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Chapter 151 Running around

Chapter 867 Running around

Although he had a general plan in mind, Lu Ming would not participate in the three-party talks and would only listen to briefings every day.

In addition, because the conditions of the Northern Empire were too harsh, Lu Ming instructed to request the Eastern Economic Alliance to send a delegation to discuss the current disputes in the Empire Continent, including the Tianhan Kingdom proclaiming itself emperor. After all, according to the tradition of the Empire Continent, the entire continent can only

There is an emperor.

Naturally, the Security Committee and his subordinates admired the commander-in-chief very much. When their own strength was insufficient, muddying the waters on the negotiation table would be the best strategy.

Moreover, the Tianhan Kingdom did take advantage of the civil strife in the United Kingdom to claim the empire, which is also a sensitive issue that requires clear responses from all parties.

New World Divine Tiger City.

Lu Ming frowned and looked at the holographic image in front of him.

In the past half month, Lu Ming has mainly been in the Imperial Continent. After all, the situation in the Imperial Continent is in an extraordinary historical period, not to mention that the Imperial Continent is also his fundamental location.

In the New World, only basic security was maintained. For example, in Shenhu City, an armed and awakened mechanical servant was also appointed.

As long as the situation doesn't continue to get worse for the time being, that's fine.

But now, the head of the Shenhu family has obtained a piece of key evidence from nowhere.

The black box emits a light curtain upward, and inside is a lifelike 3D holographic image.

The surrounding environment should be in a forest, but the trees treated with holographic technology are all gray, and the brightly colored ones are three people discussing secretly, which highlights the key points.

There were two old men and one noble lady. The lady was quite familiar to Lu Ming. He had met her several times. She had a platinum-blond lady's bun and a long black corset dress. She looked like the Paris princess in Lu Ming's previous movies and TV shows. She was exactly the same.

Mrs. Heifeng, the head of the Kuroki family.

Her maid-like niece Caifeng is still with Lu Ming.

Lu Ming had seen those two old men from afar, and even learned about them from the video data. One was the head of the Shenhe family, and the other was the head of the Shenxiang family.

The sound of the image is a bit low, but you can faintly hear what they are saying about "black wood" and "god level".

Lu Ming watched the video of just a few minutes several times and caught a glimpse of the stern eyes of the head of the Shenhu family beside him.

It is not difficult to deduce from the video that the three families conspired to severely weaken the Shenhu family, and the Blackwood family took over.

"Where did you get this video?" Lu Ming asked.

Video recording is naturally a new term, but the Shenhu family leader easily understood its meaning and nodded, "A channel I trust very much."

Obviously he didn't want to tell Lu Ming the details.

"Don't worry, he is someone who can lay down his life for me." The head of the Shenhu family seemed to know what Lu Ming was thinking.

Lu Ming thought for a while, "Did you get it from the insider who has been lurking in Shenhe or Shenxiang's family?"

The Shenhu family has always been the number one family, so whether or not the Kuromu family is in a high position has little to do with it, so it will not put a nail in the Kuromu family.

When the head of the Shenhu family heard Lu Ming's direct question, he could only nod his head, but said nothing more.

Lu Ming pondered for a moment, "It is impossible for the Blackwood family to act rashly now."

If we say that the Kuroki family was not able to do this kind of thing in the past, after all, Mrs. Heifeng was a black widow-like figure.

However, after getting to know herself, Mrs. Heifeng's shrewdness naturally understood that the situation in the New World would undergo great changes. She only needed to assess the situation and get on her own ride, and she could gain a lot of benefits. Now her main thoughts must be on

Observing yourself can determine what you want to do. It is impossible to take the initiative to provoke now. Otherwise, if what you do affects your plan, you will only lose more than you gain.

Playing with the small black box, Lu Ming said: "Actually, even in my world, it is very common to use AI technology to synthesize fake videos, not to mention the holographic technology left by that senior."

The head of the Shenhu family couldn't understand some terms, but he could tell from Lu Ming's words that Mr. "Yuan Yi" didn't believe in the authenticity of this video.

He frowned slightly.

"I understand that you trust your person very much, but there is a possibility that he has also been deceived?"

Lu Ming looked at the head of the Shenhu family, "I don't need to know who he is, but I want to know which family brought this video from. It would be better if you could tell me the process. This kind of secret discussion is left behind.

A video that lasted several minutes, but you don’t doubt it, there must be a reasonable explanation, right?”

The head of the Shenhu family remained silent.

Lu Ming was thinking, "In my opinion, it is gradually becoming clear that the Divine Crane and the Divine Elephant are not suspects. In addition, the Divine Tiger, the Divine Ox, and the Divine Eagle family are also not suspected. Then, who is the mastermind behind the bloodbath of the Divine Ox City?"

, it comes from one or more of the other five families.”

After thinking for a while, Lu Ming said: "Is there any rumor about which company is the best at this kind of holographic imaging machine? Or, are there any clues from past qualifying matches?"

The head of the Shenhu family slowly sat back in his seat and poured a cup of tea, obviously to hide his disappointment.

The response of the young man in front of him was beyond his expectation. Now he was probably thinking about what he should do to eliminate the influence of these outsiders.

"Head of the family, don't make sense, don't let hatred blind you. I understand that it is difficult for me to understand your true mood. You may even think that the tragedy in the family is all your fault. However, the more sad and angry you become,

, the more calm we have to find out the real target of revenge, otherwise we will make the second mistake!"

The head of the Shenhu family was slightly shaken. After a while, he suddenly said: "In a qualifying match thirty years ago, the Shenhu family solved the problem of recording images with this small black box for the first time. Later, everyone

I have researched and understood it all, and since then I have not heard of anyone making further breakthroughs in this kind of video recording problem!"

Lu Ming nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand."

Suddenly he frowned slightly.

In a scene that shocked the entire continent, Dumas was shot while delivering his farewell speech. It was broadcast live on television, and you could clearly see the whole process of him being shot and even falling to the ground.

The murderer then shot himself to death while shouting extreme slogans against the peace talks.

The identity of the murderer was quickly discovered, and he was a key member of an extremely active extremist organization in Sonia.

This organization supports imperialism, that is, it supports the royal family, especially the expansionist policy of Henry II.

During the period when Lu Ming was the largest royalist, they were also loyal supporters of Chief Bit.

And now many of them are extreme people with complicated emotions, their beliefs are shattered, and they don’t even know who to hate.

Dumas, who had become somewhat lax in his security work after resigning, became the target of their attack.

Lu Ming immediately sent a telegram of condolences and rushed to the Royal Capital in person to express condolences to Dumas' family and served as director of the funeral committee. This was the first time Lu Ming had returned to the Royal Capital since he took charge of the military affairs of the Southern Military Region.


This chapter has been completed!
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