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Chapter 17 Artillery System

Next to the black-and-red painted tank, Lu Ming paced slowly.

On the other side, Jack the Wheel is coercing and tempting the "coward". This messenger of the Divine Cult, whose new name is the Coward. Jack wants him to lead the way to the foothills where the Divine Cult Spearmen Corps is located. He dares not say anything and is so scared that his face

It's green.

"Oh..." Lu Ming looked at the two figures, one large and one small, coming in a hurry.

It was Sekhmet and the girl who almost became a sacrifice. The girl was now dressed up very cutely by Sekhmet. She was clean and dressed in girls' clothes common in the northern region, including a goose-yellow girl's jacket and light gray corduroy pants.

, and also wore a pair of small snow-white travel shoes. The girl's hair turned out to be pink. Dressed up like this, she looked very glamorous and beautiful at first glance. However, from the appearance, the girl was just like the humans here, and she seemed to be similar to the humans in the New World and the Imperial Continent.

The difference is that her cheekbones are slightly higher, and her cheeks are slightly concave from her cheeks to her chin. If I had to describe it, she looks like she has evolved into the face of an ape. Of course, it is not very obvious. You have to look carefully to feel it. It cannot be said to be ugly.

Seems more wild.

In fact, Jack and the others also have this phenomenon, but the beast tide started in the Third Continent more than a hundred years ago. It is impossible for human beings to undergo such big changes in a hundred years. There are two possibilities. The first one is the formation of the Third Continent.

The environment in the world has become very special; the second possibility is that the humans of the Third Continent have branched off from the humans of the Imperial Continent and the New World very early on. Just like the history of human evolution in their hometown, they are all Homo sapiens, but

The difference between humans and extinct Neanderthals.

The language of this planet is influenced by those "gods" and is the various languages ​​spread by the gods.

So, the languages ​​of the New World and this continent have something in common with an ancient dialect from the Northern Territory. Does this mean that the gods who originally governed the apocalyptic continent have a deep connection with me?

These thoughts flashed through Lu Ming's mind, and he looked at the girl and nodded.

The girl timidly leaned closer to Lu Ming, suddenly fell to her knees, and whispered: "God... Lord God, I, I..."

Lu Ming was stunned, and Sekhmet said from the side: "This child asked how to express the most respectful mood using our etiquette." He also said: "I named her Retrika, and I want to stay here.

Be a maid by my side, what do you think?"

Lu Ming nodded. After dressing him up like this, throwing him back into the settlement would be like going to hell.

Suddenly the girl's face suddenly turned pale, but it was the "coward" who was begging for Jack Spinner. Although he was begging for permission, his voice became louder in excitement.

This season last year, it was the coward and another envoy who came to the Ottoman settlement and selected a girl as a sacrifice. Obviously, his voice became the girl's nightmare. Even a year later, it is still unforgettable.

Even if the coward is groveling now, when the girl hears this voice, she will still turn pale with fright.

"Letrica has some talent and is not too old. She may be able to join the ranks of swordsmen in the future." Sekhmet said beside Lu Ming, "It's just that here, there are rules and regulations, so it may be difficult to get started, but

, it’s no problem to exercise to become stronger.”

Lu Ming nodded slightly, "Do you think there are many talents like her in this continent?"

"It should be similar to the Empire Continent. They are all rare. Among the people here she has come into contact with, she is the first one with some talent."

Lu Ming couldn't help but look at the girl. If the ratio was similar, given the population of the Apocalypse Continent, there wouldn't be many people with Retrica's talent in this continent.

In fact, if you think about it, creators are sometimes unfair. Even the Cult of the Fly God, although they may not be aware of Retrica's special talent, will still feel that her meat is more delicious?

While thinking wildly, Lu Ming made a gesture to Jack.

Jack kept glancing at Lu Ming's every move and ran over in a hurry.

"Just shoot it and show him." Lu Ming smiled.

"Ah, is it possible? Then, of course that's good!" Jack was overjoyed. He had seen the power of the gunfire of this steel machine called the "Thunderbolt Cannon Cart", but he originally thought that one shot might damage the gun car's strength.

How can we use so much energy so easily?

Guiying, who had been standing behind Lu Ming, picked up the walkie-talkie and gave the order. The tank rumbled forward slowly and slowly raised its muzzle.

Jack pulled the coward and stood aside, and said triumphantly: "What are you afraid of? What is your Laoshizi cult? A thousand people will come up and you will be blasted to smithereens with one shot. You can just watch!"

Another black and red jeep came over and wanted to take Jack and Coward to the area where the shells landed.

It has to be said that in fact, the alienation of the soil of the Apocalypse Continent has made it possible for off-road vehicles to pass through most plain areas of this continent. Moreover, the black and red coatings of tanks, jeeps, armored vehicles, etc. are also exclusively for the Apocalypse Continent and are used in the north.

Special livery for the area.

As for the impact point of the shell, this "Red Star" -70 main battle tank has a direct range of more than 1,500 meters. It is also equipped with the latest Northern Territory third-generation tank fire control system, which consists of an optical sight and an optical rangefinder.

It is composed of an electromechanical analog ballistic computer and is equipped with ballistic correction sensors.

Within 1,500 meters, its first shot hit rate against fixed targets reached 60%. Needless to say, the second shot, if the gunner is good enough, the hit rate will be greatly improved.

In this test, Jack and the coward used a black stone as a shooting target.

In fact, the members of the special service team who can control tanks only came into contact with tanks, especially the latest technology tanks, after following the "Emperor". They were all from the New World. Originally, under the special system of the New World, tank weapons were not developed.

However, they were selected from infancy to carefully cultivate their military and police skills, and through fierce competition they became some of the strongest military policemen in the mainland. As a result, they were fortunate enough to follow the "Emperor". Their talents were unparalleled, and their control of the new tanks quickly improved.

To the point where you can use your fingers like an arm.

But no matter what, Lu Ming couldn't help but be surprised when the first cannonball blasted away the rocks that Jack and the coward had placed a thousand meters away.

It seems that the special service team members have been training hard to use this tank.

Lu Ming applauded lightly. Yuan Qing and Yuan Ba, who had emerged from the tank, saw this scene. The two big men were even shy.

For them, all their hard work and efforts were rewarded tenfold and a hundredfold at this moment, and the huge sense of satisfaction even made them feel shy.

At the other end of the venue is another scene.

The coward was stunned. In his world, he could never imagine that there were weapons with such terrifying power.

"How about it, do you understand now who you are afraid of?" Jack's face was filled with pride and arrogance.

"Are you willing to lead the way?" Jack patted the jeep beside him, "If you are willing to lead the way, just get in the car with me. If not, you can leave now!"

When the coward came, when he got on the jeep and felt the strange pleasure of the vehicle moving quickly across the earth and flying backwards, his original world had already collapsed. At this moment, his face was full of pleading, "Master Jack, I, I am willing to lead the way!"

Jack curled his lips and said, "You, I'm just giving you a way out. You lead the way or not. My Lord has a magical weapon that can fly. How can we still not find those natives like you?"

The coward nodded hastily. At this time, he already believed what Master Jack said.

I was infected a few days ago, and I have been sleeping drowsily. I took medicine, coughed, and slept. Yesterday, I felt almost the same but still coughing, so I took a day off. Today, I feel that my brain has returned to the state it was before I was sick. Please update it quickly.

, the number of words is relatively small, but it has not been updated for several days, so I will update it... comrades, please forgive me.

This chapter has been completed!
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