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Chapter 98 The Reluctant Summoning

The entire third floor of the Husky Hotel was occupied and became the office of the "Operation Flower of Harmony" team.

Lu Ming's hands were still wrapped in white gauze.

Some people noticed this scene, but they could only make random guesses.

Little Reno also suffered trauma, but was knocked unconscious and suffered unprecedented humiliation. He went to the hospital for simple treatment and then disappeared.

From the information disclosed by Yang Guiren, it can be seen that Xiao Renault has issued a hush order, ordering everyone not to tell anyone what happened today.

Obviously, this was a great shame and humiliation for him, and he didn't want anyone to mention it again.

But the person who humiliated him is already on the death list.

Yang Guiren was also frightened and was extremely honest when asked by Wen Liangyu.

Both sides are terrible, and both are masters who can kill people.

He only regretted now why he was obsessed with attending this banquet.

After Lu Ming was simply bandaged in the hospital, he returned to 408 and received a call from Cheng Lingyu. The matter had been arranged.

"Operation Flower of Harmony" officially begins.

In Lu Ming's heart, there was only gratitude and sighs. Cheng Jian was really acting vigorously and resolutely.

The so-called "Operation Flower of Harmony" is a special litigation team established by the Supreme Prosecutor's Office and the Police Headquarters to combat the recent increasingly rampant racial crimes.

The leader of the team is Cheng Lingyu, deputy director of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, and the executive deputy team leader is lawyer Lu Qianxing, special legal adviser to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office.

In fact, Cheng Lingyu was not involved in this case at all. Obviously, he was just in name. The person who was really responsible was consultant Lu Qianxing.

The team members all understand that since Lawyer Lu is an external employee after all, if it is a simple litigation case, there is no problem in serving as the lead defender. However, when it comes to investigation cases, it is unreasonable to use Lawyer Lu to directly take charge of the case, so Chief Cheng only named the team leader.

, but in fact, it was Lawyer Lu who led this action.

The action team was set up overnight.

Now, at four o'clock in the morning, all the members have arrived.

Most of the prosecutors are acquaintances of Lu Ming. They worked together with him on the last case against Kato Shoichi, and Wang Xiaohu was among them.

From the selection of people, it is obvious that Cheng Lingyu deliberately created a comfortable environment for Lu Ming.

Of course, there are two more Western faces.

One of them is a prosecutor, with the level of director of prosecutors. He is very young, only in his twenties, his name is Jordan. If you are from Central China, at this age, it is impossible to be promoted to director of prosecutors.

Also, Cantona, the leader of the Third Group of the Special Mobile Team of the Police Headquarters, and the entire Third Group of Mobile Team members are temporarily under the command of the action team.

In addition, regarding the police, Sha Dahai was specially requested by Lu Ming to be transferred to the task force.

This time the office funds were relatively abundant, so the entire third floor of the Husky Hotel was booked.

Because satellite towns with a large number of new immigrants and homeless people are the hardest hit areas for the activities of these terrorist organizations.

Some people who disappeared for no reason, as well as many homeless people whose disappearances were unknown to anyone, may have been captured by organizations such as White Rose, teased and hunted as prey, and then mutilated to death.

Lu Ming also knew that he owed Cheng Lingyu a huge favor this time, especially since it sounded like he was in a hurry, so he worked hard to get the task force together overnight.

Cheng Lingyu may have used all his connections.

From now on, no matter how difficult a case he asks me to fight, I'm afraid I won't be able to refuse.

"Let's start with Beiguan. You should take the lead in making a list of the recently missing persons to see if there is any possibility that some of them have been kidnapped and killed by illegal organizations." Lu Ming looked at Jordan, who was in his mid-twenties.

A young prosecutor, but already at the level of director of prosecutors, with blond hair and blue eyes, very handsome.

"Okay!" Jordan nodded. He seemed to be a very casual person, and he seemed to want to get along with the Central-European prosecutors, but in fact, no one wanted to be friends with him.

"The phone number in this room has been set up as a hotline. We welcome enthusiastic citizens to report. Regarding the advertisements and the slogans, you are responsible for the high prosecutor!"

Ten years in high school, deputy director of prosecution, a fat and greasy middle-aged man. He was one of the main prosecutors in the last Kato case.

He smiled and nodded: "Okay, Lawyer Lu."

Lu Ming looked at the other prosecutors and began to assign their tasks.

It's already bright outside.

In the music room, Lu Ming listened to the sounds of the tapes over and over again, including tapes of little Martha being tortured, and tapes of cowboys singing.

Because there was a solo, the cowboys were numbered.

It was an aluminum box about the size of a suitcase that was much larger than a gramophone. The tape was spinning slowly. This kind of playback equipment was not for ordinary people's homes. It was basically exclusive to studios and recording companies. Lu Ming had someone buy it overnight.

However, the current steel wire tape recordings still have impurities, and my ears are not sharp enough to tell whether the voices of the cowboys are similar to the voices of the thugs in Martha's tapes.

There was a slight movement next to him. Lu Ming turned around and saw that Han Zhu was covering his small mouth, as if trying to stifle a yawn.

She didn't sleep all night. She was waiting for her to come back and stay with her until now.

He sat on the sofa and didn't move much. She curled up next to him motionless, leaning against him softly. She was as well-behaved as a kitten. She was dressed in a green satin skirt, her face was as white as gelatin, and her red lips were delicate and carefree.

