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Side Story: His Highness the Prince Chapter 1: The Changes in the Relocation of the Tomb to the Valley

The stronghold on the third continent is still under construction, and the imperial capital Xinjing and the federation have few things to deal with now.

I was finally able to rest my tired body and mind in the East China Sea. For more than 20 years, I had rarely had such an opportunity to relax.

In Donghai, I studied at Fernando University and was a freshman.

Fernald University is not a prestigious university in Donghai. It has just been established ten years ago. It was founded by the Fernald family who run Fernald College. Of course I am one of the investors behind the scenes. Mrs. Fernald has passed away. I It was rare for me to feel the emotion of sadness, and I have even gradually forgotten about this emotion.

Sometimes I feel very frightened, as if I can feel that the normal joys, anger, sorrows and joys in my human nature are being stripped away bit by bit.

I don't know if this is good or bad.

Perhaps, in the foreign lands I rule, I will not be affected by the will of God's people and can regain the feeling of being a normal person.

At Tunghai Fernando University, I really seemed to have the experience of going back to my previous life, feeling the world as a young man.

I majored in computer science, which is a new emerging field in the world.

In the year before last, that is, in 1969, the world was born with the microprocessor, which was also known as the "CPU" in the previous life.

This point in time is roughly the same period as my previous life. In my previous life, the CPU was launched in 1971.

The development of microcomputers in this world is very rapid. Less than three years after the birth of the CPU, the prototype of the personal computer has been released. In my previous life, it took about 76 years for the prototype of the personal computer to appear.

In my country in the northern region, there was a prototype at the beginning of this year, in 1972.

I admit that this has a lot to do with me. I control the development direction of microcomputers and invest a lot of money and human resources into it because I am not worried about failure. I know that this represents the direction of future technology. No matter how much investment is made today, etc. The day commercialization comes, I will be rewarded thousands of times. All I have to consider is whether it will succeed sooner or later.

Of course, I chose computer science at Fernando University not to make any achievements in specific technical details.

At Fernando University, my name is Wang Tianyi, and I am a student from Xinjing, Beiyu.

My hidden identity is Yuan Yi, the first heir to the Northern Territory Empire and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

In the East China Sea, only "Uncle" Li Kuide, the plenipotentiary consular representative of the Empire in the East China Sea, knew my hidden identity. Even in the Consulate General, no one except my "Uncle Li" knew that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was studying in the East China Sea.

As for my true identity - His Majesty the Great Emperor of the Lu family of the Tianhan Empire, not many people in the world know about it.

In fact, I am also tired of this status quo of secret identity after secret identity. Sometimes I worry that I may go crazy, but the reality is that I can switch between various roles very well, and I can be very cold. Facing terrifying beasts, the Third Continent can handle government affairs involving the well-being of hundreds of millions of citizens and manage tens of billions of wealth in Xinjing, or mingle warmly with civilian classmates in the East China Sea.

Of course, I am not an escapist, and I did not come to Donghai to forget the burden on my shoulders.

The citizen culture of Donghai has many advantages that are worthy of my study and exploration. It also has humanities and laws that are suitable for the modern era. Unfortunately, my time in Donghai was too short. Now I observe this society from the perspective of a civilian student and look for things I can learn from.

, it can also prevent me from making hot-headed mistakes in the Northern Territory. Many outstanding leaders in history are prone to making this kind of mistake in the late defensive stage.

Living with me in the East China Sea are Yingxue and Angelica who have always been by my side.

Yingxue is my "cousin" and Angelica is her close friend. The three of us rent an apartment not far from Fernando University.

Yingxue entered Fernando College and was in the fourth grade of middle school, which was her sophomore year of high school.

Angelica didn't like the boring life in school, so she found a place to work. According to her, it was also very helpful for her spiritual practice.

But later I found out that she worked for a security company and was now working as a bodyguard for a noble lady. I could only remain noncommittal about this.

Now, I am standing in our rented apartment, looking at the yellow, white knee socks, and black mesh stockings randomly thrown away on the sofa in the living room, and I can even see a cute bra buried in the messy pile of school uniforms and skirts.

My eyelids are twitching slightly.

It was easy to tell which of the two of them belonged to the clothes waiting to be washed on the sofa.

It turns out that both of them are slovenly at heart, and I can't hire a nanny or maid here.

They were very diligent at first, but as they lived for a long time, their true nature gradually emerged.

They are both very busy. Yingxue likes school life very much, but her studies in Form 4 are very stressful.

Angelica also has no fixed working hours for commuting to and from get off work.

Probably because they didn't expect me to come back now. This weekend, I was in Xinjing to deal with business, that is, I fell asleep in my room. I told them that I would not come back until tomorrow morning.

The clock on the wall said six o'clock in the afternoon. Yingxue had evening self-study, and usually had dinner in the school cafeteria.

She was probably planning to study in the evening and then come back to clean up the room and wash clothes, so that tomorrow morning, I would see the usual fragrant, clean and warm room.

I thought about it, should I go back and go back to sleep? Otherwise, when Yingxue saw me standing in front of her dirty clothes, it was scary to think about it. If it was serious, would the consequences of this little girl's mental fluctuations be serious?

Shake her Taoist heart?

Angelica has a big heart, so it doesn't matter. Even if I am her god, she is not afraid of me discovering her laziest side.

Probably her mentality is that as my slave, I can only accept her good and bad aspects.

She was originally a tough warrior. As a low-level awakened swordsman, she was more accustomed to fighting with firearms.

Now, although with my help she has transformed into a Golden Swordsman and is only one step away from becoming a Holy Swordsman, her rough character has not changed at all.

Looking at the messy room, I was hesitant. I never imagined that ordinary people's lives would bring so much trouble.

Fortunately, at this time, the doorbell rang.

