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Chapter 158 Paradise, Monday Afternoon Tea

Chapter 874 Paradise, Monday Afternoon Tea

In the New World, the Red Fox family was the first to announce the establishment of an independent country called "Lone Bamboo". The name of the country was given by Lu Ming. It was mainly associated with the country of Lone Bamboo from the association of foxes in the previous life. In fact, the words in the New World represent the vocabulary of foxes and loneliness.

vocabulary without any connection.

Red Fox Ruolan and the former head of the Red Fox family asked Lu Ming to name the country. Lu Ming refused several times, but the two of them persevered. They were obviously determined. After all, after His Highness Yuan Yi gave the name to the country, he would inevitably have a good reputation.

The love between the two parties makes the "friendship" between the two parties continue as long as possible.

In the end, Lu Ming couldn't bear the trouble and gave the country a title.

The territory of Guzhu Country is the Red Fox Area plus a corner of Shendu and an area adjacent to Shendu that is about the same size as the Red Fox Area, which is the resources and land equally shared by the four families who were expelled from Shendu.

It is equivalent to two non-adjacent pieces of land. Moreover, they are almost equal in size and can be considered as enclaves.

In fact, there may be many situations like this in the next Hundred Families Founding Nation, which will also lay hidden dangers for the future peace of the New World.

The Guzhu Country has a total area of ​​more than 800,000 square kilometers and a population of more than 20 million.

The capital was located in the original Divine Whale City, the capital of God. Instead, the East Guzhu Country area, which was the original Red Fox area, became an enclave.

The current barrier of Shendu has been removed by Lu Ming, and the capitals of the nine founding countries of the future "Independent Nations Alliance" will be in Shendu.

The city of God was officially named "Eastern Han City", which was jointly agreed upon by the nine families. It represented the Tianhan Empire's intention to regenerate the new continent. If we use the Tianhan Empire as a reference, the second continent is to the east of the first continent.

That is to say, the capital of Shen is also in the eastern part of the Tianhan Empire, so it is called "Eastern Han City".

Of course, this is just a goodwill move by the nine families at this stage to prevent the Tianhan Empire from intervening in the New World. Only God knows what the future will be like.

However, it is foreseeable that as the capital of the nine countries, the population of "East Han City" will grow rapidly. Fortunately, the surrounding area is empty and there is huge room for expansion.

Of course, the nine countries will all follow the strict household registration system, which can't be helped. If the population migrates naturally, "Eastern Han City" may become the target of all residents of the New World.

After all, unlike all the social systems that Lu Ming had known in history, the technological level of "Eastern Han City", including medical technology, was probably two centuries ahead of the real technological level of the New World.

Therefore, if there is free movement, "heaven" is afraid that the population will soon explode and become unmanageable.

Following the household registration system, the number of people who can immigrate to "East Han City" will be the best reward for social elites.

Lone Bamboo Nation, which was the first to declare its founding, has already launched its first batch of immigration plans. Because the capital, the original Divine Whale City, is empty, Lone Bamboo Nation’s transformation has fewer shackles. The first batch of people to immigrate to the capital are from the Red Fox area.

There are a thousand talents in total, all of whom are the top elites in scientific research, culture and other fields.

If children and others are not around, they can recognize their relatives, and immediate family members can immigrate with them.

At this time, Lu Ming was observing and thinking about the raging changes in the New World.

I feel helpless because these legacies left by "gods" actually make it impossible to create relative equality in the New World.

There will be a "paradise" area, that is, "East Han City", which will be the dream place and the goal of all people in the New World.

If you rely on brute force to shut down the operation of the "Paradise" high-tech system, you will inevitably feel like you are wasting your resources.

Therefore, it is difficult for me to estimate what will happen in the future in the New World. Even as a reborn person, I have no historical experience to draw from, so I can only wait and see.

Moreover, more than a hundred years from now, the New World may begin to understand that these "paradise" technologies will be inspired and develop by leaps and bounds, which is also a problem.

Therefore, I had to dismantle some equipment and bring it back to Xinjing for research by imperial scientists.

And in terms of energy supply, the technological system provided by "God" may even be hundreds of years ahead of the New World, and is obviously much more advanced than nuclear power. I don't understand what technology its energy core relies on to provide such a long-term and stable energy supply.


It can only be studied slowly by imperial scientists.

Newman Six.

On the green lawn, Lu Ming and several cabinet ministers sat comfortably at the milky white round table under the shade of the trees, casually drinking tea and drinks and chatting about the recent situation.

Of course, these cabinet ministers' current official positions are ministers of various ministries.

The Secretary of State, the original "Minister of Foreign Affairs and Security Affairs" Mathieu Jr., sat closest to Lu Ming.

Excluding the military, the Secretary of State has a very high status in the commander-in-chief's team, and can be said to be the third-ranking figure under the commander-in-chief.

Second only to the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

This is still a political sequence, that is, the order in which the commander-in-chief will be temporarily replaced if he suddenly dies of illness.

In terms of real responsibilities, Mathieu Jr., the Secretary of State, has a much more important impact on the country than the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

The speaker and deputy speaker have a very high political status because they are the leaders of the parliament, but they cannot actually control the parliament. They cannot influence the political opinions of the members and the strength of each party.

Unlike the usual "Monday Tea Party" between the main cabinet members and the Prime Minister, the Grand Commander-in-Chief inherited the traditional "Monday Afternoon Tea" with the addition of military members, Deputy Chief of Staff General Dönitz, who is also the First Controller

The disciple, the number one figure in military intelligence, was recently appointed by the commander-in-chief as the first deputy chief of the General Staff, taking the throne as the number two figure in the military.

The Secretary of Defense is still a civilian, named Duncan, and also participated in this Monday tea party.

