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Chapter 10 War

"Oh, what is that?" When Caifeng and Bai Yu were whispering in front of the sightseeing window, the communicator buzzed, and the voice from Guiying in the cockpit said, "Sir, it seems that a conflict broke out among the people in the settlement below. I'll lower my voice.


Lu Ming pressed the communication button next to him, "Okay."

The airship slowly descended again, and it was probably more than a hundred kilometers southeast from the beast's town lair when it first descended.

Seen from a high altitude, it is a black-red hilly area. From a distance, those hills look like small bubbles. At this time, in the gaps between the bubbles, small black dots move quickly, and occasionally there is a faint and imperceptible white color.

The fog disappeared in a flash, it should be the smoke from the musket.

Lu Ming only had to turn his head to see the sightseeing window. As the airship got lower and lower, he could already roughly see the conflict situation on the ground.

They were black spots moving like ants. There were more people on one side, like a dozen, but on the other side there were only two or three.

But the side of two or three people had muskets, so the side with more people acted very cautiously, using the mound as a bunker, and divided into several small teams, approaching the side with fewer people from different directions.

Lu Ming heard from madman Ya Heng that the settlement that competes with the Ya Heng settlement but has a tacit agreement to divide the scope of activities also has a size of dozens of people. Although all the people are soldiers, not to mention women, even minors are child soldiers.

, but the real fighting power is probably the dozen or so strongest adult males, the main force who usually explore, hunt and defend their settlements.

In a settlement of dozens of people, the main fighting force usually only has seven or eight people, and if there are more, it will be more than ten people.

Therefore, the conflict that occurred in the rolling hilly area below was not considered a platoon-level dispute in the mainland of the empire, but in this land, it might determine the life or death of a small settlement.

I don’t know which party is the settlement party I was originally looking for that had contact with the Yaheng settlement.

"Hmm..." Jiuwei murmured first and opened her beautiful clear blue eyes. She saw Lu Ming smiling at her and her face turned red. However, she was reluctant to leave Lu Ming's arms. She lowered her head and changed her position to continue lying on Lu Ming's arms.


Lu Ming smiled and said, "There's a fight going on down there, but there's nothing interesting to watch! You can continue to sleep."

"Ah?" After hearing this, Kyuubi hurriedly sat down and gently pushed Shizuku, who was curled up on the other side of Lu Ming's chest, and whispered: "Wake up quickly, sir, he has to do business."

Come to contact a strange settlement, and if there is a conflict between the settlements, your Majesty will definitely take action, and Kyuubi still understands this.

"Oh..." Shizuku suddenly opened her eyes and reluctantly left Lu Ming's arms. Her face was so red that she didn't dare to look at Lu Ming. It turned out that she woke up out of nowhere and had been pretending to be asleep.

Lu Ming smiled: "Don't look down." These two little princesses had better not be exposed to the ugliness of the apocalyptic land.

The airship did not land directly at the location where the conflict was taking place. After all, it had musket weapons. Although the airship had a multi-airbag structure, theoretically it was almost impossible for muskets in this world to cause serious damage to the airship, and it was even impossible to break through the wall of an airbag. Today

The musket's warhead has insufficient impact, and its paper-cased warhead or even the more suitable iron sand will split along the air bag, let alone penetrate multiple air bags and cause the airship to crash, but after all, it may still happen.

Therefore, the airship slowly descended a thousand meters away from the battlefield.

Both sides, who were engaged in a life-and-death battle on the hilly battlefield, also noticed this suspicious and terrifying behemoth.

There was no sound from the muskets, and presumably the attackers who were surrounding the side with the muskets also temporarily stopped.

After the airship landed on the ground of the black and red desert, Jack Wheel was the first to jump off. He held a loudspeaker and said loudly: "Mr. Three, the lord from the third city-state, wants to ask you a question. Each of you will send an envoy."

come over!"

Jack Wheel's status has now been elevated to that of a diplomat, and he is the first to come forward to negotiate with the people in the settlement.

The several slave watchmen in the city-state have been trained to the best of their ability.

Hedong Town is known as the "Third City-State" to the outside world. It was also Jack's idea. It echoes the name of Mr. Three. It is also very mysterious, causing uninformed people in the settlement to guess whether there is a first city-state and a second city-state in the third city-state.

This kind of ally, but from a practical point of view, the Lu Ming team that came to explore the third continent could have been considered to have the entire Southern Territory as its backing, with a population of several million.

The area of ​​the Third Continent may be hundreds of times that of the Southern Territory. Even the Extreme South, which is the temporary range of activities of the airship according to Lu Ming, is much larger than the Southern Territory, but the population of the Extreme South is definitely no more than 5,000.

According to some rumors Jack received, as well as recent observations from airships out for reconnaissance.

In the extreme south, there should be two large settlements with a population of three to four hundred, and more than ten small settlements with dozens of people.

