Chapter 2357 Psychic Assault (43)

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Chapter 2388 Psychic Assault (43)

The Watchtower is the space base of the Justice League, but unfortunately it is now controlled by Alfred and the modified robot Batman. The light beam that the group saw on the ground before is actually the portal leading to the Watchtower.

There is also a machine army guarding it.

"I suggest we fly up directly." Clark said: "Since Batman has controlled the portal, even if we take the portal, he may control the portal and throw us somewhere else."

"No, we have to go to the portal." Iron Man proposed. "Obviously, he built a robot factory in the base above us. All the robot armies were produced from there. The portal is where they came to Earth.


"Destroying the resistance and factories on the base is the ultimate goal, but now we must cut off his army's transportation channels first, otherwise it won't be long before the entire earth will be overrun by the evil robot army, and all cities will be destroyed."

Clark asked in his mind: "Is that so? Do you think Batman...I mean maybe...he may not..."

"You know the answer." Ultron said in a calm tone: "If the person who invaded the base and controlled him was not Alfred at all, do you think he is still Batman now?"

Clark took a deep breath and said, "Well, we can't let him continue like this. He used to save the world, but now I have to save him and the world."

So a group of people started to head towards the teleportation gate on the ground. Clark introduced: "During the process of building the watchtower, we selected the location of the teleportation gate on the ground and buried secret teleportation points in dozens of cities around the world to prevent

After a certain city fell, our transmission channel was cut off."

"There are three portals in Gotham, two on the ground and one in the Batcave. The one set above Wayne Tower is the largest, which is the beam of light we just saw."

"The portal remained active after the Watchtower was breached, and despite the best efforts of regular police and military personnel to breach Wayne Tower's defenses, they were unsuccessful."

"Where does the energy for the portal come from?"

"I'm sorry, but the energy center is not on the ground. We generate electricity through the energy device in the watchtower and transmit it back to the ground."

"That means the energy is also in his hands."


"It seems we can only start with the control system. The portal and the watchtower are connected to the Internet, right?" Bai Can asked.

Clark nodded and said: "Unfortunately, the watchtower and the ground bases of many superheroes are connected to the Internet, so many people's bases fell immediately, including my Fortress of Solitude, controlled by Batman.

The defenses of the Fortress of Solitude wounded me."

"Did he show up?"

Clark didn't want to remember, but Ultron still encouraged him in his mind and said: "Don't think of it as Batman, your good friend may be trapped in a corner of that monster's mind, calling you for help."

"Yes, he has completely turned into a killing machine, and his entire body has been mechanized."

The two Iron Man's eyes widened at the same time. Bai Can hesitated for a moment and then said: "You mean he changed himself into a robot?"

"I'm not sure if he did it himself, but he looks completely different than before."

"What's the difference?"

"Please forgive my rudeness, but he looks a bit like you." Clark looked at the white can and said bluntly: "An evil robot that looks cold and heartless."

"Thank you." Bai Guan said angrily.

"Then it is possible that he was not mechanized, but put on a metal suit." Iron Man touched his chin and said: "It is also possible that it is a combination of the two. In this case, we can invade through reverse...

I have an idea, let’s go.”

Several people quickly entered Wayne Tower. Robot Batman indeed deployed a lot of guards here, and Clark didn't even need to do anything. The moment White Can's symbiote armor came into contact with the steel skin of the mechanical guard, the defense was lifted.


"Your hacking skills are so powerful." Clark said in awe, while Bai Can just sighed. He really wanted to explain to Clark that this is not some low-end hacking technology, this is hundreds of more powerful and cool than hackers.

twice as much.

But after all, there is an Iron Man here, and the other party didn't say anything to show off. If he speaks first, doesn't that mean he loses?

The group of people reached the depths of Wayne Tower as quickly as possible. There was obviously no living person here, and when approaching the portal, Ultron took the lead in raising the alarm.

"The signal fluctuations of the satellite far exceed the safe frequency. The other party may have discovered an abnormal electrical signal and is approaching you. Be careful."

Clark immediately raised his head, and there was a roaring sound coming from upstairs. He flew up as fast as he could, followed closely by the two Iron Man, and then he saw all the computer screens in the office on the entire floor were brightly lit.


"Long time no see, my old friend." Batman's mechanical voice echoed in the empty floors, which seemed so ironic among the countless corpses, because he was supposed to be the hope of these people, but now he has become their death.

Clark opened his mouth. As soon as Ultron read his full of sorrow, he knew it was not good. Don't worry about whether you can win the fight later. It's not okay to lose a verbal battle in the first place.