Mathieu Jr. also has the responsibility of closely contacting the military and coordinating security affairs. Today he formed a trio with General Dönitz and Duncan and talked together for a long time.

It seems that Bridget's eldest brother has given up the idea of ​​running for prime minister and is ready to concentrate on being an important assistant to the commander-in-chief.

Bridget is also there, she is also one of the important assistants to the Commander-in-Chief.

In fact, the same is true in the prime minister's era. The chief of staff (chief of staff), director of the press office, and secretary of state can be regarded as the three most trusted confidants of the prime minister. The most trusted staff can be regarded as the prime minister's personal team.

Sometimes, in order to balance the secretary of state, the prime minister also appoints a separate "security adviser".

Lu Ming's chief of staff is Lieutenant General Davis, the former deputy commander of the Air Force. Although he has taken off his military uniform, he still behaves like a soldier.

This also highlights the new atmosphere of the "grand commander" regime. Although the chief of staff is a retired general who is still inextricably connected with the military, it cannot help but make the outside world feel uneasy that the new regime clearly has the characteristics of a "junta".

, but at the same time, today's chaotic period also makes many people feel more secure.

Also present were three important cabinet members: the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Justice and the Home Secretary.

In addition, there were also members of the cabinet, Lord Rudy, Lord Chancellor of the Seal and leader of the House of Lords, as was the tradition of the usual Monday tea party.

However, Lord Rudy's current status is a bit embarrassing. After all, everyone here is already a republican.

From various signs, including the few words of Bridget, the commander-in-chief's most trusted news officer, in answering reporters' questions, we can judge that the commander-in-chief is ready to take the road of republic.

But no one talked about this topic at afternoon tea. The main topic was the peace conference.

"Your Excellency, the Great Commander, to what extent should we support the Tianhan Empire? The Great Commander also said that we are seeking skin from the tiger now. While trying not to arouse the resentment of the Tianhan Empire, we still have to make them and East China Sea and East Grifenni

Is it better for the rifts between people to get bigger and bigger?" The speaker was Mathieu Jr., who was the chief representative of the United Kingdom at the peace conference.

Regarding the issue of recognizing the Emperor of Tianhan as the sole emperor of the Imperial Continent, the peace conference has been deadlocked for half a month, with no agreement at all.

The strongest opposition was from the East Grifenni. After all, the Grifenni had been emperors of the empire for thousands of years and were very proud of it.

Although the current Emperor William V is a puppet supported by the United Kingdom, he is still a Grifonian after all.

Among the members of the Eastern Alliance, the East China Sea region has always had a good relationship with the Northern Territory. The emperor of the Northern Territory also took refuge in the East China Sea for several years and rose to power with the help of the capital of the East China Sea.

However, other members of the Eastern Alliance are strongly opposed to the intentions of the Tianhan Empire, and the East China Sea Region must also respect the voice of other partners within the alliance.

Mathieu Jr. raised the topic, and everyone spoke.

Even if the "general commander" sees the trend of dictatorship, according to Western tradition, these cabinet ministers will actively express their own ideas in their positions instead of being a yes-man depending on the commander-in-chief's thoughts. Of course, in the end, after the "general commander" makes the decision

, according to tradition, they should implement it to the letter.

"Our super bomb..." Defense Secretary Duncan hesitated.

Everyone's eyes also turned to General Dönitz.

Only the Commander-in-Chief and Admiral Dönitz know the development process of the super bomb.

Apparently, Secretary of Defense Duncan is still considering the possibility of cooperating with the Eastern Alliance and the East Grifenni region to fight against the Northern Empire if a super bomb can be developed in the near future.

Denitz saw Lu Ming nodded slightly and shook his head at everyone, "Not yet, it's far from enough!"

Duncan sighed and said, "Then there is nothing we can do about supporting the Northern Territory."

Lu Ming looked at the crowd, "What I am going to say, it is enough for those of us present to know, and do not spread it outside. Based on the intelligence from Xinjing, the Northern Territory is preparing to propose a new plan, which is to restore our traditional sacred griffoni."

In the imperial system, they supported Princess Alice as the emperor of the Holy Grifenni Empire. In this way, the Tianhan Empire and the Holy Grifenni Empire were called the United Empire, which was a model of economic integration."

Everyone was stunned.

Speaking of which, from the old royal tradition, it seems that Princess Alice has more legal authority to inherit the empire than the eldest and second princes.

But the problem is that Princess Alice is already married to the Emperor of the Tianhan Empire. This new proposal is somewhat reasonable, but it is very wrong when you think about it.

However, the Commander-in-Chief is the Commander-in-Chief, and Xinjing’s top-secret information is often intercepted by the Commander-in-Chief, thus achieving the current favorable situation for the United Kingdom.

"I think this new proposal can be supported!" It was little Mathieu who spoke.

Attorney General Iverson immediately expressed his opposition.

The two soon began to argue, and the debate would continue until the commander-in-chief called a halt. This was also a common scene at "Monday afternoon tea."

Mathieu Jr.'s final point of view was that supporting Her Royal Highness the Princess as the Holy Emperor and restoring the old imperial system would also be beneficial to one's own promotion of the republic. In this case, Her Royal Highness the Princess the Great Emperor would be the nominal head of state of the country, and the royal family would naturally be deposed.

The country adopts a grand commander-in-chief ruling model to achieve a substantial republic. However, this will not be so irritating to the old aristocrats and people who miss the days of the empire, and can avoid further splitting the minds of the country's people.

The debate ended with Iverson slightly losing points.

Well, the article still refers to those ministers as ministers to avoid the possibility of being automatically reviewed. Of course, if they are still automatically reviewed today, there is nothing they can do. They can only wait for the editor to manually lift the ban.


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