our rule, poor and backward. What's wrong with you now?!"

"What you say is so irrational." The first controller, General Dönitz, sighed softly, "As for you, you have been far away from the front-line intelligence system. You probably don't know what kind of intelligence system the Han Kingdom in the Northern Territory has.

Weapons, I'm talking about super bombs. What you don't know is that thanks to the "Broken Star Project", Bit deliberately made friends with the high-level officials of the Northern Territory, launched a very secretive espionage operation, and finally obtained extremely confidential information.

, It turns out that the principle of that super bomb comes from nuclear..." Admiral Dönitz looked at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming said into the microphone: "Nuclear fusion." It felt like it was time for the United Kingdom's scientific community to see through this window paper. Therefore, providing this information a little early would not affect the overall situation, but would consolidate his position in the United Kingdom's military.

It will bring unimaginable influence.

For example, General Dönitz, no matter how he views his "ambition", there is no doubt that he will stand firmly behind him.

Because in his opinion, his "merit" must be evaluated from the historical height of the entire Sonia ethnic group, which is higher than all other people and things today.

The future destiny of the United Kingdom will also be engraved with its own name.

Dönitz continued, "Yes, nuclear fusion. In a few years, we should be able to develop super bombs. By then, we will have the capital to truly fight against the Northern Empire."

Admiral Cheney curled his lips, "If we don't have the most advanced weapons, will we always raise the white flag?"

Dönitz looked at him with anger in his eyes, "You don't understand at all that that kind of nuclear weapon can destroy a small city in an instant and turn hundreds of thousands of residents into ashes. The Northern Territory currently has more than a hundred super-nuclear weapons stored in it.

Bomb, do you want our city to be reduced to rubble?"

"How important is the secret principle of the super bomb to us? I can say this, as important as it is, even if it costs the life of His Majesty Henry II, I think it is worth it!"

Dönitz's words were so shocking that Cheney's eyes widened and he was speechless and unable to speak for a while.

"His Majesty the King may have an heir, who may be more qualified than the previous one, but the super bomb is related to the life and death of our Sonia people. The day it is developed earlier, the day earlier the Sword of Damocles hanging over our heads in the Northern Territory will be lifted!


"And Bit has obtained top-secret information about super weapons for us."

"Because it involves top secrets, and it has not been long since Bit got the top-secret information, everyone here has not seen the briefing, including Prime Minister Dumas and His Majesty Henry II. I have temporarily adopted confidentiality measures because there are too many idle people around them.

Much more. Now the plan is to cooperate with the Southern Military District to allocate funds for secret research and development under the Broken Star Project. We are going to wait until the scientists have a clear vision and then inform you, the Prime Minister and His Majesty the King. This is mine

Please don’t blame me for your idea.”

Deniz sighed, "Bit has been slandered for this for a long time. Some people think that he colluded with the Northern Territory and secretly committed treason. Some people think that the allocation for the Broken Star Project is too much. Bit is a money-making general. Du

Prime Minister Maas and Henry II had a lot of misunderstandings about Bit, which should be related to this."

"I have seen all of this, it was all my idea, and it caused a lot of very bad effects for him. My approach of developing terrorist weapons without telling the Prime Minister and His Majesty the King was also very unconventional, but it didn't

This method is related to the life and death of all our Sonia people. His Majesty the King and the Prime Minister are insignificant in my eyes, and I am willing to accept all censure and punishment afterwards!"

Dönitz's tone became more and more firm, "No matter what, I will not regret it!"

Silence, no one spoke.

Dönitz continued: "But at this point, there is nothing we can do. After today's meeting, I will send you the outline of the 'Flashing Star Project'."

"I hope that after reading the briefing, you will have a clear understanding of the current situation. There is no doubt that starting a war with the Northern Territory now will be our most unwise choice. Not only will we lose, but it will also interrupt our super weapons

Research and development, and the number of civilians we have killed and injured will be a terrible number, and we will become historical sinners, the largest group of sinners in the history of Sonya!"

"Sometimes, forbearance requires more courage! It requires courage from all of us!"

"For the benefit of all Sonya citizens, when choosing between Admiral Bute, His Majesty the King and Dumas, I will choose to support Bute without any doubt!"

Dönitz made his position unequivocal.

After a while, General Brown of the First Military Region coughed lightly, "It turns out that there is such an inside story that we don't know. If everything is as you said, General Dönitz, then I understand everything you have done.

The choice is noble, please let me show my respect to you!"

He stood up and saluted Dönitz's TV screen.

After sitting down, Admiral Brown said: "Before making a final decision, Admiral Dönitz, I would like to see the briefing you provide. Please understand this."

Deniz nodded slightly: "It seems we have reached a consensus."

Most of the other heads on the TV screen were also nodding.

Admiral Cheney looked unhappy and lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

This chapter has been completed!
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