"Clark, your emotions are a bit out of control. It would be bad if you accidentally reveal our plan. Let me control your language and facial expressions. Maybe I can find out something else."

Clark originally wanted to escape. He felt that he was not ready to face Batman at all, because he still could not accept that this person who looked so similar to Batman was actually a monster that was completely opposite to him.

He couldn't even accept that if it was like what Ultron said, his friend was now trapped in a mental prison waiting for him to save him, and he had been delayed for so long before. If Batman was really watching, what would happen?

Won't you be disappointed?

Clark handed over the language and expression modules.

"Connect to the Doujie system..."

"Query historical image data, keyword 'Superman', 582 results, perform precise search..."

"A suitable language module target has been found..."

"'Justice Lord' activated!"

"Long time no see, Batman." Clark narrowed his eyes and said, "You betraying me is the most surprising thing to me this year."

The two Iron Man's eyes widened at the same time, and they took a step back in unison, because Clark's tone at this time reminded them of Pepper on the eve of the storm.

Batman seemed to want to say something, but was directly blocked by Clark. Clark showed a sneer and said: "Anyone who betrays justice is just a bug to me, including you, Batman, so unworthy

It's not worth mentioning what you can do."

Batman and the real Clark were both stunned. Ultron could clearly hear Clark's thoughts swirling in his head, probably "How could my 37-degree mouth say such cold words?"

"Oh my god, you can't talk to him like that." Clark wailed in his head: "If the real Batman hears it, we two will be doomed!"

If he was just complaining, Batman on the opposite side was completely broken and furious. All kinds of alarms sounded instantly, and countless computer cases were overclocked and exploded one after another.

Bai Guan suddenly turned around. He saw the light emitting from the top of the tower outside the window getting stronger and stronger. With a swish sound, a figure descended in the light.

Batman is coming.

In this case, there is nothing more to say. Bai Can gave his other self a look. Iron Man directly controlled Ultron's mechanical body and rushed forward. The moment Clark regained control of his body, he also flew up with a whoosh.

Behind Robot Batman.

The punch hit no one, Clark ducked to the left, and a fierce electric current rubbed his cloak and flew over. He pulled up and then spun on the spot. After locating Batman's position, he dived again, while Iron Man was on the ground.

The lower part blocks Batman's path.

Batman wanted to turn around and run in the other direction, but his body suddenly stopped. He saw a silver-white figure appear in his field of vision, but it disappeared in a flash, and then his body began to lose control.

"Nano computing virus." Bai Guan snapped his fingers and said, "Wrap yourself in an iron shell without any physical intrusion protection. I really don't know whether you are brave or stupid."

Countless tiny particles penetrated along the gaps in the armor, penetrated into the material of the armor, followed the lines all the way up, and entered the control center. The moment the computing power virus broke out, the computing power of all control and computing systems was completely occupied.

In short, the memory is full.

Immediately afterwards, the nano-computing virus began to steal computing power. To put it simply, Bai Can was using Batman's computer to mine, causing the huge central card of Batman's armor to be so huge that the display screen was blurred.

At this time, Clark had already taken advantage of the situation. He punched the face of the Batsuit, and with one punch, Batman was embedded in the wall of Wayne Tower.

He flew over and tried to dig out Batman. Batman tried hard to clear away the useless computing modules in his brain that were taking up computing power. His efforts were very effective, and after he could barely move, he jumped out of the wall.

Seeing that Batman hadn't been captured yet, Bai Guan snorted coldly. He was suspended in mid-air again, and the armor glowed with silver light. But this time he did not release a large-scale electromagnetic storm, but stretched out a hand and accompanied it.

With a violent silver light, the high-energy electromagnetic impact hit Batman's chest.


Batman let out a scream.

"No!!!" Clark yelled, "Batman!!!"

He rushed forward and hugged Batman's body, which had been burned to ashes. However, what was exposed under the melted armor was not flesh and blood, but metal parts and circuits.

A cunning light flashed in Robot Batman's eyes.

Clark froze.

He felt that something was disturbing him, causing his thinking to stagnate for a moment.

Iron Man immediately flew over and said, "No, I fell into a trap. This guy's purpose is to invade the brain waves."

Bai Can immediately grabbed Robot Batman's arm, then cursed in a low voice and said: "Damn it, he ran away, no... wait, there is something else, and there is a weak signal!"

Bai Guan pressed the visor, and then pressed the gauntlet of the symbiote suit against the wreckage's forehead. In an instant, he heard a deep voice: "Answer me, I am Batman... That evil monster merged with a part of me.

It turned into a more evil artificial intelligence, and his plan was to pretend to be defeated, invade Superman's brainwaves and control him."

This chapter has been completed!
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