The lazy style is becoming more and more charming, and there is a small red blanket covering her lower body, but it seems that because she is the only one in the room as her master, she is not too taboo. Now the little blanket is kicked down a little, revealing her gorgeous red face.

The soft ankle curves of the small socks, and the graceful outline of the feet are faintly visible in the blanket.

Lu Ming suddenly remembered her crystal clear and delicate jade feet that were like works of art that he saw that day.

My heart skipped a beat.

At this time, Hanzhu was wearing pearl earrings and her very alluring snow-white ears were stuffed with two small white cotton balls. The little beauty's charming style suddenly became a little more innocent and cute, and it became more and more beautiful.


The cotton was stuffed into her by myself to prevent her from hearing those terrible sounds.

Lu Ming looked at her and suddenly swallowed.

Hanzhu seemed to realize that something was wrong in his master's eyes, and immediately lowered his head shyly.

A scream came from the tape, which immediately washed away all the charm that had just emerged in Lu Ming's heart.

Lu Ming sighed softly and looked at Hanzhu: "Go to sleep..." Suddenly, something moved in his heart.

After thinking for a while, he whispered: "Bizhu, come out!"

Although Hanzhu stuffed his ears with small cotton balls, thinking about it, calling Bizhu, if Bizhu was sensitive, would not be affected by this.

Holding the beads, there was no reaction.

After thinking about it, Lu Ming turned sideways, stretched out his hand, and gently hugged Hanzhu's slender waist. He was immediately stunned. Is this what is called a tight grip? It's so slender that he can really hold it with one hand, and

, soft, like cotton candy. To describe it as weak and boneless would be too denigrating this wonderful feeling.

His heart was beating wildly, Hanzhu seemed to be stunned, his pretty face immediately became hot, and he didn't dare to raise his head, so he gently lay on his master's chest, looking more and more like a well-behaved little kitten.

"Look up...obey..." Lu Ming felt that his voice was trembling.

Although Hanzhu was extremely shy, at the master's command, she slowly raised her pretty face with creamy skin, and her beautiful watery eyes seemed to be filled with tears. However, this timid and innocent face was still full of tears.

It adds an unspeakable charm to her amorous feelings, which can drive men crazy.

Lu Ming even forgot what he was going to do, and suddenly, he pressed his lips towards her slightly trembling, alluring thin red lips.

(Five hundred words are omitted here)

Suddenly, the eyes that were closed with beads in front of him suddenly opened, with a sharp look in them.

Lu Ming was startled and knew that it had worked. Bizhu had appeared and he should let go of her quickly.

However, at this moment, the body seemed not to listen to his own command and was still enjoying all this. Especially, as soon as his tongue touched the wonderful little fragrant snake, he subconsciously rolled it up to wrap up this wonderful snake.

Feel it, devour it to your heart’s content.

The beautiful eyes in front of her instantly changed from shock to anger.

Then, there was a pain in his chest, and Lu Ming fell to the carpet next to the sofa with a snap.

The beauty stood up suddenly, wiped her mouth with her slender hands vigorously, and spat out a few mouthfuls of saliva in disgust, as if she wanted to spit out something dirty.

Lu Ming lay on his back, sighing in his heart. It seemed like it was worth it if he didn't get slapped to death.

"Master...you..." Bizhu seemed a little at a loss for a moment. She looked at Lu Ming and finally slowly walked over and gently helped Lu Ming get up.

"Master, now you will have a good life and good health..." Bizhu bit her red lips, maybe suppressing the urge to slap this ridiculous master to death.

"I called you out because I need your help!" Lu Ming coughed and tried his best to sound sanctimonious.

Bi Zhu was stunned and said, "Ah, this servant doesn't know. Master, please don't be angry! Master, does he need me?" She seemed a little happy.

"Is there any way I can call you out without doing these ridiculous things or getting beaten?!" Lu Ming gradually became more confident and even more accusatory.

Bizhu's momentum weakened, and she whispered: "It doesn't seem to be happening now, I'll give you some time to think about it."

Lu Ming nodded generously: "Okay, it seems that for the time being, I can only summon you with a beating."

Bi Zhu frowned slightly, as if she vaguely felt something was wrong, but couldn't put it into words.

"Come on, listen to this! Last time I took you out, I found that your ears and eyes are very sharp. Come on, listen to the voices on these two tapes. Are they the same person's voice?"

"Come on, let me teach you how to turn on and off and how to rewind. Today, this is your task. Listen carefully."

Lu Ming taught Bizhu how to operate this huge sound playback equipment.

After thinking for a while, he said: "That tortured tape, you can listen to it separately. For example, when listening, you can listen to the human voice and the ambient sound separately. What do the background sounds in it look like? Help me analyze them one by one.

If you come out, I'm afraid that your ability is limited and you won't be able to do it."

Bizhu frowned, her beautiful eyes a little unconvinced, but she nodded gently: "My maid will do your best."

Lu Ming rubbed his nose. If Bizhu could really hear something, he would be considered his own audio track analyst.

It's a pity that even if you can hear something, you can't use it as evidence in court.

However, it may bring you some new clues to find those murderers.

This is what is most worth looking forward to.

Looking at his watch, Lu Ming said: "Well, just listen, I have made an appointment with someone to discuss something."

Wei Baozeng agreed to go to Nadu Pictures, and he also had plans, so he would definitely go.

This chapter has been completed!
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