I walked over and opened the door. Standing in front of the door was my "enemy", a handsome blond young man in his early twenties.

It was a popular figure at Fernando University, a football star and student union president named James.

He still has half a year to graduate, but he has already been selected by the "Xinjing Dragons", the best rugby team in Xinjing, and signed a contract in advance. As a rookie, his annual salary can reach 20,000 yuan.

Oh, the Major Rugby League is developing rapidly now and is divided into three major regions: Southern Division, Northern Division and Western Division.

The northern region is mainly the scope of the Northern Empire, the southern region is the Eastern Alliance and East Grifenni regions, and the western region is the Federal Sonya and Western City-State regions.

During the points competition, they are all leagues within their own region. Because the Empire Continent is a vast territory, it is currently unrealistic for teams to travel all over the continent to play games.

Finally, the top three teams from the North Division, the top three teams from the South Division, and the top two teams from the West Division form the quarterfinals.

After the round robin, the points will be ranked first to eighth, with the first against the eighth, and the second against the third in cross-elimination rounds. The top eight will become the top four, the top four will become the top two, and the final battle will be the championship.

The Xinjing Dragons are frequent visitors to the finals and have strong financial resources. Xinjing, where Xinjing is prosperous, is second only to the East China Sea and is the second most economically developed city in the empire. Moreover, the entire Xinjing area has a population of more than 10 million, and the football market is excellent.

After being selected by the Dragons, James can be said to have a bright future.

But now I am still a little confused as to why we became "enemies".

He also rents in this apartment, because this apartment is originally cheaper for students to rent, so it can be regarded as a disguised student apartment.

Students from Fernando University account for more than half of the apartment tenants, so whether at school or in the apartment, he is a super popular figure, a surrounded idol, and the dream lover of too many girls.

I may be slow on this point. Even though I live across the street from him, I sometimes meet him in the corridor, but I never take the initiative to strike up a conversation with him, let alone sign an autograph. I chase him with a red face in excitement to express my feelings.

The fan mentality of boys.

None of this has ever happened.

Then one day, he took the initiative to ask me if I was a student at Fernando University, which year I was studying at, and what major I was studying.

I obviously acted very friendly and told him the answers he wanted to know in a friendly manner. I even took the initiative to tell him that I was from Xinjing.

But he scoffed and asked me, what's so great about Xinjing people? Sooner or later I will transfer back to my hometown team!

I was very surprised by his strange reaction, but I didn't ask Yingxue to tell the people below to say hello to the Dragons and terminate his contract.

Because what he expressed was not racism, but because he was born in a slum in the west. It seems that he was born with a sense of inferiority in front of people in big cities. Now that he has given up his hometown team for money and future, it also makes him feel very sad.


After all, he is actually a pretty good kid, and after discovering this, I don't dislike him at all.

But he is different, because he obviously thinks that I look down on him, so I know that he is the senior of the school, a rugby star, and the president of the student union, but I ignore him. I just think that he is a savage from the slums, someone who takes advantage of others.

They are beasts that work hard to make money for the people of Xinjing.

There is indeed such a voice in the rugby industry in Xinjing.

Because rugby requires a high level of physical strength, there are not many superstars from the Northern Territory who are suitable for rugby, but the team does not belong to one person, so Xinjing signed some black players and players from Western ethnic groups.

Some arrogant Xinjing people described these players as hard-working barbarian slaves bought by Xinjing.

There are even some TV programs that are too free of speech and invite guests with the same argument.

I am very disgusted with this, but now, James thinks that he is one of these Han nationalist supremacists.

However, this was the first time he rang the doorbell of my little home.

"Is something wrong? Senior?" I tried my best to use a friendly tone.

James's eyes had a fierce look, as if he wanted to swallow me up. "Did you spray paint on the door?" His voice was also very fierce.

"No." I answered simply.

"You answered too casually!" James stared. He was more than two meters tall, and his aura was very scary when he was fierce. He saw that most students looked down, but it was different with me. This is why he thought I was

It’s very special, and it’s also the reason for challenging him, right?

"James, stop causing trouble!" A tall Western girl quickly ran out of the open door on the opposite side. She had beautiful blond hair and blue eyes, and milky white skin. She was wearing a cheerleader's white sportswear, with her top open, and there was

The tube tops with shiny ribbons reveal a very sexy white belly. When they dance, they take off their tops, which is very revealing and sexy.

Because James became my "enemy", I also knew something about him. This was his girlfriend and the captain of the cheerleading team at Fernando University. I didn't take her name to heart.

Her girlfriend looked very uneasy and took James' arm to pull him back, probably because she was afraid that he would cause trouble.

The next six months are the most critical period for these college sports stars. Although outstanding stars have signed contracts, if scandals such as drug abuse, fights, etc. occur during this period, their contracts will be terminated by the team and their lives will be ruined.

I'm a little helpless. Why do I feel like I'm the bad guy who bullies him?

Seeing James gritting his teeth and holding back his anger as his girlfriend pulled him back to the room, I scratched my head innocently.

With a "bang", the door on the opposite side was slammed shut.

I took two steps forward and saw the Chinese characters for "Brainless White Orangutan" spray-painted on the door in red paint. On the black wooden door, the red paint was very eye-catching and shocking.

They are Han nationalist supremacists...

I sighed deeply. The success of the Northern Territory Empire has brought about too many changes in this world.

Many Zhongzhou people in the East China Sea now claim to be Han Chinese, and there are also radicals who discriminate against other races.

However, unlike the White Rose, the Flying Eagle Party, and other Nasdaq organizations that I attacked at the beginning, the Han national supremacists are not so extreme that they want to purify other ethnic groups. They are more just caused by an overwhelming sense of superiority.

Am I consoling myself?


This chapter has been completed!
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