Add in some families living in inaccessible areas, lone travelers, and the like, and it would be great to have a population of two to three thousand.

It can be said that humans in the third continent are already on the verge of extinction based on the situation in the extreme south.

Intermarriage is not easy, food and water supplies are insufficient, let alone medicine, which is completely non-existent.

The resulting nutritional problems and resistance to viruses are serious, and the child mortality rate is extremely high. In addition, conflicts often break out between settlements and manpower is lost. Most of the settlements' populations are experiencing negative growth.

There are very few settlements with growing populations like Tom's House.

Of course, this is inferred from the situation in the extreme south of the third continent. No one knows what the actual situation is in the central and northern regions.

Jack shouted with a loudspeaker, but received no response from both sides of the conflict.

Next to the airship, there is already a grass green armed off-road armored vehicle.

Jack was already used to this.

Shizuku and the other four beautiful girls naturally didn't let them get off the airship.

Lu Ming, Jack, Maxim, Yuan Ba, two slave musketeers, and two slave commandos (gladiators) boarded the armored vehicle.

This is the "Predator", a standard all-terrain 4X4 wheeled off-road armored vehicle of the Tianhan Empire. The dual engines provide extremely powerful power. Including the observation window, the bulletproof level is the Empire's level 3 standard, which means that the bulletproof level is not the highest.

, mainly mine protection, with a high chassis and fast maneuverability. Even so, it can withstand the armor ability of 62×51mm armor-piercing bullets at a distance of 30 meters. In this desert continent, except for the corrosive ability of the ferocious beasts, it can be said that there are no natural enemies.

The internal layout of the Predator armored vehicle. Behind the cockpit is a troop transport cabin. There is no partition between the two cabins. There are two rows of riot-proof seats facing each other in the troop transport cabin. It can seat 8 people or transport 4 tons of cargo. The passengers pass through the rear

There are rectangular bulletproof glass windows on both sides and the tail hatch, with opening and closing shooting holes on the windows.

A weapons platform can be mounted above the troop transport compartment, but what Lu Ming summoned was a mobile version that only carried a small-caliber machine gun.

Yuanba and Jack are in the cockpit.

Wearing a body armor, a bulletproof helmet, and grass-green camouflage bulletproof clothing, Maxim looked like a modern assault infantryman from the Northern Territory armed to the teeth. Half of his body leaned out of the troop transport compartment to control the light machine gun on the turret.

However, after the armored vehicle drove slowly, Maxim was called back to the troop transport cabin by Lu Ming.

After all, they were not trying to shoot the opponent with machine guns. Since they did not want to use force, Maxim became an easy target for them.

The armored vehicle drove towards the battlefield between the conflicting parties, and Jack shouted over and over again through the loudspeaker: "Stop the conflict, stop the conflict!"

The situation on the battlefield is that the side with more people has actually surrounded the side with fewer people.

The first thing the armored vehicle came into contact with were three ragged men holding iron axes and crossbows behind the black mound.

There are no distinctions between soldiers and civilians among the people in the settlement, and everyone is as dusty as a beggar, at least that's what Lu Ming has come into contact with now.

These three people are the party with more people. Now they are divided into several teams to surround their target. These three people are one of the teams.

The armored vehicle had just passed through a mound and sank into the recess of the hill. The three people who were lying in the low-lying area were startled. There was a look of despair on their faces. They shouted and rushed forward, attacking with crude weapons in their hands.

This scary steel thing.

However, it was obvious that they had a lot of combat experience. Even if they saw something terrible that they had never seen before, the guy with an ax still had a very keen sixth sense, and he used the ax to hit the wheels of the armored vehicle hard.

The two slave musketeers had their muskets lined up at the end of the cabin. They were holding tranquilizer shotguns. Under Lu Ming's gesture, they quickly opened the shooting hole, and there was a soft "Puff" sound.

The three mobsters from the settlement outside turned a deaf ear to Jack's warning, and roared and smashed the giant steel object. However, their bodies gradually fell into a state of disobedience. The three people's movements became slower and slower, and they all staggered to the ground.

Jack threatened on the loudspeaker: "Mr. Three has no ill intentions towards you. The three thugs who are attacking my vehicle are just anesthetized and their lives are not in danger. If they attack my vehicle again, we will respond with force!"

Believe me, you will be killed instantly!"

The door on the troop transport cabin was pushed open and then quickly closed, and a grenade was thrown out far away.

There was a loud "boom" sound.

"This is the least powerful bomb in my city!" Jack announced through a loudspeaker. When he said "my city", it sounded complacent no matter how he sounded.

"City people? You have occupied the town of ferocious beasts? I want to talk to you, but if I show up, I will definitely be shot through by the predators' crossbows. City people, can you guarantee my safety?"

The voice that shouted was a woman's, but it was very rough.

This chapter has been completed!
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